Wedding Service

Wedding Liturgy Planner Wedding Date/Time St. John the Apostle Catholic Church (817) 284-4811 Rehearsal Date/Time

Bride/Groom Name Home Phone Cell Phone Work Phone B: G: Bride’s Address: Bride’s Email-> [email protected] Groom’s Address: Groom’s Email-> Maid/Matron of Honor Best Man Presider

Bridesmaids Groomsmen Other 1. 1. Flower Girl: 2. 2. 3. 3. Ring Bearer: 4. 4. Names of Readers 1 OT Bride’s Parents Name Groom’s Parents Name 2 NT Number of Ushers:

Procession Order WEDDING MASS . e

t Instrument or other(please type in song) i

Priest - Process In or Enter at side Priest will decide R Prelude :

e c

n Seating of Mothers double click to select Groom Process after Priest or Enter at side a r t n Processional double click to select

Groomsmen Enter at side or - with Bridesmaid E Bridesmaids With Groomsmen - process alone Entrance of Bride double click to select Best Man Enter at side or - with Maid/Matron of Honor Opening Prayer Priest will select d r Maid/Matron of Honor With Best Man - process alone o OT Reading, p. 10-26 (B1-9) double click to select W


h Responsorial Psalm: Cantors Choice

Ring Bearer Process Flower Girl(s) or process alone t

f o NT Reading p. 34-54, (D1-13) double click to select Flower Girl Process Ring Bearer or process alone y g r u

t Gospel Acclamation Alleluia Entrance of Bride options: i L Bride accompanied father or ______Gospel Reading Priest will select

or Bride accompanied by both parents e Exchange Vows Priest will select g a or Bride/Groom each accompanied by their parents i r

r Blessing/Exchange of the Rings Priest will select a M

Options during liturgy (check all that apply) f Options: Unity Candle double click to select o

e t

i Prayer of the Faithful Flowers to parents double click to select R p80-82(J1-3) Flowers to Blessed Mother Recite The Lord’s Prayer Our Father/The Lord’s Prayer Other-> Nuptial Blessing Priest will select Altar Servers: Final Blessing Priest will select Altar Servers: Recessional double click to select Other instructions:

Pianist : Cantor: Gifts brought: & Wedding Planner: Music Planner : Bride’s Initials: Groom’s Initials: