Day 1 Team Organization-Wide Planning Activity Notebook

Preparation of this Worksheet was supported, in part, by cooperative agreement JPK %50470 from the Minnesota Department of Human Services. The University of Minnesota undertaking projects under government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore necessarily represent official MN DHS policy.

1 Activity One Introductions, Roles, and Ground Rules

Team members have the opportunity to learn about other teams and team member’s roles.

2 Activity Two Coaches Connect

Team members engage in a discussion around:

1) Level 1 changes made for people, level 2 changes made/needed, and level 3 changes, if identified.

2) Coaches Tips: highlights of learning/victories resulting from implementation of the PCT skills

3) All team member’s identified barriers, requests, ideas, etc.

3 Activity Three

Person-Centered Organizational Development Activity

Complete domains in Person-Centered Organizational Development Tool

Key Contacts will enter in numbers collected

We will have a brief sharing session after the activity

4 Activity Four

MN Team Implementation Checklist (Fidelity Tool): Overall

Work as a group to discuss and answer all of the sections in the Overall Fidelity Tool

Key Contact will enter final numbers into “Overall Fidelity Tool” spreadsheet under today’s date

5 Activity Five

Action Planning

Team Discussions:

• Meeting schedule and revisiting Action Plan

• Embedding into existing structures

Review the action plan format proposed with your team

Develop One action plan item to work on for Training Day 2

6 Action Plan Item Area Who is By Status (PCT/PBS Responsibl When Update ) e

7 Self-Assessment Checklist Please bring the following documents and information for team training days 2 & 3:

o Organizational Values, Vision, and Mission Statements

o Policies Related to Organization (Supports, Staff Training, Practices, Prevention, Crisis Management, etc.)

o Information About Other Positive Supports Implemented in Organization

o Assessments and Surveys (Satisfaction of People Receiving Supports, Staff Climate, etc.)

Start collecting the following documents and information for team training day 4: o Organization Design and Workforce Information

o Vacancies

o Tenure/Retention

o Assessment of Training Systems

o List of Content Related to Training Systems

o Issues Related to Challenges

o Injuries

o Behavior Intervention Report Form Data

o Other incident report data systems

8 o Information About Quality of Life Data Systems

o How Information Gets Collected

o Examples of How Data Are Summarized

o Summary of How Data Are Currently Used for Decision Making