Karnataka Power Corporation Limited s1
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NOTICE INVITING TENDER (TWO COVER SYSTEM) (Through e-Procurement Portal Only)
NO. LOT/CEED/EE6/MBDPH/R&M/3537 Date: 07.01.2016
Bids are invited in English from the qualified bidders for “Design, Engineering, Manufacture, Quality surveillance, Inspection & Testing before dispatch, Packing & forwarding, Arranging transit insurance on FOR destination basis, Supply of Generator Protection relay panels (Duplex) Consisting of Generator Numerical Protection relays (Main - 1 & 2), Generator Transformer Numerical Protection relays(Main - 1 & 2), UAT Numerical Protection relay, Annunciator system, Analog Indicating Meters, Chartless Temperature recorders, Energy Meters, etc. and Generator Control Desk Consisting of SLD, Isolator controls, Breaker controls, Excitation controls, Gate controls, Governor controls & Governor HMI and Analog Indicating Meters, etc., Power & Control cables, Releasing of existing Protection panels (Duplex) including recorder panels and cables, Unit Control Desk, Governor Controls & HMI, Retrofitting of Protection Panels (Duplex), Unit Control Desk with Governor HMI, Cabling, Wiring and Termination, Time Synchronization & networking of all relays, Annunciation Systems Recorders & Energy Meters etc., Testing & Commissioning of Complete Protection System, Providing Guarantees, etc. for 3 Units (2 X 9 MW & 1 X 10 MW) of Munirabad Dam Power House of KPCL, Karnataka”.
The details of NIT and brief bid notification can also be seen on KPCL web site: www.karnatakapower.com and https://eproc.karnataka.gov.in. Tender documents may be downloaded from Government of Karnataka e-procurement website https://eproc.karnataka.gov.in under login for Contractors.
The bid documents can be downloaded from e-procurement web from 07.01.2016.
Further details can be had from Chief Engineer (Electrical Designs), Karnataka Power Corporation Ltd., 22/23, Sudarshan Complex, III Floor, Sheshadri Road, BANGALORE - 560 009. Telephone No:080-22202950-54/22202654 Fax No. 080-22202916 Web site: www.karnatakapower.com Email: [email protected]
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NOTICE INVITING TENDER (TWO COVER SYSTEM) (Through e-Procurement Portal Only
NO. LOT/CEED/EE6/MBDPH/R&M/3537 Date: 07.01.2016
1.0The Chief Engineer (Electrical Designs) invites Bids from the Qualified Bidders for : “ Design, Engineering, Manufacture, Quality surveillance, Inspection & Testing before dispatch, Packing & forwarding, Arranging transit insurance on FOR destination basis, Supply of Generator Protection relay panels (Duplex) Consisting of Generator Numerical Protection relays (Main - 1 & 2), Generator Transformer Numerical Protection relays (Main - 1 & 2), UAT Numerical Protection relay, Annunciator system, Analog Indicating Meters, Chartless Temperature recorders, Energy Meters, etc. and Generator Control Desk Consisting of SLD, Isolator controls, Breaker controls, Excitation controls, Gate controls, Governor controls & Governor HMI and Analog Indicating Meters, etc., Power & Control cables, Releasing of existing Protection panels (Duplex) including recorder panels and cables, Unit Control Desk, Governor Controls & HMI, Retrofitting of Protection Panels (Duplex), Unit Control Desk with Governor HMI, Cabling, Wiring and Termination, Time Synchronization & networking of all relays, Annunciation Systems Recorders & Energy Meters etc., Testing & Commissioning of Complete Protection System, Providing Guarantees, etc. for 3 Units (2 X 9 MW & 1 X 10 MW) of Munirabad Dam Power House of KPCL, Karnataka”
2.0Tender documents can be downloaded from Government of Karnataka e- procurement website HTTPS://EPROC.KARNATAKA.gov.in under login for Contractors.
After login to Contractors, please scroll down to the right side bottom to see List of tenders, please click there to find the details of NIT and download copy of the tender. The tender can be downloaded in the portal as per prescribed date and time published in the portal. Only interested Contractors who wish to participate should remit on line transaction fee for tender after registering in the portal. The transaction fee is non-refundable.
3.0Earnest Money Deposit (EMD): Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs.3,91,500/- (Rupees Three Lakh Ninety One Thousand Five Hundred only) shall be paid online for participation in Tenders through e-Procurement portal in any of the following payment modes indicated:
a) Credit Card Page 3 of 8 b) Direct Debit c) National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT) d) Over the Counter (OTC) (only through designated branches of ICICI Bank) Bids not accompanied by requisite EMD are summarily rejected.
4.0Brief scope of tender is as follows. Detailed scope has been described in bid documents, which is binding on all the bidders. Tender S. processing Name of work EMD N. fees (Non- refundable) 1 “ Design, Engineering, Manufacture, Quality surveillance, Inspection & Testing Rs.3,91,500 As per before dispatch, Packing & forwarding, /- (Rupees e-proc Arranging transit insurance on FOR Three Lakh portal destination basis, Supply of Generator Ninety One Protection relay panels (Duplex) Thousand Consisting of Generator Numerical Five Protection relays (Main - 1 & 2), Hundred Generator Transformer Numerical only). Protection relays (Main - 1 & 2), UAT Numerical Protection relay, Annunciator system, Analog Indicating Meters, Chartless Temperature recorders, Energy Meters, etc. and Generator Control Desk consisting of SLD, Isolator controls, Breaker controls, Excitation controls, Gate controls and Governor controls & Governor HMI, Analog Indicating Meters, etc., Power & Control cables, Releasing of existing Protection panels (Duplex) including recorder panels and cables, Unit Control Desk, Governor Controls & HMI, Retrofitting of Protection Panels (Duplex), Unit Control Desk with Governor HMI, Cabling, Wiring and Termination, Time Synchronization & Networking of all relays, Annunciation Systems Recorders & Energy Meters etc., Testing & Commissioning of Complete Protection System, Providing Guarantees, etc. for 3 Units (2 X 9 MW & 1 X 10 MW) of Munirabad Dam Power House of KPCL, Karnataka”.
The bidders shall quote for full quantity of equipments in the tender, failing which the bid is liable for rejection.
5.0Eligibility Criteria:
The following are the eligibility criteria for the bid: Page 4 of 8 (i) The Bidder shall be a Manufacturer of Generator and Transformer protection numerical relays with IEC61850 protocol and shall have Manufacturing facilit y in India and the relays shall have the facility of configuring the Digital Input s and outputs and LED’s at site as per purchaser’s requirement. The bidder shall have been designed supplied and commissioned Generator and Trans former protection numerical relays for a generating unit of capacity 10MW an d above and performing satisfactorily in India for at least two consecutive ye ars in the preceding Five years (as on date of NIT); OR
(ii) The Bidder shall be a Manufacturer of Generator and Transformer protection numerical relays with IEC61850 protocol and shall have Testing & Servicing facility in India and the relays shall have the facility of configuring the Digital I nputs and outputs and LED’s at site as per purchaser’s requirement. The bid der shall have been designed supplied and commissioned Generator and Tr ansformer protection numerical relays for a generating unit of capacity 10M W and above and performing satisfactorily in India for at least Three consecu tive years in the preceding Six years (as on date of NIT).
(iii) The bidder in its name should have achieved a minimum financial turnover of Rs. 5.3 Crores in at least two financial years in the last five years i.e 2010-11 to 2014-15.
(iv)The intending bidder shall not have been subjected to forfeiture of EMD/fore closure/termination of their Contract in KPCL or Government or any other util ity or shall not have been blacklisted for participating in tender by KPCL or G overnment or any other utility in India during the past ten years. Bidder shall f urnish the notarized declaration in this regard as specified in Schedule (Decl aration by the bidder shall be on Rs.200/- non-judicial stamp paper purchase d in Karnataka and duly signed by the Notary and uploaded in the e-portal al ong with the application).
5.1 The intending bidder shall produce the following documentary evidence to satisfy the pre-qualification requirement specified above, and found substantially responsive, fulfillment of which is pre-requisite for opening of Cover-2 containing price bid:
a) Two Performance certificate signed by an officer of the rank of Chief Engi neer or Station Superintendent/ competent authority of Generating Station certifying the satisfactory performance of the Generator and Transformer protection numerical relays with IEC61850 protocol in a generating unit of capacity 10MW and above by the bidder for at least two consecutive year s in the preceding five years (as on date of NIT) in case intends to qualify under Sl. No.5.0(i) above and any documentary proof for having manufact uring facility in India;
OR b) Two Performance certificate signed by an officer of the rank of Chief Engi neer or Station Superintendent/ competent authority of Generating Station
Page 5 of 8 on certifying the satisfactory performance of the Generator and Transform er protection numerical relays with IEC61850 protocol in a generating unit of capacity 10MW and above by the bidder for at least three consecutive years in the preceding Six years (as on date of NIT) in case intends to qu alify under Sl. No.5.0(ii) above and any documentary proof for having Test ing and servicing facility in India.
c) Annual financial statements or reports duly certified by the chartered acco untant for having achieved by the bidder a minimum financial turnover of Rs. 5.3 Crores in at least two financial years in the last five years i.e 2010- 11 to 2014-15.
d) Furnish quality assurance plan adopted.
e) Furnish Schedules 1 to 15.
