7 Year Academic Program Review Process

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7 Year Academic Program Review Process

Towson University 7 Year Academic Program Review Process

The University System of Maryland (USM) requires a program review by external reviewers for all academic degree programs every seven years. The 7-year program review process is extensive and consists of an internal self-study of each program within the context of the discipline as a whole and the department in which it resides. Each review must include feedback from an external reviewer and a comprehensive plan for improvement. The review process takes approximately one and half years from start to finish. A detailed timeline with due days noted informs the process (Appendix A).

The primary goal of the academic program reviews is to evaluate the quality of undergraduate and graduate programs within the context of departmental structures. Reviews are intended to be helpful and supportive in (a) recognizing strengths and achievements, (b) promoting goal setting and planning, and (c) identifying areas in need of attention. They should also give the University and USM an informed overview of the strengths, problems, and needs of academic units.

The following documents are prepared as a part of the 7-Year Program Review process:  Self-Study Report (Appendix B)  External Reviewer Report (Appendix C)  USM Report for the Periodic Review of Academic Programs, including Comprehensive Plan for Improvement (Appendix D)

Appendix E includes the Program Review Schedule. Programs should begin the self- study the year before the due date on the table.

Because the programs involved in the self-study process in a particular year do not represent the totality of programming offered by a particular college, it is crucial that the dean play key roles in the self-study process, including the selection of the external reviewer, and creation of the improvement plan in the USM Report for the Periodic Review of Academic Programs. Reviews should primarily seek perspectives useful to the units whose programs are under review and to their respective academic deans. The results of the review should be used to inform program and/or departmental change and program development.

The Self-Study Report must demonstrate how the curriculum supports student learning outcomes, how outcomes are assessed, and how assessment results are used to improve practice. Other issues addressed include departmental strategic plans, the quality of faculty teaching, comparison of program quality to peer programs, enrollment trends and program demands, and cost-effectiveness of the program. USM requires that programs under review identify a Comprehensive Plan for Improvement based on the recommendations of the external reviewer, including

1 Updated February 2016 ways progress will be assessed. The external reviewer prepares an External Reviewer Report based upon the self-study report and information collected during the one-day site visit.

Degree programs accredited by external agencies develop assessment practices that align with accrediting agency standards. External accreditation has a positive effect on the success of programs in these discipline areas. These external accrediting agencies tend to have higher standards that are tailored to their fields relative to the internal standards used for all other programs. If the site visit is within one year of the scheduled program review, the visiting team report can be substituted for the external consultant review requirement associated with the USM 7-Year Program Review process. Accredited programs will still need to prepare the 7 Year USM Report on Periodic Review of Academic Programs and include a Comprehensive Plan for Improvement as a part of that document.

The external review process culminates in review of the 7 Year USM Report on Periodic Review of Academic Programs by the USM Board of Regents. They review the findings and formally approved the Comprehensive Plan for Improvement included in the report. Departments report on the implementation of the Improvement Plan during the annual assessment reporting process and in the next scheduled external review. Appendix E includes the Program Review Schedule. Programs should begin the self- study the year before the due date on the table.

2 Updated February 2016 Appendix A Timeframe for 7 Year USM Program/Department Review

Academic Year 1

November: Programs involved in reviews due in three years notified of process.

November/December: . Program representative(s) attends workshop . Program/department identifies faculty team to work on the review

January/February: Program/department begins self-study process . Determines structure of report (single program or multiple programs in single report) . Reviews findings of previous review . Identifies what information exists, what is needed, and what process(es) will be used to obtain data . Develops a calendar and submits to respective academic dean a schedule of tasks to be completed and person(s) responsible for tasks . Meets with academic dean to discuss assessment process and potential issues to be addressed

March-August: Program/department obtains and analyzes information including annual assessment reports (Compliance Assist) and data from other campus areas

Academic Year 2

August-October: Program/department prepares and shares preliminary draft of self- study with appropriate faculty in department

September: Program/department identifies three potential external reviewers, confirming willingness to serve (External Reviewers should represent peer institutions in terms of program quality and level).

