Main Stories 7 August 2009 ______

 Kosovo policemen under command of Serb parallel structures (Koha Ditore)  “Kroi i Vitakut” residents announce resumption of works (dailies)  Tirana ignores Dick Marty (dailies)  Increased corruption, poverty and pressure against media (dailies)  Rohan: Wrong idea (Express)  Berisha and Haradinaj sign MoU (dailies)  Buja meets UNMIK Chief of Staff Sorenson (Zëri)  Tërnava and Ceric against radical Islamism in the Balkans (dailies)  Terribly scared (Express)

Kosovo Media Highlights

Kosovo policemen under command of Serb parallel structures ( Koha Ditore ) Koha Ditore reports that policemen in the north of Kosovo receive and enforce orders from parallel structures installed by the Serbian Government in Kosovo. To support this claim, the paper mentions a case where the Mayor of Mitrovica appointed by parallel structures Nenad Toplicevic wrote to the Kosovo Police requested security to be provided at a construction site in the Bosnia Mahalla area. The reply to Toplicevic came from the commander of Northern Police Station in Mitrovica Milija Milosevic, who assured the parallel structures mayor that the police would secure the site.

Kosovo Police Spokesperson Besim Hoti has said that the regional chain of command is aware of the case, and that EULEX monitors have also been briefed on it. Hoti added that the action of the police will not be in response to the request of illegitimate parallel structures but will be prevention measures to secure public order.

“ Kroi i Vitakut” residents announce resumption of works ( dailies ) Residents of the “Kroi i Vitakut” neighbourhood in north Mitrovica wrote a letter to all local and international bodies requesting that they secure safe conditions to continue with reconstruction of their houses. The residents have said that they will continue working on clearing rubble. To this aim, they called on security institutions, including the Kosovo Police, EULEX and KFOR to provide security.

Tirana ignores Dick Marty ( dailies ) Dailies report that Tirana officials communicated to Council of Europe representative Dick Marty that there cannot be investigations in Albania into claims by Carla Del Ponte’s and Belgrade authorities of trafficking in Serb organs by former KLA members. According to Albanian media, Minister of Justice Enkelejd Alibeaj said to Marty that the right of investigation belongs only to Albanian prosecution. “I refuse to believe that these are true, but we would prefer to investigate this issue,” said Marty. Albania’s Minister of Justice stated that he refuses “to respond to the note of Serbia’s Ministry of Justice, since claims are ungrounded and there is no proof of these accusations.”

Increased corruption, poverty and pressure against media ( dailies ) Koha Ditore reports that despite considerable increases in the level of corruption, nepotism, unemployment and pressure against media, there appears to be increased satisfaction of Kosovo citizens with the work of Kosovo’s institutions, according to an early warning report of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The twenty-fifth report was presented yesterday, and has brought to the fore two contrasting sites of Kosovo citizens’ perceptions of the actual situation.

The Officer-in-Charge UNDP Kosovo, Maurice Dewulf, has said that the report relays quick facts, these conclusions having been determined from surveys of 1200 respondents in Kosovo. “It is a summary of a sample of opinions. Not in any way can they be opinions or recommendations from our side. These are the survey results”, said Dewulf during the presentation of the report. Mytaher Askuka, an analyst with UNDP, has said that there are still people who perceive UNMIK as responsible, especially among Serb respondents, and therefore that UNMIK cannot be excluded from the term ‘institutions’. “We can not withdraw this option from our questioning. People select this option and we use this methodology. As far as people select this category inside the questioning, we will have this category in our surveys”, said Haskuka. According to the report, unemployment and poverty are the biggest threats to Kosovo’s stability.

Rohan: Wrong idea ( Express ) Express reports that Ambassador Albert Rohan is against the idea of an exchange of territories between Kosovo and Serbia, a proposal brought forth recently by American Congressman Dana Rohrabacher. “My answer is quite firm: no. I am against this idea. I do not consider that exchange of territories is a solution. I am strongly against it,” said Rohan in an interview with Express yesterday. He added that, to his knowledge, none of the persons included in the decision-making on this issue support this idea.

Berisha and Haradinaj sign MoU ( dailies ) Ramush Haradinaj’s Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Sali Berisha’s Democratic Party have signed a memorandum of understanding based on the joint centre-right orientation of the two parties. “The memorandum is based on the common goals of the two political parties of advanced democratic values, national cooperation, regional cooperation and Euro-Atlantic integration,” said Haradinaj.

Buja meets UNMIK Chief of Staff Sorenson ( Zëri ) Zëri reports that Lipjan Mayor Shukri Buja yesterday attended met with UNMIK Chief of Staff Robert Sorenson, during which they discussed current affairs and progress in Lipjan. Sorenson has said that progress in all aspects has been recorded in the town, while Buja provided an overview of the composition of the population in the town and surrounding villages, and on the efforts the municipality is making to provide adequate conditions for the return of displaced persons.

