The Future Academic Organisation of the University

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The Future Academic Organisation of the University

Postgraduate Family Accommodation Response Paper

DURHAM STUDENTS’ UNION Project to Deliver New Postgraduate Family Accommodation

Context In recognition of the poor condition of postgraduate family accommodation at Kepier Court and the unviable cost of refurbishment, this project seeks to relocate the accommodation to a new site at Southfield Way, Dryburn. The new residencies will be constructed in partnership with the Three Rivers Housing Group. The Kepier Court site will be sold upon completion of the new development to this group in exchange for Preference Shares in the new accommodation. This project is envisaged for completion by time of September 2005.

The Student Response At a meeting held at Kepier Court on 29th July 2003 and attended by DSU President Craig Jones, DSU Treasurer Andy Beales and several current residents of the site, the following student concerns were noted:

 Location Students felt that the major strength of the Kepier Court site was its centrality but, in view of the condition of the complex, the case for relocation was considered a reasoned one. However, the logistics of such a move across the city for postgraduates and their families brought up a number of considerations to be explored in the run-up to project implementation. These included the implications on children of a change in school catchment area and concerns surrounding continuity of GP care provision. The Bursar of Ustinov College, Mr Martian Clemmett, noted these concerns in order to address them through dialogue with local schools and other parties.

 Flat Layouts Plans for the layout of the flats were shown to students at the meeting and responses were generally positive. The smaller size of the flats, particularly of the kitchens and bathrooms, was noted.

 Amenities Plans for facilities at the new site were well-received. However, concerns were expressed over the availability of space set aside for children with one student commenting that, “It is good to have internet connection but the children need somewhere to be able to play”. The importance

Bringing the Durham experience to life Postgraduate Family Accommodation Response Paper of an outlet for children to play was linked by students to their temperament and behaviour and also to levels of care and consideration for the property and the environment around them. Students looked for assurances that appropriate childcare facilities would be provided at the new site in view of the distance between the new location and the University Crèche. Concerns surrounding the logistics of childcare were expressed and it was suggested that efforts be undertaken to ensure that connections to the University Crèche be maintained. Considerations have been raised regarding the adequacy of the size of electrical appliances for the size of the families served by their usage, an example being in the size of fridge-freezers. The move away from a central laundry facility to individual machines in flats was welcomed.

 Financial Considerations The rise in monthly rental costs for the new accommodation, from a projected figure of £375 per month at Kepier Court to £410 per month in the new accommodation is noted. However, it was asserted at the meeting that residency at the new accommodation will incur lesser utility costs for gas and electricity owing both to provision being metered and the modern building having a better capacity for insulation and heat retention. It was also stated by Ustinov Officers that this rise takes place within the general context of residence fee rises at the University.

 Other Considerations The location of the new site is within the outlying districts of Durham City and the new complex will be one of the outermost centres of student residence within the University. The provision of CCTV and security facilities was one keenly taken up by the Ustinov officers and, although no solid commitment was made at that time, due consideration was promised for safety and security issues.

Comments The financial considerations barring renovation of Kepier Court on grounds of worth of investment and sustainability are appreciated. The DSU Representatives, alongside the Ustinov Senior Tutor, toured two of the flats at Kepier Court and, although it was clear that the College staff had gone to appreciable lengths to promote the interiors of the flats, the external structure of the buildings clearly illustrated the folly of further long-term investment in the property. The plans to develop new accommodation on the Dryburn site, along with improved facilities and modern fittings for residents, are encouraged. In this stage of planning though, it is important that the concerns raised by students, regarding factors linked to design, amenities and the logistics of relocation, are explored and met. The DSU Representatives will monitor progress in addressing these concerns and are confident that the development of the plans in the light of the input of the student residents will deliver a successful project implementation. Our response to these proposals is given in Annex A


Bringing the Durham experience to life Postgraduate Family Accommodation Response Paper

Craig Jones, President, Durham Students’ Union Andy Beales, Treasurer and Director of Services, Durham Students’ Union Annex A The response of Durham Students’ Union to the project plans

1. Location

 The move from Kepier Court to the Dryburn site is broadly welcomed by DSU.

 The Union considers as essential that the following points be resolved as soon as possible:

o School Catchment Areas DSU is keen that the University liase with the current schools to allow those children who wish to stay on at them can, as well as helping with those pupils who do change schools.

o GP Provision given the large distance to the University Medical Centre Despite being opposite a hospital transferral of GP services will need to be researched and co-ordinated by the University

2. Flat Layouts

 DSU is satisfied that the layout plans for the flats within the new complex are encouraging for students in terms of internal space usage.

 DSU will seek for adequate playing space to be made available for the use of children within the new site development.

3. Amenities

 Provision of washing machines in individual flats, as opposed to a central laundry, is welcomed as a family friendly measure.

 DSU will encourage the college to provide larger appliances, especially fridges etc, for larger families.

 DSU will seek assurances that reasonable steps are taken to facilitate childcare provision between the new site and the University Crèche.

 DSU is keen to press the University to encourage regular bus service between the site and the city centre, to attempt to negotiate a discount for residents, and promote this scheme.

4. Financial Considerations

 The provision for structural heat insulation and the prospects thus created for savings in utility bills is welcomed by the Union.

 DSU is aware that the apparently higher level of rents will be off-set by these savings and the current rises in University accommodation as a whole.

Bringing the Durham experience to life Postgraduate Family Accommodation Response Paper

5. Other Considerations

 The priority of creating a safety and security strategy for the new site and the need to ensure CCTV and security officer provision will be keenly pursued by DSU.

 DSU is keen to see the University assist where possible with the movement of Students property from the old site to the new.

Bringing the Durham experience to life

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