Budget: 56.305,52 Euros (Plus VAT 19%)
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Protocol Number: 03/2007
“Supply, installation and maintenance of a broadband, wireless, local access network in the region of Gozo island-Malta”
Project Duration: 3 months
Budget: 56.305,52 Euros (plus VAT 19%)
(Total Budget: 67.000 Euros)
Priority Axis: 2 – Transport and Telecommunication Networks - Information Society
Measure: 2.2 – Upgrading the Access to the Information Society
The project is financed 75% from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and 25% from National funds. Date sending the summary of Tuesday, 08 May 2007 declaration for publication in the Official Government Journal: Date of publication in the daily Tuesday, 08 May 2007 Press: Final Date for the offers Friday, 08 June 2007, and 12:00 AM Greek time. submission: In the premises of the Patras Science Park Location for the offers submission: Stadiou street, Platani Patras – Τ.Κ. 26504 Date for the offers opening: Friday, 08 June 2007, and 12:00 AM Greek time. Industrial Systems Institute (I.S.I.) / Research Center Contracting Authority: "Athena" In the premises of the Patras Science Park
Place for receiving the declaration: Stadiou street, Platani Patras – Τ.Κ. 26504
2nd floor, Office No Β9 Supply, Installation and Maintenance of Information and Telecommunication hardware (HW) and software (SW), Type of Contract: for the development of a broadband, wireless, local access network 32400000: Networks, Common Procurement Vocabulary for 32500000: Telecommunications equipment and supplies, the Public Contracts (CPV): 32510000: Wireless telecommunications system, 32570000: Communications equipment The award is made to the tender with the most financially Tender Award Criteria: advantageous offer Project Budget: 56.302,52 Euros (plus VAT 19%) 75% European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) aims to reduce the main regional imbalances by effectively Project Financing: promoting economic development and social cohesion, while ensuring synergy with other Structural Funds.
According to:
1 The Directive 2004/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on the coordination of procedures for the award of tenders-contracts regarding public works, supplies and services, as it has been modified by the Commission Directive 2005/51/EC of 7 September 2005 amending Annex XX to Directive 2004/17/EC and Annex VIII to Directive 2004/18/EC of the European Council regarding public procurements, 2 The provisions of the Greek Presidential Decree 370/1995 (Official Government Journal 199/A/14-9-1995) ”Adaptation of the Greek law for Public procurements to Community law, especially to the provisions of the Directive 93/96/EC of the Council of 14 June 1993, on the coordination of procedures for the award of public procurements”, as it has been modified and it is in effect, providing that its provisions are not opposing the Directive 2004/18/EK Directive. 3 The provisions of the Greek Presidential Decree 394/1996 (Official Government Journal 266/A/2-12-1996) “Regulation of Public Procurements”, 4 The provisions of the Greek Law 2286/1995 (Official Government Journal 19/A/1-2- 1995) “Procurements of the Public Sector and regulations relative issues”, 5 The provisions of the Greek Law 2362/1995 (articles 79-85) (Official Government Journal 247/A/27-11-1995) “About Public Accounting, control of government expenses and other provisions”, 6 The provisions of the Greek Law 2522/97 (Official Government Journal 178/A/8-9- 1997) “Judicial protection during the procedure before signing public work, supply and service contracts”, according to the Directive 89/665/EEC”, 7 The decision with the protocol number Π1/6017/27.12.2006 (Official Government Journal 144/B/6-2-2007) of the Ministry of Development which modifies the decision with the protocol number Π1/2830/7-8-2001 (Official Government Journal 1093/B/21-8-2001) of the Ministry of Development regarding the “Exclusion from the United Supply Program” of the information technology subjects included in the Operational Program “Information Society”, for the years 2007-2008”, 8 The provisions of the Greek Law 2860/2000 (Official Government Journal 251/A/14-11-2000) “Management, Monitor, Control Community Support Framework and other provisions”, 9 The provisions of the Greek Law 2690/1999 (Official