Grade Four Math Test #5 Fractions

Name ______Date ______

1. (NSO 1) Shade in 1/2 of the rectangle.

Write two fractions that are equivalent to 1/2.


Write a decimal that is equal to 1/2. ______

2. (NSO 1) Which of the following fractions is equivalent to 0.4 ?

A. 1/4

B. 4/8

C. 4/10

D. 3/4

10/25/06 3. (NSO 1) Sally and Lisa each ordered the same size pizzas. Sally ate 6/6 of her pizza and Lisa ate 4/4 of hers. Who ate more? Explain your answer, using words and pictures.

4. (NSO 5) Look at the table below. Put each of the following fractions in the box under the correct heading.

5/5 4/3 2/3 2/6 5/10 0/8

Between 0 Between Between 1 =0 = 1/2 =1 and 1/2 1/2 and 1 and 2

10/25/06 5. (NSO 5) Look at the number line. Decide where each of the following fractions should be placed on the number line: 1/6 9/9 2/3 0/5 2/4 Draw a mark on the line for each fraction, and write the fraction under it.

6. (NSO 5) Sybil and Becca were eating ice cream cones. Sybil had eaten 1/2 of hers, and Becca had eaten 1/4 of hers. Who has more ice cream left? Draw a picture to show your thinking.

______has more ice cream left.

7. (NSO 9) Jane wants to read for 1 hour each week. If she reads for 1/4 an hour on Monday, 1/4 an hour on Tuesday, 1/2 an hour on Wednesday, and 1/4 an hour on Thursday, will she meet her goal? ______

Show your work here:

10/25/06 8. (NSO 10) Kelly likes to run. She keeps a chart of how many miles she runs each week.

Week 1 Week 2 Mon. 2.3 4.1 Wed. 2.7 1.8 Fri. 3.4 3.2 Total

On the chart, record how many miles she ran each week. Which week did she run farther? Week ______

9. (NSO 10) Mike and Andy each ordered the same size pizza after the ball game. Mike ate 5/8 of his pizza. Andy ate 3/8 of his.

Who ate more pizza? ______

How much more did he eat? ______

Show your work here:

10/25/06 10. (PFA 5) What is the value of t in this equation?

t + 3/4 = 1

A. 1/4 C. 1/2

B. 1/3 D. 2/2

11. (PFA 5) Which symbol makes this number sentence true?

3/4 + 3/4 ______1

A. =

B. <

C. >

12. (PFA 6) In the equation y – 1/2 = x, as y increases, or gets bigger, what happens to x?

A. x decreases (or gets smaller)

B. x increases (or gets bigger)

C. x stays the same
