Ok St Bd of Examiners for Long Term Care Adms. 11-19-2014
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The Regular Board meeting of the Oklahoma State Board of Examiners for Long Term Care Administrators (OSBELTCA) was held November 19, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. The meeting location was at the Shepherd Mall Office Complex, 2401 NW 23rd, OSBELTCA Conference Room, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Ms. Susan Barnes, Chair, presided over the meeting.
Advance notice of this regularly scheduled meeting was transmitted to the Oklahoma Secretary of State on February 26, 2014 and posted on the OSBELTCA website on October 21, 2014. The notice and agenda were posted in prominent public view on the front doors of the Shepherd Mall Office Complex located at 2401 NW 23rd, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on November 18, 2014 at 9:00 a.m.
Ms. Susan Barnes, Chair, Edmond Mr. Bill Pierce, Vice-Chair, OK City Ms. Nancy Poteete, Sec-Treasurer, Norman Mr. Curtis Aduddell, OK City Ms. Nancy Atkinson, OK City Ms. Pat Bean, OK City Mr. Brett Coble, Ardmore Ms. Georgia Devening, Choctaw Ms. Susan Haws, Glenpool Ms. Jacki Millspaugh, OK City Mr. Bill Weaver, OK City Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, Tulsa
Dr. Scott Calhoon, OK City Ms. Lisa Pever, OK City Ms. Denise Wilson, Langley
1 Mr. Gaylord Z. Thomas, Executive Director Ms.Tiffany Wythe, Assistant Attorney General Ms. Ginger Dean Ms. Pam Duren Ms. Melissa Holland Ms. Heather Kay Mr. Ed Hendrix Ms. Becky Moore Mr. Jeff Baker Ms. Kenora Baker Ms. Jessica Mitchell Mr. Wayne Coldwell Ms. Jessica Garvin Ms. Tina Stults Ms. Sherry Reid Mr. Justin Richardson Ms. Elanor Wallis Mr. Jeff Gregston Ms. Jacqueline Beck Ms. Steve Hawkins Ms. Bobbi Moore
Ms. Susan Barnes, Chair, called the meeting to order and stated that we were in compliance with the Open Meeting Act and Authority.
Ms. Barnes asked Ms. Pam Duren to call roll to establish a quorum.
Present were Ms. Nancy Atkinson, Ms. Susan Barnes, Mr. Curtis Aduddell, Ms. Jackie Millspaugh, Ms. Georgia Devening, Ms. Nancy Poteete, Ms. Pat Bean, Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, Mr. Bill Pierce, Mr. Brett Coble, Mr. Bill Weaver and Ms. Susan Haws. There was a quorum.
Ms. Susan Barnes asked the public to introduce themselves to the Board members.
Ms. Susan Barnes asked the Board members to review the minutes of the 10-22-2014 Board meeting.
There was a correction made on page three of the minutes regarding changing the name of Mr. Aduddell to Mr. Thomas.
Motion was made by Ms. Pat Bean, seconded by Ms. Nancy Poteete, to approve the minutes of the 10-22-2014 Board meeting to include the aforementioned correction. Motion OK ST BD OF EXAMINERS FOR LONG TERM CARE ADMS. 11-19-2014 carried with voting as follows: Affirmative – Ms. Nancy Atkinson, Ms. Susan Barnes, Ms. Georgia Devening, Ms. Nancy Poteete, Ms. Pat Bean, Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, Mr. Bill Pierce and Mr. Brett Coble. Negative – None. Abstaining – Mr. Curtis Aduddell, Ms. Jacki Millspaugh, Mr. Bill Weaver and Ms. Susan Haws.
Mr. Curtis Aduddell, Chair of the Education Committee, gave the Education Committee report.
Mr. Aduddell led the review, discussion and possible action regarding granting the request of a Nursing Home Administrator’s license.
Mr. Aduddell informed the Board that Mr. Jeff Baker met the requirements for becoming a Nursing Home Administrator effective today.
Motion was made by Mr. Curtis Aduddell, seconded by Mr. Bill Weaver, to approve Mr. Jeff Baker as a Nursing Home Administrator effective today. Motion carried with voting as follows: Affirmative – Ms. Nancy Atkinson, Ms. Susan Barnes, Mr. Curtis Aduddell, Ms. Jackie Millspaugh, Ms. Georgia Devening, Ms. Nancy Poteete, Ms. Pat Bean, Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, Mr. Bill Pierce, Mr. Brett Coble, Mr. Bill Weaver and Ms. Susan Haws. Negative – None. Abstaining – None.
Mr. Aduddell informed the Board that Mr. Wayne Coldwell met the requirements for becoming a Nursing Home Administrator effective January 1, 2015.
Motion was made by Mr. Curtis Aduddell, seconded by Mr. Bill Weaver, to approve Mr. Wayne Coldwell as a Nursing Home Administrator effective January 1, 2015. Motion carried with voting as follows: Affirmative – Ms. Nancy Atkinson, Ms. Susan Barnes, Mr. Curtis Aduddell, Ms. Jackie Millspaugh, Ms. Georgia Devening, Ms. Nancy Poteete, Ms. Pat Bean, Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, Mr. Bill Pierce, Mr. Brett Coble, Mr. Bill Weaver and Ms. Susan Haws. Negative – None. Abstaining – None.
Mr. Aduddell informed the Board that Ms. Jessica Mitchell met the requirements for becoming a Nursing Home Administrator effective today. Motion was made by Mr. Curtis Aduddell, seconded by Mr. Bill Weaver, to approve Ms. Jessica Mitchell as a Nursing Home Administrator effective today. Motion carried with voting as follows: Affirmative – Ms. Nancy Atkinson, Ms. Susan Barnes, Mr. Curtis Aduddell, Ms. Jackie Millspaugh, Ms. Georgia Devening, Ms. Nancy Poteete, Ms. Pat Bean, Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, Mr. Bill Pierce, Mr. Brett Coble, Mr. Bill Weaver and Ms. Susan Haws. Negative – None. Abstaining – None.
3 Mr. Aduddell informed the Board that Ms. Sherry Reid met the requirements for becoming a Nursing Home Administrator effective January 1, 2015.
Motion was made by Mr. Curtis Aduddell, seconded by Mr. Bill Weaver, to approve Ms. Sherry Reid as a Nursing Home Administrator effective January 1, 2015. Motion carried with voting as follows: Affirmative – Ms. Nancy Atkinson, Ms. Susan Barnes, Mr. Curtis Aduddell, Ms. Jackie Millspaugh, Ms. Georgia Devening, Ms. Nancy Poteete, Ms. Pat Bean, Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, Mr. Bill Pierce, Mr. Brett Coble, Mr. Bill Weaver and Ms. Susan Haws. Negative – None. Abstaining – None.
Mr. Aduddell informed the Board that Ms. Tina Stults met the requirements for becoming a Nursing Home Administrator effective today.
Motion was made by Mr. Curtis Aduddell, seconded by Mr. Bill Weaver, to approve Ms. Tina Stults as a Nursing Home Administrator effective today. Motion carried with voting as follows: Affirmative – Ms. Nancy Atkinson, Ms. Susan Barnes, Mr. Curtis Aduddell, Ms. Jackie Millspaugh, Ms. Georgia Devening, Ms. Nancy Poteete, Ms. Pat Bean, Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, Mr. Bill Pierce, Mr. Brett Coble, Mr. Bill Weaver and Ms. Susan Haws. Negative – None. Abstaining – None.
Mr. Aduddell led the review, discussion and possible action regarding granting the request of a Residential Care/Assisted Living Administrator’s License.
Mr. Aduddell informed the Board that Ms. Jacqueline Beck met the requirements for becoming a Residential Care/Assisted Living Administrator effective today.
Motion was made by Mr. Curtis Aduddell, seconded by Mr. Bill Weaver, to approve Ms. Jacqueline Beck as a Residential Care/Assisted Living Administrator effective today. Motion carried with voting as follows: Affirmative – Ms. Nancy Atkinson, Ms. Susan Barnes, Mr. Curtis Aduddell, Ms. Jackie Millspaugh, Ms. Georgia Devening, Ms. Nancy Poteete, Ms. Pat Bean, Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, Mr. Bill Pierce, Mr. Brett Coble, Mr. Bill Weaver and Ms. Susan Haws. Negative – None. Abstaining – None.
Mr. Aduddell informed the Board that Ms. Jessica Garvin met the requirements for becoming a Residential Care/Assisted Living Administrator effective today.
Motion was made by Mr. Curtis Aduddell, seconded by Mr. Bill Weaver, to approve Ms. Jessica Garving as a Residential Care/Assisted Living Administrator effective today. Motion carried with voting as follows: Affirmative – Ms. Nancy Atkinson, Ms. Susan Barnes, Mr. Curtis Aduddell, Ms. Jackie Millspaugh, Ms. Georgia Devening, Ms. Nancy Poteete, Ms. Pat OK ST BD OF EXAMINERS FOR LONG TERM CARE ADMS. 11-19-2014
Bean, Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, Mr. Bill Pierce, Mr. Brett Coble, Mr. Bill Weaver and Ms. Susan Haws. Negative – None. Abstaining – None.
Mr. Aduddell informed the Board that Ms. Elanor Wallis met the requirements for becoming an Adult Day Care Administrator effective January 1, 2015.
Motion was made by Mr. Curtis Aduddell, seconded by Mr. Bill Weaver, to approve Ms. Elanor Wallis as an Adult Day Care Administrator effective January 1, 2015. Motion carried with voting as follows: Affirmative – Ms. Nancy Atkinson, Ms. Susan Barnes, Mr. Curtis Aduddell, Ms. Jackie Millspaugh, Ms. Georgia Devening, Ms. Nancy Poteete, Ms. Pat Bean, Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, Mr. Bill Pierce, Mr. Brett Coble, Mr. Bill Weaver and Ms. Susan Haws. Negative – None. Abstaining – None.
Licenses were presented at this time.
Mr. Curtis Aduddell, Chair of the Education Committee, led the review, discussion and possible action regarding the request of the following RC/RCAL Training program:
OKALA-Assisted Living Administrator Certification Course Melissa Holland 310 NE 28th St, Ste 212 OK City, OK 73105
Motion was made by Mr. Bill Pierce, seconded by Mr. Curtis Aduddell, to approve the aforementioned RC/RCAL Training program for one year. Motion carried with voting as follows: Affirmative – Ms. Nancy Atkinson, Ms. Susan Barnes, Mr. Curtis Aduddell, Ms. Jackie Millspaugh, Ms. Georgia Devening, Ms. Nancy Poteete, Ms. Pat Bean, Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, Mr. Bill Pierce, Mr. Brett Coble, Mr. Bill Weaver and Ms. Susan Haws. Negative – None. Abstaining – None. Ms. Nancy Poteete, Chair of the Finance Committee, introduced Ms. Bobbie Moore and Mr. Steve Hawkins from the Office of Management and Enterprise Services (OMES) who gave a brief overview of the Board’s Financial status. Discussion followed.
Mr. Thomas led the review, discussion and possible action regarding the adoption of the Probable Cause change, wherein the Executive Director will continue to screen the Oklahoma State Department of Health’s notifications of substandard quality of care survey results.
Motion was made by Mr. Bill Weaver, seconded by Mr. Bill Pierce, to adopt the Probable Cause change, wherein, the Executive Director will continue to screen the Oklahoma State Department of Health’s notifications of substandard quality of care survey results. Motion carried with voting as follows: Affirmative – Ms. Nancy Atkinson, Ms. Susan Barnes, Mr. 5 Curtis Aduddell, Ms. Jackie Millspaugh, Ms. Georgia Devening, Ms. Nancy Poteete, Ms. Pat Bean, Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, Mr. Bill Pierce, Mr. Brett Coble, Mr. Bill Weaver and Ms. Susan Haws. Negative – None. Abstaining – None.
