Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 2016 No. 74 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was Tornadoes were also reported in Muh- AMERICAN MANUFACTURING COM- called to order by the President pro lenberg and Union Counties. Thank- PETITIVENESS AND DEFEND tempore (Mr. HATCH). fully, no deaths have been reported in TRADE SECRETS BILLS f Kentucky as of the latest news reports. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, yes- Kentuckians are, as always, reaching PRAYER terday the Senate passed the American out to help their neighbors in times of Manufacturing Competitiveness Act, a The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- distress, with reports that local bipartisan bill that—as my friend, the fered the following prayer: churches and businesses have opened chairman of the Finance Committee, Let us pray. their doors to those displaced by the observed—shows our ‘‘commitment to O God, our refuge and strength, give tornadoes as they recover. helping our economy with more jobs, us reverence for Your greatness. Guide We are thinking today of all the Ken- bigger paychecks, and a stronger our Senators around the pitfalls of tuckians who have been hurt by this American manufacturing base.’’ their work, enabling them to have severe weather. We continue to mon- Later today the President will sign hearts sustained by Your peace. May itor the situation, and we are thankful into law the Defend Trade Secrets Act, they surrender their will to You as that the damage that has been reported another Senate-passed bill that pro- they trust You to direct their path. so far was not worse. motes our economy and helps create Lord, give them the wisdom to receive f and retain American jobs. Both of Your reproof with the understanding ENERGY AND WATER DEVELOP- these bills are the result of the work of that You chastise those whom You love MENT APPROPRIATIONS BILL two dedicated committee chairmen, for their good. Undergird them with Senator HATCH and Senator GRASSLEY. Your enabling might as You make Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, They are also the result of a Senate their lives productive for the glory of after much hard work, research, and that is back to work for the American Your Name. deliberation from both sides of the aisle, we are closer to having an oppor- people. Amen. I thank the Finance Committee and f tunity to pass the first funding bill of the appropriations season, the energy Judiciary Committee chairmen for PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE security and water infrastructure fund- their efforts to advance these bills, just The President pro tempore led the ing bill. as I thank Senators BURR, PORTMAN, Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: I know Members have some dif- TOOMEY, and FLAKE for their diligent work to help support American busi- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the ferences of opinion about an amend- United States of America, and to the Repub- ment authored by Senator COTTON, but nesses and the economy through their lic for which it stands, one nation under God, this is how the legislative process is efforts to pass the American Manufac- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. supposed to work. Senator COTTON’s turing Competitiveness Act. f amendment, which would prevent fu- f ture funds to purchase heavy water RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY THE ECONOMY from Iran, is germane to this funding LEADER bill, and it deserves a vote. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. We are going to have that vote today, President Obama recently bragged to PAUL). The majority leader is recog- allowing Senators from both sides to the New York Times Magazine about nized. have their say on this issue and allow- his performance on the economy. He f ing us to move forward on this impor- boasted about his economic legacy and tant measure. actually claimed that, by his esti- SEVERE WEATHER IN WESTERN The energy security and water infra- mation, the administration managed KENTUCKY structure funding bill will positively the economic recovery better than any Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I impact every State in America. We peer economy facing a financial cri- wish to say a few words about the se- know it includes important measures sis—now listen to this—‘‘on Earth in vere weather that hit my home State to support energy research and innova- modern history.’’ Well, that is a quote of Kentucky yesterday. A large tor- tion to promote public safety, to main- to remember. nado touched down in Mayfield in tain waterway infrastructure, and to The same day this story hit, the Bu- Graves County in Western Kentucky. It promote nuclear security. reau of Economic Analysis released its damaged homes and businesses and re- Let’s work to advance this bill and first quarter report showing only 0.5 portedly injured 10 people as it made keep the appropriations process mov- percent economic growth. It is the lat- its way through that part of my State. ing forward in a responsible manner. est reminder of the actual economy ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S2675 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:44 May 12, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MY6.000 S11MYPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2676 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 11, 2016 that Americans are forced to confront and solutions to help America prosper it was known. But for that, who knows day in and day out. once more. how difficult our situation would be. President Obama has presided over If President Obama wants to actually In Nevada, we had the experience of the worst economic recovery since build an economic legacy for himself what happened when Wall Street col- World War II. Growth is anemic, wages and not just try to spin Americans on lapsed. We weren’t the only State. It are stagnant for too many, poverty is one, then I invite him to finally join happened all over this Nation. For my up for too many, jobs are scarce for too us. friend to talk about how great the many, and Americans are losing faith My Republican colleagues will have economy was during the Bush years is in the future. more to say on the economy this after- simply fictional. Somehow President Obama doesn’t noon. Are things perfect now? Of course seem to think any of this is his prob- I thank my colleague Senator SUL- not. We have had no help in the Senate. lem or a problem at all. The issue isn’t LIVAN, who has been outspoken on this We had very little help in the House. his policies or his refusal to work important matter. For 71⁄2 years, all Republicans have across the aisle on solutions. No, to I also thank Senator COATS for his done is try to oppose—they didn’t try; him it is just a messaging problem. It work to strengthen our economic poli- they opposed—everything President is just that he was too busy to ‘‘take cies as chairman of the Joint Economic Obama has attempted to do. We have victory laps’’ or explain things prop- Committee, as well as a member of the been able to overcome some of that. erly. Finance Committee. Since Obama took office, the U.S. He believes ‘‘the U.S. economy is in These Senators know the costly toll economy saw the longest stretch of pri- much better shape than the public ap- the Obama economy has had on people vate sector growth in its history, and it preciates.’’ As the magazine story I in their home States, and they are is still ongoing. There were some complaints last mentioned previously observes, in fact, working to address it. he claims that ‘‘by almost every eco- month that only 160,000 jobs were cre- f nomic measure, we are significantly ated. That was 160,000 compared to better off.’’ RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY 800,000 being lost during the Bush ad- Well, many in the middle class feel LEADER ministration. We need to do more. quite differently. Just don’t take my There is no question about that, but we The PRESIDING OFFICER. The need some help. word for it. Here is what Bill Clinton Democratic leader is recognized. thinks of the Obama administration Republicans are doing everything economy. He said: ‘‘Millions and mil- f they can—and they have proven that in the last 71⁄2 years—to make it tough for lions and millions and millions of peo- COMMENDING BRAD HATCHER ple look at that pretty picture of President Obama. Mr. REID. Mr. President, Brad We have a lot of people who aren’t America he painted and they cannot Hatcher, who is serving as my legisla- being paid enough. How about those find themselves in it to save their tive fellow for defense issues this year, people working on minimum wage and lives.’’ trying to survive? Yet Republicans That is Bill Clinton on the Obama has done a terrific job. We are so fortu- refuse to help us raise that. economy. Hard-working middle class nate to have the military we do have, and he exemplifies that. How about paycheck fairness so that families simply cannot find themselves my daughter and my granddaughters f in the picture this President has paint- are paid the same amount of money for ed of the American economy.