Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, MAY 10, 2016 No. 73 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was in Memphis who have died of heroin We need to study marijuana to see called to order by the Speaker pro tem- overdoses. This is a problem all over what its medical uses are. We don’t pore (Mr. WEBER of Texas). the country, but predominantly in the need to use it to incarcerate and crip- f northeast and predominantly in Cauca- ple for the future jobs for young people. sian areas. It has become an issue, as it We need to encourage young people not DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO should, of importance. But none of the to do any drugs at all, not to do alco- TEMPORE bills that we are going to deal with hol, not to smoke cigarettes, and to The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- today—all of which are good, and all of take their time as youths to be youths, fore the House the following commu- which I will support—deal with the real to be young, to learn, and to fill their nication from the Speaker: problem; and that is, the recognition in minds with knowledge for a better life WASHINGTON, DC, our country that we treat all drugs as later. But if, as a youth or as an adult, May 10, 2016. a law enforcement problem, a criminal they should use an illegal substance, I hereby appoint the Honorable RANDY K. problem, and not as a health problem; they should be dealt with as having a WEBER, SR., to act as Speaker pro tempore and that we treat most all drugs on the problem and not be given a scarlet let- on this day. same level and give law enforcement ter that stays with them for the rest of PAUL D. RYAN, the same incentives to arrest dealers their lives. Speaker of the House of Representatives. and/or users for any drug and not en- So my work has been and will con- f courage them and give them reasons— tinue to be to try to make more sense MORNING-HOUR DEBATE besides public safety—to emphasize of our drug laws; to see that the sched- their enforcement on opioids and her- uling is smarter, that heroin and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- oin. opioids continue to be at the top, and ant to the order of the House of Janu- In the drug schedules which we have that marijuana is not in that listing; ary 5, 2016, the Chair will now recog- in our country that lay out the order in and to do things that encourage law nize Members from lists submitted by which we think drugs are the most se- enforcement to arrest people that are the majority and minority leaders for rious, Schedule I is at the top; and in dealing in and selling heroin and morning-hour debate. that classification are heroin, LSD, ec- opioids, which cause death and cause The Chair will alternate recognition stasy, and marijuana. people to be addicted to the point between the parties, with each party I ask you each not to answer reflex- where they will commit crimes to se- limited to 1 hour and each Member ively which of those four don’t fit. cure moneys to keep their habit going, other than the majority and minority Marijuana does not fit. and to not have equal incentives to go leaders and the minority whip limited Our laws should show that heroin is a after marijuana that does none of those to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- serious problem and that marijuana is things. bate continue beyond 1:50 p.m. not as serious a problem; that users f f should be dealt with in ways that don’t put them in jail and, in the case of BABY BODY PARTS FOR SALE MARIJUANA V. HEROIN marijuana possession, don’t cause them The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The SPEAKER pro tempore. The to lose scholarship opportunities, hous- Chair recognizes the gentleman from Chair recognizes the gentleman from ing opportunities in Federal facilities, Pennsylvania (Mr. PITTS) for 5 min- Tennessee (Mr. COHEN) for 5 minutes. or jobs later on. utes. Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, today on We also shouldn’t have law enforce- Mr. PITTS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today our calendar we have got about 10 bills ment, through asset forfeiture, get to bring attention to the research that dealing with a very serious issue in moneys from people they arrest; fund the Select Investigative Panel on In- America: opioids and heroin. This is an their activities by making arrests; and fant Lives is conducting. I encourage awful problem we have in our Nation. have it be presumed in law that mon- everyone to examine the exhibits from There is more and more use of opioids eys and/or properties that are involved the Select Investigative Panel on In- and heroin and death resulting from it in the transactions of those drug deals fant Lives’ investigation on their Web than at any time that I can recall in are involved and that law enforcement site: the past. gets to keep those items. It gives law investigative-panel. I had a young friend a few years back enforcement a reason to go after mari- On April 20, 2016, Chairman MARSHA who died of a heroin overdose. I have juana—which is easier to find and BLACKBURN held a hearing on the known of other promising young people make money—rather than heroin. ‘‘Pricing of Fetal Tissue’’ and found b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2161 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:37 May 11, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10MY7.000 H10MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2162 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 10, 2016 broad consensus among witnesses that have the opportunity to pick, for in- going to sell something that can be Federal law may have been violated stance, female reproductive system and easily converted for the use of ter- when abortion clinics profited from the ovaries. You could then ask for five of rorism? sale of baby body parts. those at 15 to 16 weeks. Then you could You see, planes are fungible. Airplane This grave circumstance has caused add, down at the bottom here, tongue. parts are fungible. Unless we think considerable concern because one of So these are the options. that only Boeing is beginning these the underpinnings and so-called safe- For crying out loud, this is the Ama- sorts of discussions—we know what guards of the statute that allowed for of baby body parts, a market Airbus is doing. Airbus has made a de- the donation of fetal tissue for trans- for baby body parts. It is repulsive, cision to go in and do business with plantation and research was that this outrageous, and I urge you to go to the this terrorist regime. tissue would not be sold. Web site to see the exhibits. Why I am urging these companies— The author of the statute, former This is a market for baby body parts where and particularly Boeing, as an iconic Congressman Henry Waxman, stated you get what you pay for. American company, as a company that during floor debate in 1993: This is utterly repulsive. Absolutely out- has come to symbolize what? American This amendment would enact the rageous. Each one of these baby tongues or strength, American innovation, and most important safeguards to prevent baby brains belongs to a little human baby. American greatness. And then to be any sale of fetal issue for any purpose, This business is nothing more than a fetal complicit with the Iranians and the not just the purpose of research. It corpse market. How can anyone defend such sheer possibility and, I would argue, would be abhorrent to allow for a sale an abhorrent practice? probability that those airplanes will be of fetal tissue and a market to be cre- These exhibits illustrate that, in both intent converted to warplanes. ated for that sale. and practice, these clinics make money well Now, just so I am clear, I am not Yet this is what is happening today. above any actual costs they incur. They are making an argument nor a suggestion As seen on Exhibit B2, the ‘‘Procure- making a profit. Go to the Select Panel’s today that Boeing is doing anything il- ment Business’’—the name is re- website legal. I am not making that argument. But here is my point: just because dacted—markets itself in its brochure vestigative-panel and see for yourself the re- something is legal doesn’t make it as a way for clinics to make additional vealing exhibits that show how these organiza- good; just because something is legal income by allowing procurement busi- tions may have broken the law and profited doesn’t make it right. ness technicians to collect fetal tissue from this gruesome, inhumane practice of and organs from aborted babies imme- baby body part harvesting and trafficking. b 1215 diately after an abortion is completed.