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University of Hertfordshire s1




Minutes of the meeting of the Academic Board held on 21 June 2017.

PRESENT: Professor Q A McKellar (Chairman)

Dr J M Cahill Mrs J Kelly Mr K Rogers Professor I G Campbell Ms S Kwedi Professor J M Senior Professor W Clocksin Mr A Lambert Dr R L V Southern Dr D Ford Ms S Loasby Professor D Ward Mrs S C Grant Dr L Mitchell Mrs G Ward Ms B Haimanot Dr R Napiwotzki Dr H Wells Mrs S Harrison-Barker Mrs J A Newlan Dr P D Wernick Ms S M Jarvis Mrs J A Price Dr J O Jenkins Mrs B Rahl


Mrs J H Allen Mr R Beazley Mr C McIntyre (item 8) Ms K Barton Dr S Grey Mr J Ridgman (item 9.3) Professor A Baydoun (item 8) Dr F L Haddleton

APOLOGIES: Mrs C Desborough


716.1 The Board noted its membership.

(Agenda Paper 2.1, refers.)

716.2 Category 12: ‘Eight members of the academic staff elected by the academic staff’

716.2.1 The Board noted that the terms of office of the following members would conclude on 31 August 2017 and that this would be the last meeting to be attended by them:

Dr M J Cahill Mrs J A Price Dr J O Jenkins Mr K Rogers;

716.2.2 the following members of the academic staff had been elected to serve terms of office commencing 1 September 2017, concluding 31 August 2020:

Dr T Gilbert Dr S B Kirton Mrs J A Price Mr R Wilkinson

716.3 Category 9: 'The President of the Students' Union'

The Board noted the appointment of Miss S Loasby as President of the Hertfordshire Students' Union with effect from 2 June 2017, concluding on 1 June 2018, and welcomed her to the meeting.

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716.4 Category 10: ‘Two (2) students, nominated by the Student Representative Council’

716.4.1 The Board noted that this would be the last meeting to be attended by Ms B Haimanot whose term of office would conclude on 31 August 2017.

716.4.2 The Board noted the appointment of Ms S Kwedi as Vice-President, Education, Students' Union, whose term of office commenced 2 June 2017, concluding 1 June 2018, and welcomed her to the meeting.

716.5 In attendance

716.5.1 The Board noted that Mr J Ridgman, Dean, School of Humanities, would attend for item 9.3.

716.5.2 The Board noted that Mr C McIntyre, Dean of Cultural Affairs and Director of UH Arts, and Professor A Baydoun, Associate Dean (Research), School of Life and Medical Sciences, would attend for item 8.

716.5.3 Chairman, Board of Governors

The Board welcomed Mr R Beazley, Chairman, Board of Governors, to the meeting.

717 MINUTES – 15 MARCH 2017

The minutes of 15 March 2017 were confirmed and signed.

(Confidential Agenda Paper 3, refers.)


There were no matters arising from the minutes not taken elsewhere on the Agenda.


719.1 Vice-Chancellor’s Monthly Reviews

The Board noted the Vice-Chancellor’s monthly reviews for February, March and April 2017 which are published on-line at:

http://staffnet/news-and-events/vc-monthly-briefings.htm .

719.2 National agenda for Higher Education – Minutes 616.2 and 654.2 refer

719.2.1 Following a significant period of presidential elections in the USA and Europe, the Vice- Chancellor reflected on the outcome of the British General Election earlier in June 2017 and the strength of opinion and presence of students and other young adults during the election process. With a diminished majority, it was anticipated that the Prime Minister’s weakened position might lead to a favourable change in the Government’s attitude to international students being counted in net migration statistics as well as a potentially softer Brexit. The Higher Education and Research Act 2017 had received Royal Assent on 27 April 2017 and was expected to continue; the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) second year results were to be published on 22 June 2017. The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy’s Green Paper on ‘Building our Industrial Strategy’ had indicated an intention to provide funding of 3% of Gross Domestic Product in contrast with an average of 2.4% across Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) member countries. The amount of funding to be made available for research, as part of the Strategy, was estimated to be approximately £4.7bn.

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719.2.2 The Vice-Chancellor reported that the University had responded to the requirement to establish apprenticeships and that the number of degree-level apprenticeships was significantly higher than lower level initiatives, indicative of the willingness of employers to take higher level apprentices. The University was also working in collaboration with University Campus St Albans (UCSA) who were also developing complementary programmes.

