Welcome to Theatre
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Welcome to Theatre Instructors: Mrs. Valerie Bardwell Ms. Lisa Crawford Email: [email protected] [email protected]
Course Description: This class is designed to give you an overview of theatre. It uses group and individual assignments to introduce the foundations of theatre. You’ll learn theatre vocabulary, stage positions, monologues, duets, theatre history, stage make up, technical theatre basics, voice & diction, improvisation skills, and more!
DISCIPLINE: The most important things you’ll need to be successful in this class are a POSITIVE ATTITUDE, a CREATIVE IMAGINATION and SELF-DISCIPLINE. Before we begin, we must set some ground rules. 1) Follow the guidelines found in the student handbook 2) Be punctual and prepared! (Start your theatre journal as soon as you enter the room.) *First 3-5 minutes of class. 3) Memorize and participate in all activities as directed (Ex. monologues, duets, warm-up activities) 4) Respect yourself and everyone else in the room. Self-discipline is mandatory in the classroom. Chaos will not be productive, and will not be tolerated. 5) NO FOOD, GUM OR DRINK IN CLASS OR THE THEATRE.
SUPPLIES AND TEXTBOOK: Each student will keep a Notebook and writing utensil for Theatre. YOU MUST BRING THESE TO CLASS EVERYDAY!!! If you run out of paper, please inform your parents so you can get more ASAP!
HALL PASSES: Unless there is a note from the office due to medical condition, since this is a participation class, leaving class for any reason is highly discouraged. You cannot be graded if you are not here to participate.
GRADING POLICY: Grading policies for theatre are as follows:
1. Daily grades (vocabulary, warm ups, journal, quizzes, class or group work) count as 50% of the nine weeks’ grade. Major grades (test, projects, and graded performances) count as 50% of the nine weeks’ grade. If you are involved in any group project and cannot be there, your grade will be a zero! It’s hard to act when your partner’s not there. If you are absent for a scheduled after school performance, you will be given a zero unless you have notified me at least two weeks before the performance which gives your fellow performers the opportunity to re- cast your part. If your absence is excused, you will be given an alternative assignment. 2. Theatre is a performance class. EVERYONE IS EXPECTED TO PARTICIPATE AND COMPLETE EVERY ASSIGNMENT. This includes memorizing all lines for performances and participating in all warm ups and group projects.
3. Due to the nature of theatre, students will be involved in sharing oral and written critiques of both their work and the work of other students. Criticism and evaluation will always be constructive for the purpose of improving performance.
4. Both cheating and plagiarism are considered stealing and will be handled using the guidelines found in the student handbook.
MAKE-UP WORK: When you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed and make it up. Students who fail to complete make-up work will receive a zero (0) on the assignment.
LATE WORK: Any work turned in by the end of school on the due date will not be penalized as being late. We will follow the Huffman Middle School policy of one day late = 85%, two days late is a 70%, three days late = 50%, four or more days late = 0%. Audience requirements:
In this class you will be an audience for your classmate’s performances. I expect that you will be the best audience they have ever seen since they will, in turn, become your audience. That means you will be quiet, seated, attentive and respectful during every performance. *** Zero tolerance when it comes to inappropriate audience etiquette. If it becomes necessary, alternative assignments will be given to those students who choose not to cooperate. Theatre Arts Syllabus Parent Form
Please fill this out and return by Friday, September 2, 2016
Student’s Name ______
Parent’s Name ______
What should I know about your student? ______
Any questions for me? ______
We do a stage makeup unit in both semesters. Do I have permission to use makeup on your student? The first exercise that your child will use with makeup involves recreating a bruise.
**The makeup used is for sensitive skin, but if your child has extremely sensitive skin now is the time to let me know.
Please check one of the following statements:
My child has permission to use stage makeup ______My child does not have permission to use stage makeup ______
Parent signature