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BENTON IRRIGATION DISTRICT Office of the Board of Director’s P.O. Box 626 Benton City, WA 99320 Phone: 509-588-4396
Public Meeting August 23, 2010
The Benton Irrigation District’s (BID), Board of Directors (BOD) Monday meeting was held at the District Shop on Highland road in Benton City, WA beginning at 8:00AM
In Attendance: Chairman Shawn Gay, Director Robert Buoy, Director Melissa Glodo, Ed Mitchell Foreman, Administrative Assistant Ivy Johnson, Robin Harris (Anderson-Perry), Kim Pietrok CPA, water users: Larry Worley, Darren Bender, Terri Morris
1. August 10, 2010 Meeting minutes- Reviewed by the Board. Director Buoy moved to accept the minutes with corrections, Director Glodo 2nd.
2. August 12, 2010 Bureau of Reclamation meeting minutes- Reviewed by the Board. Director Glodo moved to accept the minutes with corrections, Director Buoy 2nd.
3. Water user Larry Worley asked Anderson Perry about the SEPA permit. Anderson Perry explained that the SEPA’s are put in the legal notices so agencies and the public can make comments on them. Anderson Perry explained that the SEPA for the phase that Larry is in is already done, and there is a SEPA being done for each phase of the project.
4. Operation/Maintenance Voucher’s – 0061-0062= $3,592.39 Vouchered to County= $2,816.68 Director Glodo moved to accept the Operating and Maintenance Vouchers, Director Buoy 2nd. The Board would like the U Dig invoices broke out as Project expense or BID expense for budgeting purposes.
5. SF 270-7 for Board approval:
. SF270-7 Anderson-Perry $161,807.42 Apollo $580,884.62 Kim Pietrok CPA $1,020.25 Cowan $20.25 BREA $43,577.50 Total $787,310.04 The Board asked about Apollo’s invoices- The difference between materials stored and materials used. Anderson Perry explained that basically the materials stored are materials that are stored and not used; the materials used are the materials that are in the ground. The materials are reconciled this way; the materials are tracked to make sure they are taken off the stored materials so the only thing that is paid for is the unit price. Anderson Perry said they will be getting with Apollo to get the change orders for Base Bid; they will have them for the next Board meeting. Director Buoy moved to pay the SF270-7 with the Sunbelt invoice correction, as it was paid with a credit card and already paid for by BID out of the O& M fund, Director Glodo 2nd.
6. Administrative Report- Corrected Resolution 2010-08, to transfer $19, 385.70 from the BID Construction fund to the BID O&M fund for the siphon repair on Gate 8. This is not a project cost. Director Glodo moved to accept resolution 2010-08, Director Buoy second Letter to Apollo- Anderson Perry drafted a letter to Apollo disputing the charge for the extra backfill work they did on the siphon repair. The original invoice was for $9,178.43 Anderson Perry could only justify $6,919.64 worth of actual construction. Chairman Gay moved to accept and sign the letter to Apollo, Director Glodo 2nd. The check will be sent with Anderson Perry’s’ letter Judkens parcel map- Mr. Judkens is short platting his property, and is requesting extra services. The Board said to send him the same letter as Mr. McCrae also requesting extra services for his short plat. Water users need to show proof from the county that they are in the process of short platting in a timely manner as not to hold up any project work, and that they are truly going to short plat. BID policy for the project is: BID pays for one service per parcel, any extra services is at the water users expense. Foreclosures- BID received 2 notices of foreclosure. The Administrative assistant asked the Board what the procedure was for this as there delinquent water assessments on the properties. The Board advised Ivy to get in contact with Sam at the Benton County Treasurers office.
7. Maintenance Report- 42 CFS in the open canal 12 CFS at the Pump Station The AC unit went out at the Pump Station, there was a plugged up dryer it had some moisture in it. The dryer was replaced at no cost to BID as it is under warranty. If it happens again a bigger dryer will be installed. Ed has spent 3 full days installing software at the Pump Station for reports. Ed presented an example of what they will look like, they are not completed yet. The Directors believe there should also be an acre feet water usage report. This will be added after the reports are up and working properly Rotorooted lines 15 & 30 Mowing and spraying Jeff Gardiner update- He does have 6 acres of irrigable land. He would like 2 deliveries do to the fact that District Line Rd runs through his property and it is a physical barrier. Jeff would like the 2nd delivery in exchange for his easement. The Board asked that an official letter be sent to him with Ed’s findings and to let him know he needs to attend the Board of Equalization meeting this fall. The Board agreed to give him the 2nd delivery since there is one other water user that received a 2nd delivery also because of a physical barrier Butch Rauch update- The District will purchase his gates for his restoration and Apollo will credit the District the cost of the gates. The gates are being replaced because Butch had the gates, Apollo asked him to set them out for them to install and due to Apollo not getting to them soon enough they were stolen Apollo- Apollo Construction has been driving across the BPA land to get to the parcel BID has leased to store excess soil. After many requests from BID and Anderson Perry to use the correct entrance they continue to cut across the BPA land. The Board of Directors has informed Apollo Construction to have all parts and equipment off the BPA site by August 27, 2010 and that Apollo foreman Greg was the only one to be on the site. Apollo Construction was installing the pipe on Corral Creek Rd when a potted plant (believed to be marijuana) was found in a length of pipe. This plant was removed from the pipe; a very irate resident came and verbally accosted Apollo Construction for stealing his potted plants. The installation continued. The next morning the pipe that was to be installed had been vandalized with a marker and painted obscenities. The Benton County Sheriff was called and a full report was made
8. Darren Bender- new development by 7th street with the irrigation pipe already installed. There are 39 lots ready to hook up to the pressurized system. They have a 5’ easement to do in house maintenance. Anderson Perry explained if they wished to do this they would need to create CC&R’s. The 5’ easement is not wide enough for BID to do maintenance for the development, and was explained BID needs a 10’ easement in order to do the maintenance. The lots are not short platted with the county yet. It was decided to change the easement to a 10’ easement and have BID do the maintenance. The District asked for the construction specs and test results, so Anderson Perry can study them and make sure this will all work. The engineer for the new development was Gary Hall.
9. Water user Larry Worley- His complaint is that for years he had always had an 18” blade, then it was reduced to 12” but the reduction was not done on his neighbor’s water. He wanted to know how many acres the other blade serviced south of Sunrise acres. He also stated that he does not want a dole valve; he said his figures showed he would be shorted 8% of his water right with a dole valve. He said he would get a lawyer if he had to to protect his water right. The Board tried to explain that the District is doing their very best to make the project fair to every water user. Larry also stated that the Sunrise Acres user group wants the new pipe installed closer to the old pipe due to the fact they are concerned about personal property that will be torn up during construction. Larry is very worried about his trees. Anderson Perry agreed to go look at his property and see what Larry’s concerns are. Anderson Perry explained the accuracy of water. It is hard to be 100% accurate with water, the dole valves will be within 15% accuracy. After Anderson Perry explained in great detail how the new system is going to work, Larry said he didn’t want the information on the old box. Ed is going to double check on that box and get Larry the information. Larry would also like the contractors to go straight across his new asphalt driveway and not at an angle.
10. Anderson Perry- Robin Harris Apollo is starting on Corral Creek 208 is going very slowly- a lot a very hard rock, they only got about 140’ done in one day Anderson Perry is going to walk the properties that are done to make sure all restoration things are getting done correctly. If they are not Anderson Perry will get the contractors right on the problem Director Glodo asked if there should be concerns about personal wells if there is rock blasting that needs to be done. Anderson Perry said it would be good to know of any personal wells that are close to blasting so as to not damage well casings, or cause water contamination. Anderson Perry stated that the shallower wells would be more of a concern. Robin said there are not any areas that need to be blasted yet. The Board asked him to please notify the District when there was any to be done. Permits are all in place for Corral Creek and Jim has all the information Marissa was on vacation, so Anderson Perry contacted Ecology and Wildlife to be put on notice for Corral Creek Chairman Gay has signed the notice of bid for Phase 2A. The pre-bid is set for Sept. 21,2010 at 1:00PM, the actual bid will be Sept 30,2010 at 2:00PM at the BID shop The Board would like Anderson Perry to notify the school district when construction is on the 1000’ feet of pipe by the high school where the students park Easements are going good- Phase 1B have about 10 left , + - 40 for Phase 2A Anderson Perry is handling the Notice of Intent for the Dept of Ecology The Board asked Anderson Perry to double check all the Federal Form requirements with Jerry Jacoby at the BOR
Director Glodo moved to adjourn the meeting, Director Buoy 2nd. Meeting adjourned at 11:15AM
Shawn Gay- Chairman______
Robert Buoy-Director______
Melissa Glodo-Director______
Ivy Johnson- Admin Asst______