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Welcome To Camp Internet online learning expeditions
This is your Expedition Passport
for recording your learning experiences and accomplishments
Name :
Destination: Global Garden
School/Library/Program Outpost:
Outpost Leader :
Grade Level :
2 The Garden – What do plants need to grow Answer as many as you can in the time provided
3 1. List the basic things a plant needs to grow?
2. Draw a picture of a sunflower and label the main parts of the plant?
3. Name three sources of nutrients or other essential resources for plants to live.
4 4. Describe what Crop Rotation is.
5. From your Soil & Soil Testing studies at testing.htm find and list the 7 most typical things used to describe soil type.
The following 3 questions refer to soil studies at testing.htm
5 6. Describe Loam type soil:
7. Describe Sandy type soil:
8. Describe Clay type soil:
9. Based on the illustration at garden/science/garden-why-do-plants-have-flowers.html list the 4 parts of a flower.
10. Define what organic gardening is.
6 11. Do all flowers make seeds? If they do not all make seeds describe two other ways plants reproduce.
12. Review the creative compost studies at List the 3 types of compost used in a garden.
Trail Guides:
What is the history of Gardening?
7 Answer as many as you can in the time provided
1. Define gardening.
2. When did humans first begin to cultivate plants for food? Refer to
3. Evidence for plant cultivation in North America shows that it Began at least how many years ago? Refer to precolumbian.html :
4. Referring to the same page as question #3 list when the cultivation of maze (corn) began in North America?
8 5. Where was corn introduced into North America from?:
6. What is the name of the first cereal grain cultivated by humans for food? Refer to age-crops.html
7. What is the Ancient Farm Project? Refer to
9 8. List 2 important crops grown in the Ancient Farm Project. images.html
9. Define “Sustainable Agriculture”. How does it apply to modern food production? Refer to garden/science/sustainable-agriculture-what-is.htm
10 10. What is another name for “Jeffersons Plows”? Refer to 2.html
11. List the 4 basic groups which gardens can be divided into. Refer to agriculture-students.html
11 12. Work in Jefferson’s garden at Monticello is discussed between the years 1794 and ____ in the study lesson located at monticello.html . Please fill in the last date.
Trail Guides:
What is Gardening?
Answer as many as you can in the time provided
1. Define what organic gardening is. Refer to
12 2. List 4 things which help a plant grow. Refer to growth.html
3. What is the “Plant Nutrient Cycle”? Refer to
13 4. What is “Findhorn”? Refer to garden/humanities/garden-links-gardens.html
5. What is “The Farm?” Where is it located? Refer to gardens.html
6. Define “Eco-Design”. Refer to garden/humanities/eco-design.html :
14 7. What type of soil is best for vegetables?
8. What type of soil is best for flowers?
9. Can you grow a garden in a desert? If yes give an example.
10. Define Bio-intensive Gardening? Refer to
15 11. How much water does an average vegetable garden take per day when it is starting? How much water per day by mid-season?
12. How many hours of sun light a day does an average garden need?
16 Trail Guides:
1. Does compost play a role in farming? If yes describe what compost is used for.
2. Is composting a type of recycling? If yes describe how.
3. What is vermicomposting?
4. Who wrote about composting 2000 years ago? Refer to
17 5. List 6 factors which affect the process of a compost. Refer to
6. Can you maintain a compost indoors? If yes, describe how.
7. Can compost be used to grow food people eat?
8. Is there a difference between compost from kitchen waste and compost from yard and garden cuttings? If there is a difference please describe.
9. Compost creates soil. How does kitchen waste or garden clippings become soil? In other words what makes the compost do what it does?
18 10. Why would a trash heap or other pile of waste not compost?
11. Which of these materials composts the most quickly?
1) zucchini 2) pumpkins 3) tomatoes 4) corn cobs
12. Which of these materials compost the most slowly?
1) zucchini 2) pumpkins 3) tomatoes 4) corn cobs
Trail Guides: ______
19 Gardening on the Space Station or How does a garden grow in the classroom? Answer as many as you can in the time provided
1. Define “hydroponics.
2. Describe your idea of how you would grow food indoors. Remember you will live on the food you grow: Refer to
20 3. What is “Biosphere 2”? Where is it located?
4. Who first used the word “biosphere”. What Country was that person from? What was the word used to describe. Refer to
5. Growing food indoors or out requires planning. What are the first steps in preparing to grow food indoors ? Refer to
6. What advantage does a greenhouse offer the gardner?
21 7. What type of soil is best for a window sill garden? Refer to
8. How long does it take for a seed to sprout in a window garden?
9. What kind of soil do you use in hydroponics?
10. Does Genetically Enhanced seed do better growing indoors?
11. Is the tomato plant you grow in an indoor garden different than a tomato plant you grow in an outdoors garden? If it is different please describe how.
Trail Guides:
22 Seeds Answer as many as you can in the time provided
1. What is a seed? Refer to garden/seeds.html
2. List 3 ways a seeds get from where it grows to where it will sprout?
3. Are seeds the only way plants reproduce? If not list other ways plants make new plants.
23 4. What are “heirloom seeds” ?
5. Is the seed from a non-organically grown vegetable able to make an organic plant if that seed is plated in organic soil ?
6. List 4 factors which permit seeds to sprout?
7. Can seeds be spouted in space?
24 8. Is there a difference between Genetically Enhanced seeds and regular seeds? If there is please describe the difference.
9. How do you keeps seeds from this years garden for next year?
10. When did humans first begin to save seeds for the next season? Refer to history.html
Trail Guides: ______
25 GIS, GPS & your Garden Answer as many as you can in the time provided
1. Define GIS:
2. Define GPS.
26 3. How is GPS used with GIS?
4. List 5 different features of the Camp Internet garden which are listed on the Camp Garden GIS
5. Describe how a garden GIS would help control a pest such as aphids.
6. List the latitude and longitude coordinates for the Camp Internet garden.
27 Trail Guides: