1. A fellow member; the sexual partner of a bird or other animal: 2. Someone that you work with: 3. Someone that you are married to or having a sexual relationship with; someone that you are dancing or playing a sport or game with; someone who owns a business with another person: 4. Someone who you know but do not know well: 5. A member or your family: 6. (informal) a friend:

Match each word with its meaning PARTICIPANT/ PARTY ANIMAL/ INTROVERT/ LONER/ LEADER/ ALLY/ ENEMY/ BYSTANDER/ EXTROVERT/ 1. Someone who likes to be alone: 2. A person in control of a group, country or situation: 3. Someone who is involved in an activity: 4. A person who you dislike or oppose: 5. Someone who is very confident and likes being with other people: 6. Someone who is near the place where an event happens, but not directly involved in it: 7. Someone who supports you, especially when other people are against you: 8. Someone who is quiet and shy and prefers to be alone: 9. Somebody who enjoys going to parties and drinking a lot of alcohol and behaving in a loud and wild way:

STUDENT’S BOOK, PAGE 89 Find the words and/or expressions which mean the following: Paragraph A 1. Extremely interested in something: 2. Do something, especially something that other people think is wrong: 3. Talk about other people’s private lives:

Paragraph B 4. Necessity: 5. The activity of talking and doing things with other people, or the way to do this: 6. Improves: 7. Knowledge about a subject, situation, etc or about show something works; sympathy: 8. Getting: 9. Lets: 10. Systems which connect people online such as LinkedIn, Facebook or Tuenti: Paragraph C 11. Feeling or happiness or enjoyment: 12. Have or use something at the same time as someone else 13. Becomes stronger: 14. Makes an existing opinion or idea stronger: 15. Beliefs about what is morally right and wrong and what is the most important in life: 16. The position that you have in relation to other people because of your job or social position: 17. The way a person acts or behaves: 18. to express disapproval of (someone or something) : to talk about the problems or faults of (someone or something): Paragraph D 19. communicating from one person to another: 20. separate someone or something from other people or things 21. harm; injure: 2

Paragraph E 22. showing respect for somebody or something: 23. a feeling of friendship: 24. helpful or useful: 25. intended to harm or upset somebody: 26. speaking badly about somebody: 27. finish, stop: 28. gives her opinion to somebody about the best thing to do in a particular situation: 29. typical of a child: 30. Advises somebody not to do something that could cause danger or trouble:

STUDENT’S BOOK, page 92 PHRASAL VERBS Match the phrasal verb with its meaning. TO GO OUT/ TO ASK SOMEBODY OUT/ TO MAKE UP/ TO FALL FOR/ TO FALL OUT/ TO SPLIT UP 1. To end a relationship: 2. To become friendly with somebody again after you have argued with them: 3. To ask somebody to go on a date with you: 4. To argue with somebody and stop being friendly with them: 5. To have a romantic relationship: 6. To suddenly have strong romantic feelings about somebody:

NEW ADJECTIVES. Match the following adjectives to the right definition CHATTY/ COMMUNICATIVE/ ASSERTIVE/ GOSSIPY/ SOCIABLE/ MANIPULATIVE 1. having unscrupulous control or influence over a person or situation: 2. engaging readily with other people: 3. Fond of talking about other people’s private lives: 4. having or showing a confident and forceful personality: 5. willing, eager, or able to talk: 6. Fond of chatting:

LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT: PSYCHOLOGY Find the word in the text which means: 1. Commonly held ideas about people or things that are simplistic or untrue: 2. the experiences, knowledge, education, etc., in a person's past: 3. meets the expectations, needs or desires of: 4. part of your mind, thoughts and feelings that you are not aware of: 5. worried about: 6. get together with: 7. achieves something desired, promised or predicted: 8. be a member of; be the property of: 9. the opinion you have of yourself and your own importance: 10. feel concern or interest: 11. forces that affect relationships between people: 12. have a good relationship with:

WORKBOOK Page 60 IDIOMS. Fill in the blanks with the right idiom 1. ………………………………………….: to be the focus of everybody’s interest. 2. …………………………………………..: to display your thoughts and emotions. 3. …………………………………………..: to conceal one’s thoughts and emotions. 3

Page 61 READING: RACE RELATIONS Find the words in the text which mean the following: Paragraph B 1. Made a formal complaint or statement about 2. Tolerate without getting upset: 3. Made a legal claim against: 4. Expressed an objection: 5. Insults: Paragraph C 6. Short songs or phrases, shouted repeatedly: 7. A large number of people, e.g. at a sports event: 8. Harass or bully: 9. Cause somebody to lose concentration: Paragraph D 10. Regulations: Paragraph E 11. Rejecting, declining: 12. Pure and simple: 13. Be silent:

Page 64 Choose the right word for each definition PROPHETIC/ COME TRUE/ NIGHTMARES/ NAKED/ REPRESSED 1. Bad dreams: 2. Not wearing any clothes: 3. Forced into the subconscious: 4. Revealing something about the future: 5. Become real: