AP Biology Course Syllabus s1

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AP Biology Course Syllabus s1

AP Biology Course Syllabus Organization: This course is organized into the three major themes designated by the AP Biology Course Description – Molecules and Cells, Heredity and Evolution, and Organisms and Populations. In addition, the eight themes (science as a process; evolution; energy transfer; continuity and change; relationship of structure to function; regulation; science, technology, and society; and interdependence in nature) have been integrated into every unit. I also have attempted to organize the course so that students can observe the connections between structure and function and the similarities and differences between organisms. I believe this allows students to apply knowledge as they are learning, rather than learning in compartmentalized chapters.

Textbooks and other Materials: Biology (6th ed.) by Neil Campbell and Jane B. Reece. (Benjamin Cummings: 2002) ISBN 0-8053-6624-5 AP Biology Lab Manual for Students (College Board)

Course Syllabus (Time frames are approximate. Adjustments may be made according to student learning): A. Molecules and Cells (8 weeks) Unit 1: Introductory Information and Chemistry of Life 1. The Ten Themes in the Study of Life Chapter 1 Exploring Life on Its Many Levels Evolution, Unity, and Diversity The Process of Science Review: Using Themes to Connect the Concepts of Biology Labs and activities: Computer Lab: Scientific Method 2. The Chemical Context of Life Chapter 2 Chemical Elements and Compounds Atoms and Molecules 3. Water and the Fitness of the Environment Chapter 3 The Effects of Water’s Polarity The Dissociation of Water Molecules 4. Carbon and the Molecular Diversity of Life Chapter 4 The Importance of Carbon Functional Groups 5. The Structure and Function of Macromolecules Chapter 5 Polymer Principles Carbohydrates Proteins Lipids Nucleic Acids

Unit Test #1 Monday, Aug. 29 Unit 2: Cell Structure/ Function, DNA, Cell Cycle 1. Membrane Structure and Function Chapter 8 Membrane Structure Traffic Across Membrane Labs and activities: AP Lab 1: Diffusion AP Lab 1: Osmosis Plasmolysis 2. A Tour of the Cell Chapters 7 How We Study Cells A View of the Cell The Nucleus and Ribosome The Endomembrane System Other Membranous Organelles The Cytoskeleton Cell Surfaces and Junctions Labs and activities: Computer Lab: Cells 3. The Molecular Basis of Inheritance Chapter 16 DNA as the genetic material DNA Replication and Repair Labs and activities: Computer Lab: History of DNA 4. The Cell Cycle Chapter 12 The Key Roles of Cell Division The Mitotic Cell Cycle Regulation of the Cell Cycle Labs and activities: AP Lab 3: Mitosis Computer Lab: Mitosis Unit Test #2 Monday, September 19, 2011

Unit 3: Protein Synthesis, Bacteria, Viruses and Technology 1. From Gene to Protein Chapter 17 The Connection Between Genes and Proteins The Synthesis and Processing of RNA The Synthesis of Protein 2. Microbial Models: Genetics of Viruses and Bacteria Chapter 18 The Genetics of Viruses The Genetics of Bacteria 3. Prokaryotes and the Origens of Metabolic Diversity Chapter 27 The World of Prokaryotes The Structure, Function, and Reproduction of Prokaryotes Nutritional and Metabolic Diversity A survey of Prokaryotic Diversity The Ecological Impact of Prokaryotes Labs and activities: Bacterial Colony Transformation (pGLO) – AP Lab 6 (2-3 days) 4. DNA Technology and Genomics Chapter 20 Restriction Enzymes and Recombinant DNA Genetic Engineering The Cloning Procedure DNA Libraries Restriction Fragment Analysis Gel Electrophoresis Mapping Genomes Applications Ethical Questions Labs and activities: Computer Lab: Biotechnology Unit Test #3 Tuesday, October 11 B. Heredity and Evolution (6 weeks) Unit 4: Meiosis, Genetics, and Development 1. Meiosis and Sexual Life Styles Chapter 13 An Introduction to Heredity The Role of Meiosis in Sexual Life Cycles Origens of Genetic Variation Labs and activities: AP Lab 3: Meiosis 2. Mendel and the Gene Idea Chapter 14 Gregor Mendel’s Discoveries Extending Mendelian Genetics Mendelian Inheritance in Humans Labs and activities: Chi-square Analysis – Lab Pedigree Analysis – hands on Genetics of Drosophila – AP Lab 7 3. Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance Chapter 15 Relating Mendelism to Chromosomes Sex Chromosomes Errors and Exceptions in Chromosomal Inheritance 4. The Organization and Control of Eukaryotic Genomes Chapter 19 Eukayotic Chromatin Structure Genome Organization at the DNA level The Control of Gene Expression The Molecular Biology of Cancer Labs and activities: Recovering the Romanovs – Sex-linked online activity http://www.dnai.org/d/index.html 5. The Genetic Basis of Development Chapter 21 From Single Cell to Multicellular Organism Differential Gene Expression Genetic and Cellular Mechanisms of Pattern Formation Unit Test #4 Wednesday, Nov. 2