October 1: Program/department submits names and credentials of three external reviewers to respective academic dean to review. Academic dean selects from nominees provided or identifies other consultants and requests their service.

October 15:  Program/department submits draft self-study to respective academic dean, and Dean of Graduate Studies, for graduate programs, for review and comment  Academic dean invites the chosen external reviewer to campus for the site visit to be scheduled March 15-April 15. Because the site visit should include a meeting with the Provost, contact the Provost’s Executive Administrative Assistant (4-

3 Updated February 2016 3501) regarding possible dates prior to confirming the site visit. The dean’s office completes all necessary paperwork for the consultant and works with the department in creating the site visit schedule.

November 1: The academic dean sends the name of the external reviewer and credentials along with the confirmed site visit date to the Vice Provost

November 15: The deans provide feedback on the draft self-study to programs/departments

December 15:- Program/departments completes updates of the self-study and submits to academic dean, and Dean of Graduate Studies for graduate programs, for final review.

January 15: Program/department submits self-study report to external reviewer.

February 15- April 15: Program/department hosts external reviewer (one day site visit), including meeting with the Provost.

May 1: External reviewer submits written report electronically to the program/department.

May 1 – June 15: Program/department works with academic dean to finalize the USM Report on Periodic Review Academic Programs form, including the comprehensive plan for the future or improvement plan, to reflect departmental/program interest in addressing the findings of the external reviewer. Program/department must work collaboratively with their respective academic dean. Programs using their most recent accreditation visit in lieu of the external reviewer must develop the comprehensive plan for the future or improvement plan as a part of the USM Report on Periodic Review Academic Programs (electronic submission).

June 30: Program/department submits all program review materials including the Self-Study Report, External Reviewer’s Report, 7 Year USM Reports on Periodic Review Academic Programs to academic dean . Programs using their most recent accreditation visit in lieu of the external reviewer report should provide a copy of the accreditation self-study, visiting team report, and USM Report on Periodic Review Academic Programs and the signature page. The academic dean reviews the materials to confirm college prioritization of resources and plans.

Academic Year 3

July 15: Academic dean submits the following materials to the Vice Provost  Self-Study Report (electronic submission)

4 Updated February 2016  External reviewer’s report and accreditation action letter if working with an accrediting agency (electronic submission)  7 Year USM Report on Periodic Review Academic Programs (Word Version)

July15- August 1 – Vice Provost reviews all materials for compliance with USM guidelines, contacting the dean, chair, director, or coordinator for information or clarification if needed.

August 15 – Program/department submits final materials electronically via respective dean to the Vice Provost

September 1 – Vice Provost submits all materials to the Provost for review and approval. Additional clarification may be sought from the dean and program area, as necessary.

October 1* – Vice Provost submits draft of 7 Year USM Report on Periodic Review of Academic Programs to the USM Office of Academic Affairs for review.

October* - USM returns the summary reports to Towson for revision, if necessary. Vice Provost submits revised 7 Year USM Report on Periodic Review Academic Programs to the USM Office of Academic Affairs, if necessary

Novembe r* – USM Committee on Education Policy and Student Life reviews and acts on 7 Year USM Report on Periodic Review Academic Programs

December *- USM Board of Regents acts on recommendation by the 7 Year USM Report on Periodic Review Academic Programs

*USM required deadlines

5 Updated February 2016 Appendix B Seven Year USM Program/Department Review Self- Study Format (30-40 pages)

1. Executive Summary of Comprehensive Plan for Improvement (2-3 pages)

2. Overview and Vision a. Vision, mission and objectives ( 1 page) b. Relationship to the university mission, vision, and strategic plan and to the college strategic plan c. Brief overview of program or department d. Recommendations and actions from previous seven year review