719.2.3 Ms S M Jarvis, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education and Student Experience), reported that the University was one of 115 institutions to achieve a Silver Award in respect of the second year of the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF). 50 institutions had achieved Gold and 55 Bronze. The Award would be valid for three years, though the University would have the option to be re-assessed within that period. The qualitative feedback comments included a statement that the “provider achieves consistently outstanding outcomes for its students from all backgrounds”. The feedback also made reference to the University’s comments concerning the challenging nature of assessment designed to promote employability, such as group work and placements as a reason for the problem of being below the benchmark on assessment and feedback.

719.2.4 In respect of the metrics used, the Board was reminded by the Vice-Chancellor of its Destination of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) achievement of 96.1% of graduates securing jobs within six months of graduating, 78% of which were graduate- level jobs, the highest proportion in the East of England. HM Revenue and Customs data on the earnings of the University’s graduates over the past five years ranked them in the top half among other graduates.

719.2.5 The Vice-Chancellor explained that the results of the staff survey would be disseminated across the Institution by Strategic Business Unit (SBU) and that the data would be made available to all SBU members.

719.2.6 In reflecting on the terrorist incidents in London and Manchester, the Vice-Chancellor urged vigilance. In respect of the Grenfell Tower fire, it was believed that cladding on the University’s buildings was not the same as at Grenfell but more detailed information on the materials used was being obtained. All other regular fire precautions were in place. As a result of all these incidents, security levels had been raised across both campuses.

719.3 Student Recruitment – Minute 655 refers

719.3.1 Mrs S D Harrison-Barker, Academic Registrar, reported that the recent Open Day had been the largest ever; 1130 applicants had attended, many of whom would be commencing their undergraduate studies in September 2017. In addition to being the largest Open Day event ever, the number of ‘conversions’ by applicants indicating they would attend who actually attended was also the most significant.

Minutes 719.3.2-719.3.3 are confidential and available to Members and Officers in Attendance only.

(Confidential Agenda Paper 5.3, refers.)


720.1 Dr L Mitchell reported on the non-confidential academic issues considered by the Board of Governors on 21 March, 9 May and 6 June 2017. Academic-related topics discussed had included a presentation from the School of Health and Social Work, student recruitment, the East and North Herts NHS Trust, risk management, 2020 Estates Vision, IT infrastructure replacement.

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720.2 In respect of the 2020 Estates Vision programme, the Vice-Chancellor indicated that the Board of Governors had addressed this matter over several meetings. The strategy was now half-way through its 10-year programme and would be reviewed. Once the new Director of Estates, Hospitality and Contract Services was in post, a consultation process would commence. Current projects included the provision of a social facility on the de Havilland Campus, upgrading of facilities in the Main Building on the College Lane Campus and the demolition of the CP Snow Building, all of which would continue as planned.


721.1 Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021

721.1.1 Professor J M Senior, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise), reported that the HEFCE consultation on the Stern Review of the REF had generated 380 responses, mainly from organisations and HE institutions. Confirmation was now available that HESA data would not be used to determine which staff were making a significant contribution to research. This would also remove the potential difficulties for staff teaching and researching in different HESA code discipline areas. Each institution would be required to produce a code of practice which would clarify that institution’s definition of staff who made a significant contribution to research. A further proposal, that publications would no longer be transportable with staff who moved to another institution, would be implemented but not significantly so for the REF 2021. HEFCE were likely to recommend that the names of staff classified as making a significant contribution to research should be associated with a minimum of one output but the maximum number of outputs was yet to be determined.

721.1.2 In preparation for REF 2021, Professor Senior informed the Board that Main Panel chairs had already been recruited but that no announcements concerning their identity had yet been made. HEFCE was advertising for sub-panel chairs and would request nominations for panel members in the Autumn 2017. Colleagues were encouraged to propose nominations for panel membership. Professor Senior reported that feedback in respect of the mock audit had now been received from external advisers, many of whom had been panel members in the REF 2014. In addition to the principal task of examining outputs, the advisers had also considered environmental impact statements. A more extensive mock exercise would be carried out during 2018.

721.2 Research Supervision Management System - Minute 690.3 refers

Dr S Grey, Director of the Doctoral College, explained that the need for a Research Supervision Management System to administer the process from admission to award had been identified in the previous two years and a project management group had been established to oversee the design and development of the system now being implemented. The proposed system would include management of a research development programme. Training would take place over the period November 2017 to January 2018 with a view to the system becoming operational in January 2018. In preparation for training and providing supporting documentation, three user groups had been established to address the three areas of rationalising current processes; look, feel and functionality; and student experience.

(Agenda Paper 7.2, refers.)


(Note: Mr McIntyre and Professor Baydoun attended for this item and were welcomed to the meeting.)

Minute 722 is confidential and available to Members and Officers in Attendance only.

(Tabled Confidential Agenda Paper 8.1, refers.)

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723.1 Ms Jarvis informed the Board that the new Social Mobility and Widening Participation Strategy, as set out in Agenda Paper 9.7.1, was aimed at increasing the reach and impact of the University’s work in respect of widening participation and outreach to a larger proportion of students. Whilst the University’s work in this respect was already impressive, as evidenced in the TEF qualitative feedback, it was believed that the approach would benefit a wider range of students. Responsibility for social mobility and widening participation would be managed with immediate effect by the Learning and Teaching Innovation Centre who would ensure that widening participation and outreach had a presence on both campuses through its work with Schools in supporting students (Minute 723.8, also refers).

723.2 Ms Jarvis reported on the success of the University’s Annual Learning and Teaching Conference. It had been particularly pleasing to note a number of the University’s Governors in attendance. One of the keynote presentations had been made by Jane McNeil of Nottingham Trent University on that institution’s approach to support research informed teaching and it was also pleasing to note the number of research staff who had attended in that respect.

(Confidential Agenda Paper 9.1, refers.)

723.3 League tables

Minute 723.3 is confidential and available to Members and Officers in Attendance only.

(Addition to Confidential Agenda Paper 9.1, refers.)

723.4 Student Educational Experience Committee (SEEC) Working Group to review the Academic Year

723.4.1 As Chairman of the SEEC Working Group to review the Academic Year, Professor D Ward explained that pressure points in the academic year had prompted exploration. It was concluded that the University’s teaching period was compressed when comparing its academic year with that of peer group universities in the competitor set. Mock TEF statistics in institutions with longer teaching periods indicated better performance by those institutions in the NSS and employment market.

723.4.2 The proposed model, set out in Confidential Agenda Paper 9.2.2, would require the academic year to commence one week earlier on the penultimate Monday in September, to bring the University into line with most other institutions. The proposed three-week break over the Christmas period, together with a fixed inter-semester week at the commencement of Semester B, would provide extra capacity over that period to allow more time for students to prepare for assessment and staff to prepare for Semester B teaching.

723.4.3 The proposal for a longer break over the Christmas period received support from the Students’ Union in respect of both those preparing for assessments and others, for whom there would be an opportunity to engage in additional activities to enhance student experience and employability. The extra time available for preparation for Semester B might also contribute to the raising of morale among staff.

723.4.4 In creating extra capacity prior to the commencement of Semester B, it would be necessary to monitor students’ return as, in the past, this had been the point at which students considered withdrawing. It was also necessary to bear in mind that approximately 20% of students did not have any assessments at the end of Semester A.

723.4.5 Implementation of the proposed model in 2018-2019 would create an overlap of one week at the commencement of 2018-2019, whereby Semester C of 2017-2018 might be required to be shortened by a week. There might be resultant issues concerning availability of laboratory space during Semester C and the time available for a Geography field study trip, though it was acknowledged that this would only be relevant in the first year of the proposed model. There would also be impact on existing conference bookings for the Summer 2018. Furthermore, it was necessary to bear in mind the longer term potential risks in respect of recruitment of International students.

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723.4.6 In considering the fixing of the Easter break to the two weeks each side of the Good Friday/Easter Monday weekend, thus ‘decoupling’ the University from the Hertfordshire County Council term dates, it was acknowledged that Semester B teaching might be required to continue beyond the Easter break when it fell early in the year.

723.4.7 In approving the implementation of Model A from 2018-2019, to include a fixed inter- semester week at the commencement of Semester B, it was agreed that the academic year calendar for 2018-2019, set out in Confidential Agenda Paper 9.2.3, would not be accepted at this stage but that Professor Ward would draw up academic year calendars for five years, commencing with 2018-2019. The fixing of the Easter break to the two weeks each side of the Good Friday/Easter Monday weekend was also approved and would be included in the Academic Year Calendars. Provided no problems were encountered in plotting academic year calendars over the five-year period from 2018- 2019, the Vice-Chancellor would approve, by Action of the Chairman of the Academic Board, the academic year calendars for 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 with a view to publication by 1 September 2017.