Mr. Thomas informed the Board that the Probable Cause Committee recommended that there was no probable cause regarding 14-70(H)
Motion was made by Mr. Bill Weaver, seconded by Ms. Nancy Poteete, to accept the recommendation of the Probable Cause Committee that there was no probable cause regarding the aforementioned case. Motion carried with voting as follows: Affirmative –Ms. Susan Barnes, Mr. Curtis Aduddell, Ms. Jackie Millspaugh, Ms. Georgia Devening, Ms. Nancy Poteete, Ms. Pat Bean, Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, Mr. Brett Coble, Mr. Bill Weaver and Ms. Susan Haws. Negative – None. Abstaining – Ms. Nancy Atkinson and Mr. Bill Pierce.
Mr. Gaylord Z. Thomas, Executive Director, gave his report as follows:
1. REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF INVESTIGATION PERIOD FOR 13-89 & 13-91: Both cases were initiated in December 2013 and are coming up on a 12 months of being open. We are limited to one year for investigation purposes unless the Board approves keeping the case open longer (Title 63, Section 330.64, which states, in part, “Each complaint investigation shall be completed within twelve (12) months of initiation. The time period may be extended by the Board for good cause.”)
Case 13-89 – This case is pending prosecution; respondent’s attorney has requested that we delay the Agreed Order that is pending as they are also involved in separate litigation and they do not want that order to cast any kind of doubt on their other case. We need to leave it open to further investigation for the same reason – that we could possibly include the outcome of that case if we opted so to do (if it relates). Requesting the investigation period be left open through May 2015 due to the possibility of new information coming forth from the related case.
Case 13-91 – This case is still pending adjudication in a court and our case depends largely on the outcome of that case; if we don’t leave it open our investigation window closes after one year and we would not be allowed to include the outcome in our findings. Due to the slow nature of the development of this case, requesting the investigation period be extended through 12/31/15 due to the nature of this case which depends on the outcome of ongoing litigation outside our control.
Motion was made by Mr. Bill Pierce, seconded by Mr. Bill Weaver, to approve the extensions of the aforementioned cases. Motion carried with voting as follows: Motion carried with voting as follows: Affirmative – Ms. Susan Barnes, Mr. Curtis Aduddell, Ms. Jackie Millspaugh, Ms. Georgia Devening, Ms. Nancy Poteete, Ms. Pat Bean, Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, Mr. Bill Pierce, Mr. Brett Coble, Mr. Bill Weaver and Ms. Susan Haws. Negative – None. Abstaining – Ms. Nancy Atkinson. OK ST BD OF EXAMINERS FOR LONG TERM CARE ADMS. 11-19-2014
2. RENEWALS: Off and running… as usual, the percentage of administrators who’ve renewed in these first 19 days is low; we always expect the “mad rush” to renew in December. But we do think we’ve worked out most of the kinks and renewal seems to be working relatively smoothly. There are always somehow new things that come up.
3. AUDIT UPDATE: This process has finally “passively” begun as they’ve reached out to us for some documentation but we’ve not yet had a formal inbrief which we expect to get, which will include their “estimate” of the cost of the audit, etc.
4. UPCOMING EVENTS/DATES: Next Board Meetings: December 17, January 28 NAB Mid-Year Meeting – November 11-14 (SF) – [NAB funded travel]
Final note: I intended to “Welcome” Lisa Pever to the Board today, but she commenced a survey on Tuesday and informed us she would not be able to attend so we will look forward to saying “Farewell” at our next meeting to Jim Jakubovitz and to welcoming her at that meeting. As well, I personally wanted to say my own “Thank you” to you all for your patience, thoughts and prayers while I endured a short sort of medical excursion of my own. It appears that I’m going to be fine (follow-up with the doctor next week), so thank you for bearing with me through that.
Mr. Tiffany Wythe, Assisted Attorney General, made a presentation to the Board regarding the Open Meeting Act and other laws related to the conduct of Board business.
The meeting adjourned at 11:07 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted,