Converting Waste Agricultural Biomass Into Energy Resource Conservation And

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Converting Waste Agricultural Biomass Into Energy Resource Conservation And

“Converting waste agricultural biomass into energy” Resource Conservation and GHG Emission Reduction

Assessment of fossil fuel replacement by WAB gasifier and it’s potential of GHG emission reductionPage 1 “Converting waste agricultural biomass into energy” Resource Conservation and GHG Emission Reduction

TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Sub Title Page Chapter 1 Summary 2 Introduction and Background to WAB and Biomass energy in India 2.1 Assessment of generation of waste agricultural biomass 2.2 WAB and Biomass energy in India: 2.3 Assessment and estimation of surplus WAB in India 2.3.1 Generation of Crop Residues in India 2.3.2 Contribution of various crops in residue generation in India 3 Estimation of Residue-wise Waste Agriculture Biomass at National level 3.1 Specific Crop wise generation of agricultural residues at all India level 3.2 State wise generation of surplus Crop residues in India: 3.3 Surplus Residues after conventional use 3.4 Other references 3.4.1 State-wise Estimation of Surplus Waste Agricultural Biomass: 4 Potential of using WAB for saving Fossil fuel in Oil equivalent 4.1 Energy potentials of agricultural residues 4.2 Calorific values range on a dry basis 4.3 India’s oil consumption trends 5 The technology choice: 5.1 The out come of the analysis 5.2 Selection of the industrial unit for demonstration of selected technology 5.2.1 Biomass Gasification 5.3 Potential for savings in Oil at national level 5.3.1 Estimation of Fossil fuel savings and resultant GHG reduction: 5.4 GHG reduction: 5.4.1 Reduction of GHG at company level 5.4.2 Reduction of GHG at national level: 5.4.3 Economics of adopting WAB2E technology: 6 Concluding

List of Pictures Picture 2.2 Cow dung cakes in the making List of Graphs

Graph 2.2-a Major Agriculture Production for the year (2009-10) Graph 2.2-b India’s position in electricity generation in world ranking Graph 2.3.2 Contribution of various crops in residue generation in India Graph 3.1 Generation of agricultural residues other than Wheat and Paddy Graph 3.2 State wise generation of surplus crop residues in India Graph 3.3 Surplus Residues after conventional use Graph 3.4 Residues generated, surplus available and burnt in field List of Tables

Assessment of fossil fuel replacement by WAB gasifier and it’s potential of GHG emission reductionPage 2 “Converting waste agricultural biomass into energy” Resource Conservation and GHG Emission Reduction

Table 2.2 Electricity generation ranking Table 3.4.1- State-wise Biomass Data Based on Survey Data for Agro-Kharif a Table 3.4.1- State-wise Biomass Data Based on Survey Data for Agro-Rabi b Table 4.1-a Energy generation potential of various WABs Table 4.1-b Derived Calorific Values (wet basis: natural form) of various WABs Table 4.2 Calorific value (Dry basis) of different WABs Table 4.3 India’s oil consumption in bbl/day

Assessment of fossil fuel replacement by WAB gasifier and it’s potential of GHG emission reductionPage 3 “Converting waste agricultural biomass into energy” Resource Conservation and GHG Emission Reduction

1 Summary The WAB based gasifier system was successfully implemented at M/s Starlit Power Systems based in Village of Sohna in Haryana state. The implementation of one such selected technology for conversion of WAB to energy has definitely paved the way for replication of similar efforts by other similar industries. The very bold step taken by M/s Starlit Power Systems will encourage other entrepreneurs as they would be able to see the successful implementation and the very favourable response from the promoters of the company. As and when such replications take place at other companies and the nation is able to use all of the available WAB, it has a potential of off setting about 25.47 MTOE.

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2 Introduction and Background to WAB and Biomass energy in India 2.1 Assessment of generation of waste agricultural biomass

In the output I of the report, an assessment was made for the estimated generation of waste agricultural biomass including overall assessment in a selected area, selection of site/s for technology implementation and detailed assessment of generation of waste agricultural biomass at selected site/s consisting of quantification with projections for future, characterization, feasibility of collection and cost aspects.

2.2 WAB and Biomass energy in India: India is the seventh largest country in the world covering an area of 32,87,590 square kilometers1. It is an important country in South – Asia which shares land borders with Pakistan to the west; China, Nepal and Bhutan to the north-east; Myanmar and Bangladesh to the east. Spread over a total of 35 States and Union Territories, the population of India is estimated2 to be 1.21 billion. Agriculture is the mainstay of Indian economy because of its high share in employment and livelihood creation. About 52% of Indian population depends directly on agriculture and it accounts for around 18.1% of GDP3. Agriculture derives its importance from the fact that it has vital supply and demand links with the manufacturing sector. During the past five years, this sector has witnessed spectacular advances in the production and productivity of food grains, oilseeds, commercial crops, fruits, vegetables, food grains, poultry and dairy. India has emerged as the second largest producer of fruits and vegetables in the world in addition to being the largest overseas exporter of cashews and spices. Further, India is the highest producer of milk in the world4. Agriculture accounts for about 10% of the total export earnings and provides raw material to a large number of industries. “Exports of agricultural products are expected to cross US$ 22 billion mark by 2014 and account for 5% of the world's agriculture exports,” according to the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA)5. Graph 2.2-a depicts the major agriculture production in India for the year (2009-10) in thousand tonnes.

Graph 2.2-a: Major Agriculture Production for the year (2009-10) in thousand tonnes6


2 Census, 2011: vol2/prov_results_paper2_indiavol2.html




Assessment of fossil fuel replacement by WAB gasifier and it’s potential of GHG emission reductionPage 5 “Converting waste agricultural biomass into energy” Resource Conservation and GHG Emission Reduction

Currently, the country holds second position all over the world in terms of agricultural production7. On the other hand if we focus on energy, it is the prime mover of economic growth and also vital for sustaining a modern economy and society. Future economic growth significantly depends on the long term availability of energy from sources that are affordable, accessible and secure. Table 2.2 shows India’s position in electricity production amongst some of the comparable economies.



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Name of the Ranking in World Electricity generation, 2009 (billion kWh) Country Comparison China 3759 2 India 835.3 6 Brazil 461.1 10 Vietnam 97.3 33 Pakistan 89.2 34 Algeria 40.11 54 Nigeria 20.13 70

Table 2.2: Electricity generation ranking, 20098 Another source9 puts India’s electricity production ranking at 5th amongst the top 100 countries in the world. Graph 2.2-b.

Graph 2.2-b: India’s position in electricity generation in world ranking Although standing at an impressive 5th or 6th position in electricity production at world level, out of the total population, about 49% (around 600 million) has no access to electricity10. India’s energy consumption has been increasing at one of the fastest rates in the world due to its population growth and economic development. Thus, meeting the energy challenge is of fundamental importance to India’s economic growth imperatives and its efforts to raise its level of human development. The world consumes 12,000 MTOE (Million Ton Oil Equivalent) of energy resources whereas India consumes 4.4% of the world total i.e. 524.2 MTOE (Million Ton Oil Equivalent). India’s conventional energy reserves are limited and it needs to develop all available and economic alternatives. Simultaneously, a major stress must be laid on energy efficiency and conservation, with particular emphasis on efficiency of electricity generation, transmission, distribution and end-use. Clearly, over the next 25 years energy efficiency and conservation are the most important virtual energy supply sources that India possesses. According to Integrated Energy Policy (IEP) report, the total energy requirements of India has been 546 MTOE in 2011-12 and is going to reach 729 MTOE by 2016-17 and



10 Planning Commission, GoI:

Assessment of fossil fuel replacement by WAB gasifier and it’s potential of GHG emission reductionPage 7 “Converting waste agricultural biomass into energy” Resource Conservation and GHG Emission Reduction subsequently will touch the limit of 1,815 MTOE by 2031-32. As far as India’s emission is concerned then, its CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion in 2004 were estimated at about 1.1 billion ton. The CO2 emissions have been continuing to grow over time, because there is a need to increase the currently low per capita levels of energy use to support growth, reach the Millennium Development Goals and eventually provide modern living standards to all her citizens (Planning Commission, GoI). With all the developmental activities designed by various ministries involved with the rural development, the hinterland of India is still starving for the modern amenities, mainly clean fuel. It is a common site to see the villagers, while returning to their homes at the end of the day, carrying a bundle of tree branches, shrubs and other kinds of biomass to be used as fuel. A walk in to any interior rural area of India will show hut like looking structures, which are the heaps of cow and buffalo dung cakes, shaped in to huts. While men do help occasionally, these dung cakes are mainly made by the women folks in the country side. Pictures 2.2 shows stages of such usage of animal dung cake as fuel.

Picture 2.2: Cow dung cakes in the making Once they dry up, the same are stacked together, a step towards preserving them for the rainy day ahead. This is an age old practice to meet the basic energy/fuel needs of the rural masses. They do not have an easy access to the modern amenities of LPG gas or other petroleum products as a clean fuel. Another way in which the rural population of India meets it’s partial demand of fuel is to buy commercially available gas in small portable cylinders, which is a very costly alternative. Biomass is highly diverse in nature and classified on the basis of site of origin such as field and plantation biomass, industrial biomass, forest biomass, urban waste biomass and aquatic biomass. However, most common source of biomass is wood waste and agricultural wastes. In this report, we have focused mainly on waste agricultural biomass (WAB) because India has a large agriculture base, generates huge quantities of waste agriculture biomass and most of which is currently unutilized. 2.3 Assessment and estimation of surplus WAB in India

2.3.1 Generation of Crop Residues in India: Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE 2009), GoI estimated that about 500 Mt of crop residue is generated every year11. There is a large variability in crop residues generation and their use depending on the cropping intensity, productivity and crops grown in different states of India. The residue generation is highest in Uttar Pradesh (60 Mt) followed by Punjab (51 Mt) and Maharashtra (46 Mt)12.

11 Biofuels Annual New Delhi Report, GAIN Publications 2011

12 Crop Residue management report by IARI 2012

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2.3.2 Contribution of various crops in residue generation in India: Graph 2.3.2 depicts the share of residues from various crops. According to MNRE Report 200913, among different crops, cereals generate 352 Mt residue followed by fibres (66 Mt), oilseed (29 Mt), pulses (13 Mt) and sugarcane (12 Mt)14. The cereal crops (rice, wheat, maize, millets) contribute 70%, while rice crop alone contributes 34% of crop residues. Wheat ranks second with 22% of residues whereas fibre crops contribute 13% of residues generated from all crops. Among fibres, cotton generates maximum (53 Mt) with 11% of crop residues. Coconut ranks second among fibre crops with 12 Mt of residue generation. Sugarcane residues comprising tops and leaves generates 12 Mt i.e., 2% of crop residues in India15.

Graph 2.3.2: Contribution of various crops in residue generation in India The generation of cereal residues is highest in Uttar Pradesh (53 Mt) followed by Punjab (44 Mt) and West Bengal (33 Mt). Maharashtra contributes maximum to the generation of residues of pulses (3 Mt) while residues from fibre crop is dominant in Andhra Pradesh (14 Mt)16. Gujarat and Rajasthan generate about 6 Mt each of residues from oilseed crops.

13 MNRE Report 2009:

14 Crop Residue Management with conservation agriculture IARI 2012:

15 Final CRM

16 Crop Residue Management with conservation agriculture IARI 2012

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3 Estimation of Residue-wise Waste Agriculture Biomass at National level: 3.1 Specific Crop wise generation of agricultural residues at all India level:

The graph 3.1 depicts the contribution of various crops in generation of agricultural residues. It may be noted that wheat and paddy have been excluded in this list, as their residues already find a large scale usage in various applications, including power generation.

Graph 3.1: Generation of agricultural residues other than Wheat and Paddy The crops like Maize, Soyabean, Tapioca, Bajra, Groundnut, Jowar, Maize, Groundnut, Arhar, Castor seed, Gram and Til contribute the major shares of residues in that order. While there are many other crops which generate agricultural residues, their share is neglible, and a specific technology can not be considered to handle them. These residues, as and when and wherever available, will have to be used in combination with the major residues in the area. 3.2 State wise generation of surplus Crop residues in India:

The amount of crop residue, which does not have any identifiable end use; is either left in the fields to rot or is burnt away, is termed as Surplus Biomass. Sometimes a very little part of such residues are used to meet household energy needs by farmers. The estimated total crop residue surplus in India is 84-141 Mt/yr where cereals and fibre crops contribute 58% and 23%, respectively17. Remaining 19% is from sugarcane, pulses, oilseeds and other crops. Out of 82 Mt surplus residues from the cereal crops, 44 Mt is from rice followed by 24.5 Mt of wheat which is mostly burnt in fields. In case of fiber crops (33 Mt of surplus residue) approximately 80% is cotton residue that is subjected to burning18. Graph 3.2 depicts the state wise status of cumulative surplus crop residues.

Graph 3.2: State wise generation of surplus crop residues in India From the above graph, it may be seen that the states of Uttar Pradesh tops the list followed by Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Odisha and Punjab, accounting for almost 60% of the total national generation of biomass. All rest of the 20 states account for the rest 40%.

17 Management of Crop Residue NAAS(National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, India)

18 Crop Residue management report by IARI 2012

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3.3 Surplus Residues after conventional use

A very small part of surplus residues are used for various purposes such as to meet household energy needs by farmers, thatching roofs, animal fodder etc. Graph 3.3 depicts the state wise availability of surplus agricultural residues after conventional use.

Graph 3.3: Surplus Residues after conventional use From the above graph, it may be seen that the state of Punjab tops the list followed by Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and Bihar, accounting for almost 80% of the total nationaal generation of biomass. All rest of the 18 states account for the rest 20%. 3.4 Other references

Many other references are available regarding the surplus residues and burnt residues. Graph 3.4 depicts two such references, where the total burnt surplus WAB have been estimated to be of the order of 83.65 million tons and 92.84 million tons per year respectively. The different figures quoted by the two sources vary by about 11%, which can be attributed to the sample size, geographic zones, climatic conditions and time of sampling used for the purpose of these studies. However, compared to the total surplus residues, this difference can be treated as negligible and of no major consequence. A safe figure of about 85 million tons can be assumed as burnt WAB.

Graph 3.4: Residues generated, surplus available and burnt in field (IPCC Coeff. And Pathak

3.4.1 State-wise Estimation of Surplus Waste Agricultural Biomass: As has been clarified in the output I of the report, the detailed data available till the year 2004 has been used as a base for estimating the proportional availability of the surplus available biomass. Table 3.4.1-a and Table 3.4.1-b depict the details of national level area under agricultural cropping, total crop production, biomass generation, estimated surplus biomass available for alternate uses and the estimated potential of power generation opportunity. The data is presented under the two different major cropping patterns adopted in India, viz: the Kharif and the Rabi crops. The data has been organized in the descending order of the availability of surplus biomass and the corresponding power generation potential. It may be observed that the states of Punjab and Uttar Pradesh occupy their positions in the top four highest biomass producing states. Table 3.4.1-a: State-wise Biomass Data Based on Survey Data of year [2002-04] for season: Agro-Kharif19 Crop Biomass Biomass Power State Area(kha) Production Generation Surplus Potential (kT/Yr) (kT/Yr) (kT/Yr) (Mwe) 19

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Punjab 2723.0 9357.1 16187.1 12298.7 3.07 1464.3 Uttar Pradesh 7605.1 13646.4 24895.1 7614.3 1.90 914.7 Maharashtra 10485.3 13232.5 24512.9 5721.2 1.43 731.3 Madhya Pradesh 8891.4 10424.8 20195.1 4574.7 1.14 583.6 Haryana 1778.9 3412.6 6438.8 4120.6 1.03 494.0 Karnataka 5770.4 10080.5 18608.0 3702.3 0.93 466.4 Andhra Pradesh 6285.7 10439.5 19244.4 3336.4 0.83 399.5 Gujarat 5274.4 6076.6 14158.7 2927.9 0.73 372.0 Orissa 5029.3 10026.9 17118.6 3147.2 0.79 364.2 Bihar 3826.5 6776.7 12126.5 2980.7 0.75 352.0 Chhattisgarh 4082.7 6113.6 10453.4 1940.1 0.49 224.6 Kerala 530.5 3399.3 3388.1 1538.8 0.38 195.9 Tamil Nadu 1313.1 2997.9 4116.2 1500.8 0.38 193.5 West Bengal 2377.6 8316.3 14273.2 1436.0 0.36 172.1 Rajasthan 6081.3 3352.4 7718.9 1310.1 0.33 168.5 Himachal Pradesh 384.8 814.9 1792.6 818.1 0.20 104.1 Assam 1100.9 2628.4 3875.0 685.7 0.17 81.8 Uttaranchal 468.3 783.5 1250.1 351.4 0.09 42.0 Jharkhand 472.1 919.5 1138.1 227.5 0.06 28.6 Jammu & Kashmir 507.0 403.9 925.4 146.4 0.04 19.6 Manipur 339.1 434.4 905.4 111.3 0.03 13.9 Nagaland 178.6 275.6 488.9 83.0 0.02 9.7 Meghalaya 144.6 235.8 345.0 55.8 0.01 6.5 Arunachal Pradesh 179.5 212.4 331.8 49.3 0.01 5.9 Goa 70.6 232.4 400.4 48.9 0.01 5.6 Sikkim 43.3 59.0 130.7 14.1 0.00 1.82 Mizoram 13.9 22.6 51.6 5.3 0.00 0.69 Total 75957.9 124675.4 225070.0 60746.6 15.19 7416.8

Table 3.4.1-b: State-wise Biomass Data Based on Survey Data of year [2002-04] for season: Agro-Rabi State Area (kha) Crop Biomass Biomass MTOE Power Production Generation Surplus Potential (kT/Yr) (kT/Yr) (kT/Yr) (Mwe) Punjab 3526.6 15715.1 28304.6 7123.6 948.9 1.78 Rajasthan 8244.1 11538.6 19843.4 7098.5 1.77 925.0 Uttar Pradesh 6454.3 16772.3 30017.3 5054.3 1.26 681.5 Haryana 3229.0 10762.2 19899.2 4821.5 1.21 626.8 Maharashtra 4595.5 3390.4 7374.3 2141.1 0.54 282.9 West Bengal 3386.8 12085.1 20469.2 2140.9 0.54 257.8 Madhya Pradesh 3767.8 5206.2 8887.0 1957.8 0.49 258.1 Bihar 3393.9 6612.1 12374.3 1930.9 0.48 258.1 Andhra Pradesh 2230.9 5970.5 10771.7 1910.6 0.48 225.5 Tamil Nadu 2128.9 4880.4 7258.5 1899.3 0.47 234.8 Karnataka 2348.6 2745.9 6209.0 1262.2 0.32 165.5

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Assam 2037.5 3909.7 6735.8 1251.6 0.31 144.9 Jharkhand 1375.7 1472.4 2503.5 662.2 0.17 78.0 Gujarat 1067.1 1780.1 3207.7 649.5 0.16 85.7 Orissa 1560.4 1526.0 2593.8 444.8 0.11 53.2 Uttaranchal 447.0 749.9 1340.6 224.5 0.06 30.2 Himachal Pradesh 400.3 620.6 1100.8 215.9 0.05 28.4 Chhattisgarh 669.2 508.7 818.7 187.7 0.05 23.9 Jammu & Kashmir 242.5 369.9 665.9 133.2 0.03 17.5 Arunachal 24.9 24.5 54.1 14.2 1.75 Pradesh 0.00 Meghalaya 11.9 12.0 23.6 4.86 0.00 0.62 Sikkim 14.7 10.1 18.8 3.68 0.00 0.48 Mizoram 2.42 1.79 3.80 0.97 0.00 0.12 Nagaland 0.39 0.45 0.76 0.14 0.00 0.016 Total 51160.3 106664.7 190476.3 41133.9 10.28 5329.9

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4 Potential of using WAB for saving Fossil fuel in Oil equivalent The potential of using WAB is equivalent of about 25.47 (15.19 for Kharif and 10.28 for Rabi) MTOE in India. Considering the fact that the annual oil consumption in India is of the order of about 168 Million Tonnes, the WAB offers a scope to reduce the oil requirement by about 15%. 4.1 Energy potentials of agricultural residues20 It has been reported that not all the WAB have the same thermal values. Table 4.1-a depicts a study of Thailand, where different biomasses have been shown to be having different thermal values. Table 4.1-a: Energy generation potential of various WABs Residue available for Product Production (Mt) Residue Energy potential (PJ) energy (Mt) 1997 2005 2010 1997 2005 2010 1997 2005 2010 Bagasse 14.10 15.90 17.15 90.65 102.15 110.14 Sugarcane 56.39 63.61 68.58 Top & trash 16.79 18.90 20.42 114.52 129.18 139.27 Husk 5.14 5.46 5.67 66.01 70.15 72.86 Paddy 22.33 23.73 24.66 Straw (top) 6.83 7.26 7.54 60.29 64.08 66.56 Empty 0.71 1.06 1.37 11.62 17.42 22.45 bunches Fiber 0.39 0.59 0.76 6.35 9.52 12.27 Oil palm 2.69 4.03 5.2 Shell 0.08 0.12 0.16 1.40 2.10 2.71 Frond 7.00 10.50 13.53 55.80 83.70 107.83 Male 0.63 0.94 1.21 9.31 13.96 18.00 bunches Husk 0.45 0.45 0.45 6.70 6.70 6.70 Shell 0.18 0.18 0.18 2.96 2.96 2.96 Coconut 1.42 1.42 1.42 Empty 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.96 0.96 0.96 bunches Frond 0.31 0.31 0.31 4.49 4.49 4.49 Cassava 18.08 15.85 14.59 Stalk 0.65 0.57 0.52 11.00 9.63 8.88 Maize 4.53 5.43 6.07 Corn cob 0.98 1.17 1.31 16.26 19.46 21.78 Groundnut 0.15 0.16 0.17 Shell 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.53 0.58 0.6 Cotton 0.08 0.08 0.08 Stalk 0.24 0.24 0.24 3.17 3.17 3.17 Stalk, Soybean 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.73 0.73 0.73 13.20 13.20 13.20 leaves, shell Leaves & Sorghum 0.23 0.26 0.29 0.22 0.25 0.28 3.84 4.49 4.95 stem 106.2 Total 114.92 121.4 55.50 64.80 71.95 479.06 557.9 619.8 6 PJ: Pica Joules Based upon the above table, it may be seen that the Calorific Value of different WABs range between 1,500 KCals/Kg. to 4,200 KCals/Kg. on an as is basis. The derived values of the calorific values of individual WAB have been worked out as shown in Table 4.1-b. Table 4.1-b: Derived Calorific Values (wet basis: natural form) of various WABs

20 Management of Agricultural Wastes and Residues in Thailand: Wastes to Energy Approach: C. Visvanathan* and Chart Chiemchaisri:

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WAB Calorific Value (Wet basis) KCals/Kg. Sugarcane Bagasse 1494 Sugarcane Top & trash 1586 Paddy Husk 2988 Paddy Straw (top) 2053 Oil palm Empty bunches 3811 Oil palm Fiber 3755 Oil palm Shell 3939 Oil palm Frond 1853 Oil palm Male bunches 3460 Coconut Husk 3463 Coconut Shell 3824 Coconut Empty bunches 3189 Coconut Frond 3368 Cassava Stalk 3971 Maize Corn cob 3867 Groundnut Shell 2791 Cotton Stalk 3072 Soybean Stalk, leaves, shell 4205 Sorghum Leaves & stem 4111 Over all average 2003

From the table it is also clear that bagasse, which has a very high moisture content to the order of about 50% stands at the lowest level with some of the pulses stalks standing at the highest level.

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4.2 Calorific values range on a dry basis

Another study21 reported the Calorific Values ranging between 3000 to 4700 KCals/Kg. on a dry basis. Table 4.2 provides the figures for various WAB as reported in the study. Table 4.2: Calorific value (Dry basis) of different WABs Biomass Agricultural residues Calorific Value (Dry basis) KCals/Kg. Paddy straw 3000 Rice husk 3040 Mango leaves 3390 Groundnut 4200 Sugarcane 3800 Wheat straw 3800 Cotton stalks 4700 Maize stalks 3500 Maize cobs 3850 Bajra stalks 3950 Gram straw 3810 Masoor straw 3980

Considering the fact that general biomass is available in as is where is condition, in it’s natural wet form, and also that the geo climatic conditions in Asia are similar, an over all thermal value at 2,500 KCals/Kg. can be considered for estimating the power generation potential. Again, considering that the average calorific value of petroleum products as 10,000 KCals/Kg, we can safely assume that every 4 units of WAB can replace one unit of petroleum product. With this in view, the total WAB potential at the country level has been estimated at 25.48 MTOE. 4.3 India’s oil consumption trends

India’s oil consumption22 is estimated (2012) at about 3.36 M bbl/day or about 168 Million Tonnes/year.23 (1 barrel of crude oil per day = appr. 50 tons of crude oil per year24). Table 4.3 shows the oil consumption trend between 2001 to 2010. The WAB offers a scope to reduce the oil requirement by about 15%. Table 4.3: India’s oil consumption in bbl/day Country 2001 2003 2004 2007 2009 2010 India 21,30,000 23,20,000 24,50,000 27,22,000 29,80,000 31,82,000





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5 The technology choice:

In output IV of the project, a comprehensive comparison of various applicable technologies was carried out. Sustainability Assessment of all the available technologies was carried out. Based upon the three-tiered detailed SAT, the final decision about the technology choice was made. Although the team had a tendency to select the option with the highest score, however, enough caution was exercised before doing so. The exercise was, the outcome of the stakeholders’ group comprising government agencies, planners and other decision makers, in order to help in situational analysis for similar future projects, and thus making better informed decisions. 5.1 The out come of the analysis

It was found that the scores for charring and briquetting showed a more favourable scenario than the gasification in thermal or electrical mode. Hence either charring or briquetting appeared to be the best choice for the given situation after detailed assessment as above. Considering the future scenario and viability and justification of briquetting as the preferred option, the team subjected the technology to a further test as follows. While in a scoping analysis, only few important criteria are considered and a larger list of criteria is used only afterwards, in the present case of western Uttar Pradesh and adjoining regions covering Haryana and Rajasthan were also covered. The extension of the geographic region was decided due to similarity in the geo climatic and agricultural cropping patterns. The detailed analysis was carried out at the scoping level itself, as it was felt that most of the considered technologies are almost equally important.

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5.2 Selection of the industrial unit for demonstration of selected technology

At this stage, during the period of January 2013, M/s Starlit Power Systems Ltd., with their plant located at Sohna Indri Road, Haryana came forward and readily agreed to adopt a WAB gasifier technology. Upon inquiry with the BIMTECH team, the team recommended a set of names of the manufacturers of gasifiers. M/s Starlit Power Systems Ltd. selected M/s Chandarpur industries Ltd. as the technology providers. This output covers the case study of M/s Starlit Power Systems Ltd., with their plant located at Sohna Indri Road, Village Atta, Distt. Mewat, Haryana - 122 103 and with their Corporate Office in New Delhi. The details of the case study are provided in the output X of the report. Based upon the findings of the analysis of technologies, as have been discussed earlier in the report, it was decided to provide a gasifier system which can produce electricity in a dual fuel mode and also provide the needed thermal energy for the processes. This was planned to be a co-generation system. The estimated cost of gasifier systems is about Rs.10, 000/-to Rs. 15,000/-per kWh for thermal applications and Rs. 30,000/-to Rs. 45,000/-per kWe for mechanical and electrical applications. The estimated cost of village electrification projects with biomass gasification systems is about Rs. 50,000/-to Rs. 80,000/-per kWe in capacity range of 5 KW to 50 KW including the cost of land, civil works, distribution lines and development. The biomass gasification systems have necessary versatility for use in a diverse range of applications in rural areas. Apart from use as a cooking fuel and for electricity generation, the gas can be used for heating applications in village industries. Biomass Gasifiers in India are being made in capacities ranging from a few kWs to MW scale. For heating applications, the current upper limit on unit size is equivalent to 300- 500 Kg/hour of oil consumption (which is equivalent of 1200 to 2000 kg. of biomass per hour). There are about 12 manufacturers who offer gasifiers up to 1 MW capacity. Technology for these systems has been developed by the research institutions with the support of government. Some biomass gasifiers have also been exported to the USA, South Asia, Europe and Latin America.

