Lesson Plan Rubric
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Lesson Plan Rubric 1 SPE/584 Version 1 University of Phoenix Material
Lesson Plan Rubric
Note: An overall rating of Proficient (3) is required on this artifact. CEC 2012 Standards CRITERIA 1 UNSATISFACTORY 2 BASIC 3 PROFICIENT 4 ADVANCED SCORE
Objectives/Performance Tasks Objectives(s) are not stated Objective(s) are stated and Objective(s) are stated and Objective(s) are stated and or objectives are stated but an attempt to align some objectives are most objectives are an attempt to align objectives to the activities, appropriately aligned to the appropriately aligned to the objectives to the activities, modify and integrate IEP activities. learning activities. IEP goals and modify or integrate IEP goals is evident. Some of the IEP goals were were integrated appropriately. goals are not evident. modified and integrated. None of the objectives are Few of the objectives are Most of the objectives are written utilizing Bloom’s written utilizing Bloom’s written utilizing Bloom’s taxonomy. Some of the objectives are taxonomy. written utilizing Bloom’s taxonomy. None of the objectives are Few of the objectives are Taxonomy. Most of the objectives are measurable. measurable. Some of the objectives are measurable. measurable.
Standard 3 : Curricular Content Knowledge Standard 5 : Instructional Planning and Strategies Standards Standards are not identified Standards are identified and Standards are identified and Standards are identified and or standards are identified few are correctly aligned to some are correctly aligned to most are correctly aligned to but none are correctly lesson plan content. lesson plan content. lesson plan content. aligned to lesson plan content. Few Objectives align with Some Objectives align with Most objectives align with national/state/district national/state/district national/state/district Objectives are not aligned standards. standards. standards. with national/state/district standards. Standard 3 : Curricular Content Knowledge Standard 5 : Instructional Planning and Strategies Instructional Approach Instructional approach was Instructional approach Instructional approach Various instructional not identified. identified was not identified was appropriate for approaches are identified and No activities are identified. appropriate for the lesson. the lesson. are appropriate for the lesson. No attempt to check for Activities do not align to Few activities align to Some activities align to the student understanding. selected instructional selected instructional selected instructional approach. approach. approaches. Instructional approach did not include strategies to Instruction does not include Instruction includes a Instruction includes a enhance language through a description of how teacher description of how teacher description of how the teacher Lesson Plan Rubric 2 SPE/584 Version 1
content related vocabulary. will check for student will check for student will repeatedly check for understanding. understanding. student understanding. Instructional approach Instructional approach Instructional approach included minimal strategies included adequate strategies included effective strategies to to enhance language to enhance language enhance language through through content related through content related content related vocabulary. vocabulary. vocabulary.
Standard 5 : Instructional Planning and Strategies Integration of Technology Activities do not incorporate Activities make limited use of Activities incorporate Activities incorporate teacher/student use of technology for teacher or technology in limited ways technology in a variety of ways technology. students. for both the teacher and for both the teacher and the students. students.
Use of augmentative, Use of augmentative, alternative or assistive alternative or assistive Adequate use of Effective use of augmentative, technology to support technology to support augmentative, alternative or alternative or assistive accessing general education accessing general education assistive technology to technology to support content is not included. content is minimally support accessing general accessing general education included. education content is content is included. included. Standard 5 : Instructional Planning and Strategies Adaptation No specific strategies were Few and/or inappropriate Some specific strategies Most specific strategies identified to accommodate specific strategies were identified appropriately identified appropriately the identified learning identified to accommodate accommodate the identified accommodate the identified disability. the identified learning learning disability. learning disability. No instructional adaptation is disability. Some instructional Thorough instructional provided n the lesson plan Limited instructional adaptation is provided n the adaptation is provided in the for the identified learning adaptation is provided n the lesson plan for the identified lesson plan for the identified disability. lesson plan for the identified learning disability. learning disability. learning disability.
Standard 1 : Learner Development and Individual Learning Differences Standard 5 : Instructional Planning and Strategies Content Knowledge Knowledge of the content Very little knowledge of the Some knowledge of the Knowledge of the content covered in the lesson plan is content covered in the content covered in the covered in the lesson plan is not accurate. lesson plan is accurate. lesson plan is accurate. accurate. Standard 3 : Curricular Content Knowledge Organization Lacks logical Logical Logical Logical sequence/progression sequence/progression of the sequence/progression of the sequence/progression of the of the components to meet components to meet components to meet components to meet objective is evident and objective. objective is attempted. objectives is evident. comprehensive. Lesson Plan Rubric 3 SPE/584 Version 1
Mechanics Spelling and grammar errors Spelling and grammar errors Spelling and grammar errors Spelling and grammar errors are excessive and interfere are numerous and interfere are minimal and do not are very few and do not with understanding of with understanding of interfere with understanding interfere with understanding of instructional unit. instructional unit. of instructional unit. the lesson plan.