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Curriculum Vitae Personal History Date: Aug. 2016
Name (first name/surname, last name/forename): Abolfazl Ardjmand
Department of Physiology, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran
Phone (Office): 0361 5550021-5
*Address (Home): University Campus, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran *Phone (Home):
*Mobile: 09194829707 *Email Address: [email protected] * Optional items
Educational History a. Education (Academic Preparation) Major Minor Degree University City Country Year From To Neuroscience Brain & PhD ICSS & Shahid Tehran Iran 2005 2011 Beheshti Cognition University of Medical Sciences Physiology Human MSc. TMU Tehran Iran 2001 2003 Physiology b. Theses Title of thesis Degree Supervisor(s) The role of glutamatergic system of central amygdala PhD Prof. Zarrindast MR, Prof. on inhibitory avoidance learning Rezayof A, The effect of eugenol on LTP in the rat hippocampus MSc. Prof. Fathollahi Y.
1 Professional History a. Teaching history School/Major *Level Role **Type Title of lesson Number Clock Year of lesson of Hours (Theory Students or Practical) Addiction Postgraduate Instructor Theory Cognitive Sciences Studies & lab Addiction Postgraduate Instructor Theory Addiction Biology Studies & lab Addiction Postgraduate Instructor Theory Neurobiology Studies & lab Medicine Postgraduate Instructor Theory Physiology & lab Medicine Postgraduate Instructor Theory ESP Physiology Postgraduate Instructor Theory Physiology & lab Physiology Postgraduate Instructor Theory Physiology & lab Methodology Addiction Postgraduate Instructor Theory Lab. animals Studies/ & lab Physiology Physiology Postgraduate Instructor Theory ESP Paramedicine Undergraduate Instructor Theory Physiology & lab Paramedicine Undergraduate Instructor Theory ESP *Level: Undergraduate, Resident, Postgraduate, Graduate **Type of lessons: Theory or Practical (Classroom, Laboratory, clinic, Operating Room, Community, etc.) b. Professional Service Type of Service Place Year English editor of the Medical Deputy of Research & Technology 2005- Journal(Feyz) present Co-editor of Archives of Trauma Deputy of Research & Technology 2005- Research Journal present c. Academic Administrative Appointments Position Duties Institution/Location Supervisor Year Med fac Physiol cen trauma Instructor Instruction Kashan University 2004- of Medical present Sciences Clinical Instructor Instruction/supervision Qom University of 1997- and researcher of Nursing Medical Sciences 2004 Instructor Physiology, sports Qom University of 2004- medicine and 2 ESP instructor Medical Sciences 2002
Head of the central Qom University of 2000- library Medical 2002 Sciences d. Executive Positions and appointments (Administrative) Job Title Duties and Site of activity Supervisor Year Responsibilities From To Research Council of Member Medicine Faculty _ 2005- Medicine Faculty present Research Council of Member Physiology 2005- Physiology Research Research center _ present center Co-editor of Archives of Officer Deputy of Research 2005- Trauma Research & Technology _ present Journal Editorial board of Member Deputy of Research 2005- Archives of Trauma & Technology _ present Research Journal Editorial board of Member Deputy of Research _ 2005- Medical Journal(Feyz) & Technology present English editor of the Officer Deputy of Research _ 2005- Medical Journal(Feyz) & Technology present
Membership in Professional Associations and societies (Professional Memberships) Name of Association Site of association For Year Member of the Iranian Society Iran _ 2007 for Neuroscience Member of the Iranian Society Iran _ 2004 of Physiology and Pharmacology Member of the Society for Europe 2008 Neuroscience (SFN). _
Committees and councils Membership Name of Committee or council Member/Officer Place Year From To Research Council of Medicine Member Medicine Faculty 2005- Faculty present Research Council of Member Physiology Research 2005- Physiology Research center center present Co-editor of Archives of Officer Deputy of Research & 2005- Trauma Research Journal Technology present Editorial board of Member Deputy of Research & 2005-
3 Archives of Trauma Research Technology present Journal Editorial board of Member Deputy of Research & 2005- Medical Journal(Feyz) Technology present English editor of the Medical Officer Deputy of Research & 2005- Journal(Feyz) Technology present
Approved Projects and Proposals Title of Role (PI, Co- Hours of Place Current condition Year Project/proposal Investigator, activity of Project/proposal Consultant, etc.) The impact of P1 KAUMS In progress rapamycin on memory in passive avidance paradigm FK506 effect on P1 KAUMS Finished learning and memory in rat Effect of P1 KAUMS In progress endogenously induced opioids by cell phone on memory Effect of P1 KAUMS In progress Cyclosporine A on mice Time profile of P1 ICSS Finished morhine effect in an inhibitory avoidance model The interaction between PI ICSS Finished 2010- the dopaminergic and cholinergic systems of 2011 medial septum and hippocampus Effect of a walking PI Sport medicine Finished 2005- program on state, trait research center and general anxiety of 2006 women of TUMS
Grants Received Source Grant No. Title Budget of Grant Role (PI, Co-Investigator, Period (Total Costs) Consultant, etc.)
Theses directed, supervised or consulted Title of thesis Degree/Level Place Role Year Effect of Cyclosporine on inhibitory avoidance MSc. 2016 learning in mice KAUMS Supervisor Evaluating the effect of Rapamycine on MSc. 2016 inhibitory learning/memory in mice KAUMS Supervisor Evaluation the anti-inflamatory & anti- nociceptive effects of venlafaxine in a rat Ph.D. IUMS Co- Supervisor 2015 model of inflammatory …
4 Effect of aqueous extract of mango on the MD. KAUMS Co 2014 contractility of uterus smooth muscle… Effect of aqueous extract of Myrtus communis MD. KAUMS Co 2014 on some indicators of wound healing… KAUMS Supervisor FK506 effect on learning and memory in rat MS.c. Supervisor 2014
Editorial Journal Place of Publishing Duties and Responsibilities Year From To Archives of Iran Associate Editor 2012- present Trauma Research Executive manager Cognitive Science Iran Referee/English Editor 2005-2011 Studies Basic & Clinical Iran Referee 2009- present Neuroscience Feyz Iran Referee/English Editor 2006- present
Attending in seminars, workshops, etc. Title of seminar, workshop, etc. Duration Place Year PCR & plasmid extraction 2 days SBUMS Teaching physiology 1 day TMU Patch clamp 3 days FAONS/TMU Color vision 1 day ICSS/TMU From micro-to-macro: 1 week ICSS/TMU Modeling the social consequences of cognitive processes Principles & applications 2 days ICSS/INCAS of TMS Artificial neural networks 2 days ICSS Immunohistochemistry 2 days KAUMS Neuroimaging 2 days ICSS Kindling & Epilepsy 2 days TMU Behavioral studies 3 days IBRO/TMU
Publications: a. Books Author(s) Editor Title Publisher Site of Year of 5 Publication Publication Ardjmand A Gyton & Textbook of Boshra Tehran 2016 Hall Medical Physiology Ardjmand A Gyton & Textbook of Boshra Tehran 2012 Hall Medical Physiology Banitaba, Ardjmand et Reviewing Morsal Kashan 2012 Ardjmand al. Physiology Tests Ardjmand A, McArdle Exercise Tehran University of Tehran 2011 Medical Sciences Sedaghati P, physiology Ardjmand A Ward Instrumentation Shahrab Tehran 2002 for clinical Publication practice Ardjmand A Harrison Harrison principals of Taymoor Tehran 1995 internal medicine: blood, neoplastic, Zadeh rheumatic and immunologic disorders Harrison Harrison principals of Taymoor Tehran 1995 internal medicine: Ardjmand A Respiratory, GI & Zadeh biliary disorders Ardjmand A Harrison principals of Taymoor Tehran 1995 internal medicine: Endocrine disorders Zadeh Ardjmand A Brunner Medical surgical Fazel Qom 1997 and nursing University Suddarth Publication Ardjmand A Acupuncture for Fazel Qom 1997 general University ailments Publication Ardjmand A General English Payam-e Noor Qom 1997 for college university students Publication Ardjmand A A patient care Fazel Qom 1997 guide for AIDS University Publication Ardjmand A Dyspeania Fazel Qom 1997 University Publication Ardjmand A Practical Fazel Qom 1997 physiology University (IUPS) Publication Ardjmand A English for Payam-e Noor Qom 1997 students of university education Publication management Ardjmand A English for Payam-e Noor Qom 1997 students of university curriculum Publication programming Ardjmand A English for Qom Medical Qom 1997
6 students of University pharmaceutical Publication technicians Ardjmand A Practical Qom Medical Qom 1997 courses of University pharmacology Publication for emergency purposes
b. Articles Author(s) Title Journal name Vol. No. Issue Page No. Year No. Mohammad N, "In Silico Design X 10 97-112 2016 Taghipour karsabet of a Chimeric The Open M, Amani J, Protein Containing Ardjmand A, Antigenic Microbiology Fragments of Journal Razavi Zadeh M, Helicobacter safari M Ghasemi Pylori; a A Bioinformatic Approach Bahrami, A Jafari, Biomarkers of A.J. Asilian, H. occupational Biosciences 12 3 2147-2156 2015 Taghizadeh, M. manganese Biotechnology Arjmand A, toxicity Research Asia Akbari, H A. Bahrami A, Jafari Effects of the A.J, Asilian H, Alcoholic Biomedical 8 (October 715-719 2015 Taghizadeh M, Extract of White Spl Arjmand A, Mulberry ... Pharmacol Edition) Akbari, H A. Journal Hadjiasgary AM,, Intra-CA1 Iranian Banafshe HR , administration of Journal of Ardjmand A.* FK-506 18 130-137 2015 (Tacrolimus) in Basic Medical 2 rat impairs … Sciences
Parisa Sedaghati, Review of Trauma Mohammad- Sport-Induced Monthly Hossein Alizadeh, Groin Injuries 18 2013 Elham Shirzad , 3 107-112 Abolfazl Ardjmand* Zarrindast MR The Time Profile of Archives of Morphine Effect on Ardjmand A Different Phases of Iranian 16 1 34-37 2013 Rezayof A Inhibitory Avoidance Medicine Ahmad Sh Memory in Rat Ghannaee Arani Avicenna's M., Fakharian E. contributions in Trauma Ardjmand, A. the treatment of Monthly 2012 Mohamadian, H. traumatic 72 2 In press Mohammadzadeh injuries M., Sarbandi F. Activation of
7 Zarrindast MR dopamine D1 receptors in the Ardjmand A medial septum Behavioural 229 68– 73 2012 Ahmad Sh improves Brain Research Rezayof A scopolamine-induced amnesia in the dorsal hippocampus Involvement of central amygdala Ardjmand A, NMDA receptor Neuroscience 69 25–31 2011 Rezayof A, mechanism in Research Zarrindast MR. morphine state- dependent memory retrieval The effect of an ergometric training Sedaghati P, program on Gazzetta Ziaee V,, A. pregnants weight Medeca 166 209-13 2007 Ardjmand A gain and low back Italiana pain Ardjmand A, Eugenol depresses synaptic Fathollahi Y, transmission but Sayyah M, does not prevent the Phytomedicine 13 3 146-151 2006 induction of long Kamalinejad M, term potentiation in Omrani A. the CA1 region of rat hippocampal slices Does regular ergometeric training Sedaghati P, have any effect on Iranian Journal Ardjmand A. the pregnancy of Pediatrics 16 3 323-328 2006 Sedaghati N. outcome? (in Persian) Sedaghati P, Effect of an aerobic Iranian training on the Agha-alinejad pregnancy outcome Olympic 14 2 63-72 20o6 Ardjmand A. (in Persian) Committee Journal Effects of exercise on general, trait and Sedaghati P, state anxiety of Khalaji H, & pregnants in the Harakat 3 115-127 2005 Kozechian H. second and third trimester of Ardjmand A. pregnancy (in Persian) Sedaghati P, Effect of regular Iranian 13 4 51-60 2005 training on the Agha-alinejad decrement of low Olympic Ardjmand A. back pain and Committee pregnancy weight Journal change (in Persian) Sedaghati P, Does regular Iranian walking have any Khalaji H, & effect on the general, Olympic Kozechian H. state and trait anxiety Committee 16 2 19-28 2006 Ardjmand A. of the pregnants? Journal (in Persian)
Effect of walking on decrease of low back Sedaghati P, pain in the second Harakat 31 115-124 2006 Agha-alinejad and third trimester of Ardjmand A. pregnancy (in Persian)
8 c. Papers Presented Author(s) Title of Congress Place Type of Presentation Year Article (Oral or Poster) Abolfazl Impairing Ardjmand, effect of the 4th International Poster 2015 Hamid Reza immuno- Congress of Basic & Tehran Banafshe, suppressant Clinical Mohsen cyclosporine ... Neuroscience Mohsenpour Abolfazl Memntine 2015 Ardjmand, reverses the 4th International Poster Hamid Reza amnesia Congress of Basic & Tehran Banafshe, induced by the Clinical Mohsen post-training Neuroscience Mohsenpour icv ... Samaneh sadat he Role of Alavi, Abolfazl opioid 4th International 2015 Ardjmand receptors in Congress of Basic & avoidance Clinical Tehran memory Neuroscience Oral corruption by mobile waves in rats Abolfazl Improement of st Ardjmand, 1 International Kashan Poster 2015 Samaneh sadat Congress of Alavi Physiology & Phrmacology Bahrami, A Effects of the Jafari, A.J. Alcoholic 1st International Kashan Poster 2015 Asilian, H. Extract of Congress of Taghizadeh, M. White Physiology & Arjmand, Mulberry ... Phrmacology Akbari, H A.
Hajiasgari, Takrimolus 2nd International Ardjmand effect on Congress of Basic & Tehran Poster 2013 Clinical learning Neuroscience Ardjmand, Effect of 21st Congree of Nouraddini pomegranate Physiology & Tabriz Poster 2013 extract on Pharmacology isolated rat uterine Nouraddini, Medicinal 21st Congree of Tabriz Poster Ardjmand plants in Physiology & 2013 diabetes Pharmacology d. Media and Software Title of Media or Software Usage Designer(s)/ Programmer(s) Year ICDL General purpose user Endnote/Refrence manager Electronic library user SPSS/STATA/STATISTICA/SAS Statistical analysis user SigmaPlot/Prism Graphical packages user
9 Others
Teaching experience in English courses (etymology, medical terminology and ESP) Experience and practice in active learning, problem-based learning (PBL) and sports medicine Experience and practice in Medical librarianship and IT, digital library, E-print Experience in advanced medical and scientific photography, microfilm systems Experience in Persian and English Technical Editing
Professional Interests
Main field: synaptic plasticity, learning and memory Subsidiary fields: sports medicine, sport physiology,