Unit 5: Evolution 1. Descent with Modification: A Darwinian View of Life Chapter 22 Historical Context for Evolutionary Theory Darwinian Revolution 2. The Evolution of Populations Chapter 23 Population Genetics Causes of Microevolution Genetic Variation, the Substrate for Natural Selection A closer look at Natural Selection as the Mechanism of Adaptive Evolution Labs and activities: Population Genetics and Evolution – AP Lab 8 3. The Origen of Species Chapter 24 What is a Species? Modes of Speciation From Speciation to Macroevolution 4. Phylogeny and Systematics Chapter 25 The Fossil Record and Geologic Time Systematics: Connecting Classification to Phylogeny Labs and activities: Building a Cladogram – hands on Unit Test #5 Thursday, Nov. 17

Unit 6: Early Earth, Metabolism and Eukaryotes 1. Early Earth and the Origin of Life Chapter 26 Introduction to the History of the Earth The Origin of Life The Major Lineages of Life 2. An Introduction to metabolism Chapter6 Metabolism, Energy, and Life Enzymes The Control of Metabolism 3. The Origins of Eukaryotic Diversity Chapter 28 Introduction to the Protists Origin and Early Diversification A sample of Diversity 4. Plant Diversity Chapters 29 – 30 Evolution of Land Plants Origin of Land Plants Bryophytes Origin of Vascular Plants Seedless Vascular Plants Evolution of Seed Plants Gymnosperms Angiosperms Plants and Human Welfare Labs and activities: Dissection of Various Fruits – Lab . Unit Test #6 Friday, Dec. 9 Semester Final C. Organisms and Populations (17 weeks) Unit 1: Fungi, Plant Structure and Photosynthesis 1. Fungi Chapter 31 Introduction to the Fungi Diversity of Fungi Ecological Impacts of Fungi Evolution of Fungi Labs and activities: Dissection of Various Fungal Types – Lab 2. Plant Structure and Growth Chapter 35 The Plant Body – Three Basic Organs The Process of Plant Growth and Development Mechanisms of Plant Growth and Development Labs and activities: Comparison of Cell Types – hands on Microscopic Look at Root Tissue – Lab Microscopic Look at Stem Tissue – Lab 3. Photosynthesis Chapter10 Photosynthesis in Nature The Pathways of Photosynthesis Labs and activities: Plant Pigment Chromatography – AP Lab 4 Photosynthesis – AP Lab 4 4. Transport in Plants Chapter 36 An Overview of Transport Mechanisms Absorption of Water and Minerals Transport of Xylem Sap The Control of Transpiration Translocation of Phloem Sap Labs and activities: Transpiration Lab – AP Lab 9 Water Potential Lab – AP Lab 1 Unit Test #1 Monday, January 23

Unit 2: Plant Nutrition, Reproduction and Response 1. Plant Nutrition Chapter 37 Nutritional Requirements The Role of Soil in Plant Nutrition The special caser of Nitrgen as a plant nutrient Nutritional Adaptations: Symbiotic Relationships of Plants and soil microbes Nutritional Adaptations: Parasitic and predation by plants 2. Plant Reproduction Chapter 38 Sexual Reproduction Asexual Reproduction Plant Biotechnology Labs and activities: Flower Dissection – Lab 3. Plant Responses to Internal and External Signals Chapters 11 & 39 Signal Transduction and Plant Responses Responses to Hormones Responses to Light Responses to Other External Stimuli Plant Defenses: Responses to Herbivores and Pathogens Labs and activities: Plant Response to Light – Lab (1week) Unit Test #2 Tuesday, Feb. 7