5.2 The intending bidder shall not have been subject to forfeiture of EMD/foreclosure/termination of their Contract in KPCL or Government or any other utility or shall not have been blacklisted for participating in tender by KPCL or Government or any other utility in India during the past ten years. Bidder shall furnish the notarized declaration in this regard as specified in Schedule-11 of the bid. (Declaration by the bidder shall be on Rs.200/- non- judicial stamp paper purchased in Karnataka and duly signed by the Notary and uploaded in the e-portal along with the application).
6.0Bidders shall not be under declaration of ineligibility for corrupt and fraudulent practices issued by the Government of Karnataka.
7.0 Calendar of Events:
a) Date of issue of NIT through e- portal/ down 07.01.2016 loading of bid documents. b) Last date for receipt of queries 06.02.2016 c) Date of pre-Bid meeting 09.02.2016 d) Date of furnishing clarifications 26.02.2016 e) Last date for receipt of completed bids cover 1 & 09.03.2016 2 (two covers) up to 14:00hrs on f) Date of opening of cover-1 at 15:00hrs 11.03.2016 g) Date of opening of cover-2 (price bids) of Would be qualified bidders. intimated later
8.0The tender is of two cover system. Tenders (both Cover-1 & 2) must be electronically submitted (online through internet) within the date and time published in e-procurement portal. First Cover of Tender will be opened at prescribed time and date in the e-procurement portal, in the presence of the Tenderers who wish to be present at the office of the Chief Engineer (Elecl- Designs), KPCL, Sudharshan Complex, 22/23, Third Floor, Sheshadri Road, Bangalore-560009. Opening of Cover-2 shall be intimated later.
9.0The Bidder should upload original scanned copies of the following documents.
Page 6 of 8 A. COVER-I (Technical Bid)
a) Documents to meet the qualification criteria as specified in above clause no. 5.1(a) to (e) and 5.2 of NIT. b) Annual financial statements or reports for the last five years i.e 2010-11 to 2014-15 duly certified by the chartered accountant. c) Details of the Commercial terms and conditions, all the schedules/declarations (Form of Bid, Schedules -1 to 15) specified in bid document pertaining to commercial terms and conditions. All the technical details and drawings, etc of the technical offer along with all the technical particulars.
B. COVER-II (Price Bid)
a) Price schedule only. (Price bid) On line. b) Upload original signed & scanned copies of Price Schedules for Supply, Essential Spares & Erection (i.e., Schedule-16 for Supply of Equipments, Schedule-17 for Supply of Essential Spares & Schedule-18 for Erection & Commissioning & Abstract).
10.0 Bids submitted within the scheduled date and time shall only be eligible for further processing of the bids. Any bid submitted after the date and time specified shall be rejected even if it is accepted by the e-portal. Date and time stamp of the e-portal system shall be final in deciding the time of submission of bid. Decision of the Corporation in this regard shall be final and acceptable to all the bidders.
11.0 The original documents should be produced for verification at any stage of tender process as and when sought for, failing which, the bids are liable for disqualification.
12.0 The total FOR destination price including taxes & duties shall be quoted in e-procurement portal and prices shall be quoted in price schedule (Price bid) in the website itself.
13.0 Price bid of tenderers who have furnished all the documents to meet the qualification criteria, technically and commercially responsive will only be opened.
14.0 The tender shall be valid for 180 days from the date of opening of Cover-1 of the bid.
15.0 Delivery period: Delivery period shall be 32 weeks from the date of letter of award or detailed order whichever is earlier & Erection period shall be 4 weeks of period from the date of handing over of each Unit for Erection works at Munirabad Dam Power House.
16.0 KPCL reserves the right to verify any information/documents furnished by the bidder should the circumstances so warrant. In case the information or the documents furnished are found to be incorrect/false or invalid then the EMD furnished by such bidder shall be forfeited. The registration of such tender shall also be cancelled.
Page 7 of 8 17.0 Bids with stipulation for settlement of disputes through Arbitration will be rejected.
18.0 Corporation reserves the Right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reasons. However, in all cases KTPP act shall be followed.
19.0 Any other information required may be obtained from the office of the undersigned during office hours.
20.0 The bid Notification along with Blank Tender Form will be accessible on the e- procurement website (https://eproc.karnataka.gov.in).
21.0 Bidders who have not obtained the user ID and Password for participating in e- procurement in Karnataka Power Corporation Limited may now obtain the same from the website (https://eproc.karnataka.gov.in).
22.0 Corrigendum/modification/corrections, if any, will be published in the website only. For any clarification on e-procurement or request for e-procurement training, bidder can contact HP HELPDESK at – 080-22485927/22485867.
Chief Engineer (Electrical Designs) KPCL, Bangalore.
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