Carman Elementary School
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Home and School Meeting Rm. 5, Carman Collegiate 7:00 p.m., April 7/15
In attendance: Marcy Platt, Karen Tjaden-McClement, Wendy Clark, Joyce Nicolajsen, Wendy Durand, Lisa Lehmann. Regrets: Liza Penner Staff members; Jack Phillips, Garth Shindle, Lynn Rempel and Kirsten Carman. Karen called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m., welcoming all present.
Minutes of the last meeting held on Jan. 6/15 were discussed. Attendees are invited to view minutes off the Collegiate WIKI.
Correspondence -Nil
Admin. Report: - Public Health Nurse proposal to PRSD board, no word as of yet. Jack to look into. - Staffing numbers; Admin. to meet with D.O. staff next week. Carman Coll. will see a slight decrease in student population for the 2015-2016 school year and therefore a slight staff decrease as well. - Jack looking at surveying student population regarding timetable for next year. - Course selection on-line for students to happen May 2015 - Student council elections for next year; announcement will be made to all students at Gym Riot on April 10th. Nomination deadline April 17th, speeches and election held April 27/15. - April 24th in-service day; CC staff will be discussing school goals and planning for next year. The current goals will be worked on for the next 3+ years. The day will be spent looking at different strategies and planning for the following year. Jack to report on at May Home and School meeting. - RCMP presentation on “Sexting” April 28/15 – Gr. 5, 6 and 8 presentations to be held during the day, parent info. night beginning at 6:30 p.m. at CC Theatre. Suggestion made by Joyce N. to invite Elm Creek, Miami, Roland parents as well. - Arts Appreciation Night; June 3/15. Exploring different options and ideas. - Ie) Showcasing art, IA projects, Gr. 7 choir, band, Collegiate clubs/committees be present to promote different ways of getting involved in the school community. - Carman Area Foundation grant money rec’d for wireless microphones. Will purchase the mics for school use and will rent out mics to local user groups for greatly reduced rate over renting from companies in city. - Garth reported on the Philanthropy group: The student body raised enough money from Hat days to assist Free the Children with the purchase of 8 goats. -Movie nights have been a real success. April may be the last one as Spring activities have started up causing many conflicts. - April 17th Carman Area Found. Supper Philanthropy group will be present to hand out grant money. -Grade 8 students recently invited to consider joining next year, a brief overview was given by Mr. Shindle. - High school ball: Boys team coached by 2 Miami teachers along with Tim Dunn. Girls program coached by Mr. Shindle. League play will run approx.. mid-April until end of May.
New Business: -Joyce Nicolajsen spoke about an Ecovator Challenge that Argyle Highschool in Wpg. was involved through Staples Canada. - Recycle MB.- provided free bins to be dispersed throughout the Collegiate. - Parent-Student conf: Next year’s calendar has not yet been set. Discussion regarding conferences: Being held the middle of the week vs. end or the week. Does Parent’s day need to be held prior to Spring Break? Many parents expressed appreciation that the Coll. and the Elem. School off-set each other.
Grade rep reports: Grade 7-11- no reports Grade 12- Joyce N. reported that Grad planning and monthly meetings are going very well.
Next meeting: Tuesday, May 5/15 @ 7:00 p.m. Room #5- Carman Collegiate.
Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.