You have been studying cultural perspectives of Australia focusing on the bush myth over the last four weeks. You will work with a partner to create a wiki on one of the following areas of focus:

 Urban Australia

 Sporting Australia

 Life’s a Beach Australia

 Aboriginal Australia

 Australians at War (Choose one war only)

 Migrant Australia

Submit a proposal for one area of focus by finding two poems or one poem and one song lyric for each focus area and writing a commentary for each. Follow the Commentary Writing Guide given to you by your teacher.

Once your focus has been allocated by your teacher, begin work on your wiki. You must complete ALL of the tasks on the table below.

Present one text and accompanying task from your wiki to the class (eg. Poem, multi-genre, visual). You will randomly draw which text / task you will present from a hat in week 7.

PRESENTATION LESSONS: TUESDAY-FRIDAY 15-18 MARCH Select a visual text to Use this text as an represent your area introduction for your wiki (picture, advertisement, page and for your poster, CD jacket, movie presentation in week 8. jacket) Talk about why you chose this text and how it represents your focus Select a poem to represent Write a commentary on your focus your poem using the commentary guide provided *Note this should be a different poem to the one you used for your proposal Select texts from two Write two paragraphs. genres (poetry, short Paragraph one must be on story, film excerpt, how one of your texts advertisements). One supports a stereotype text should support a and the language, critical, stereotype and the other visual elements it uses to should subvert a do so. Your second stereotype paragraph should compare and contrast the two texts and discuss how your second text subverts the stereotype and how language, critical, visual elements are used to do so. Select a visual text Make a PowerPoint (advertisement, poster, presentation identifying movie or CD jacket) and discussing the effectiveness of the visual and critical features of the text Year 10 english Cultural perspectives of Australia Commentary writing guide

PARAGRAPH 1 Introduce your text by giving its title, the composer’s name, the genre of the text, when it was published or released, the purpose of the text and its intended audience PARAGRAPH 2 Discuss the dominant reading of the text and how it relates to the chosen focus of Australian cultural perspectives. Discuss whether the text can be read resistantly and if so, provide details. Are there gaps in the text? Has stereotyping been used? Does the text subvert a common stereotype? Does it marginalise or silence anyone / any group? PARAGRAPHS 3-4 Identify any language techniques or devices used in the text and comment on what purpose these techniques and devices serve in positioning the reader PARAGRAPH 5 Evaluate whether the texts contribute to our understanding of the Australian identity in positive or negative ways and the effectiveness of the texts in meeting their purposes [ SS = Short Story F = Film P = Poem)

URBAN SPORT ‘William Street’ Kenneth Slessor (P) ‘Life Cycle’ Bruce Dawe (P) ‘The Improvers’ Colin Thiele (P) ‘The Surfer” Judith Wright (P) ‘Muriel’s Wedding’ (F) ‘Phar Lap in the Melbourne Museum” Peter Porter (P) ‘Australian Rules’ (F)

BEACH ABORIGINAL ‘Puberty Blues’ (F) ‘Rabbit Proof Fence’ (F) Movie Trailer ‘Bra Boys’ (F) ‘The Dispossessed’ Oodgeroo (P) ‘On the Beach’ John Pilger (SS) ‘Australian Rules’ (F) ‘Who Took the Children Away?’ Richard Frankland (SS) ‘No More Boomerang’ Oodgeroo (P) ‘Okay Let’s Be Honest’ Robert Walker (P) ‘Samson and Delilah’ (F) ‘One of my Best Friends’ Peter Goldsworthy (SS)

AT WAR MIGRANT ‘Homecoming’ Bruce Dawe (P) ‘The Kangaroo’ Eve Sallis (SS) ‘Beach Burial’ Kenneth Slessor (P) ‘if i was the son of an englishman’ Kominos (P) ‘Gallipoli’ (F) ‘Australia’ Ania Walwicz (P) ‘The Burning Truck’ Les A Murray (P) ‘Romulus My Father’ (F)