The Odisha State Co-Operative Milk Producers
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THE ODISHA STATE CO-OPERATIVE MILK PRODUCERS’ FEDERATION LTD ,D-2, SAHID NAGAR, BHUBANESWAR – 751 007 PHONE : 0674 – 2546030/ 2546121/2540417 FAX NO: 0674 – 2540974 E-Mail: omfed @,
Cost of Tender Document Rs.10,000.00+5%VAT = Rs.10,500.00
Submission of fill in Tender Documents By 1300 hrs, dtd.10.06.2014
Opening at 1500hrs, dtd.10.06.2014 At OMFED Corporate Office D-2, Sahidnagar, Bhubaneswar Name of Tenderer______
FAX NO:______
OMFED invites sealed tenders from Transport Agencies/Truck owners to engage vehicles for transportation of cattle feed 6000 to 7000 MT appx. Per month from Omfed Cattle Feed Plant, Radhadamodarpur (Near Khuntuni), Dist.
Cuttack within the operational area of Omfed in Odisha for a period of one year.
The tender shall be received up to 1300 Hrs. dt.10.06.2014 & shall be opened on same day at 1500 Hrs. For details, please visit our website:
A. Sealed Tenders are invited from bonafied, experienced and resourceful transporters, vehicle owners, transport agencies for transportation of Omfed Cattle Feed from Omfed Cattle Feed Plant, Radhadamodarpur, ( Near Khuntuni), Dist: Cuttack, 40KM from Cuttack in between Cuttack – Dhenkanal Road to different areas within Odisha for the period 01.09.2014 to 31.08.2015..
B. The Tender documents can also be obtained from OMFED, D-2, Sahid Nagar, Bhubaneswar on payment of Rs.10,500/- ( Tender Cost +5% VAT) ( Non-refundable) in cash or DD drawn in favour of OMFED payable at Bhubaneswar.
C. The tender documents can be down loaded from our website The filled in Tender Document may be accepted with the cost of Tender documents in shape of DD on OMFED payable at Bhubaneswar along with EMD.
D. The rate quoted should be fixed for different vehicle upto 50KM and above 51-150KM & above 150KM per KM/MT. The quoted rate should be linked with the diesel price. E. The tenderer should have enough resources and capability to transport cattle feed 6000 to 7000 MT approximately cattle feed per month.
F. The payment shall be made to transporter based upon (a) fixed amount upto 50KM of 09MT & (b) above 50KM on actual KM, covered per KM/MT basis.
G. Payment to be made once in a month before 10th of every succeeding month and shall be made by way of Account payee cheque/RTGS. There will be a increase/decrease in the fuel price a prorate basis. H. Earnest money Deposit (EMD): Rs.1,00,000.00 to be deposited in shape of DD in favour of OMFED payable at Bhubaneswar. No tender document shall be accepted without EMD.
I. EMD of successful bidders will be adjusted against security deposit while for unsuccessful bidders it will be refunded within 30 days from the date of opening of the tenders on written application.
J. The bidders selected for orders has to deposit Rs.5,00,000.00 as security in shape of DD in favour of OMFED. The same will be refunded to the transporter on written request after satisfactory completion of contract.
K(i) The bidder should have enough vehicles in hand of capacity 9 to 10MT, 15 to 17MT & 20 to 22MT to transport 250MT Cattle Feed/Day considering transit/detention period throughout the year.
(ii) The bidders selected for orders should have minimum turnover of 2.5 cores per annum for last five years towards transportation.
(iii) Documents required: Xerox copies of the vehicle R.C. Book, Road Tax & Insurance documents and proof of turnover.
L. The successful tendered must have to execute an Agreement (Proforma given herewith) in Non-Judicial stamp paper worth Rs.20/- to appoint as Transport Contractor.
M. Last date for receipt of tender paper is up to 1300 Hrs. dtd.20.05.2014. The tenders will be opened at 1500 Hrs, on the same day at OMFED Head Office. N. The sealed Tender must be super scribed on top of the envelope “ TENDER FOR TRANSPORTATION OF CATTLE FEED” Due on dtd.10.06.2014 & will be received at OMFED Head Office.
O. Acceptance of tender: Tenders filled in all respect must be sent to The Odisha State Co- Operative Milk Producers’ Pvt. Ltd., D-2, Sahid Nagar, Bhubaneswar- 751 007 by Regd. Post/ Courier /Person to reach within 1300 Hrs. on Dtd.10.06.2014. Incomplete tenders & tender received after specified time will not be accepted. OMFED is not responsible for any type of delay in arrival of Tenderer.
P. The Federation reserves the right to engage the vehicle in other route. For any addition or alternation in distance, freight will be increased/decreased proportionately.