Tërnava and Ceric against radical Islamism in the Balkans ( dailies) Koha Ditore reports that the Mufti of the Islamic community of Kosovo, Naim Tërnava yesterday said that Kosovo does not need any kind of Islamic radicalism, during a meeting with Reis-ul-Uleman of the Islamic community of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mustafa Ceric. Tërnava appealed to citizens not to fall in the traps of different religious missionaries, which have been looking at Kosovo since the end of the way, with the aim to spread radical spirit. “Islam has nothing in common with racialism or terrorism, therefore the numerous missionaries that are coming from east and west should not be given space to use the weak economic situation for conversion of religion or for radical education. This is in conflict with the principles of Islam”, said Tërnava.

Terribly scared ( Express ) Express reports that Serbia’s President Boris Tadic told police magazine “Police today” that for the first time in history, the Western Balkans is facing trans-continental organized crime. He said that terrorism, especially Albanian terrorism, is a challenge for Serbia. “Terrorists are being prepared at the triangle of our southern province, Kosovo and Metohija, northern Macedonia and the southern municipalities of Presevo and Bujanovac,” Tadic is quoted as saying. He also assessed that terrorism in southern Serbia is related with Kosovo’s future status.

Kosovo Press Headlines

Koha Ditore

Front page  Kosovo policemen under command of parallel structures  Mujota ‘does not dare’ to call KSF army  Tirana officials ignore Dick Marty Other headlines  Medvedev to visit Belgrade in October (2)  Haradinaj calls for activation of security mechanisms in the north (3)  Tërnava and Ceric against radical Islamism in the Balkans (4)  “Kroi i Vitakut” residents announce resumption of works (4)  UNDP: Corruption, poverty and pressure on media increase (7)  Mehmeti: Beyond the border, another border (10)  Zogiani: State of Kosovo – one big tender (11)


Front page  Berisha and Haradinaj sign MoU  Experts: Motorway difficult to start before next year  Sejdiu asks Ceric to lobby for recognition of Kosovo’s independence  Unemployment and poverty threaten stability in Kosovo  Tirana: There can be no investigations into Del Ponte’s and Belgrade’s allegations  Mujota: KSF aims to become professional security force  Another suspected case of swine flu

Other headlines  Six terror suspects refused bail (2)  EULEX begins restoration at Gates 1 and 31 (4)  EULEX donates riot control gear to Kosovo Police (5)  “Kroi i Vitakut” residents ask for security during reconstruction (6)  Buja meets UNMIK Chief of Staff Sorenson (7)

Kosova Sot

Front page  Poverty and unemployment, but satisfaction with institutions  Contracts in ambassadors’ hands  Albania sends back Senator Marty  Editorial: Dick Marty’s impossible mission

Other headlines  Norway encourages investment in Kosovo (2)  Ceric: We should cooperate like two Muslim countries (2)  Mujota wants former UNMIK HQ (3)  PD-AAK sign MoU (4)  Manaj assures Americans: We are doing a good job (4)  Perrit: Judiciary is a shame (5)

Epoka e Re

Front page  Opposition is making banal accusations  A year full of successes  Limaj against exchange of territories  Serb request unfounded  Citizens satisfied with Government

Other headlines  Perrit: Separatism is being encouraged by Belgrade (2)  Montenegro conditions diplomatic relations with Kosovo (2)  Kosovo-Macedonia border line proceeding according to plans (2)  Germany donates equipment to Kosovo police (4)  Kroi i Vitakut citizens request security during the reconstruction of their houses (5)  Sejdiu requests lobbying to Islamic countries from Bosnian mufti (6)  Rightists sign memorandum of cooperation (6)


Front page  Wrong idea  Terribly “scared”  The house of the plan

Other headlines  Politico: The man of history (2)  Kurti: Unbearable dream (3)  LDK proposes three names for Mitrovica mayor (4)  Debate without a substance (5)  Medvedev visits Serbia (6)  EULEX preparing border gates 1 and 31 (7)


Front page  Inactive diplomacy  Serb request is not based on evidence  According to NATO standards  Investments on the verge of concession

Other headlines  Required lobbying at Islamic states (2)  Separatism is being induced by Belgrade (2)  To Norway, Kosovo is a priority in the region (3)  Montenegro conditions diplomatic relations (3)  Danger from late diagnoses (5)  Tadic: Albanian terrorists are being trained in Macedonia (5)  Kosovo Serbs criticize Serbia’s President (5)

Bota Sot

Front page  Mono ethnic decentralization doomed to fail

Other headlines  Kvale: We will encourage Norwegian business to invest in Kosovo (2)  Berisha: We will fulfil big projects for Albania (3)  AAK wishes to learn the Democratic party right wing (4)  Sejdiu’s popularity grows, increased advantage for the Prime Minister (4)  Sejdiu requests help from Ceric about Kosovo recognition (4)  Murphy confirms USA support for Kosovo (7)  KSF praises one year of work, does not accept failures (7)


Front page  Albania does not allow the investigation of slander

Other headlines  Unknown road for liberalization (2)  Good cooperation (3)  Serbs against Tadic (3)  Perrit: EU made a mistake about Kosovo (5)  Progress in Kosovo is visible (4)  KSF’s one-year anniversary (5)  Albania did not fulfil conditions (5) Belgrade Media Highlights 6 August 2009

 Medvedev to visit Belgrade in October (Beta)  EULEX investigating claims of human organ trafficking (Tanjug/Politika Vremya Novostey)  Spindelegger: Time to unblock the Interim Agreement (Vecernje Novosti)

Medvedev to visit Belgrade in October ( Beta ) Russian President Dmitry Medvedev will, at the invitation of his Serbian counterpart Boris Tadic, visit Belgrade in October, where he will attend a summit devoted to the Russia-Serbia “strategic partnership,” Kremlin officials announced yesterday. Medvedev and Tadic, who had a telephone conversation yesterday, will in October have an opportunity “to hold concrete discussions on all issues regarding bilateral cooperation,” the news release says.

The news release adds that the two presidents expressed satisfaction with the agreements signed during Tadic's visit to Moscow last December, and stressed that “the implementation of concrete projects needs to be accelerated.” President Tadic also highlighted “the importance of Russian investment to the Serbian economy.”

During his visit to Serbia, Medvedev will also attend a ceremony marking the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Belgrade in World War Two.

The Serbian government and Russian gas company Gazprom in Moscow signed a deal in December last year on the sale of the state-run NIS oil company to the Russian state-owned companies for €400 million; the sale also included documents on the construction of a section of the South Stream natural pipeline in Serbia, as well as the Banatski Dvor gas storage facility. On the same day, Tadic and Medvedev signed a joint statement that will serve as a political guarantee for the implementation of these projects.

EULEX investigating claims of human organ trafficking ( Tanjug/Politika/ Vremya Novostey ) EULEX spokesperson Christophe Lamfalussy has told Tanjug that the investigation into the case of human organ trafficking in Kosovo and northern Albania is ongoing and that the evidence is still searched for. He could not specify when the investigation will be completed, Politika writes.

Representative of the Human Rights Watch organization Vanda Trosinska has stated that, according to their information, at least 400 people were transferred from Kosovo to Albania, where their traces were lost. We are asking the authorities in Pristina and Albania and some of the most significant international institutions to help in shedding light on the fate of those people, Trosinska told the BBC. She assessed that this case is especially important because the suspected trade happened after the establishing of the international presence in the southern Serbian province. There is enough material to start an investigation, underlined Trosinska.

If the investigation about the alleged human organ trafficking in Kosovo and Albania shows that the accusations against the Kosovo Albanians are true and that their leaders had been involved, it will destroy the hopes of Kosovo becoming a member of any important international organizations, writes Russian daily Vremya Novostey. In an article dedicated to Marty’s visit, the Russian daily states that it is exactly why many officials are not interested in continuing the investigation. Expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences Aleksandr Karasev believes that the evidence offered by former Hague prosecutor Carla Del Ponte and material collected by the Serbian investigators are too serious to be disregarded.

NGO Kosovo Board for human rights and freedoms protection has requested from the government in Pristina to raise an indictment against former ICTY chief prosecutor Carla Del Ponte for the false claims in her book “The Hunt.”

Spindelegger: Time to unblock the Interim Agreement ( Vecernje Novosti ) “I believe it is time to make a clear decision inside the EU and to unblock the Interim Agreement with Serbia. From our point of view, the efforts of the Serbian authorities to cooperate completely with the ICTY are convincing. I understand the growing frustration and disappointment in Serbia, and I think that it is also our responsibility to act in accordance with this. Debates on that important issue are active inside the EU and we will continue our efforts to reach that agreement. It would be counterproductive at this moment to determine specific dates, because it would raise expectations that we might not be able to realize. We need to focus on the essence, the ongoing problems and reforms. Austria will continue to support the declared EU policy that is: the place of all countries of the region is in the EU. European integrations will not be complete until every country of the Western Balkans becomes a full-fledged EU member,” Austrian Foreign Minister Michael Spindelegger told Vecernje Novosti in an interview.

Disclaimer This media summary consists of selected local media articles for the information of UN personnel. The public distribution of this media summary is a courtesy service extended by UNMIK on the understanding that the choice of articles translated is exclusive, and the contents do not represent anything other than a selection of articles likely to be of interest to a United Nations readership. The inclusion of articles in this summary does not imply endorsement by UNMIK.