Even If You Don't Win, You'll Still Have Helped Great Charitable Causes
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Remember: those temporarily in need (funds, Bergen HighlandsRamsey Rotary food and manpower). Even if you don't win, you'll still have helped Club great charitable causes: * Substantial support of multi-year effort to find a site and construct a NJ ID# 410-8-33634 RL. No. 275 25% of the raffle proceeds will benefit the new food distribution center in the Bergen Highlands/Ramsey Rotary Club’s Mahwah area for the Center For Scholarship Fund. For over 20 years, the Food Action (funds and professional Bergen Highlands/Ramsey Rotary Club has services). Project completed late given small college scholarships every year 2009. to local high school graduates who exhibit both financial need and academic merit. * Financial support of 5 to 7 high The scholarships are $2,500 each. Three to school juniors to attend the annual four scholarships are awarded each year to multi-day Rotary Youth Leadership graduating seniors from Ramsey, Mahwah, Conference held at a residential Allendale, Saddle River and Upper Saddle conference center. River. Over 20 students are recommended by their schools or apply on their own each * Financial and manpower support of year; Rotary interviews the candidates and annual distribution of personal makes its awards based on combined criteria dictionaries to 3rd graders in all local of financial need and academic merit. schools.
25% of the raffle proceeds will benefit other * Financial and manpower support of charitable activities of the Rotary Club. semiannual blood drive conducted by the Ramsey Blood Donors Recent programs have included: Association for Bergen Community Blood Center. * Financial support for Rotary’s Gift of Life program through which * Financial support of hurricane, children from Third World countries earthquake relief, School completion with congenital heart defects come to project and privy project for the poor the United States for surgery which in Nicaragua. is performed by volunteer doctors. Local residents donate housing for * Financial support and/or manpower mother and child before/after surgery support of numerous other local and provide transport back and forth charitable needs including Christmas to the hospital. gifts for needy children, Eagle Scout projects, etc. * Ongoing support of Center For Food Action’s efforts to distribute food to msey $27,000 for first prize! The drawing will be SUB on June 14, 2010 at 1 Rotar Each participant's odds p.m. at the Rotary y. of winning are SCRI Club's meeting at dramatically better PTIO Houlihan’s on Route than in any State 17 North in Ramsey. lottery, casino games, N Winners need not be 50/50 etc. FOR present. This form must be received by CASH RAFFLE The If less than all 600 M Bergen drawing tickets are sold, the Highlands/Ramsey is June th prize money will be Return Rotary prior to that To Benefit 14 at 1 lower than $27,000 this form time and prior to all P.M. but your odds of with your 600 tickets being sold. winning increase! check for First come first BERGEN Tickets $100 per served. are $100 ticket ID# 410-8-33634; HIGHLANDS/RAMSEY each. payable RL# 275 ROTARY SCHOLARSHIP to Only six PROGRAM AND OTHER "Bergen Purchaser: # of tickets hundred Highland ______CHARITABLE tickets s/Ramsey 2nd ticket in a 2nd ACTIVITIES will be Rotary name? sold. Club" to subscribe ______The . Your ______winners Raffle will ticket(s) ______receive will be ______50% of mailed to (name) for a Raffle the ticket you. (name) You Ticket proceeds Question – first s? Call ______are in the 50/50 prize is Rotarian 45% and Tom invite Cash Raffle ______second Napolita d to sponsored by prize is ______no at (address) subsc Bergen 5%; 2013270 that’s up 334. ribe Highlands/Ra to (address) check to: Bergen ______Highlands/Ramsey ______Rotary Club ______c ______/o Napolitano ___ 9 00B Lake Street ______P ______.O. Box 352 ______R ______amsey, NJ 07446 ___ (telephon or return it by hand to e) a member of Bergen Highlands/Ramsey Rotary. (telephon e)
Donation in lieu of [For purchasing a Raffle additiona Ticket? l tickets, If you would prefer to please make a tax deductible photocop donation, please make y this your check payable form.] directly to “Bergen Highlands/Ramsey Charitable Foundation” Mail this and mail or return it by form hand as described with your above.