MEMO TO: Library Council Members
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May 12, 2000
MEMO TO: Library Council Members
FROM: Elinor Fillion, Chairperson
The Library Council will meet on Monday, May 15th at 2:30 p.m., 2nd floor conference room, Robarts Library.
1. Minutes of the April 14th meeting
2. Business arising from the minutes
3. Chief Librarian’s Report
4. Staff Directory Database demonstration – Sian Meikle
5. Annual Reports of Committees: a) Acquisitons Users Group – Lachlan McNair b) Serials Users Group c) EIRC – Sharon Brown
6. Question Period: Lachlan McNair to ask question. “Can we have and update on the Implementation of the DRA Serials Check-in System?” Edward Schlauch to respond.
7. Other business
Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, May 15, 2001 at 2:30 p.m., 2nd floor conference room, Robarts Library.
Present: S. Brown, J. Clark, A. Dondertman, E. Fillion (Chair), E. Granatstein, R. Healey, C. Jaffray, J. Lynes, L. McNair, C. Moore, E. Schlauch, S. Walker, A. Santeramo (Recording Secretary)
Regrets: L. Avison, G. Bradshaw, G. Bravo, V. Chase, A. Cheng, S. Clapp, S. Cozzi, M. Cummins, V. Downs, G. Garlock, G. Grof, S. Hawrychuk, R. Holder, E. Houtman, J. Leishman, A. Masters, L. McArthur, P. Meindl, J. Mendelsohn, J. Raic, M. Roddy, M. Rosenstock. J. Seel, J. Snow, C. Socknat, S. Stone, A. Thierry-Broad.
Guests: Sabina Robertson, University of Melbourne, Australia
The Chair introduced a visitor from the University of Melbourne, Ms. Sabina Robertson. She has been here visiting the University including the Scarborough and Erindale campuses.
1. Minutes of the April 17, 2001 meeting: Minutes were approved as written.
1 2. Business arising from the minutes: A question arose about the RFI Steering Committee. Three members of the committee were in attendance and reported that the schedule of meetings has been arranged, beginning begin next Friday. A list of questions is being developed. A Council member suggested including a question about VDX ILL management software. It was confirmed that this is already on the list of questions.
3. Chief Librarian’s report: Thanks were given to Sabina Robertson for her visit to the University of Toronto Libraries. The Chief Librarian noted that it has been very interesting speaking with Sabina and indicated that both institutions involved gain when we have visitors. University of Melbourne is a U21 member; although the President’s Office announced last week that the U of T has withdrawn from U21, the Chief Librarian stressed that we will continue working with U21 members while exploring collaborative undertakings outside the U21 framework.
Visitors Twelve members of the CURL Directors Study Tour, a group from the UK Research Libraries, visited the library. The Chief Librarian thanked a number of library staff for their contributions to this visit, which generated many positive comments about our Library.
ARL/CARL will host its joint meeting in Toronto next week. Participants will be invited to take walking tours of all campus libraries. Renovations at Architecture, Gerstein, and Trinity will be highlighted, and at Victoria a hard-hat tour is promised.
Gerstein Library A contract will be signed tomorrow for the next phase of renovations at Gerstein. Also, the moves from the main floor of Gerstein to the ninth floor of Robarts of the AudioVisual Library and humanities and social sciences Short-Term Loan collection have already taken place.
Four year budget Although still wending its way through the approval process, the budget will be sent to Governing Council soon, after which we will be able to begin to implement it. We are still awaiting news about the potential additional 2.5% budget cut ($600,000). An announcement is expected, perhaps in September, about research funding from the federal government, which it is hoped will relieve the University’s financial problems, although it is unlikely that sufficient funding would be received within the fiscal year to permit a significant reduction in the potential clawback.
4. Annual report of the Committee on Library Services to Persons with Disabilities: No one from the committee was in attendance to present the report and answer questions. The committee chair will be asked to provide a list of the current membership. E. Schlauch moved acceptance of the report and all members voted in favour.
5. Annual report of the Reference Services Committee: Council reviewed the report. S. Walker, chair of the committee, will provide an updated list of members and noted that anyone may call her if they have questions. She then moved acceptance of the report. All members voted in favour.
6. Annual report of the Serials Users Group: The chair of the committee was absent but E. Schlauch was available to answer questions. The membership list will be reviewed and brought up to date. E. Schlauch moved acceptance of the report and members all voted in favour.
7. Annual report of the Acquisitions Users Group: L. McNair, chair, reported that the committee had not found it necessary to meet this year. He provided Council with a list of members, saying that two new members will be named shortly. It was noted that training sessions are provided as necessary and the committee needs to continue to exist, especially with
2 the possibility of a new system being considered. L. McNair moved acceptance of the report; all members voted in favour.
8. Question period: Since Albert Masters, who had raised the questions, was unable to attend, it was agreed the questions would be kept for the September meeting.
Discussion took place concerning the Guidelines for Cancellation of Print Indexes and Abstracts, brought by the EIRC to the April meeting of Council. Since the document has gone to the Council of Campus Libraries and the Task Force on Collection Management and caused very little discussion or comment, it will be taken back to EIRC tomorrow so that implementation may begin. A member commented that campus libraries may not always report all serial titles to the central system on a regular basis. If they have ordered a title from a subscription vendor, it is possible that neither the publisher nor the central system is aware of the subscription. It was stressed that every journal title really counts, both for statistical purposes and in relation to online subscription arrangements.
Some e-journals do not actually show up unless you use the vendor as the access point. It was asked if Information Technology Services could create a link for each title, instead of some by title and some by vendor. It was suggested that staff contact Carla Hagstrom regarding any title without a direct link. It was noted that vendors change their lists very frequently. Some discussion ensued.
7. Other business: None.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:20 p.m.