723.4.8 It was agreed to defer a decision concerning the creation of a celebration week and to leave the pattern of Awards Ceremonies unchanged.

(Confidential Agenda Papers 9.2.1, 9.2.2 and 9.2.3, refer.)

723.5 Implementation of a Grade Point Average (‘GPA’) System - Minutes 618.9 and 693.3 refer

(Note: Mr Ridgman attended for this item and was welcomed to the meeting.)

723.5.1 Mr Ridgman, Chairman of the Grade Point Average (GPA) Working Group, apprised the Board of progress in implementing a GPA system. Confidential Agenda Paper 9.3 included a staff guide, which was one of the proposed communication documents.

723.5.2 In endorsing the intention that the GPA results would be issued with the transcripts as separate documents, to ensure that any adverse GPA results would not disadvantage students, the Board recognised the need to share with students the benefit of having two sets of results. This would be particularly relevant towards the end of their degree programmes when there was an opportunity to improve GPA scores even if the final degree classification was unlikely to change. However it was important for students to recognise that Level 4 results would affect GPA scores over the life of their degree programme.

723.5.3 Whilst marking and assessment would be unaffected, it would be necessary to monitor any impact of GPA results on student behaviour in respect of non-compulsory modules and adequate provision would be required to support and guide students in understanding the GPA system.

723.5.4 The Board thanked Mr Ridgman for his work in leading the development and implementation of the GPA system.

(Confidential Agenda Paper 9.3, refers.)

723.5.5 SEEC Peer Review of Teaching Working Group

The Board noted the Terms of Reference of a working group, established by SEEC, to be chaired by Mrs L Glass, Head of Visiting Lecturer Development, Hertfordshire Business School. The scope of the project would include the range of activities undertaken and resources deployed by the University in peer review of teaching. The review would be undertaken between May and November 2017 with a view to implementation during 2017-2018.

(Agenda Paper 9.4, refers.)

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723.6 Academic portfolio review

Professor I G Campbell, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, reported that an academic portfolio review would take place shortly. In addition to considering the viability of existing programmes, it was also necessary to reflect on the increasing competition in the sector. Professor Campbell was currently consulting Deans of School and would provide an update report on 15 November 2017.

723.7 Annual School Reports on Academic Standards and Student Experience 2015-2016

The Board noted the following documents relating to the evaluation of Annual School Reports for 2015-2016:

i Items for Dissemination (Agenda Paper 9.6.1, refers);

ii Matters for the University (Confidential Agenda Paper 9.6.2, refers).

723.8 Social Mobility and Widening Participation Strategy

723.8.1 The Board noted the new Social Mobility and Widening Participation Strategy, agreed on 24 April 2017 by the Chief Executive's Group, which could be found at the following link, and that this document would form the basis of the Access Agreement, which would be made openly available: openview&count=9999&restricttocategory=Strategy+and+Policy/Outreach+and+Wideni ng+Participation

(Agenda Paper 9.7.1, refers.)

723.9 Higher Education Academy (HEA) external examining project

The Board noted that the University would be involved in the second stage of a pilot, from September 2017, in which external examiners had been invited to volunteer to undertake a professional development course delivered by the HEA:

723.10 Course representation

Mrs G Ward, Dean of Students, informed the Board that School Student Representative Organisers (SSROs) would now be known as School Community Organisers, following consultation with the Students’ Union and Associate Deans (Learning and Teaching). The change was designed to help in creating communities within Schools and to increase student representation. The development of the role would be monitored over the coming year and, in support, the Students’ Union would arrange a programme of visits to Schools to meet School Community Organisers.

723.11 Student discipline – Minutes 618.13 and 659.8 refer

Minute 723.11 is confidential and available to Members and Officers in Attendance only.

723.12 Student complaints

The Board noted a report prepared by Mrs Ward concerning student complaints, also received by the Board of Governors, on 24 January 2017.

(Confidential Agenda Paper 9.11, refers.)

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In receiving the report of the Standing Working Party on UPRs, the Board noted that there were no further referrals for the Board’s approval since 15 March 2017 and that all amendments referred to in Confidential Agenda Paper 10 had been approved by the Standing Working Party on UPRs on its own authority.

(Confidential Agenda Paper 10, refers.)


Subject to minor updates following today’s meeting, the proposed Annual Report to the Board of Governors was approved.

(Agenda Paper 11, refers.)


The Board noted the schedule of Awards Ceremonies to take place at St Albans Abbey from Monday 4 September 2017 to Tuesday 12 September 2017 and that two further Awards Ceremonies would take place on Saturday 2 December 2017 and Saturday 9 December 2017 at the Weston Auditorium, University of Hertfordshire, de Havilland Campus.

(Agenda Paper 12.1, refers.)


The Board noted and approved Part II of the Agenda (Minutes 728-744, refer).


728.1 The Board noted the conclusions and recommendations of reports, for the period 4 March 2017 to 2 June 2017, in respect of new and reviewed/revalidated programmes, confirmed by the Chairman of the Student Educational Experience Committee (formerly Academic Quality Enhancement Committee) and ratified by the Vice-Chancellor;

Hertfordshire Business School

Date confirmed by Chairman of Date ratified by Programme the Student Vice Chancellor Programme Title Code Educational on behalf of Experience Academic Board Committee New Programmes 728.1.1 MSc International Business - 09/03/2017 13/03/2017 BSMIB Sandwich 728.1.2 BSDIBF BA (Hons) Banking and Finance 31/03/2017 03/04/2017 Dual Award - INTI Nilai 728.1.3 BSDIBP BA (Hons) Business with 31/03/2017 03/04/2017 Psychology at INTI Nilai

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728.1.4 BSDABM BA (Hons) Business and 05/05/2017 08/05/2017 Management (Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship) School of Creative Arts

Date confirmed by Chairman of Date ratified by Programme the Student Vice Chancellor Programme Title Code Educational on behalf of Experience Academic Board Committee Programmes reviewed / revalidated 728.1.5 CTDC CTPID The Design and Crafts Programme 17/01/2017 23/01/2017 (Product and Industrial Design / Design Crafts) 728.1.6 CCMAD Postgraduate Art and Design 22/02/2016 22/02/2016 728.1.7 CTWMAD Postgraduate Art and Design (Graphic Design and Illustration) Online 22/02/2016 22/02/2016 728.1.8 Postgraduate Film and TV CCMFTV Production 22/02/2016 22/02/2016 728.1.9 CTME Postgraduate Media 22/02/2016 22/02/2016 728.1.10 TCMCTM Postgraduate Music,Composition and Sound Technology 22/02/2016 22/02/2016 728.1.11 TCGDO / BA (Hons) Graphic Design ; BA 19/05/2017 25/05/2017 TCIADO / (Hons) Interior Architecture and CTOADMD Design; BA (Hons) Digital Media Design - TOA programmes

School of Health and Social Work

New Programmes 728.1.12 HHNUR BSc (Hons) Nursing - delivery to 2 10/02/2017 13/02/2017 new sites in Southampton and Reading 728.1.13 HHCON- BSc (Hons) and MSc Contemporary 10/02/2017 13/02/2017 HHMCON Nursing - delivery of NMC Preparation for Mentorship modules to run at London Bridge Hospital Programmes reviewed / revalidated 728.1.14 HSLANDRI BSc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography 28/04/2017 03/05/2017 & Imaging, Intercollege, Larnaca

School of Life and Medical Science

Programmes reviewed / revalidated 728.1.15 HHEM MSc Environmental Management 31/03/2017 03/04/2017 programme

728.2 The Board noted the withdrawn and suspended programmes, for the period 4 March 2017 to 2 June 2017, confirmed by the Chairman of the Academic Development Committee; and agreements signed between the University and Partner Organisations.

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Hertfordshire Business School

Date Date confirmed confirmed by by Chairperson Programme Chairman of Programme Title of Academic Code School Development Academic Committee Committee Programmes/ Courses/ Courses Instances (CIs) withdrawn 728.2.1 BSWSLBA BA (Hons) Business Administration 13/02/2017 06/03/2017 SDL (All six BMC Singapore CIs only) 728.2.2 BSDIPEMS MA Management Studies INTI 01/03/2017 10/03/2017 Penang Programmes suspended 728.2.3 BSBMGTFD FdA Business Management with 13/02/2017 06/03/2017 Tourism - West Herts College 728.2.4 BDFMN BSc (Hons) Financial Management 13/02/2017 06/03/2017 (top-up)

School of Computer Science

Programmes/ Courses/ Courses Instances (CIs) withdrawn 728.2.5 CMWSLCSIT/ Modular BSc Hons Computer 10/02/2017 06/03/2017 TCCSITWSL Science (online) (BMC Singapore CIs only) 728.2.6 EIMASTWSL Modular Masters Computer Science 16/02/2017 06/03/2017 (On-line/Tutored E-Learning- Supported Learning) - IST CIs only.