3. Assessment of Quality- Description and Analysis of Quality of and Demand for Programs 1 , 2 ,3 a. Program/Department Inputs a.i. Program/department focus and reputation a.i.1. Distinguishing characteristics a.i.2. Local, regional, national ranking, metrics of excellence, and visibility a.i.3. Future direction/needs of the profession/discipline a.ii. Students by program a.ii.1. Number of students who apply, are admitted, and enroll by program (data should be disaggregated if approved for off-campus or online delivery) – Graduate and Screened majors only a.ii.1.a. Information on “Screened” undergraduate majors available in home department, not applicable for other undergraduate majors a.ii.1.b. Contact Admissions (4-3636) for information on graduate programs a.ii.2. Qualifications of students who enroll- GPA, entry exams, professional experience, diversity a.ii.3. Graduate assistantships, fellowships, and scholarships, if applicable a.iii. Faculty a.iii.1. Number of faculty – part time and full time (Departmental information available at http://www.towson.edu/ir/dept_profiles.asp)

1 Reference University data sources and include tables in appendices, where appropriate

2 Cite results of accreditation reports and external reviews

3 Address assessment of quality of programming offered at different off-site locations and using distance education technologies in separate sections

6 Updated February 2016 a.iii.1.a. FTE commitment by program a.iii.1.b. Faculty rankings a.iii.1.c. Faculty to student ratios a.iii.1.d. Retention Rates a.iii.2. Qualifications of faculty – degrees, teaching, scholarship, diversity, professional experience, university and professional service a.iv. Staff support a.iv.1. Number of staff - part time and full time a.iv.2. Qualification for roles a.v. Resources a.v.1. Fiscal a.v.1.a. Revenues- tuitions, grants, endowments, if applicable a.v.2. Expenditures- salaries, expendable equipment and supplies (Departmental information available at http://www.towson.edu/ir/dept_profiles.asp) a.v.3. Other resources- equipment, space, library, learning materials, labs and studios b. Program/Department Processes b.i. Curriculum b.i.1. Process for curriculum development and recent activity b.i.2. Curriculum Requirements by Program (from CIM) b.i.3. Course content- rigor, comprehensive, currency, applicability for current and future needs b.i.4. Course delivery methods b.i.5. Learning experiences- internships, service learning, scholarly engagement b.ii. Students- b.ii.1. Learning expectations and learning supports b.ii.2. Retention initiatives b.iii. Faculty b.iii.1. Teaching b.iii.1.a. Number and types of assignments b.iii.1.b. Quality and competency b.iii.2. Professional development- expectations and supports b.iii.3. Retention initiatives b.iv. Quality Improvement Initiatives

c. Program/Department Outcomes c.i. Program/department c.i.1. Program/department accreditation and professional ranking, if applicable

7 Updated February 2016 c.i.2. Program productivity and viability according to MHEC (Program information included in Department Profile http://www.towson.edu/ir/dept_profiles.asp) c.i.3. Graduates rating of the program/department, if available and applicable. Undergraduate survey results available at http://www.towson.edu/provost/institutionalresearch/stude ntsurveys.html . Contact IR to see if data can be disaggregated by program) c.ii. Student c.ii.1. Learning outcomes 4 c.ii.1.a. Assessment Overview by Program (from Compliance Assist) c.ii.1.b. Summary of Findings by year (from Compliance Assist - report 7 years) c.ii.1.c. Ongoing changes made to the program in response to the assessments (from Compliance Assist – report 7 years) c.ii.2. Other possible data 5 c.ii.2.a. Scholarly and creative productions c.ii.2.b. Internship and service learning scores/evaluations c.ii.2.c. Professional and community engagement c.ii.2.d. National certification and examination pass rate c.ii.2.e. Career placement and continuing education opportunities- number and types of career and advanced education c.ii.2.f. Employer rating of graduates c.ii.2.g. Exit GPA c.ii.2.h. Time to degree completion

c.iii. Faculty c.iii.1. Faculty scholarly and professional productivity c.iii.2. Professional and community engagement

4. Summary and Comprehensive Plan for the Future - a. Comparative strengths and distinctiveness, and areas of improvement across all program levels b. Opportunities to extend existing strengths- and resources in place or needed

4 Refer to information in Compliance Assist

5 Include information if applicable and available and not addressed in Learning Outcomes section

8 Updated February 2016 c. Positioning of program/department to address future direction of the discipline in the next seven years d. improvement plan for next seven years for each program d.i. Key objectives, and strategies actions to achieve each objective d.ii. Timeline, entity responsible, and milestones and measurable outcomes to determine progress and measure success d.iii. Method of achieving objectives d.iii.1. Internal improvements d.iii.2. Improvements that can be achieved only with additional resources and plans to obtain these resources

