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Avondale Elementary School District Third Grade Science Curriculum Map
Strand 1: Inquiry Process “Science as inquiry is basic to science education and a controlling principle in the continuing organization and selection of students’ activities. Students at all grade levels and in every domain of science should have the opportunity to use scientific inquiry and develop the ability to think and act in ways associated with inquiry…” (NSES 1995) Inquiry Process establishes the basis for students’ learning in science. Students use scientific processes: questioning, planning and conducting investigations, using appropriate tools and techniques to gather data, thinking critically and logically about relationships between evidence and explanations, and communicating results. . Strand 1 Concept 1: Observation, Questions and Hypotheses
Performance Objectives Classroom Assessment Instructional Strategies Kits and Resources
1. Formulate relevant Completion of KWL chart Physics of Sound Kit Act. Physics of Sound Kit questions about the properties Review students’ journal Light Kit Act. Light Kit of objects, organisms, and New Plants Kit Act. New Plants Kit events of the environment Weather Inst. Kit Act. Weather Inst. Kit using observations and prior knowledge. Create KWL chart on plants, earth properties, events Keep science journal Create visual organizers 2. Predict the results of an Post-video Discussions Physics of Sound Kit Act. Physics of Sound Kit investigation based on Teacher observations Light Kit Act. Light Kit observed patterns, not random Anecdotal Notes New Plants Kit Act. New Plants Kit guessing. Student Worksheets Weather Inst. Kit Act. Weather Inst. Kit Science Journals Video Online Video: Everyday Science: Discovering the Scientific Method http://www.asset.asu.edu/
Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be taught. Arizona Department of Education,
1 Rev5/08 1 Avondale Elementary School District Third Grade Science Curriculum Map
Strand 1 Concept 2: Scientific Testing (Investigating and Modeling) Performance Objectives Classroom Assessment Instructional Strategies Kits and Resources
1. Demonstrate safe behavior Teacher observation of Discuss Safety Poster Foss Safety Posters and appropriate procedures, student participation Assign “Safety” jobs (e.g., use of instruments, Science journal Role play safety rules materials, and organisms) in Rubric for safety checklist all science inquiry. 2. Plan simple investigations Teacher observation of New Plants Kit Activities New Plants Kit (e.g., one plant receives student participation Plan experiments in content adequate water, one too much Science journal area based on student- water, and one too little water) Student response sheets generated questions based on the formulated questions. 3. Conduct simple Teacher observation of Physics of Sound Kit Act. Physics of Sound Kit investigations (e.g., plant life student participation Light Kit Act. Light Kit cycles, changing the pitch of a Science journal New Plants Kit Act New Plants Kit sound, properties of rocks) in Anecdotal Notes Weather Inst. Kit Act. Weather Inst. Kit life, physical, and earth and Student Worksheets Conduct experiments based space sciences on student generated questions 4. Use metric and U.S. Observation of proper use of Physics of Sound Physics of Sound customary units to measure units of measure Investigation 2 Part 2 http://www.fossweb.com/ objects Science journal Length and Pitch Weather Inst. Kit Anecdotal Notes Weather Inst. Kit Act. 5.Record data in an organized Science journal Physics of Sound Kit Act. Physics of Sound Kit and appropriate format (e.g., t- Anecdotal Notes Light Kit Act. Light Kit charts, tables, lists, written Student Worksheets New Plants Kit Act. New Plants Kit Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be taught. Arizona Department of Education,
2 Rev5/08 2 Avondale Elementary School District Third Grade Science Curriculum Map log). Weather Inst. Kit Act. Weather Inst. Kit
Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be taught. Arizona Department of Education,
3 Rev5/08 3 Avondale Elementary School District Third Grade Science Curriculum Map
Strand 1 Concept 3: Analysis and Conclusions
Performance Objectives Classroom Assessment Instructional Strategies Kits and Resources
1. Organize data using the Activity Rubric, TM. P. 128 Weather Instruments Act. Scott Foresman Science following methods with (www.SFSuccessNet.com) Scott Foresman Book - Text appropriate labels: Completed: Unit A4 – Plants and Weather Instruments Kit bar graphs - bar graph Animals Living Together pictographs - tally chart Guided Inquiry: What Can tally charts - pictograph Happen in a Place Without Predators? Create graphs on: plant growth, group results, class results 2. Construct reasonable Science journal Physics of Sound Kit Act. Physics of Sound Kit interpretations of the collected Anecdotal Notes Light Kit Act. Light Kit data based on formulated Student Worksheets New Plants Act. New Plants Kit questions. Weather Instruments Kit Weather Instruments Kit Act. Do a review Jigsaw class activity Make a Results bulletin board 3. Compare the results of the Science journal Physics of Sound Kit Act. Physics of Sound Kit investigation to predictions Anecdotal Notes Light Kit Act. Light Kit made prior to the Student Worksheets New Plants Kit Act. New Plants Kit investigation. Weather Instruments Kit Weather Instruments Kit Act. Review predictions in science journal and
Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be taught. Arizona Department of Education,
4 Rev5/08 4 Avondale Elementary School District Third Grade Science Curriculum Map
summarize results 4. Generate questions for Journal Review Physics of Sound Kit Act. Physics of Sound Kit further inquiry in the Peer evaluation Light Kit Act. Light Kit investigation based on the Teacher observation New Plants Kit Act. New Plants Kit conclusions of the Class discussion Brainstorm investigation. Participate in small group discussion Science journal
5. Record questions for Journal Review Physics of Sound Kit Act. Physics of Sound Kit further inquiry in the Peer evaluation Light Kit Act. Light Kit investigation based on the Teacher observation New Plants Kit Act. New Plants Kit conclusions of the Weather Instruments Kit Weather Instruments Kit investigation. Act. Create class chart of new questions Record two things learned, two you did, two you liked best, most difficult, and what you would change.
Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be taught. Arizona Department of Education,
5 Rev5/08 5 Avondale Elementary School District Third Grade Science Curriculum Map
Strand 1 Concept 4: Communication
Performance Objectives Classroom Assessment Instructional Strategies Kits and Resources
1. Communicate Pre and Post assessment on Physics of Sound Kit Act. Physics of Sound Kit investigations and word bank vocabulary Light Kit Act. Light Kit explanations using evidence Teacher observation New Plants Kit Act. New Plants Kit and appropriate terminology. Journal Review Weather Inst. Kit Act. Weather Inst. Kit Peer evaluation Participate in oral sharing Participate in jigsaw group activities 2. Describe an investigation Journal review Physics of Sound Kit Act. Physics of Sound Kit in ways that enable others to Teacher observation Light Kit Act. Light Kit repeat it New Plants Kit Act. New Plants Kit Record sequence of events Scott Foresman Science in science journal Text Labs Create a flip book
3. Communicate with other Teacher observation Physics of Sound Kit Act. Physics of Sound Kit groups to describe the results Class and small group Light Kit Act. Light Kit of an investigation. discussion New Plants Kit Act. New Plants Kit Weather Inst. Kit Act. Weather Inst. Kit Present individual and class Cooperative Learning by Dr. presentations to other Spencer Kagan classmates, other classes, parents Participate in activities using carousel (Kagan), student expert, and “roam the room” (Kagan). Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be taught. Arizona Department of Education,
6 Rev5/08 6 Avondale Elementary School District Third Grade Science Curriculum Map
Strand 2: History and Nature of Science “Knowledge of the nature of science is central to the understanding of the scientific enterprise” (NAEP 2000) Scientific investigation grows from the contributions of many people. History and Nature of Science emphasizes the importance of the inclusion of historical perspectives and the advances that each new development brings to technology and human knowledge. This strand focuses on the human aspects of science and the role that scientists play in the development of various cultures. Strand 2 Concept 1: History of Science as a Human Endeavor
Performance Objectives Classroom Assessment Instructional Strategies Kits and Resources
1. Identify how diverse people Teacher observation Weather Instruments Scott Foresman Book and/or cultures, past and Journal Review People in Science Weather Instruments Kit – present, have made important Peer evaluation Scott Foresman Book – Inventors of the New contributions to scientific Supports Strand 4 Millenium innovations (e.g., John Muir, Eric Stolen Bio p. 96 www.proteacher.com supports Strand 4; Thomas (Supports Strand 6) If You Lived In the Time Of… Edison, supports Strand 5; Paul Sereno Bio p. 64: (Scholastic series) Mae Jemison, supports Strand Elissa R. Levine Bio p. 216 Dr. http://www.pbs.org/history/ 6; Edmund Hailey, supports Jean Dickey Bio p.24 Strand 6). 2. Recognize science-related Teacher observation Weather Instruments Weather Instruments Kit career opportunities. Journal Review People in Science Scott Foresman Book Peer evaluation Scott Foresman Book Recycling Plant Worker, p. 264 Interview a community member Conduct web research Invite a guest speaker
Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be taught. Arizona Department of Education,
7 Rev5/08 7 Avondale Elementary School District Third Grade Science Curriculum Map
Strand 2: Concept 2: Nature of Scientific Knowledge
Performance Objectives Classroom Assessment Instructional Strategies Kits and Resources
1. Describe how, in a system Unit B / Chapter 9 Assessment Weather Inst. Kit 1-12 Weather Inst. Kit (e.g., terrarium. house) with Support TM p. 262H Scott Foresman Book – Scott Foresman Science many components, the Teacher observation Unit B9 Natural Resources Text components usually influence Journal Review Lesson 1- What Are Ecosystem in a Jar: one another. Peer evaluation Resources? Lesson 2- http://www.cfc- How Can We Protect Our efc.ca/docs/mcca/00000038. Resources?, Lesson 3- htm What Are Ways to Use Resources Again? Keep a Journal about class pets and /or real life experiences with animals Analyze an ecosystem
2. Explain why a system may Unit B / Chapter 9 Assessment Scott Foresman Book – Scott Foresman Book not work if a component is Support TM p. 262H Unit B9 Natural Resources defective or missing. Teacher observation Lesson 1 - What Are Journal Review Resources? Peer evaluation Reflect on relationship of a school community and ecosystem
Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be taught. Arizona Department of Education,
8 Rev5/08 8 Avondale Elementary School District Third Grade Science Curriculum Map
Strand 3: Science in Personal and Social Perspectives Science in Personal and Social Perspectives emphasizes developing the ability to design a solution to a problem, to understand the relationship between science and technology, and the ways people are involved in both. Students understand the impact of science and technology on human activity and the environment. The strand affords students the unique opportunity to understand their place in the world – as living creatures, consumers, decision makers, problem solvers, managers and planners. Strand 3 Concept 1: Changes in Environment
Performance Objectives Classroom Assessment Instructional Strategies Kits and Resources
1. Describe the major factors Unit A / Chapter 4 Assessment Weather Inst. Kit Act.5 Weather Inst. Kit that would impact a human Support TM p. 97H population (e.g., famine, Unit B / Chapter 6 Assessment Scott Foresman Book – Scott Foresman Book drought, disease, improved Support TM p. 169H Unit A4 Plants and Animals http://www.pbs.org/teacherso transportation, medical Teacher observation Living Together urce/sci_tech.htm breakthroughs). Journal Review Lesson 4 – How Do Peer evaluation Environments Change? Scott Foresman Book – Unit B6 Weather Lesson 1 What Makes Up Weather? Lesson 2 How Does Weather Affect People? Create a current events bulletin board with photos, articles, etc. Create a photo essay
Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be taught. Arizona Department of Education,
9 Rev5/08 9 Avondale Elementary School District Third Grade Science Curriculum Map
2. Describe the beneficial and Unit A / Chapter 4 Assessment Weather Instruments Kit Weather Instruments Kit harmful impacts of natural Support TM p. 97H Science Readers Scott Foresman Book events and human activities Unit B / Chapter 6 Assessment Scott Foresman Book – on the environment (e.g., Support TM p. 169H Unit A4 Plants and Animals forest fires, sandstorms, Teacher observation Living Together flooding, drought, pesticides, Journal Review Lesson 4 – How Do pollution). Peer evaluation Environments Change? Scott Foresman Book – Unit B6 Weather Lesson 1 What Makes Up Weather? Lesson 2 How Does Weather Affect People Interview guest speaker Conduct web research Write a response to “What if...” journal prompts
Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be taught. Arizona Department of Education,
10 Rev5/08 10 Avondale Elementary School District Third Grade Science Curriculum Map
Strand 3 Concept 2: Science and Technology in Society
Performance Objectives Classroom Assessment Instructional Strategies Kits and Resources
1. Identify ways that people Science journal Weather Inst. Kit 1-12 Weather Inst. Kit use tools and techniques to Anecdotal Notes Complete graphic organizers Tools: solve problems. Student Worksheets (T-chart, Venn Diagram) http://www.snapon.com/ Examine and demonstrate how various tools are used
2. Describe the development Science journal Participate in a “Then and Innovation Timeline of different technologies (e.g., Anecdotal Notes Now” activity (10 things you www.ideafinder.com/history/ti communication, have now that society did not meline.htm entertainment, transportation, have when your parents medicine) in response to were in 3rd grade) resources, needs, and values.
3. Design and construct a Science journal Weather Inst. Kit 1-12 Weather Inst. Kit technological solution to a Anecdotal Notes Participate in an Invention common problem or need Student Worksheets Convention “design a using common materials. better...”
Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be taught. Arizona Department of Education,
11 Rev5/08 11 Avondale Elementary School District Third Grade Science Curriculum Map
Strand 4: Life Science “The fundamental goal of life sciences is to attempt to understand and explain the nature of life” (NAEP 2000). Life Science expands students’ biological understanding of life by focusing on the characteristics of living things, the diversity of life and how organisms change over time in terms of biological adaptation and genetics. This includes the relationship of structures to their functions and life cycles, interrelationships of matter and energy in living organisms, and the interactions of living organisms with their environment
Strand 4 Concept 1: Characteristics of Organisms
Performance Objectives Classroom Assessment Instructional Strategies Kits and Resources
1. Describe the function of Unit A / Chapter1 Assessment New Plants Kit Act. 1,3 New Plants Kit the following plant structures: Support TM p. 1H Scott Foresman Book - Scott Foresman Book roots – absorb nutrients Science journal Unit A1 – Plants and How Flowers, Why Do You Smell stems – provide support Anecdotal Notes they Grow p.7-21 So Nice? By Francesca leaves – create food Student Worksheets Grazzini flowers – attract pollinators Plant part study Plant by David Burnie and produce seeds for Root absorption activity Practical Plants by Joyce reproduction term/definition matching Pope game The Science Book of Things plant a garden w/ variety That Grow by Neil Ardley make a salad telling which part of the plant you are using
Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be taught. Arizona Department of Education,
12 Rev5/08 12 Avondale Elementary School District Third Grade Science Curriculum Map
Strand 4 Concept 2: Life Cycles
Performance Objectives Classroom Assessment Instructional Strategies Kits and Resources
1. Compare life cycles of Unit A / Chapter 1 Assessment New Plants Kit Act. 3,4 New Plants Kit various plants (e.g., conifers, Support TM p. 1H Scott Foresman Book –p.14-27 Scott Foresman Book deciduous, ferns, flowers). Completed time line Make a picture time line of The Secret Life of Trees by Class participation various plant stages Chiara Chevallier Label parts of various plants Read and share books on The Tremendous Tree Book plants by Barbara Brenner Playground Scavenger Hunt Mighty Tree by Dick Create plant life cycle Gackenbach posters Someday A Tree by Eve Bunting
2. Explain how growth, death, Science journal Scott Foresman Book - http://www.uen.org/themepar and decay are part of the plant Anecdotal Notes Unit A1 – Plants and How k/cycles/plants.shtml life cycle. Student Worksheets They Grow Scott Foresman Book Lesson 4 – How Do Online Activity: The Great New Plants Grow? Plant Escape Participate in a Plant http://www.urbanext.uiuc.edu Playground Scavenger Hunt /gpe/index.html
Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be taught. Arizona Department of Education,
13 Rev5/08 13 Avondale Elementary School District Third Grade Science Curriculum Map
Strand 4 Concept 3: Organisms and Environments
Performance Objectives Classroom Assessment Instructional Strategies Kits and Resources
1. Identify the living and non- Unit A / Chapter 3 Scott Foresman p. 71-89 Scott Foresman Book living components of an Assessment Support TM p. Video Online Video: You in the ecosystem. 65H Playground Scavenger Hunt Food Web Post-video discussions Create plant life cycle posters http://www.asset.asu.edu/ Science journal Anecdotal Notes Student Worksheets 2. Examine an ecosystem to Unit A / Chapter 3 Assessment Scott Foresman p. 71-89 Scott Foresman Book identify microscopic and Support TM p. 65H (no micro.) macroscopic organisms. Science journal Make and keep up a Anecdotal Notes classroom aquarium Student Worksheets 3. Explain the Unit A / Chapter4 Assessment Scott Foresman p98-106 Scott Foresman Book interrelationships among Support TM p. 97H Watch Video http://www.ucmp.berkeley.ed plants and animals in different Science journal Draw or “role play” a food u/fungi/fungi.html environments: Anecdotal Notes web Online Video: Food Chains producers – plants Student Worksheets Grow mold (on bread, and Webs consumers – animals Post-video Discussion potatoes) http://www.asset.asu.edu/ decomposers – fungi, insects, bacteria 4. Describe how plants and Scott Foresman Scott Foresman p.103-119 Scott Foresman Book animals cause change in their Science journal Set up and observe an Ant The Cactus Hotel environment. Anecdotal Notes farm Desert Botanical Garden Student Worksheets Observe daily the changes in a garden Discuss landscaping and its Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be taught. Arizona Department of Education,
14 Rev5/08 14 Avondale Elementary School District Third Grade Science Curriculum Map
use for everyday life 5. Describe how Scott Foresman Scott Foresman p. 114-119 Scott Foresman Book environmental factors (e.g., Science journal The Great Plant Escape soil composition, range of Anecdotal Notes Grow plants using different Case 2 temperature, quantity and Student Worksheets variables http://www.urbanext.uiuc.edu quality of light or water) in the /gpe/case2/index.html ecosystem may affect a member organism’s ability to grow, reproduce, and thrive.
Strand 4 Concept 4: Diversity, Adaptation and Behavior
Performance Objectives Classroom Assessment Instructional Strategies Kits and Resources
1. Identify adaptations of Scott Foresman Scott Foresman p. 48 - 51 Scott Foresman Book plants and animals that allow Science journal Take a Field Trip to Desert Internet, Library them to live in specific Anecdotal Notes Botanical Garden environments. Student Worksheets Participate in a study of AZ desert plants and animals 2. Describe ways that species Scott Foresman Scott Foresman p. 48-51 Scott Foresman Book adapt when introduced into Science journal Write and present a report on Project WILD new environments Anecdotal Notes an animal and its adaptations Student Worksheets 3. Cite examples of how a Scott Foresman Scott Foresman p 48- 57 Scott Foresman Book species’ inability to adapt to Science journal Study and give presentations Internet, Library changing conditions in the Anecdotal Notes regarding extinct animals ecosystem has led to Student Worksheets Investigate animals in extinction of that species. Arizona that are on the endangered list. What is going wrong with their Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be taught. Arizona Department of Education,
15 Rev5/08 15 Avondale Elementary School District Third Grade Science Curriculum Map
Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be taught. Arizona Department of Education,
16 Rev5/08 16 Avondale Elementary School District Third Grade Science Curriculum Map
Strand 5: Physical Science “The physical science component…should probe the following major topics: matter and its transformations, energy and its transformations, and the motion of things.” (NAEP 2000) Physical Science affords students the opportunity to increase their understanding of the characteristics of objects and materials they encounter daily. Students gain an understanding of the nature of matter and energy including their forms, the changes they undergo, and their interactions. By studying objects and their forces that act upon them, students develop an understanding of the fundamental laws of motion, knowledge of the various ways energy is stored in a system, and the process by which energy is transferred between system and surroundings. Strand 5 Concept 1: Properties of Objects and Materials This concept is not addressed at this grade level.
Strand 5 Concept 2: Position and Motion of Objects This concept is not addressed at this grade level.
Strand 5 Concept 3: Energy and Magnetism
Performance Objectives Classroom Assessment Instructional Strategies Kits and Resources
1. Demonstrate that light can Scott Foresman Light Kit Activity -Mirrors Light Kit be: Science journal Reflect, Prism Power Scott Foresman reflected (with mirrors) Anecdotal Notes Scott Foresman p. 372-373 Online Video: Stage One refracted (with prisms) Student Worksheets Watch Videos Science: Light and Color absorbed (by dark surfaces) Post-video discussion www.asset.asu.edu/ Use Online Video: Basics of lenses, acrylic squares, or Physics: Exploring Light and water in an aquarium to show Color and Peep and the Big refraction Wide World: Night Light/Sounds http://www.asset.asu.edu/
Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be taught. Arizona Department of Education,
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2. Describe how light reacts to Science journal Light Kit Activities Just Light Kit objects that are: Anecdotal Notes Passing Through, Light The Science of Light : transparent (clear plastic) Student Worksheets Rays Slow Down http://www.learner.org/teach translucent (waxed paper) Flashlight activities using erslab/science/light/ opaque (cardboard) clear plastic, colored plastic, http://www.howstuffworks.co cardboard m/light.htm http://www.shoutfile.com/v/dq vjvqei/a_wonderfulworld 3. Demonstrate that vibrating Scott Foresman Watch Video Scott Foresman objects produce sound. Teacher Observation Physics of Sound Kit Act. Physics of Sound Kit Post-video discussions Good Vibrations and How Online Video: Sound, A First Science journal Sound Travels Look Anecdotal Notes Scott Foresman p. 391 - www.asset.asu.edu/com/ Student Worksheets 393 Good Vibrations: Experiments with rubber http://teacher.scholastic.com/ bands, glasses, musical dirt/vibes.htm instruments Make musical instruments
4. Demonstrate that the pitch of Scott Foresman Physics of Sound Kit - Physics of Sound Kit a sound changes as the result Science journal Good Vibrations Scott Foresman of a change in the rate of the Anecdotal Notes Scott Foresman p. 392 Sound Experiments Ray vibration (e.g., a long rubber Student Worksheets Broekle band has a lower pitch than a Bees Dance and Whales short rubber band) Sing: The Mysteries of Animal Communication by Margery Facklam Poems Go Clang: A Collection of Noisy Verses Candlewick Press Ty’s One Man Band by Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be taught. Arizona Department of Education,
18 Rev5/08 18 Avondale Elementary School District Third Grade Science Curriculum Map
Mildred P. Walter
Strand 6: Earth and Space Science “Earth science is the study of the planets, Earth’s composition, processes, environments and history, focusing on the solid Earth, and its interaction with air and water.” (NAEP 2000) Earth and Space Science provides the foundation for students to develop an understanding of the Earth, its history, composition, and formative processes, the solar system, and the universe. Students study the regularities of the interrelated systems of the natural world. In doing so, they develop understandings of the basic laws, theories, and models that explain the world (NSES, 1995). By studying the Earth from both a historical and current time frame, students can make informed decisions about issues affecting the planet on which they live.
Strand 6 Concept 1: Properties of Earth Materials
Performance Objectives Classroom Assessment Instructional Strategies Kits and Resources
1. Identify the layers of the Scott Foresman Scott Foresman p. 223 Scott Foresman Book Earth: Science journal Make clay model of the Susan Humphris: Geologist crust Anecdotal Notes layers of the Earth by Liza Ketchum Murrow mantle Student Worksheets Keep an Earth Journal Earth Observatory: core (inner and outer) Project Folder (Students http://earthobservatory.nasa. come up w/questions or gov/Study/ ideas for further investigation)
2. Describe the different Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Book p. 199 Scott Foresman Book types of rocks and how they Science journal - 201 Online Video: Rocks and are formed: Anecdotal Notes Watch Video Minerals-The Hard Facts metamorphic Student Worksheets http://www.asset.asu.edu/ igneous Post-video discussion sedimentary
Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be taught. Arizona Department of Education,
19 Rev5/08 19 Avondale Elementary School District Third Grade Science Curriculum Map
Performance Objectives Classroom Assessment Instructional Strategies Kits and Resources 3. Classify rocks based on Science journal Earth Materials Kit Activity Earth Materials Kit the following physical Anecdotal Notes Mock Rocks and Scratch Everybody Needs a Rock, properties: Student Worksheets Test Byrd Baylor Color and texture Field Trip to AZ Rock and Science Museum 4. Describe fossils as a Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Book p.54- Scott Foresman Book record of past life forms Anecdotal Notes 57, 200 Fossil Formations Kit Student Worksheets Fossil Formations Act. 2 Create a poster that tells about your fossil. 5. Describe how fossils are Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Book p.54- Scott Foresman Book formed. Science journal 57, 200 Fossil Formations Kit Anecdotal Notes Fossil Formations Kit Act. Student Worksheets 4,5,8 Conduct an Archeological “Dig with Grid” on playground Find modern day imprints that may become fossils
6. Describe ways humans use Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Book – p. Scott Foreman Book earth materials (e.g., fuel, Science journal 204-209 News papers building materials, growing Anecdotal Notes Conduct a Home inventory of Magazines food). Student Worksheets things made from earth Internet research materials
Strand 6 Concept 2: Objects in the Sky This concept is not addressed at this grade level.
Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be taught. Arizona Department of Education,
20 Rev5/08 20 Avondale Elementary School District Third Grade Science Curriculum Map
Strand 6 Concept 3: Changes in the Earth and Sky This concept is not addressed at this grade level.
Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level content or at a higher level of complexity. The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate the specific content to be taught. Arizona Department of Education,
21 Rev5/08 21