Committee of the Whole Meeting s3
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The Committee-of-the-Whole Meeting of the City Council of the City of Hackensack was held at City Hall, 65 Central Avenue, Hackensack, New Jersey, on Tuesday, July 7, 2015.
The meeting was called to order at 6:36 p.m. by Mayor John Labrosse and he asked the City Clerk to call the roll.
Present: Mayor John P. Labrosse, Jr., Deputy Mayor Canestrino, Councilman Battaglia, Councilman Sims, Councilman Some, City Attorney John Visconi and City Manager David Troast were in attendance.
Ms. Karlsson: “In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231, Laws of 1975, adequate notice of this meeting was provided by sending a notice to The Record and the Star-Ledger and by posting a copy on the Bulletin Board in City Hall."
Manager’s Report:
Inter-local Health Services-Bergenfield – There is a resolution on the meeting. As per NJSA 26 a licensed health officer is needed. Having a licensed health officer is also important with regard to our State Aid.
Oritani Field Club – There will be a resolution on tonight’s meeting authorizing the planning board to investigate this property as a non-condemnation redevelopment area.
Passaic-Bergen Commuter Line – There will be a resolution on tonight’s meeting in support of the commuter line.
CDBG Committee Appointment – There will be a resolution on tonight’s meeting appointing Albert Dib, due to the retirement of John Flannigan, as a member of the Bergen County Community Development Co9mmittee with David Troast serving as the alternate
Permanent Cosmetics – An introduction of an Ordinance regarding permanent cosmetics will be on tonight’s meeting. This does not allow tattooing.
Zoning Board/ LTACH –There will be a resolution on tonight’s meeting that the Zoning Board’s recommendation be sent to the Planning Board to prepare a report for the Mayor and Council.
Formation of Environmental Commission – The attorney will look into whether this should be a commission or a committee. This would have guidance over recycling, cleanup days, river cleanup and may have up to 9 members. At this time the Veteran’s Board was brought up that Mr. Mike Melfi was interested in heading this board. Mr. McAuliffe has also expressed interest in this issue and would like to see service dogs also included.
7.7.15 1 Deputy Mayor Canestrino asked if the Bergenfield inter-local agreement was the same as last years? The City Manager stated that it was.
A motion was made by Deputy Mayor Canestrino and seconded by Councilman Sims to open the meeting to the public. The Mayor reminded the public that they had five minutes to speak.
Regina DiPasqua – Parker Avenue – Body piercing does that include the earlobe or is it exempt? The attorney said he would have that clarified. The Inter-local agreement – if they are part time how does that work? The manager stated he is here two times a week and is on call. Susan is going to school and then will sit for the exam. Are we replacing John Flannigan? He had a lot of knowledge. Was or has the position been posted? The manager stated yes it was posted and that the position has been filled. What about Charlotte Panny? She used to handle the clean up days who will be doing that now? Manager stated that Gregg Liosi would be doing that.
Lenny Nix – The Oritani Field Club, I hope the planning board takes a good look at this area. There were plans two years ago that were not discussed for a residential complex. The rail line resolution on tonight for support, who wrote the resolution, it is not Tunnelle Avenue it is the tunnel to Edgewater. The GW Bridge was built with tubes for the subway lite rail.
Council Comments: None
As no one else wished to be heard, a motion was made by Deputy Mayor Canestrino and seconded by Councilman Some to close the public portion of the meeting.
Council Member Intro Second Yes No Abstain Absent Excused Battaglia x Deputy Mayor Canestrino x x Sims x x Some x Mayor Labrosse x CITY OF HACKENSACK A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR AN EXECUTIVE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE FOLLOWING PURPOSES:
WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the City of Hackensack deem it necessary to discuss certain actions under Section 7b7 & 7b8 of the Open Public Meetings Act which pertains to matters falling within attorney-client privilege, on-going litigation and personnel matters concerning the employment of a current or prospective public employee(s).
WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the City of Hackensack is of the opinion that such circumstances may presently exist; and
7.7.15 2 WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to discuss the following issues: 1. Personnel Matters – White Collar Union 2. On-going Litigation – Heck v City, Aletta v Bergen County 3. Matters involving attorney/client privilege
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Council of the City of Hackensack deem it necessary to exclude the public from this discussion. The outcome of the discussion will be disclosed within 90 days or at such time as the interests of the City do not require confidentiality.
APPROVED: By the Mayor and Council on September 1, 2015
7.7.15 3