Grade 5 Visual & Performing Arts Art

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Grade 5 Visual & Performing Arts Art

Trenton Public Schools 1

Grade 5 Visual & Performing Arts~ Art 2009-2010

STANDARD 1.1 AESTHETICS All students will use aesthetic knowledge in the creation of and in response to dance, music, theater and visual arts.

Strand 1.1.6A Knowledge Goals By the end of Grade 6, students will :  Understand that art works elicit different responses in different people.  Understand that art elements help elicit an emotional response.  Understand that art elements change the aesthetic value of the work of art.  Understand form versus functionality of an art object. Enduring Understandings  Aesthetics fosters artistic appreciation, interpretation, imagination, significance and value.  The point of studying the arts is to foster meaning making, deeper emotional response and more inventive decision making. Essential Questions  Why should I care about the arts?  What’s the difference between a thoughtful and a thoughtless artistic judgment?

Refer to Section 5 for Refer to Section 7 for Refer to Section 8 for Refer to Section 9 for Assessment Options Differentiated Strategies Technology Support Instructional Resources and Cross-Curricular Integration Cumulative Progress Indicators (CPIs) Objective: Students will be able to… Content 1.1.6A.1 Examine works of art that have a utilitarian purpose  view works of art that may be every day objects with a  Form versus Function (Functionalism). purpose as opposed to just being “art for art’s sake”.  Every day objects of art  evaluate things of beauty that have a purpose.  Cultural celebrations

5/19/2018 10:13:59 下午 Trenton Public Schools 2

Grade 5 Visual & Performing Arts~ Art 2009-2010

1.1.6A.2. Analyze works of art that place emphasis on structural  examine the elements of a work of art.  Non-Objective Art arrangement (Formalism).  classify the parts of a work of art that come  Realistic together to make the whole work.  Abstract  identify different types of art.  Cubism  distinguish different styles of art.  Surrealism  Pop Art  Renaissance Period  Impressionism  Expressionism  Dadaism  Minimalism 1.1.6A.3 Describe how an element of an art form contributes to the  discuss how one particular art element adds to  Elements of Design aesthetic value of a particular work. the art work.  Discussions  differentiate how one element is important to  Writing Prompts the art work.  Journal Entries  Oral Presentations

1.1.6A.4 Describe the compositional design in selected works of art  discuss the formal arrangement of the pieces of  Discussions or performance. an art form.  Compositional Design  examine the placement of the parts of a work of  Writing Prompts art.  Journal Entries  Oral Presentations

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Grade 5 Visual & Performing Arts~ Art 2009-2010

Strand 1.1.6B Skills Goals By the end of Grade 6, students will :  Explain personal emotional responses to an art work.  Communicate personal emotional responses to an art work.  Develop personal feelings about an art work.

Enduring Understandings  Aesthetics fosters artistic appreciation, interpretation, imagination, significance and value.  The point of studying the arts is to foster meaning making, deeper emotional response and more inventive decision making.

Essential Questions  Why should I care about the arts?  What’s the difference between a thoughtful and a thoughtless artistic judgment?

Refer to Section 5 for Refer to Section 7 for Refer to Section 8 for Refer to Section 9 for Assessment Options Differentiated Strategies Technology Support Instructional Resources and Cross-Curricular Integration

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Grade 5 Visual & Performing Arts~ Art 2009-2010

Cumulative Progress Indicators (CPIs) Objective: Students will be able to… Content 1.1.6B.1 Explain the aesthetic qualities of specified art works in oral  explain why an art work makes them feel a certain  Class Critiques and written responses. way.  Class Discussions  develop valid reasons why the art work makes they  Partner Activities feel a certain way.  Writing Prompts  Journal Entries

1.1.6B.2 Incorporate personal life experiences into an aesthetic  relate an art work to their life.  Class Discussions response about an artwork.  develop personal connections to a work of art.  Writing Prompts  Journal Entries  Partner Activities  Art Work inspired by an art work

1.1.6B.3 Examine how exposure to various cultures and styles  view various cultures through the study of a culture’s  Cultural celebrations influence individuals’ feelings toward art forms and artworks. art.  Objects of art  compare and contrast the art of various cultures with  Formalism that of their own culture.  Functionalism

1.1.6B.4 Communicate ideas about the social and personal value of  formulate their own opinions about art.  Participation in critiques art.  develop a comfort of discussing those opinions with  Class Discussions others.  Writing Prompts  discuss why an art work is important.  Journal Entries  Projects inspired by works of art

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Grade 5 Visual & Performing Arts~ Art 2009-2010

Standard 1.2: CREATION AND PERFORMANCE All students will utilize those skills, media, methods, and technologies appropriate to each art form in the creation, performance, and presentation of dance, music, theater, and visual art.