9 Updated February 2016 Appendix C External Reviewer’s Report

The report of the external reviewer should include the following:  Analysis of currency of program compared to peer institutions;  Program strengths  Program weaknesses  Address relationship of programs at different levels in the same discipline  Recommendations for program improvements, with each accompanied by a brief fact-based rationale. Recommendations made regarding additional/improved resources (staffing, facilities, operating budgets, equipment, etc.) must be supported by solid evidence, such as assessment data indicating the area warrants improvement, disciplinary association standards, resources at peer institutions, etc.

External Review Expenses The Office of the Provost provides modest support for the program review process. Funding up to a maximum of $750 per program will be provided by the Provost. Any additional costs are the responsibility of the College. Expenses will not be covered until the final report is submitted by the external reviewer.

Each dean is responsible for selecting the external consultant and submitting the necessary paperwork to hire and pay the external consultant. The decision to provide additional support, including travel expenses is the decision of the respective dean. Each dean will determine the appropriate office in his/her college responsible for completing and processing the necessary paperwork (Honorarium Letter of Invitation, Honorarium Request Application, Miscellaneous Expense Voucher , and W-9 form .).

The two honorarium forms can be obtained from the procurement website under Forms: Honorarium Letter of Invitation Honorarium Request Application

To initiate this process, the College should forward a copy of the final consultant’s report with the Miscellaneous Expense Voucher and other documentation as described above to the Vice Provost. The request should include the receiving department and account code. The Vice Provost processes the forms.

10 Updated February 2016 Appendix D 7 Year USM Report on Periodic Review of Academic Programs


Academic unit:

Program(s) reviewed:

Year in which the review process was Completed and Names(s) of External Reviewer(s):

Enrollments and Degrees Awarded for Each of the Past Five Years in This Program (c):

Year 20xx- Year 20xx- Year 20xx- Year 20xx- Year 20xx- xx xx xx xx xx Fall Enrollment

Annual Degrees Awarded

Summary of the INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL REVIEW: (I nclude major findings and recommendations for action. � For external reviews associated with regional or programmatic accreditation; please indicate accrediting group and context in which the review occurred.)

Departmental/college/institutional action plan for addressing recommendations, including mechanisms for following up and assessing progress:

Issue 1 –

Strategy 1 – Anticipated Completion Date: Entity Responsible:

Strategy 2:

11 Updated February 2016 Anticipated Completion Date: Entity Responsible:

Strategy 3 Anticipated Completion Date: Entity Responsible:

Issue 2 –

Strategy 1 – Anticipated Completion Date: Entity Responsible:

Strategy 2: Anticipated Completion Date: Entity Responsible:

Strategy 3 Anticipated Completion Date: Entity Responsible:

Submitted by:

Date of submission:

12 Updated February 2016 Appendix E USM Program Report Cycle 7-Yr Report Program/Major Degree Due Applied & Industrial Math MS 2016 Autism Studies PBC 2016 Counseling Psychology CAS 2016 English BA,BS 2016 Environmental Science MS, PBC 2016 Environmental Science & Studies BA,BS 2016 Forensic Chemistry BA,BS 2016 Forensic Science MS 2016 Geography & Environmental Planning BA,BS, MA 2016 Geography & Land Surveying BA,BS 2016 Instructional Technology EdD 2016 Interdisciplinary Studies BA,BS 2016 Mathematics BA,BS 2016 Occupation and Well-Being BA,BS 2016 Occupational Science ScD 2016 Occupational Therapy MS 2016 Professional Writing MS 2016 Psychology BA,BS MA 2016 Religious Studies BA,BS 2016 Sociology-Anthropology BA,BS 2017 Applied Physics MS 2017 Art & Design BA,BS,BFA 2017 Art History BA ,BS 2017 Art Studio MFA 2017 Child Life, Administration, and Family MS 2017 Collaboration Family and Human Services BA,BS 2017 Family Science BA,BS 2017 Family-Professional Collaboration PBC 2017 International Studies BA,BS 2017 Jewish Communal Service PBC 2017 Jewish Education PBC 2017 Jewish Studies MA 2017 Leadership in Jewish Education and MA 2017 Communal Services

