4Th Grade Science Checkpoint #3: Weather Checkpoint

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4Th Grade Science Checkpoint #3: Weather Checkpoint

4th Grade Science Checkpoint #3: Weather Checkpoint 3rd Nine Weeks

Name: ______

Date: ______

1. The solid form of precipitation made of ice crystals is called

A. fog. B. rain. C. drizzle. D. snow.

2. Dew forming on the ground is an example of

A. evaporation. B. condensation. C. precipitation. D. transpiration.

3. Clouds may be high, middle, or low. High clouds are above 20,000 feet. Middle clouds are between 6,000 and 20,000 feet. Low clouds are between the ground and 6,000 feet. Which type of cloud would be found at 10,000 feet?

A. low cloud B. middle cloud C. high cloud D. cannot be determined from the information given

4. The letter H is the weather symbol for

A. hail storms. B. humidity. C. hurricane. D. high pressure.

5. Which weather instrument tells the direction the wind is blowing?

A. barometer B. rain gauge C. thermometer D. weather vane

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6. Why does the Northern Hemisphere experience summer in June, July, and August?

A. The Northern Hemisphere is closest to the Sun during these months. B. Earth is orbiting the Sun faster during these months. C. The Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun during these months. D. The North Pole is pointed directly toward the Sun during these months.

7. What can a hygrometer measure?

A. precipitation B. cloud heights C. humidity D. air temperature

8. Thundercloud is another name for

A. nimbostratus. B. cirrocumulus. C. cumulonimbus. D. altostratus.

9. In April, when it is springtime in the Northern Hemisphere, which season is it in the Southern Hemisphere?

A. winter B. spring C. summer D. fall

10. Which instrument is used to measure air pressure?

A. thermometer B. barometer C. anemometer D. hygrometer

11. A temperate climate is characterized by temperatures that are

A. very high most of the time. B. constantly changing. C. very low most of the time. D. not very high or very low.

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12. The climate in an artic zone is

A. hot and dry B. cold and dry C. hot and wet D. cold and wet

Use the bar graph below to answer question 13.

13. The bar graph shows the amount of rainfall for each month from April through August. In which two months was the rainfall the same?

A. April and June B. May and August C. June and July D. April and August

14. Ms. Rely’s class is doing an experiment outside with ice cubes and colored paper. The ice cube will melt fastest on

A. red paper. B. green paper. C. white paper. D. black paper.

15. Wind speed can be measured using

A. an anemometer. B. a thermometer. C. a barometer. D. a spectrometer.

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16. Which action adds carbon dioxide to the atmosphere?

A. reducing amounts of air pollution B. using solar and wind energy C. burning only fossil fuels to get energy D. traveling in electric cars

Use the weather maps below to answer question 17.

17. In which direction is the cold front moving?

A. north B. south C. east D. west

18. Two containers were filled with cold water and then put in the sun. The water temperature was recorded every five minutes. The results are shown in the table below.

Which is MOST LIKELY the temperature of the water in container A after 25 minutes in the sun?

A. 8 Degrees Celsius B. 10 Degrees Celsius C. 16 Degrees Celsius D. 20 Degrees Celsius

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19. Which tool would you use to measure the amount of rain that falls in an area?

A. B.

C. D.

20. What causes the grass to get wet on a cool summer night when there is no rain?

A. Water comes up from the ground. B. Water from the air forms droplets on the grass. C. Frost on the grass melts. D. Clouds during the night make the grass wet.

Use the picture below to answer question 21.

21. What climate zone is between the polar zone and the tropical zone in North America?

A. semiarid zone B. temperate zone C. tundra zone D. subtropical zone

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22. What does a barometer measure?

A. temperature B. wind speed C. air pressure D. humidity

23. Vern is doing an experiment to measure the heating effect of the Sun. He needs to use a small dish of water, a clock, and a

A. light meter. B. hydrometer. C. pH meter. D. Thermometer.

Use the pie graph below to answer question 24.

24. Air is mostly

A. water. B. carbon dioxide. C. oxygen. D. nitrogen.

25. In the United States, each day the Sun appears to

A. rise in the north and set in the south. B. rise in the south and set in the north. C. rise in the west and set in the east. D. rise in the east and set in the west.

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26. David recorded these surface water temperatures from a pond near his school. He recorded the temperatures on the first day of each month.

Since David was away in July, he could not take a temperature reading for that month. A reasonable estimate for July’s pond temperature is

A. 12 degrees B. 18 degrees C. 32 degrees D. 45 degrees

27. A dish of sugar water was left on a window sill. One week later, there were only sugar crystals left in the dish. The water was gone. The best explanation for the appearance of sugar crystals is

A. some of the water was absorbed by the dish. B. the air condensed. C. the water evaporated. D. the light shining on the window sill produced more sugar.

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Use the graph below to answer question 28.

28. Jack was studying changes in the weather. He wrote down the temperature at 12:00 noon for five days in January. On which two days were the temperatures closest to each other?

A. Days 1 and 2 B. Days 2 and 4 C. Days 4 and 5 D. Days 3 and 5

29. Many scientists believe that if carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere continue to go up,

A. average temperatures would increase. B. the ocean will get smaller. C. the humidity would increase. D. the polar ice caps would get larger.

Use the diagram below to answer question 30.

30. Precipitation occurs at the step marked

A. A B. B C. C

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D. D

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Answer Key

1. D 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. D 6. C 7. C 8. C 9. D 10. B 11. D 12. B 13. B 14. D 15. A 16. C 17. C 18. B 19. D 20. B 21. B 22. C 23. D 24. D 25. D 26. C 27. C 28. B 29. A 30. D

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