Strand D. Visual Art

Goals By the end of Grade 5, students will:  Use a variety of materials with the appropriate amount of skill.  Understand and be able to use a variety of techniques.  Understand how to select materials for different purposes.  Be able to organize their work. Enduring Understandings  The arts serve multiple functions: enlightenment, education, and entertainment.  Though the artist’s imagination and intuition drive the work, great art requires skills and discipline to turn notions into a quality product.  The artistic process can lead to unforeseen or unpredictable outcomes.

Essential Questions  How does creating and performing in the arts differ from viewing the arts?  To what extent does the viewer properly affect and influence the art and the artist and to what extent is the art for the artist?

Refer to Section 5 for Refer to Section 7 for Refer to Section 8 for Refer to Section 9 for Assessment Options Differentiated Strategies Technology Support Instructional Resources and Cross-Curricular Integration

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Grade 5 Visual & Performing Arts~ Art 2009-2010

Cumulative Progress Indicators (CPIs) Objective: Students will be able to… Content 1.2.6D.1 Individually or collaboratively create two and three-  create art works with emphasis on the elements of  Color dimensional works of art employing the elements and principles of design.  Line art.  create art works with emphasis on the principles of  Shape design.  Form  produce work based on imagination.  Texture  Value  Space  Pattern  Rhythm  Movement  Unity  Balance  Emphasis  Contrast 1.2.6D.2 Distinguish drawing, painting, ceramics, sculpture,  differentiate between the characteristics of different  Painting printmaking, textiles, and computer imaging by physical properties. materials.  Sculpture  describe materials based on their properties.  Sketches  choose materials based on their needs for a piece of  Design art.  Etching  Prints  Photography  Computer Imaging

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Grade 5 Visual & Performing Arts~ Art 2009-2010

1.2.6D.3 Recognize and use various media and materials to create  understanding how to use a variety of materials.  Painting different works of art.  distinguish between materials based on their needs.  Sculpture  select materials based on the properties of those  Sketches materials.  Design  Etching  Prints  Photography  Computer Imaging

1.2.6D.4 Employ appropriate vocabulary for such categories as  understand the differences in types of art.  Landscapes realistic, abstract, nonobjective, and conceptual.  articulate vocabulary in describing art and discussing  Cityscape art.  Seascape  Still Life  Portraits  Abstract  Non-Objective  Realistic  Conceptual 1.2.6D.5 Investigate arts-related careers.  understand that the world is filled with art  Fashion Design opportunities.  Illustrator  understand and explain that every day things were  Architecture all made in part by an artist.  Art Teacher  Engineers  Inventors  Web Designer  Interior Design  Landscape designers

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Grade 5 Visual & Performing Arts~ Art 2009-2010

Standard 1.3: ELEMENTS AND PRINCIPLES All students will demonstrate an understanding of the elements and principles of dance, music, theater, and visual art.

Strand D. Visual Art

Goals By the end of Grade 6, students will:  Be able to use art elements to create their own works of art.  Be able to use the principles to create their own works of art with some guidance.  Be able to identify how elements and principles are used in works of art.

Enduring Understandings  Underlying structures in art can be found via analysis and inference.  Breaking accepted norms often gives rise to new forms of artistic expression.

Essential Questions  How do underlying structures unconsciously guide the creation of art works?  Does art have boundaries?

Refer to Section 5 for Refer to Section 7 for Refer to Section 8 for Refer to Section 9 for Assessment Options Differentiated Strategies Technology Support Instructional Resources and Cross-Curricular Integration

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Grade 5 Visual & Performing Arts~ Art 2009-2010

Cumulative Progress Indicators (CPIs) Objective: Students will be able to… Content 1.3.6D.1 Describe the emotional significance conveyed in the  understand the elements to create a mood or feeling in  Color application of the elements. a work of art.  Line  apply the elements to create a mood or feeling in a  Shape work of art.  Form  Texture  Value  Space

1.3.6D.2 Describe a work of art that clearly illustrates a principle of  discuss a work that utilizes or demonstrates a principle  Pattern design. of design.  Rhythm  explain how a principle of design is utilized in a  Movement specific work of art.  Unity  Balance  Emphasis  Contrast

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Grade 5 Visual & Performing Arts~ Art 2009-2010

Standard 1.4: CRITIQUE All students will develop, apply and reflect upon knowledge of the process of critique.

Strand A. Knowledge

Enduring Understandings  The critical process of observing, describing, analyzing, interpreting and evaluating leads to informed judgments regarding the relative merits of artworks.

Essential Questions Strands A and B: Knowledge and Skills  When is art criticism vital and when is it beside the point?