School of Creative Arts

Programmes suspended 728.2.7 CTBRPHO BA (Hons) Photography, Moscow 08/03/2017 20/03/2017

School of Education

Programmes/ Courses/ Courses Instances (CIs) withdrawn 728.2.8 EDPGIWEYUC University Certificate - Integrated 11/04/2017 08/05/2017 Working with Children and their Families in the Early Years 728.2.9 EDPGIWEYFD FdA Integrated Working with 11/04/2017 08//05/2017 and Children and their Families in the EDPGIWEYTFD Early Years - Walthamstow and Bognor CIs and Top-Up CIs 728.2.10 EDPGIWEYFD FdA Integrated Working with 10/04/2017 08/05/2017 Children and their Families in the Early Years - Devon CIs Programmes suspended 728.2.11 HEPGCEBSE PGCE (Business Education) 28/04/2017 16/05/2017

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School of Engineering and Technology

Date Date confirmed confirmed by by Chairperson Programme Chairman of Programme Title of Academic Code School Development Academic Committee Committee Programmes/ Courses/ Courses Instances (CIs) withdrawn 728.2.12 EIWBM MSc Professional Engineering 22/02/2017 06/03/2017

Programmes suspended 728.2.13 EIEF Initial Year Extended Degree in 27/03/2017 05/04/2017 Engineering and Technology, NHC

School of Health and Social Work

Programmes/ Courses/ Courses Instances withdrawn 728.2.14 HHPRSC Non-Medical Prescribing - closure of 21/02/2017 06/03/2107 CIs only 728.2.15 HHPRSC Non-Medical Prescribing - closure of 06/03/2017 20/03/2017 CIs only for Sec C intake 728.2.16 HHPRSCM Non-Medical Prescribing - closure of 06/03/2017 20/03/2017 CIs only for Sec C intake 728.2.17 HHRAPCHE Cert HE Clinical Imaging 28/04/2017 16/05/2017 Programmes suspended 728.2.18 HSUAHCPFD FdSc Health Care Practice - Sept 04/04/2017 24/4/17 and 2017 intake as will be running Feb 08/05/2017 18 intake. 728.2.19 HHMW MSc Wellbeing 03/05/2017 16/05/2017

School of Law, Criminology and Political Science

Programmes suspended 728.2.20 LACCL Postgraduate Certificate in Chinese 28/03/2017 08/05/2017 Commercial Law

School of Life and Medical Science

Programmes/ Courses/ Courses Instances withdrawn 728.2.21 HHEM MSc Environmental Management for 14/03/2017 20/03/2017 Business (pathway withdrawal only) Programmes suspended 728.2.22 IDKFDSS FD Sports Studies (NHC) 06/03/2017 20/03/2017

(Agenda Paper A, refers.)


The Board noted the full list of appointments of External Examiners across all Schools.

(Confidential Agenda Paper B, refers.)

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730.1 2016-2017

The Board noted amendments to titles of Programme, Module and Short Course Boards of Examiners and their Chairmen for the Academic Year 2016-2017 approved by the Vice Chancellor:

730.1.1 School of Education, approved 14 March 2017 (Confidential Agenda Paper C.1.1, refers);

730.1.2 School of Law, Criminology and Political Science, approved 27 April 2017 (Confidential Agenda Paper C.1.2, refers);

730.1.3 Hertfordshire Business School, approved 23 May 2017 (Confidential Agenda Paper C.1.3, refers);

730.1.4 School of Education, approved 31 May 2017 (Confidential Agenda Paper C.1.4, refers);

730.1.5 School of Life and Medical Sciences, approved 1 June 2017 (Confidential Agenda Paper C.1.5, refers).


The Board noted the research degrees awarded during the period 1 February 2017- 31 May 2017 (Agenda Paper D, refers).


The Board noted the current Research Centres (Agenda Paper E, refers).


The Board noted that there were no matters for report.


734.1 Academic Standards and Audit Committee

The Board noted a report of the meetings of the Academic Standards and Audit Committee held on 31 January and 21 March 2017 from Dr F L Haddleton, Director of Academic Quality Assurance, Chairman of the Committee.