5.2.1 Biomass Gasification Biomass gasification is the process in which solid biomass materials are converted by a series of thermo-chemical reactions, to a combustible gas called producer gas. The combustible gas comprises mainly of carbon monoxide (18-22%), hydrogen (15-20%), methane (1-5%), carbon dioxide (10-12%) and nitrogen (45-55%). The calorific value of gas is 1000-1200 kcal/cubic metre. The gas can be used for generation of motive power either in dual fuel engines along with diesel or in 100% gas engines. The gas can also be used directly for heating and cooking. However, due to high toxicity of carbon monoxide, extensive safety provisions are a must for domestic applications which perhaps explains the reason for lack of individual use of these systems. The biomass gasification process can utilize woody biomass materials such as wood, cotton stalks, coconut shells, etc., or powdery biomass such as husks, saw dust, etc. Accordingly, it was decided that a 540 KWt equivalent of gasifier system (with an approximately 180 Kgs. of biomass consumption per hour) may be installed. The

Assessment of fossil fuel replacement by WAB gasifier and it’s potential of GHG emission reductionPage 18 “Converting waste agricultural biomass into energy” Resource Conservation and GHG Emission Reduction company was advised that there were a large number of suppliers to provide the needed equipment. After a series of meetings and visits by various suppliers, the company decided to place it’s supply order on M/s Chandarpur Works, Yamunanagar, Haryana. The entire gasifier system was supplied and commissioned in the month of March/April 2013. 5.3 Potential for savings in Oil at national level:

5.3.1 Estimation of Fossil fuel savings and resultant GHG reduction: The plant is designed for processing of 18,000 MT Lead per year. The consumption of Diesel was estimated to be 20 Ltrs. Per hour for a total batch cycle time of 22 Hrs. or say 440 Ltrs of HSD per batch of 18 Tonnes OR say 440/18 = 24.44 Ltrs. HSD per Ton of Lead processed Annual plant capacity 18,000 MT Lead Annual Requirement of HSD 18,000 * 24.44 = 440,000 Ltrs./Yr.

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5.4 GHG reduction:

5.4.1 Reduction of GHG at company level In terms of the GHG, this results in to reduction of about 1,160 Tonnes of CO2. The estimations have been made based on the reported figures of 3.15 kg CO2/ 1 kg HSD fuel or 2.64 kg / 1 ltr HSD fuel25

5.4.2 Reduction of GHG at national level: Considering the annual recycled lead of the order of 85,000 MT , the projected GHG reduction will be of the order of about 5,500 MT of CO2 at current level and will be of the order of about 11,000 MT of CO2 by the year 2020.

5.4.3 Economics of adopting WAB2E technology: The details of the techno economic evaluation of the case have been covered in out put X of the report. The company had invested a total of Rs. 3,936,420 (About US $ 80,000 @ Rs. 50 per USD at that time) 6 Concluding There are many successful installations in the India which are utilising many kinds of WAB and the appropriate technologies suitable for a particular kind of WAB. These technologies range from Charring of the WAB, Briquetting, Gasification in thermal mode, Gasification in electrical mode and Biomass based power plants. It has been observed that such units have survived the test of time primarily in the cases where the WAB was either available as a captive resource or where the suppliers of WAB were located in close vicinity of the user organisation. Such usage constitutes a very small part of the whole available biomass across the country. Much is needed to be done to formulate appropriate policies and methodologies for centralised collection of such WAB from the totally decentralised and scantily spread and very thinly distributed sources across the geographic regions. Once this is achieved, the total potential of the WAB can be realised.

25 Faculty of agriculture and forestry/ Tapani Jokiniemi / Fuel consumption measurements summer 2010: 14.3.2011:

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