Troy/Avondale Gymnastics

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Troy/Avondale Gymnastics



For one to make the best of one self, dedication, respect and trust are imperative. Respect your coaches, teammates, and most importantly your talent! Dedicate your entire self to your practice and trust that you can reach your goals.

Everyone gets scared, and everyone falls, but the key is to get right back up, and try harder the next time around. If let your fears hold you back, it will only result in failure which will inevitably restrain you from pursuing your goals!

Without risks, there is no greatness!!

“There is no guarantee of reaching a goal at a certain time, but there is a guarantee of never attaining goals that are never set”.

David McNally in Even Eagles Need a Push 2017-2018 Troy/Avondale Varsity Gymnastics Team Guidelines

Please refer to your school’s Code of Conduct for district rules and regulations for athletics. The following are my expectations in regards to our gymnastics team & important information you need to know in order for the gymnast to be able to start practice.

Pay To Play: Form & payment have to be received in order to participate in practice or meets. Gymnasts will NOT be allowed to participate at all until this form has been filled out and the payment has been made. Look on your schools website for information on pay to play. Remember to print off your receipt. Pay to play must be paid by December 8th.

Sports Physical: In order to be valid for the gymnastics season, the physical must be from April 15, 2017 or after. Gymnasts will NOT be allowed to participate at all until this has been turned into the Athletic office at your school.

Concussion Exam: Every gymnast must have a baseline concussion exam with the school trainer.

Injuries: gymnast will be instructed to see school trainer

Emergency Cards: Need to be filled out and returned to the coach prior to practice starting.

Transportation Agreement: Must be filled out & returned to the coach prior to competition.

Gym Tuition: Gymnastics Training Center (GTC) tuition is due by the 1st of every month. There is a $5 once a year registration fee (paid in cash or check) & waiver signed by the PARENT or GUARDIAN (not gymnast) PRIOR to your gymnast being allowed on their gym floor. Gymnasts will NOT be allowed to participate in practice until the waiver has been signed and payments have been made. Your account must be paid in full by the 1st of every month. If no payment is made, gymnast will not be allowed to practice until payment is up to date.

-ALL gymnasts are responsible for the monthly cost of $150 for November 2017-March 2018.

Practices: Monday: 5:30-8:30PM @ GTC

Tuesday: 3:00-4:30pm Avondale Weight Room Wednesday: 5:30-8:30PM @ GTC

Thursday: 5:30-8:30PM @ GTC

Friday: 3:00-4:30 pm Avondale Weight Room

*Practice is cancelled if school is closed due to weather—decision is made at 1pm by the school

Attendance & Tardiness: All practices will start on time. Please let a coach know BEFORE PRACTICE if you cannot make it on time or at all. It is expected that you attend ALL practices and meets even if not competing. Attendance is a factor in determining varsity letters, and maintaining good standing on the team. Conduct is detrimental to the team. In order to remain on the team, you may not have missed more than 5 practices and 1 of the dual meets. If you do not show up for practice or a meet for any reason, it is an absence. GYMNASTS MUST BE PRESENT FOR ALL PRACTICES THE WEEK OF A MEET IN ORDER TO COMPETE. There are exceptions to this 5 absence limit, but it will be handled by a case by case basis. If you cannot attend a practice, you still need to communicate that to the coaches. If you cannot attend a meet it is even more essential for you to let a coach know as it could affect the line-up of the meet.

District Policy: Students are to attend school at least 3 hours of the school day in order to participate in athletics during the same day or evening. Should there be a situation, other than illness, whereby a student cannot attend school, and would have the absence excused, then they may participate.

AP Tests: Athletes are expected to balance academics as well as athletics. Therefore, students will not be excused from practices and meets in order to prepare for AP Exams. If you have an exam that conflicts with a practice or a meet, please let us know ahead of time.

Code of Conduct: You are representing the Troy/Avondale Varsity Gymnastics Team at all times. Inappropriate or disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated. That includes behavior at school, GTC, on social media, at practices, at meets, or towards your teammates, coaches, and opposing teams. If you are caught behaving inappropriately or disrespectfully you may be temporarily suspended or removed from the team altogether. This includes, but is not limited to, illegal drug, alcohol, or tobacco use, violent or other criminal behavior etc.

*Cell phone use is NOT allowed during practice. No cell phones are allowed on the floor at GTC! They must stay with your belongings. If your parents need to get in touch with you, they can call the coaches or GTC front desk. (248) 852-7950

Troy Code of Conduct: Gym Practice Attire: Leotards need to be worn for practice. Gymnasts can wear spandex shorts over their leotards if they prefer. Sports bras and shorts or loose clothing are not acceptable.

Competition Leotards: We purchased new competition leotards 2016-2017 & will be using them this year as well as long as we can purchase additional leotards for new team members. If you are new to the team, you will need to get sized for a leotard ASAP and have it ordered. These are purchased by the gymnast and therefore will be owned by each individual gymnast, not kept by the school. Warm ups will be handed out once the gymnast checks list is completed and turned in.

Varsity Letters: In order to receive a Varsity Letter, an athlete must qualify for MHSAA Regionals as an individual or be a graduating senior.

Coach Contact Information:

Head Coach:

Diane Moskal [email protected] (248) 321-4678 (cell)

Assistant Coach:

Ashley Moskal [email protected] 248-918-3647 Gymnast Checklist—Due November 10, 2017

Please print clearly!

Gymnast Name: ______Phone number: ______

Email address: ______

Parents: ______

Phone number: ______

Email address: ______

1. Review Code of Conduct______

2. Pay to Play form & fee _____

3. Valid Sports Physical _____

4. Concussion exam ______

5. Emergency card filled out ______

6. Transportation Agreement (3pages) ____

7. GTC Parent/Guardian Waiver Signed _____ 8. GTC $5 once a year registration fee ______

9. GTC training cost $150/month (pay by the 1st of each month) ____

10. Competition Leotard ______

Gymnast Signature: ______

Parent(s) signature: ______

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