(Agenda Paper G.1, refers.)

734.2 Academic Development Committee

The Board noted a report of the meetings held on 12 October and 30 November 2016 and 25 January and 22 March 2017 from Professor Campbell, Chairman of the Committee.

(Confidential Agenda Paper G.2, refers.)

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734.3 Ethics Committee for Studies Involving Human Participants (‘Ethics Committee’)

The Board noted a report of the meeting held on 1 February 2017 from Professor W B Hunt, Chairman of the Committee (Agenda Paper G.3, refers).

734.4 Higher Doctorate Degrees Board

The Board noted that the Board was convened on an ad hoc basis to consider individual candidates and that, during the Academic Year, 1 September 2016-31 August 2017, it had not been necessary for it to do so.

734.5 Honorary Awards Board

The Board noted the decisions taken by the Honorary Awards Board concerning the honorary awards and titles to be conferred in the following Academic Year (Agenda Paper 12.1, refers). This report constituted the Annual Report of the Honorary Awards Board to the Academic Board.

734.6 Recruitment and Admissions Policy Review Committee

Agenda Paper G.6, the Annual Report of the Recruitment and Admissions Policy Review Committee for 2016-2017, was not received.

734.7 Research Degrees Board

734.7.1 The Board noted a report of the meetings held on 19 January and 9 March 2017 from Dr S Grey, Director of the Doctoral College, Chairman of the Research Degrees Board.

(Agenda Paper G.7.1, refers.)

734.7.2 The Board noted the Annual Report of the Research Degrees Board for 2016.

(Agenda Paper G.7.2, refers.)

734.8 Research Committee

The Board noted a report of the meeting held on 2 March 2017 from Professor Senior, Chairman of the Committee.

(Agenda Paper G.8, refers.)

734.9 Student Educational Experience Committee

The Board noted a report of the meetings held on 7 February and 14 March 2017 from Ms Jarvis, Chairman of the Committee.

(Agenda Paper G.9, refers.)

734.10 Health and Safety

The Board noted the Annual Report of the Director of Health, Safety and Workplace Wellbeing for the period 2015-2016 from Ms M Kanwar, Director of Health, Safety and Workplace Wellbeing, which had been noted by the Board of Governors on 6 June 2017.

(Confidential Agenda Paper G.10, refers.)

734.11 Academic and research health - Minutes 601.2.3 and 637.3 refer

The Board noted an annual statement concerning the academic and research health of Schools.

(Revised Agenda Paper G.11, refers.)

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734.12 School Academic Committees

734.12.1 Minutes and Annual Reports

The Board noted the most recent Minutes in publication which could be viewed via the following links:

i School of Computer Science

ii School of Creative Arts

iii School of Education

iv School of Engineering and Technology

v School of Health and Social Work

vi Hertfordshire Business School

Annual Report 2015-2016 (Agenda Paper G.12.1, vi, refers)

vii School of Humanities

viii School of Law, Criminology and Political Science

ix School of Life and Medical Sciences

x School of Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics


Confidential Agenda Paper H, a report from Mrs Ward for the period 2015-2016, was not received.

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736.1 Record of Annual Reports

The Board noted the record of Annual Reports received to date.

(Agenda Paper J.1, refers.)

736.2 Annual Reports 2015-2016

736.2.1 Committees of the Academic Board

(Minute 734, refers.)

736.2.2 Centres and Units

i The Board noted the Annual Report of the Equality Office for 2015-2016 which could be found at the following link: Report-2016.compressed.pdf

ii Agenda Paper J.2.2.2, the Annual Report of the Vice-Chancellor and Students’ Union Group (VCSU) for 2015-2016, was not received.

736.2.3 Dean of Students

Confidential Agenda Paper J.2.3, the Annual Report of the Office of the Dean of Students for 2015-2016, was not received.


737.1 Committee structure of the Academic Board

737.1.1 The Board noted an amendment to the Terms of Reference and Composition of the Student Educational Experience Committee, approved by Chairman’s Action on 8 May 2017 (2017-05-10-SEEC-Constitution).

(Agenda Paper K.1.1, refers.)

737.1.2 The Board noted an amendment to the Terms of Reference and Composition of the Research Degrees Board, approve by Chairman's Action on 1 June 2017 (2017-07-01- RDB-Constitution).

(Agenda Paper K.1.2, refers.)

737.2 Minutes

The Board noted publication of the minutes of the following meetings of boards and committees of the Academic Board:

Academic Development Committee 22.03.2017 Academic Standards and Audit Committee 31.01.2017, 21.03.2017, 02.05.2017 Ethics 01.02.2017 HHEC-CQC 02.02.2017 Research Committee 02.03.2017 Research Degrees Board 09.03.2017 Student Educational Experience Committee 14.03.2017, 09.05.2017

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School Academic Committees: SAC-COM 15.03.2017, 03.05.2017 SAC-CTA 01.03.2017 SAC-EDU 08.03.2017 SAC-ENT 22.02.2017 SAC-HBS 22.02.2017 SAC-HSK 02.03.2017 SAC-HUM 08.03.2017 SAC-LAW 10.02.2017 SAC-LMS 28.02.2017 SAC-PAM 08.02.2017


738.1 Academic Year 2018-2019

(Minute 723.4, refers.)


739.1 Calendar of meetings 2018-2019

Agenda Paper M.1, the Calendar of meetings for 2018-2019, was not taken.


The Board noted Schools’ current internal structures.

(Agenda Paper N, refers.)


The Board noted the information provided by Schools in accordance with the requirements of UPR HR01 (‘Approved Titles’), concerning holders of approved titles.

(Confidential Agenda Paper P, refers.)


The Board noted that there were no matters for report.


(Minute 724, refers.)

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The Board noted the appointment of sabbatical officers with effect from 2 June 2017, concluding 1 June 2018:

Ms Shelby Loasby, President; Ms Sarah Kwedi, Vice-President Education; Mr Mansoor Hakimyar, Vice-President Community; Mr Adil Rehman, Vice-President Services; Ms Rosy Vega, Vice-President Activities.


745.1 Annette Collier

The Board noted with regret the death of Ms Collier on 9 June 2017. Ms Collier had joined the University the University in July 1999 as a Secretary in the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies, and moved to the Student Centre in 2009 as an Admissions Administrator in the International Admissions Team. A letter of condolence had been sent to her family and the University was represented at her funeral.

745.2 Senior academic appointments

745.2.1 Dean, School of Law, Criminology and Political Science

The Board noted the appointment of Mrs P J Carey as Acting Dean of the School of Law, Criminology and Political Science with effect from 22 March 2017.

745.2.2 Dean, School of Engineering and Technology - Minute 681.3.1 refers

The Board noted confirmation of the appointment of Dr R A Day as Dean of the School of Engineering and Technology. 745.2.3 Dean, School of Education - Minute 681.2.1 refers

The Board noted confirmation of the appointment of Dr L Trodd as Dean of the School of Education.

745.3 Senior professional appointments

745.3.1 Director of Estates, Hospitality and Contract Services

The Board noted the appointment of Mr I Grimes as Director of Estates, Hospitality and Contract Services with effect from 31 July 2017.

745.4 Professorships

The Board noted the appointment of Dr G Lees-Maffei as Professor of Design History in the School of Creative Arts, with effect from 1 July 2017.

745.5 Readerships

The Board noted the following Readership appointments:

745.5.1 Dr P Jenkinson as Reader in Neuropsychology in the School of Life and Medical Sciences with effect from 1 April 2017;

745.5.2 Dr K Coppin as Reader in Astrophysics in the School of Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics with effect from 1 May 2017;

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745.5.3 Dr S Livatino as Reader in Virtual Reality and Robotics I the School of Engineering and Technology with effect from 1 June 2017.

745.6 Resignations

745.6.1 Director of Estates, Hospitality and Contract Services

The Board noted the resignation of Mr A J May, with effect from 25 May 2017, to take up an appointment with LocatED a new Government-owned property company.

745.6.2 Dean, School of Law, Criminology and Political Science

The Board noted the resignation of Professor C Wild with effect from 31 March 2017.


There was no emergency business.


The Board noted the schedule of meetings 2017-2018:

Wednesday, 15 November 2017; Wednesday, 14 March 2018; Wednesday, 27 June 2018.

to be held in the Central Committee Room at 14.00 hours


Wednesday, 15 November 2017, at 14. 00 hours, in the Central Committee Room, MacLaurin Building.

Agenda items should be notified to the Clerk by Wednesday, 25 October 2017. Supporting papers must be lodged with the Clerk by Wednesday, 1 November 2017 (e-mail: j.h.2.allen; Telephone ext 4902).

It will be assumed that all items from the Schools have been submitted with the approval of the relevant Dean of School.

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