13 Updated February 2016 Philosophy BA,BS 2017 Physics BA,BS 2017 Political Science BA,BS 2017 Women's & Gender Studies BA,BS MS PBC 2018 Accounting BA,BS 2018 Accounting and Business Advisory Services MS 2018 (w/UB) Business Administration BA,BS 2018 Communication Studies BA,BS 2018 Communications Management MS 2018 E-Business BA,BS 2018 History BA,BS 2018 Humanities MA 2018 Marketing Intelligence MS 2018 Interactive Marketing PBC 2018 Mass Communication BA,BS 2018 Physician Assistant Studies MS 2018 Project, Program & Portfolio Management PBC 2018 Supply Chain Management MS PBC 2019 Acting BFA 2019 Athletic Training BA,BS 2019 Biology BA,BS MS 2019 Computer Science BA,BS MS 2019 Deaf Studies BA,BS 2019 Information Systems BA,BS 2019 Information Technology BA,BS ScD 2019 Law & American Civilization BA,BS 2019 Nursing BA,BS MS 2019 Nursing Education PBC 2019 Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology BA,BS 2019 Sport Management BA,BS 2019 Theatre Arts BA,BS MFA 2019 Application of Dalcroze, Orff, and Kodaly PBC 2020 Applied Information Technology MS 2020 Audiology AuD 2020 Cultural Studies BA,BS 2020 Dance Performance & Education BFA 2020 Database Management Systems PBC 2020 Foreign Language BA,BS 2020

14 Updated February 2016 Information Security & Assurance PBC 2020 Information Systems Management PBC 2020 Internet Applications Development PBC 2020 Molecular Biology, Biochemistry & BA,BS 2020 Bioinformatics Music BM,BS,MM 2020 Music Education BA,BS,MS 2020 Networking Technologies PBC 2020 Professional Studies MA 2020 Social Science BA,BS 2020 Social Sciences MS 2020 Software Engineering PBC 2020 Speech-Language Pathology MS 2020 Chemistry BA,BS 2021 Clinician to Administrator Transition PBC 2021 Interactive Media Design PBC 2021 Metropolitan Studies BA,BS 2022 Action Research for School Improvement PBC 2022 Allied Health BTPS 2022 Applied Gerontology MS,PBC 2022 Art Education BA,BS,MEd 2022 Arts Integration PBC 2022 Early Childhood Education BA,BS MEd,CAS 2022 Earth-Space Science BA,BS 2022 Economics BA,BS 2022 Electronic Media & Film BA,BS 2022 Elementary Education BA,BS,MEd 2022 Exercise Science BA,BS 2022 Geology BA,BS 2022 Gerontology BA,BS 2022 Health Care Management BA,BS 2022 Health Science BA,BS,MS 2022 Human Resources Development MS 2022 Instructional Technology MS 2022 Integrated Early Childhood/Special BA,BS 2022 Education: Infant/Primary Integrated Elementary Education - Special BA,BS 2022 Education Integrated Homeland Security Management MS 2022 Integrated STEM Instructional Leadership PBC 2022

15 Updated February 2016 (PreK-6) Interdisciplinary Arts Infusion MA 2022 Kinesiology MS 2022 Mathematics Education MS 2022 Middle School Education BA,BS 2022 Organizational Change CAS 2022 Physical Education BA,BS 2022 Reading Education MEd, CAS 2022 School Psychology CAS 2022 Secondary Education MEd 2022 Security Assessment and Management PBC 2022 Special Education BA,BS,MEd 2022 Teaching MAT 2022

Requests to adjust the schedule must be submitted and approved by USM. Adjustments may be necessary due to extenuating circumstances, e.g., accreditation schedules, FMLA issues, or high percentages of program faculty involved in promotion and tenure review.

16 Updated February 2016

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