OMFED reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tender wholly/partly without assigning any reason thereof. THE ODISHA STATE CO-OPERATIVE MILK PRODUCERS’ FEDERATION LTD ,D-2, SAHID NAGAR, BHUBANESWAR – 751 007 PHONE : 0674 – 2546030/ 2546121/2540417 FAX NO: 0674 – 2540974 TENDER APPLICATION To The Chairman-Cum-Managing Director, OMFED, Bhubaneswar
Sub: Tender for transport rate contract for Cattle Feed
Dear Sir, In reference to your tender published in______dtd.______the following rate is quoted by me / us. (As per Diesel Rate Rs. /ltr.) Sl.No Distance Slab Basis of Rate Offered Rate in Rs. 9 - 10 MT 15 - 17 MT 20 - 22 MT
1 Up to 50Kms Fixed per trip
2 51KM to 150 KM KM/MT
3 Above 150 KM KM/MT
02. Cost o tender paper Rs.10,500/- deposited vide DD No. ______dtd.______03. EMD of Rs.______deposited vide DD No. ______dtd.______of ______Bank. I/we hereby declare that, I /we have gone through in details terms & conditions stated in tender Documents before filling up our rates & submission of the tender paper. I/we are agreeable to be abided the terms & conditions stipulated by the Federation. Encl. 01. Original Bank DD towards Tender document cost. 02. Original Bank draft for EMD 03. Xerox copy of the RC Book 04. Others, if any Full Signature Name:______Address with Telephone No.:______On Selection, the Contractor to execute the following agreement on Non-Judicial Stamp Paper worth Rs.20/-
The agreement made on ______between the Chairman cum Managing Director or any authorized Officer of The Odisha State Co-operative Milk Producers’ Federation Ltd., Bhubaneswar (here-in- after called the Federation) on behalf of The Odisha State Co-operative Milk Producers’ Federation Ltd., Bhubaneswar which expression shall , unless the context otherwise admit, includes the successors and assignees on one part and M/s ______(herein after called the contractor) which expression shall, unless the context otherwise admits includes his heirs, executers , administrators, representatives assignees and successors in office in the other part.
Whereas the Contractor has agreed with Federation to Transport OMFDED cattle feed to the places specified as required by / and on behalf of the Federation, during the period from ______to ______at the rates and in the manner and upon the terms & conditions here in after mentioned.
AND WHEREAS the contractor has deposited with the Federation a sum of Rs.5,00,000.00 as Security Deposit for the due and faithful performance of the contractor , no interest being payable on the said deposit.
NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESS at all times during the tenure of the agreement here in before mentioned, the contractor shall undertake the transportation at the rate of Rs.______per truck load for a distance up to and inclusive of 50 KM , from 51 KM to 150 KM @ Rs.______per KM/MT and above 150 KM @ Rs. ______per KM /MT (Diesel rate of Rs.______/ltr considered) .The rate shall be as per weight and distance exclusive of service tax, incidental charges like loading , unloading and octroi etc.
2. The Contractor shall not any time or on any ground whatsoever during the tenure of the Agreement here in before mentioned, claim any revision or modification of the rate (s) mentioned in the schedule above. However, any increase or decrease on diesel rate shall be calculated as per norms of the Federation and revision may be considered prorate.
3. The Contractor shall be responsible for the prompt and timely placements of the vehicle and ensure delivery of the cattle feed and other feeds in good conditions within 24hrs. of departure , failing which the demurrage charges for feeds shall be borne by the Contractor fully. It will be the sole responsibility of the Transporter to see that the vehicles shall report at the destination with consignment before 4.00 PM .Indents shall be placed by the Plant Authority or his authorized representative considering the requirement and urgency. Contractor may place his vehicle within the time specified by authority at loading Dock. In case of delayed placement of vehicle and delivery claim arising by the consignee will be made good by the transporter which will include also the cost of hired transport if the contractor will not place vehicle in time.
4. The Contractor shall arrange for the transportation within 24 (Twenty four) hours of getting the message from the Federation /Cattle feed plant under all circumstances; it will be the responsibility of the Transporter or his authorized representative to collect the indents for the subsequent day or days.
5. IN case of delayed provision of transportation, resulting delay in delivery of cattle feed, the Federation reserves the right to impose a cut on the bills of the Contractor as penalty. Repetition shall result in forfeiture of the security deposit or a part thereof as deems fit as compensation for damage to customer relations and goodwill and other losses.
6. In the event of the Contractor not being able to provide the required number of vehicles to the Federation for the Transportation of cattle feed , the Federation shall have the right to engage vehicles from other sources and the excess expenditure incurred thereof shall be borne by the Contractor. In case the transporter fails to provide the vehicle as per the indent received, he has to pay up to Rs.500/- per truck per day as penalty for non-placement of vehicles within indented time. This amount may be increased / decreased at the discretion of Federation.
7. The vehicle deployed for transportation shall be in good and road worthy conditions. Every consignment shall be sealed after loading and covered by Tarpaulins to be provided by the Contractor and the Contractor shall be fully responsible for all means of safety during the transit. The loss/shortage during transit shall be made good by the Contractor.
8. In case of failure to fulfill this contract partly or wholly, the Contractor is liable to forgo all deposits paid by him under this contract besides rendering him liable to make good and loss sustained by the Federation on account of breach by the Contractor.
9. The Contract cannot be transferred or assigned without the written permission of the Federation.
10. Receipts and dispatches shall be strictly between 08.00 AM to 3.30 PM .However, only in special exigency cases the loading may be given in any other specified time or day at the convenience to plant decided by the Authority as per the instruction of Plant Manager.
11. In the case of accident /breakdown of any vehicle deployed by the Contractor for transport, the contractor shall be bound at his own cost, to send a substitute vehicle or otherwise arrange for transportation of cattle feed, under intimation to the Federation within the stipulated period. The transporter may cover transit insurance at his own cost for the material transported by his vehicle.
12. The contractor shall instruct his Drivers and Cleaners of the transporting vehicles to follow the instruction given by the Federation officials from time to time .Non-adherence may lead to termination of the Contract.
13. The vehicle put on the road and staff employed by the Contractor for the same shall have to satisfy the provisions under the Motor Vehicle Act and Rules framed there under from time to time. The Federation will not be responsible and answerable for any accident enroute on the above ground.
If, any loss for damage of properties of the Federation, entrusted with the Contractor, by way of accident occur, the Contractor is liable to pay in full for such losses or damages to the Federation. 14. The Contractor shall always send along with the vehicle a letter of identification to confirm that the vehicle is sent by him only and the bonafides of his representative (s) accompanying the vehicle.
15. The Transport charges will be paid to the Contractor only after the entire quantity allotted in respect of cattle feed is delivered at the concerned point and acknowledgement from the consignee is produced along with the bill. However, he should deposit one copy of the consignee’s acknowledgement, challan within 48 hours of delivery of when the same truck reports for any subsequent loading whichever is earlier. In case of deviation, the Federation reserves the right to refuse giving any load to the truck and such cases shall be treated as defaulter for placement of transportation vehicle and in such cases the penalty of Rs.500/- will be imposed on the Transporter.
16. The bills towards transportation shall be prepared once in a month before 10th of every succeeding month, and payment shall be made as early as possible by way of Account Payee Crossed Cheques.
17. The fixation of interest free Security Deposit on the first estimation is subject to re-fixation, according to the increase in turnover. The Contractor shall remit any such enhancement of Security Deposit ordered by the Federation subsequently within the stipulated time.
18. After the complete fulfillment of this contract by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Federation, the Security Deposit will be refunded to the Contractor.
19. The Contractor cannot claim any compensation or damage for the non-utilization of his vehicles due to any un-foreseen conditions like Strikes,Bandhs & Plant Breakdown etc. The claims for any compensation for delay in loading , unloading or detention for more than 08 hrs shall be paid @ Rs.500.00 per 24 hrs. or part thereof.
20. The Contractor shall be fully responsible and make good any loss, determined by the Federation, if the employees /servants /agents of the Contractor are engaged in any kind of malpractices or accomplices to malpractices.
21. The Federation reserves the right of shortening the Agreement period at any time in the interest of the Organization. 22. The Federation shall have right to appoint as many transport contractors as required depending on the volume of business .The Contractor shall not have any claims for uniform distribution of work in comparison with the other transporter.
23. The Federation shall be at liberty within a period of three months from the date hereof to terminate this Agreement any time either wholly or in part. After three months, 30 days notice shall have to be served from either side to make any modification in the Agreement or termination of this Agreement.
24. In case of any dispute or doubt arising out of this Agreement, the matter shall be referred to the Managing Director of the Federation and whose decision shall be final and binding on both the parties.
25. The Federation reserves the right to add any new Clause(s) during the tenure of this Agreement.
26. The Contractor has to abide all State and Central Rules and Regulations relating to Motor Vehicle Act, India Carriage Act.
27. The Transporter has to carry letter or materials up to maximum weight of 200 Kgs through the same truck / lorry and the additional materials will be delivered by the transporter at the desired place .No claim for such transportation will be accepted by the Federation.
28. The Federation reserves the right to engage the vehicle in other routes, place & purpose within the State at any time, where the Federation has its operational area, within the contract period for which freight will be increased /decreased proportionately.
29. The Transporter or his staff will not involve directly or indirectly on strike individually or jointly to affect the business of OMFED in any manner .If such situation arises, the Transporter will be liable for the loss with penal action as per law including termination of contract.
30. The Transporter and his staff will show utmost courtesy to OMFED staff, and he will also abide by the disciplinary rules of the plant. If any unpleasant situation created by the transporter or his staff inside and outside plant premises, the contract is liable to be cancelled with other penal action.
IN WITNESS WHERE OF the Transporter and Federation acting for and on behalf of any by the order and direction of the Chairman-cum-Managing Director , The Odisha State Cooperative Milk Producers’ Federation Ltd., have here to get their signature and seals the date first above mentioned.
Singed by the above named.
Singed on behalf of The Odisha Sate Cooperative Milk Producers Federation Ltd. Contractor Signature