Medieval Shield Assignment English 10A Nielsen

The Medieval Shield Medieval shields were developed to protect a knight or soldier from the direct blows from the weapons of their enemies. Medieval shields were made of a variety of materials including hide or animal skins (leather), bark, wood, metal, leather-covered wood and wicker, or basket work. The art of designing, displaying, describing, and recording arms is called heraldry.

Medieval Shield Designs - Purpose There were many personal meanings behind the Medieval shield designs and the symbols that were used to decorate them. Medieval shield designs were decorated with symbols which were used as a means to recognize a knight when he was jousting at tournaments and on the battlefield. This form of recognition via Medieval shield designs was necessary as the armor worn by a Knight included a visor which completely covered the face. The decoration and colors on a shield, or the shield symbols, were therefore highly functional, allowing knights to be easily recognized.

Medieval Shield Designs - Symbols A variety of symbols were used as representations in Medieval shield designs. Plants, animals, lines, and other objects all had special meanings for the owner of the shield.

Objects: . Black = death, fear, ignorance . Horse Shoe = Good Luck . Brown = earth, poverty, humility . Chain = Obligation . Blue = hope, truthfulness, servitude . Helmet = Wise Defense . Purple = royalty, penitence, mourning . Heart = Sincerity or Charity . Crown = Authority Animals: . Tower = Society or Wealth . Bear = Protectiveness . Sun = Glory . Bee = Industriousness . Angels = Dignity, glory, and honor . Camel = Perseverance . Bow and Arrow = War, power, ability to hit a . Dog = Loyalty target . Double Eagle & Eagle = Leadership & . Scepter = justice Decisiveness . Ring = fidelity . Dragon = Defender of Treasure . Star = nobility . Falcon or Hawk = Eagerness . Fire = zeal . Fox = Cleverness . Crown = authority . Griffin (part eagle, part lion) = Bravery . Lightning = decisiveness . Horse = Readiness to Serve . Lion = Courage Colors: . Pelican = Generosity & Devotion . White = purity, virtue, innocence . Raven = Constancy . Yellow or Gold = renewal, hope, light, . Snake = Ambition generosity . Stag, Elk or Deer = Peace & Harmony . Orange = courage, endurance, strength . Tiger - Fierceness & Valor . Green = nature, hope, loyalty . Unicorn = Extreme courage . Red = power, importance . Wolf = Constant Vigilance

--OVER-- Your Medieval Shield

Using the information provided, create a Medieval shield that represents your identity and purpose in “battle.” You may use either the template provided or one of your choice, and your shield should be thoughtfully, carefully, and colorfully designed.

In addition to the shield, you must provide a written justification for your visual selections. This should be approximately one page in length (double-spaced, TNR, 12-pt font). Make sure you justify each one of your choices, including colors, animals, symbols, etc.



Neatness and creativity ______/10

Use of symbols, colors, animals ______/10


Well-written, demonstrating thoughtfulness and care with each visual selection ______/10

Formatted correctly; 12 pt TNR font; about one page in length with paragraph structure ______/5

Grammar: demonstrates proper grammar, usage, and punctuation ______/5

TOTAL: ______/40