Unit 3: Introduction to Animals 1. Introduction to Animal Evolution Chapters 32 What is an animal? Two Views of Animal Diversity Origins of Animal Diversity 2. An Introduction to Animal Structure and Function Chapters 40 Functional Anatomy: an Overview Body Plans and the External Environment Regulating the Internal Environment Introduction to the Bioenergetics of Animals 3. Invertebrates Chapter 33 Parazoa Radiata Protostomia: Lophotrochozoa & Ecdysozoa Deuterostomia

4. Vertebrate Evolution and Diversity Chapter 34 Invertebrate Chordates and the Origen of Vetebrates Introduction to the Vertebrates Jawless Vertebrates Fishes and Amphibians Amniotes Primates and the Evolution of Homo sapiens Unit Test #3 Wednesday, Feb. 22

Unit 4: Animal Reproduction, Development and Regulation 1. Animal Reproduction Chapter 46 Overview of Animal Reproduction Mechanisms of Sexual Reproduction Mammalian Reproduction 2. Animal Development Chapter 47 The Stages of Early Embryonic Development The Cellular and Molecular Basis of Morphogenesis and Differentiation in Animals 3. Regulating the Internal Environment Chapter 44 An Overview of Homeostasis Regulation of Body Temperature Water Balance and Waste Disposal Excretory System 4. Cell Communication Chapter11 Cell Signaling Signal Reception and the Initiation of Transduction Signal-Transduction Pathways Cellular Responses to Signals 5. Chemical Signals in Animals Chapter 45 An Introduction to Regulatory Systems Chemical Signals and Their Modes of Action The Vertebrate Endocrine System Unit Test #4 Thursday, March, 8

Unit 5: Nervous System and Response 1. Nervous Systems (Chapter 48) An Overview of Nervous Systems The Nature of Nerve Signals Evolution and Diversity of Nervous Systems Vertebrate Nervous Systems Labs and activities: Lights, Camera, Actions – Nerve Impulse Simulation 2. Sensory and Motor Mechanisms (Chapter 49) Sensing, Acting and Brains Reception Introduction to Sensory Reception Photoreceptors and Vision Hearing and Equilibrium Chemoreceptors – Taste and Smell Movement and Locomotion Unit Test #5 Wednesday, March 28

Unit 6: Respiration, Nutrition, Transport and Defense 1. Cellular Respiration: Harvesting Chemical Energy Chapter 9 Principles of Energy Harvest The Process of Cellular Respiration Related Metabolic Processes 2. Animal Nutrition Chapter 41 Nutritional Requirements Food and Feeding Mechanisms – An evolutionary comparison Food Processing – A comparison Mammalian Digestive System Evolutionary Adaptations of Vertebrate Digestive Systems 3. Circulation and Gas Exchange Chapter 42 Circulation in Animals Gas exchange in Animals Labs and activities: Physiology of the Circulatory System – AP Lab 10 4. The Body’s Defenses Chapter 43 Nonspecific defenses Against Infection How Specific Immunity Works Immune Responses Immunity in Health and Disease Unit Test #6 Tuesday, April 24

Unit 7: Ecology 1. Introduction to Ecology and the Biosphere (Chapter 50) What is Ecology? Factors Affecting the Distribution of Organisms Aquatic and Terrestrial Biomes 2. Behavioral Biology What is Behavior? Learning Animal Cognition Social Behavior and Sociology 3. Population and Communal Ecology (Chapters 52 – 53) Characteristics of Populations Life Histories Population Growth Population-Limiting Factors Human Population Growth What is Community? Control in Community Structure Disturbance and Community Structure Factors that Affect the Biodiversity of Communities 4. Ecosystems (Chapter 54) Trophic Relationships Primary Production Secondary Production Element Cycling Human Impact on Ecosystems 5. Conservation Biology (Chapter 55) The Importance of and Threats to Biodiversity Conservation of Populations and Species Conservation of Communities and Ecosystems Unit Test # 7 Tuesday, May 8

AP Test Review May 9-11 AP Test Monday May 14, 2011 Pig Dissection/ Project May 15-25

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