Government Journal 45/A/9- 3-1999) «Code Ratification of the Administrative Procedure and other provisions”, 10 The Greek Presidential Decree 18/1998 (Official Government Journal A’ 28) regarding the establishment of the Industrial Systems Institute (I.S.I.), 11 The Greek Presidential Decree 145/2003 (Official Government Journal A’ 121/20-5- 2003) regarding the establishment of the “Integrated Research for the Information Society-IRIS" and the accession of ISI to it, 12 The Article 9 paragraph 3 of the Greek Law 343/14-2-2006 about the rename of “Integrated Research for the Information Society-IRIS" to “Athena - Research and Innovation Center in Information, Communication and Knowledge Technologies Research Center”, 13 The legal framework of the “Industrial Systems Institute (I.S.I.)/Research Center - Athena", 14 The decision with the protocol number 302245/YD5667 of 29 June 2006 of the Managing Authority of Community Initiative Program (CIP) INTERREG regarding the approval of the project with the acronym “WDCNET”, 15 The minutes of the Board of Directors of the Industrial Systems Institute (I.S.I.) / Research Center - Athena" with reference number 43/2007 of 07 May 2007
We decide to
1. To declare invitation to tender using open procedures in order to select a contractor for the project: “Supply, installation and maintenance of a broadband, wireless, local access network in the region of Gozo island-Malta”, based on the most financially advantageous offer. The budget of the project is up to 56.302,52 Euros, plus VAT 19%, namely the total budget is 67.000 Euros. The project duration is 3 months following the contract sign. 2. The general and the special terms of the invitation are analytically described in the following sections which constitute this invitation. 3. The tender offer will take place in the offices of the Contracting Authority in the presence of the Committee Operating the Tendering (COT), on Friday, 08 June 2007 and till 12:00 a.m. Greek time, thirty (30) days after the date sending the summary of declaration for publication in the Official Government Journal. Offers that will be submitted after the aforementioned date and time are considered as overdue they will not be evaluated and will be returned. 4. The submitted offers are valid and commit the tenders for a hundred and twenty (120) days from the final date of the offers submission. 5. The right to participate in the tendering have either individuals or legal entities and their unions which will submit a join offer, according to the terms defined in the Call For Tender. 6. The tendering will be executed by the Committee Operating the Tendering (COT), consisting of three members, which will be appointed by the Administrative Committee of the Contracting Authority. 7. The publication expenses in the Greek Press (financial and political) will be charged on the Contracting Authority. 8. The expense will be charged on the project "Digital Citizenship developed on Wireless NETwork in geographically isolated areas (WDC-NET)" of the Trans- national Cooperative Program ΙΝΤΕRREG IIIB ARCHIMED of the Community Initiative «ΙΝΤΕRREG III», 9. Hardcopies of this document, can be taken from the office of the Contracting Authority,
In the premises of Patras Science Park
Stadiou street, Platani Patras – Τ.Κ. 26504
2nd floor, Office No Β9
Phone numbers: +30-2610-910308, 910296
Fax number: +30-2610-910306,
E-mail address: [email protected] & [email protected]
during the working days (from Monday to Friday) and hours (09:00-17:00) and till the 4th June of 2007. There is no cost for taking the Call For Tender. The persons who will take the Call For Tender, will be asked to complement a form with their contact information (firm’s title, person’s name, firm’s address, firm’s phone and fax number, firm’s e-mail address).
Also, you can download the Call for Tender, from the website of ISI ( http://www.isi.gr/gr/default.htm ) and the website of WDC-NET (http://www.wdcnet.eu).
10. Clarifications about the Call for Tender are given by Mr. Kalogeras Athanasios and Mr. Konstantinopoulos Panagiotis.
Director of
Industrial Systems Institute (I.S.I.) / Research Center - Athena
Announcement: TEMI ZAMMIT FOUNDATION Federation of Peloponnesus and Western Greece Industries Chamber of Achaia, Etoloakarnania & Ilia
Internal Distribution: Industrial Systems Institute (I.S.I.)