Indiana State University s3

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Indiana State University s3

UFS #3 Approved November 16, 2000 October 19, Minutes

Indiana State University

Faculty Senate 2000-01

Time: 3:15 p.m. Place: HMSU, Dede III Present: Chairperson F. Bell, Vice Chair P. Hightower, Secretary C. Hoffman A. Anderson, R. Baker, E. Bermudez, A. Blackshire-Belay, M. Brennan, P. Carino, J. Cerny, G. Christianson, J. Conant, N. Corey, S. Davis, P. Dutta, D. Gilman, R. Goidel, M. Harmon, S. Lamb, K. Liu, C. McDonald, L. Maule, D. Memory, W. Moates, F. Muyumba, D. Prentice, S. Sharp, E. Warner, W. Warren, P. Wright Absent: D. Burger, B. Clouse, R. Clouse, A. Cockerham, H. Cox, B. Frank, J. Huber, N. Lawrence, A. Rider, R. Schneirov Ex-Officio: President Benjamin, Interim Provost Hopkins, Vice President Schafer Visitors: G. England, J. Harper I. Administrative Report President Benjamin reported on his attendance at meetings relevant to state budget funding for the next biennium. The President provided update on the two national searches for the positions of dean, School of Business and School of Education and noted Homecoming events. Also, he updated the Senate on search procedures for the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. II. Chair Report Chair Bell reported on his continued work with University Counsel M. Sacopulos to refine the new Grievance Policies and Procedures, his attendance at a Foundation advisory meeting, and the two meetings with Office of Admissions personnel to discuss financial aid concerns. He said the Promotion and Tenure Oversight Committee (PTOC) had been forwarded two charges from the Executive Committee and a convener delegated. Chair Bell noted the intent of Academic Affairs to formulate a study group on distance education and his recommendation that the administration subsume the two groups formulated by faculty governance into the finalized group--ITAC-Distance Education Action Group and the ad hoc Committee on Quality Control of Distance Education. He thank ed M. Greninger, editor of Campus Connection for an article on faculty governance.

III. SGA Report K. Garing reported that the SGA had several bills in committee, had supported the resolution naming the multi-purpose athletic field "Stephen Kennedy Field" and was currently working on student representation on Senate Standing Committees. IV. Fifteen Minute Open Discussion M. Harmon made the following statement: I have not seen the article, but there apparently was an article in a recent edition of the Indianapolis Star that stated only Ball State and Notre Dame graduates could sit for the CPA exam; IU, Purdue and ISU were left out. This is not true--ISU students are allowed to sit for the exam. In fact, two years ago, an ISU graduate got the highest score in the nation and this misinformation will be corrected shortly. C. MacDonald commented that the noted distance education charges would also apply to the Graduate Council. R. Baker voiced a concern chairpersons have with the timeline for use of the one-time professional development funding. D. Hopkins noted that venues were being considered that would permit a different timeline for the professional development funding. C. Hoffman noted the indication that existing travel policies and procedures will not be adjusted until January and asked for an update. President Benjamin responded that after consultation, the decision was made to study the processes, accumulate recommendations and not make any changes before the new semester commences in January. Chair Bell requested that faculty participate in study discussions on travel policies and procedures. V. Approval of the Minutes A. Anderson moved approval of the minutes; seconded by S. Lamb. The minutes were approved, 28-0-0. VI. FAC Select Committees N. Corey moved approval of all committee slates, seconded by M. Harmon. After discussion, the motion was amended to exclude approval of the Theodore Dreiser Distinguished Research & Creativity Awards Committee. The motion as amended passed, 27-0- 1. VII. FEBC Recommendations After discussion, the Senate acted as follows: Health Benefits and COBRA P. Carino moved approval, seconded by A. Anderson; approved 28-0-0. Support the Health Benefits Review Committee's recommendation to hold rates with no premium increase and no decrease in benefits for 2001 and the COBRA change. Handbook Change A. Anderson moved approval, seconded by E. Bermudez; approved 28-0-0. Section IV, page 4-3, Compensation and Benefits, Extra Classes: In emergency situations, tenured and tenure-track faculty may agree to teach a course or a section of a course in addition to the regular teaching schedule. Pay for such extra teaching responsibility is at a rate of 3% of base salary per semester hour over 12 hours or the equivalent thereof. However, a faculty member will not be granted overload pay if his/her assignment does not exceed 13 semester hours. Fiscal year contract faculty or administrative/professional staff may not receive additional compensation for teaching classes or research contract purposes without prior authorization. The Fiscal Employee Approval Form must be completed and approved. VIII. Soccer Field Dedication E. Warner moved to invite G. England and J. Harper to the table and that the Senate support the proposal to name the new multi-purpose athletic field "Stephen Kennedy Field," seconded by S. Lamb. J. Harper and G. England addressed the Senate on the merits of the proposal. The motion passed, 28-0-0. IX. General Education Locus of Control A. Anderson moved approval, seconded by D. Prentice. After lengthy discussion, the Senate tabled and recommitted to the CAAC the General Education Locus of Control document, 24-1-2. X. Standing Committee Reports of Activities since the last Senate meeting: Administrative Affairs Committee, K. Liu--The AAC had met once in regular session and once in executive session. The Committee had started work on its charges. Arts Endowment Committee, G. Christensen--The AEC had met and elected officers. The deadline for submission of funding proposals is November 6 and the Committee will meet on November 14 to review the submitted proposals. Curriculum and Academic Affairs Committee, J. McNabb--The CAAC had met five times, elected officers: P. Engelbach, Chair; R. Guell, Vice Chair; and D. Malooley, Secretary. The Committee approved five fast track proposals. Faculty Affairs Committee, S. Lamb--The FAC meets again tomorrow to consider its charges and has been considering faculty evaluation procedures. Faculty Economic Benefits Committee, J. Cerny--The FEBC held its organizational meeting on October 9, and agreed to meet from 3:30-5:00 p.m. on the second and forth Mondays of each month. The Committee approved and sent forward three items for action--all three are action items on today's agenda; heard reports on the current financial state of the Health Benefits program and discussed several issues related to the proposed Spectrum Health-Wellness program. Additional information and data were requested from Spectrum and our local Health Benefits Office; examination and prioritization of its charges commenced, and by agreement, salary compression will be given a high priority. The next meeting of the FEBC is scheduled for October 23 at 3:30 p.m. in the School of Nursing 402. Graduate Council, C. MacDonald--The Council has met twice. Charges to the Council were reviewed and clarification requested of the Executive Committee. Charges to the Standing Committees of the Council have been distributed and a review and revision of the Graduate Catalog begun. The next meeting will be November 16 at 11:00 a.m. in Erickson 111. Student Affairs Committee, M. Harmon--The SAC has met twice. Officers were elected: M. Harmon, Chair; and R. Englund, Vice Chair and Secretary. Work on the Committee's charges has begun. The next meeting of the SAC is scheduled for tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. in School of Business 823. University Research Committee, E. Warner--The URC met on September 28 and elected its officers: B. Frank, Chair; A. Blackshire-Belay, Vice Chair; S. Moncada, Secretary; and R. Genaro, Subvention Secretary. The meeting adjourned at 4:52 p.m.

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