Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education

Board of Directors Meeting

April 19-21, 2015

Old Town Alexandria, Virginia Crowne Plaza


Executive Committee: Deb Garrett, President Laura Dean, Past President Douglas Lange, Secretary Ralph Johnson, Treasurer Jen Wells, CAS Editor Dan Bureau, Member-at-Large Gavin Henning, Member-at-Large Matt Weismantel, Member-at-Large Marybeth Drechsler Sharp, Executive Director, ex officio L. Kavaliauskas Crain, CAS Intern, ex officio Lindsey Templeton, CAS Intern, ex officio Noah Henry-Darwish, CAS Intern, ex officio

Board Members and Guests: Gene Alpert, NSEE Stacy Andes, ACHA Jean Ashmore, AHEAD Sara Bendoraitis, Consortium of LGBT Resource Professionals Amy Blackford, CiVSA Dan Bureau, AFA Pat Carretta, NACE Laura Dean, ACCA Matt Ducat, ACU-I Tony Ellis, NACS Tom Flynn, ACCED-I Doug Franklin, NIRSA Deb Garrett, NCSD Andrea Goodwin, ASCA Stephanie Gordon, NASPA Dennis Gregory, SACSA Gavin Henning, ACPA Jan Hillman, Association for the Study of Transfer Students Anne Hower, NODA: Association for Orientation, Transition, and Retention Services Ramsey Jabaji, NCLP Ralph Johnson, SACSA Rich Keeling, Public Director Deanie Kepler, AHEPPP Douglas Lange, AFA Dennis McSeveney, ACHS Melissa Mahan, NCCP Janet Marling, Association for the Study of Transfer Students Marsha Miller, NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising Rebecca Morrow, NWSA Patricia Mulcahy-Ernt, CRLA Peter Napolitano, NACUFS Pat Parish, CMA Peggy Patterson, Public Director Karen Patty-Graham, NADE Sonya Pearson, NCSD Mary-Jeanne Raleigh, ACCA Andrea Reeve, Council for Opportunity in Education Laura Sanders, NCLCA Marjorie Savage, AHEPPP Carol Miller Schaefer, NACS Cathy Seasholes, NWSA Gayle Spencer, NACA Paula Swinford, ACHA Joe Testani, NACE Kristen Vickery, NCTA Jim Walters, NSEE Matt Weismantel, CiVSA Caroline Donovan White, NAFSA

Observers Annemieke Rice, Campus Labs

Day 1 Page 3 April 19, 2015

President Garrett called the meeting to order at 2:02 PM and asked that Directors introduce themselves. She presented an overview of the agenda and asked for any additional items.

Secretary D. Lange presented the CAS Secretary’s report. There was correction to the minutes submitted. D. Lange moved and L. Dean seconded that the CAS Board of Directors meeting minutes from the Board of Directors meeting be approved as amended. The change to the minutes required a change needed from Women’s Studies to Women’s Programs and Services. Motion passed. Page 3 April 19, 2015

Executive Director Dreschler Sharp provided an update the meeting details for the CAS Board of Directors.

R. Johnson presented an overview of the College Honor Society Programs standards and guidelines revisions to be voted upon for adoption tomorrow.

T. Ellis presented an overview of the Civic Engagement and Service-Learning Programs standards and guidelines revisions to be voted upon for adoption tomorrow.

S. Andes presented an overview of the Sexual Violence Programs standards and guidelines revisions to be voted upon for adoption tomorrow.

D. Bureau presented an overview of the Student Conduct Programs standards and guidelines revisions to be voted upon for adoption tomorrow.

R. Morrow and Cathy Seasholes presented an overview of the Women’s and Gender Programs and Services standards and guidelines revisions to be voted upon for adoption tomorrow.

President Garrett led the CAS Board of Directors in a discussion for nominations and a recommendation for CAS Public Directors. R. Keeling has agreed to continue one more year as a CAS Public Director. The CAS Executive Committee recommends Dr. Karen J. Solomon, Vice President of the Higher Learning Commission. G. Henning moved and G. Spencer seconded the motion that K. Solomon be appointed a CAS Public Director. Motion passed.

D. Gregory provided the Nominations Committee report. P. Carretta provided time as chair while D. Gregory was out of country. D. Keppler also served on the committee.

The Nominations Committee moved and D. Franklin seconded that Anne Hower be elected at CAS Secretary for a three year term. Motion approved by acclimation.

The Nominations Committee moved and R. Johnson seconded that Marj Savage be elected at CAS Member-at-Large for Standards Development for a three year term. Motion approved by acclimation.

President Garrett provided the CAS President’s report. She reported on her presentations at conferences. She also announced that two organizations have applied for CAS membership. President Garrett and D. Lange presented retiring CAS Directors with resolutions honoring their work with CAS over the years. Those receiving resolutions were: Peggy Patterson, Paula Swinford, Matt Weismantel, Laura Dean, and Doug Lange. The resolutions were spread across the minutes of the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education.

Day 2 Page 4 April 20, 2015

President Garrett recessed the Board meeting until tomorrow at 8 AM.

President Garrett called the meeting to order at 9:06 AM. She summarized yesterday’s meeting and set the agenda for the upcoming day.

President Garrett asked the CAS Board of Directors to discuss the possibility of no longer meeting in the Washington, DC, area. It was suggested to pull together a cost/benefit analysis to better respond to the question. It was concluded that the possibility now exists to meet outside the DC area.

Executive Director Dreschler Sharp explained the need for a Google address so that each CAS Board member has access to the electronic files for the Board of Director meetings. She also shared her work toward meeting negotiations, meeting presentations, and revision of the self-assessment guides.

Upcoming meetings are: CAS Executive Committee Conference Call: May 7, 2015 CAS Executive Committee Conference Call: June 4, 2015 CAS Executive Committee Conference Call: July 2, 2015 CAS Executive Committee: September 10-12, 2015 (Sheraton Suites) CAS Executive Committee: November 14-15, 2015 (Crowne Plaza) CAS Board of Directors: November 15-17, 2015 (Crowne Plaza) CAS Executive Committee: January 28-30, 2016 CAS Executive Committee: April 16-17, 2016 (Crowne Plaza) CAS Board of Directors: April 17-19, 2016 (Crowne Plaza)

D. Lange presented the Secretary’s report. There was an initial printing of 5,000 copies of the Book of Standards published. 361 books remain in stock. There have been 1400 CDs printed over the 3 year cycle and 5 CDs remain in stock. All outdated materials will be recycled. A first class postage mailings to over 33,000 professionals was sent during the first week of April to announce the upcoming release of the new edition of the Book of Professional Standards and new SAGs. G. Henning presented the Member-at-Large: Outreach report. The plan is to conduct a gap analysis on what CAS currently has as its resources and what is needed to better meet the needs of CAS users to conduct assessment activities.

R. Keeling, CAS Public Director, provided his report to the CAS Board of Directors.

S. Gordon announced that a joint task for of ACPA and NASPA has started to review the professional competencies for student affairs work document. This is work for the update of

Page 5 April 20, 2015 the current competencies. The CAS Board of Directors is invited to give feedback to the document.

P. Carretta led a discussion in review of her committee’s report on cross-functional standards. The CAS Board of Directors appreciated the work and understands the increasing priority of cross-functional work being conducted in higher education.

M. Weismantel, Member-at-Large, provided his report on Standards Development. He asked for updates on current committees: Campus Religious and Spiritual Programs, Clinical Health Programs, Commuter and Off-Campus Living Programs, Dining Service Programs, Health Promotions Services, Internship Programs, Multicultural Student Programs and Services, and Student Media Programs.

M. Weismantel moved and L. Dean seconded that Auxiliary Services, Campus Activities Programs, Learning Assistance Programs, Recreational Sports Programs, and Undergraduate Research Programs be appointed with revision committees. Motion passed.

President Garrett recessed the meeting for lunch at 12:12 PM.

President Garrett called the meeting to order at 1:11 PM.

D. Bureau, Member-at-Large: Member Development, led the Board of Directors in a discussion about the “Return on Investment” of CAS work.

L. Dean led the CAS Board of Directors in the proposed CAS By-Laws revisions. She provided an overview and highlights of the changes needed. L. Dean moved and M. Weismantel seconded the motion to approve the presented By Law revisions. It was suggested to ensure that the language in the By Laws use neutral gender language. Motion passed unanimously. P. Patterson, CAS Public Director, provided her report to the CAS Board of Directors.

A. Rice, a representative from Campus Labs, provided a report to the CAS Board of Directors.

D. McSeveney moved and R. Johnson seconded that the College Honors Programs revised standards and guidelines be approved. Motion passed.

G. Spencer moved and C. Miller Schaefer seconded that the Civic Engagement and Service-Learning Programs revised standards and guidelines be approved. The CAS Board of Directors accepted two small revisions. Motion passed.

Page 6 April 20, 2015

D. Gregory moved and S. Andes seconded that the Sexual Violence Programs revised standards and guidelines be approved. The CAS Board of Directors debated the name change for the functional area. The final name change will be Sexual Violence-Related Programs and Services. Motion passed unanimously.

A. Goodwin moved and D. Bureau seconded that the Student Conduct Programs standards and guidelines standards and guidelines be approved. Motion passed unanimously.

R. Morrow moved and C. Seasholes seconded that the Women’s and Gender Programs and Services revised standards and guidelines be approved. Motion passed unanimously.

R. Johnson, CAS Treasurer, reviewed the proposal to increase CAS membership dues. R. Johnson moved and M. Weismantel seconded that CAS adopt the proposed dues increase. Motion passed by a vote of 29 yea, 2 nay, and 1 abstention.

There is $372,174 in its investment account with TIAA/CREF. CAS has $52,088 in its checking account.

R. Johnson moved and G. Henning seconded that the proposed 2016 CAS Budget be approved. It was questioned to have a zero budget showing no profit or loss. D. Franklin moved and D. Gregory seconded that the budget be shown a zeroed out budget. A vote was taken and the motion for the amendment failed. The original motion was considered. Motion passed.

President Garrett reviewed the business of the day. She also reviewed the agenda items for the meeting tomorrow. President Garrett recessed the CAS Board meeting at 4:58 PM.

Day 3 April 21, 2015

President Garrett called the meeting to order at 9:02 AM.

L. Kavaliauskas Crain provided a report on the International Committee’s work. The committee reviewed interests in standards for international use. The committee will need to find new committee members.

J. Wells, CAS Editor, presented her report. She reviewed publishing timelines for the CAS Book of Professional Standards. She displayed the revised Self-Assessment Guide (SAG)

Page 7 April 21, 2015 format. There was general agreement that CAS should move forward with the revised SAG version.

L. Dean moved and G. Henning seconded that CAS accept the strategic plan and mission statement and vision and values statements as was proposed. Motion passed. President Garrett reviewed the responsibilities for the CAS Board of Directors leaders carrying out the strategic plan.

President Garrett asked for updates from Board members and what they are seeing as emerging issues at their institutions or within their associations.

L. Dean moved and D. Lange and M. Weismantel concurrently seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Douglas K. Lange CAS Secretary (seal)