Refer to Section 5 for Refer to Section 7 for Refer to Section 8 for Refer to Section 9 for Assessment Options Differentiated Strategies Technology Support Instructional Resources and Cross-Curricular Integration

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Grade 5 Visual & Performing Arts~ Art 2009-2010

Cumulative Progress Indicators (CPIs) Objective: Students will be able to… Content 1.4.6A.1 Classify elements of unity or repetition in a work of art.  discuss how elements are used in a piece of art.  Class Discussions  examine how elements are used in a piece of art.  Writing Pieces  Partner activities

1.4.6A.2 Apply domain specific arts terminology to express  articulate appropriate vocabulary in discussions about  Class Critique statements of both fact and opinion regarding works of art. art.  Writing pieces  communicate their opinion about a work of art  Class Discussions  describe the work of art.  Poetry

1.4.6A.3 Describe the technical proficiency of the artist’s work,  identify the successful aspects of a piece of art.  Class critiques orally and in writing.  discuss the positive parts of a work of art.  Writing pieces  Written critiques  Partner activities

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Grade 5 Visual & Performing Arts~ Art 2009-2010

Strand B. Skills Enduring Understandings  The critical process of observing, describing, analyzing, interpreting and evaluating leads to informed judgments regarding the relative merits of artworks.

Essential Questions Strands A and B: Knowledge and Skills  When is art criticism vital and when is it beside the point?

Refer to Section 5 for Refer to Section 7 for Refer to Section 8 for Refer to Section 9 for Assessment Options Differentiated Strategies Technology Support Instructional Resources and Cross-Curricular Integration Cumulative Progress Indicators (CPIs) Objective: Students will be able to… Content 1.4.6B.1 Critique performances and exhibitions based on the  participate in class critiques.  Class Critiques application of the elements of the art form.  discuss how elements of design were utilized in an art  Class Discussions work.  Written critiques  Project revisions in response to the critique  Color  Line  Shape  Form  Texture  Value  Space

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Grade 5 Visual & Performing Arts~ Art 2009-2010

1.4.6B.2 Identify and differentiate among basic formal structures  distinguish between aspects of an art work.  Class critique within artworks.  discuss the formal structures of an art work.  Writing pieces  Color  Line  Shape  Form  Texture  Value  Space  Balance  Pattern  Contrast

1.4.6B.3 Consider the impact of traditions in the critique of works of  describe how traditions and cultural celebrations had  Cultural Celebrations art. an impact on the creation of the art work.  Form  define the purpose of the work of the art.  Functionality

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Grade 5 Visual & Performing Arts~ Art 2009-2010

Standard 1.5: HISTORY/CULTURE All students will understand and analyze the role, development, and continuing influence of the arts in relation to world cultures, history, and society.

Strand A. Knowledge

Goals By the end of Grade 6, students will:  Be familiar with the art of a variety of cultures and historical periods.

Enduring Understandings  Culture affects self-expression, whether we realize it or not.  Every artist has a style; every artistic period has a style.

Essential Questions Strands A and B: Knowledge and Skills  Does art define culture or does culture define art?  What is old and what is new in any work of art?  How important is “new” in art?

Refer to Section 5 for Refer to Section 7 for Refer to Section 8 for Refer to Section 9 for Assessment Options Differentiated Strategies Technology Support Instructional Resources and Cross-Curricular Integration

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Grade 5 Visual & Performing Arts~ Art 2009-2010

Cumulative Progress Indicators (CPIs) Objective: Students will be able to… Content 1.5.6A.1 Reflect on a variety of works of art representing important  understand that art is important to all historical periods  Cultural Celebrations ideas, issues, and events in a society. and cultures as a reflection of the norms.  Pattern  discuss art as a part of a culture.  Rhythm  Movement  Unity  Balance  Contrast  Emphasis  Elements of Design

1.5.6A.2 Recognize that a chronology exists in all art forms.  discuss the chronology that exists in various art forms.  Cultural Celebrations  explain the chronology that exists in various art forms.  Pattern  Rhythm  Movement  Unity  Balance  Contrast  Emphasis  Elements of Design

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Grade 5 Visual & Performing Arts~ Art 2009-2010

Strand B. Skills

Goals By the end of Grade 6, students will:  Identify a variety of art works from various cultures and historical periods.

Enduring Understandings  Culture affects self-expression, whether we realize it or not.  Every artist has a style; every artistic period has a style.

Essential Questions Strands A and B: Knowledge and Skills  Does art define culture or does culture define art?  What is old and what is new in any work of art?  How important is “new” in art?

Refer to Section 5 for Refer to Section 7 for Refer to Section 8 for Refer to Section 9 for Assessment Options Differentiated Strategies Technology Support Instructional Resources and Cross-Curricular Integration

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Grade 5 Visual & Performing Arts~ Art 2009-2010

Cumulative Progress Indicators (CPIs) Objective: Students will be able to… Content 1.5.6B.1 Compare and contrast the contributions of significant artists  discuss the characteristics of a historical period.  Cultural Celebrations from an historical period.  describe the similar characteristics from the work of a  Pattern historical period.  Rhythm  Movement  Unity  Balance  Contrast  Emphasis  Elements of Design

1.5.6B.2 Hypothesize how the arts have impacted world culture.  conclude that the arts have had an impact on various  Cultural Celebrations cultures.  Pattern  understand that the arts have had an impact on various  Rhythm cultures and historical periods.  Movement  Unity  Balance  Contrast  Emphasis  Elements of Design

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