UNIT 1 the Social Basis of Sport and Recreation

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UNIT 1 the Social Basis of Sport and Recreation

UNIT 1: Participation in Sport & Recreation

Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

Introduction Introduction to course  Introduction to course (p1)  Explain format of course-Participation in sport and recreation  Useful resources

Chapter 1-Healthy & Active Lifestyles

Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE (p2-4) Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

1 1.1 Requirements for  Introduction to course participation  Four requirements for participation (w/s 1.1)  Overcoming barriers to participation

Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE (p4-6) Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

2 1.2 The differences  Definitions of recreation/active leisure between recreation  Concepts/differences behind recreation and active and active leisure leisure time (w/s 1.2)

Preparation Task: Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

3 Mass Participation  Know the current trends in terms of active leisure and recreation and factors that affect them  Philosophy of Mass participation, Grass Roots & Sport for All  Positive effect on contemporary concerns

Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE (p6-15) Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

4 1.3 Identify contemporary  Identify five contemporary concerns for society now concerns for society from and from the 1960’s, 1930’s and 1900’s (w/s 1.3) a range of different eras  Hypokinetic disorders as a result of a sedentary lifestyle

Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

5 Hypokinetic Disorders  Definitions of Hypokinetic Disorders  Effect it has on individual/society

Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

6 Effects of Ageing  Effects of ageing upon psychological performance  What is the optimum age for performance in your chosen sport?  Identify body parts/systems for fitness component.  Physiological justification

Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

7 Chapter 1  End of Unit Test

Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

8 Chapter 1  Answers from End of Unit test

Chapter 2-Healthy Lifestyle

Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE (p20-27) Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

9 Healthy lifestyle  Health, fitness & exercise  Differences, links, positive health benefits (physical/psychological)  Physical (energy expenditure)

Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE (p20-27) Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

10 Healthy lifestyle  Reduction in body fat/increased resting metabolic rate/muscle mass  Reduced rates of mortality/CHD, obesity, osteoporosis  Help Type 11 diabetes Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE (p28-36) Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

11 Nutrition & Weight  Energy intake, food groups Management  Hydration  Balanced diet (w/s2.1)  Food Pyramid (w/s 2.2)  Cholesterol  Dietary requirements for exercise

Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE (p36-39) Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

12 Current Trends in Health  Comparative cultures USA, Finland, Japan etc.

Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE (p39-41)

13 Balanced Lifestyle  Energy balance (energy intake verses energy expenditure/BMR/energy requirements),  work-life balance, dealing with stress

Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE (p42-45) Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

14 Effects of ageing  Physical maturation,  decline in physical capability (CV fitness, muscular strength, lung function, resting metabolic rate, osteoporosis, flexibility

Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

15 Chapter 2  End of unit test

Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

16 Chapter 2  Answers to End of unit test Chapter 3-The Effects of Exercise

Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

17 The Effects of Exercise-  Introduction to Chapter 3 (ppt) responses and adaptations of  Anatomy and physiology, responses and the body systems adaptations (w/s 3.1)  Apply to area of diet (w/s 3.2)

Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE(p48-53) Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

18 Muscular-skeletal system  Responses (fibre recruitment, force production, metabolism  Adaptations (increase fibre size, increase force production, increase metabolic energy supply  How muscle contractions offer heat, movement and stability.  W/s 3.3 & 3.4

Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE(p48-53) Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

19 Skeletal system  Responses (greater flexibility, increased heat aids production of synovial fluid (reduced viscosity), aids friction free movement  Adaptations (positive response to stress eg runner experiences strength vertically down long bones, prevention of osteoporosis, nourishing/thickening of hyaline cartilage  Task p53

Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE(p53-58) Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

20 Cardiovascular system  Responses (increase stroke volume, heart rate, cardiac output, redistribution of blood flow to working muscles)  Adaptations (increase in heart size, stroke volume, cardiac output and number of capillaries  Understand structure/function and then stimulus and response  Effects of exercise, blood velocity/ pressure, vascular shunting  W/s 3.5 Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE (p59-62) Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

21 The Respiratory System  Responses (increased rate and depth of breathing, increased gaseous exchange)  Adaptations (improvements in respiratory muscle performance)  The mechanical processes involved in ventilation  The effects of different environments/how hypoxia state can lead to respiratory/circulatory adaptations.

Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE (p62-64) Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

22 The Neuro-muscular  Responses (increased number of muscle fibres System recruited, increased rate of fibre recruitment)  Adaptations (improved co-ordination, increases in force production/rate of force production, increase in speed)  Transmission of an action potential across a neuromuscular junction  The more frequent a response is required the more efficient this system becomes in providing the correct and appropriate response

Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

23 Chapter 3  End of Unit Test

Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

24 Chapter 3  Answers End of Unit Test Chapter 4-Fitness & Training

Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE p70-73 Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

25 Components of Physical  Components of physical fitness (speed, strength, and Skill Fitness endurance (aerobic, musculature), flexibility, body composition  A full awareness of the different components of fitness  Relate to specific activities in sport  W/s 4.1 & 4.2

Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE p70-73 Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

26 Components of Physical  Components of skill fitness (co-ordination, balance, and Skill Fitness agility, reaction time, power.  Understand how to test for each skill/physical fitness components  W/s 4.1 & 4.2

Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE p74-84 Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

27 Methods of Fitness  Aerobic/anaerobic training-The 3 systems used to Training produce ATP  Continuous, interval, power, circuit/  weight/resistance training, speed, fartlek, cross training  W/s 4.3

Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE p74-84 Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

28 Methods of Fitness  Methods of Fitness Training cont. Training  Core stability, plyometrics, SAQ (speed, agility, quickness),  Stretching (static, ballistic, dynamic, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation— PNF)  W/s 4.4 Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE p84-85 Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

29 Principles of Training  FITT (frequency, intensity, time, type)  Duration/Time, recovery  Application of fitness and training/overtraining

Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE p86-87 Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

30 Appropriateness of  Young and old programmes to differing  Trained and untrained clients  Active and sedentary  Healthy and unhealthy  Maximal verses sub-maximal

Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE p87-89 Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

31 Rationale of assessment  Recap maximal v sub-maximal tests  reasons for testing (ethics)/use of tests for assessment of fitness  limitations  validity and reliability  using technology to assess fitness

Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE p89-93 Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

32 Protocols of recognised  Application, understanding, Physical Activity fitness tests Readiness Questionnaire (PARQ)  Tests for different components of fitness eg strength, power, speed, flexibility, endurance, body composition  W/s 4.5 Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

33 Chapter 4  End of Unit Test

Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

34 Chapter 4  Answers End of Unit Test

Chapter 5 The Development of Competitive Sport

Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE p98-99 Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

35 Festivals of Sport  Students are able to use the correct terminology/key terms (w/s 5.1):  Ancient-the role of festivals in the history of sport/effect of pre-industrial work patterns  Popular recreations eg Mob games

Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE p100-101 Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

36 The Olympic Games  How The modern Olympic Games have their origins in Ancient Greece  International sports festivals eg popular sports established international sports bodies (FIFA etc.) to organise fixtures/competitions (Olympic, World Cup etc.)  Ancient Games > Public School Games > Rational Games > Mob Games >Global Games

Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE p101-104 Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

37 The Emergence of  Students identify relationship between wider society ‘Rational Sport’ as a and its influence on sport and recreation product of the Industrial  Post industrial revolution-new affluent social class (middle class) Revolution  Sport as a central part of new schools  Codification (reason, need, process)  Development of national governing bodies  Role of Oxbridge  Export of the games ethic (w/s 5.2) Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE p104-110 Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

38 Sport in the 20th Century  Development of professional/international sport (w/s 5.3)  Spectatorism  Sport(s) as a business  Rise of the ‘sports star’

Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE p104-110 Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

39 Sport in the 21th Century  Globalisation of sport  Olympic case study  increase in commercialism and media influence/sponsorship/advetisement/ endorsement (eg problems of Montreal games followed by‘Hamburger games’ of 1984)  ‘Americanisation’ TV (influence of/on sport, impact of non-terrestrial networks

Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE p110-113 Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

40 Deviance in Sport  Pupils understand the concepts of deviance/cheating  Sportsmanship/Gamesmanship (professional foul etc.)  Performance enhancing drugs  Role of WADA-reformative policies  Future developments eg genetic engineering

Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

41 Chapter 5  End of unit Test

Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

42 Chapter 5  Answers to End of Unit Test

Chapter 6-Performance Pathways

Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE p118-119 Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

43 Sporting Pyramid  Students understand 4 levels of sporting pyramid and concept (eg how base and peak linked, difference between participation and performance w/s 6.1)  Levels (foundation, participation, competition, elite), link to learning and development of skills as well as increasing training and support needs

Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE p119-124 Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

44 The Role of Key UK  Students need to learn about the roles of the key UK agencies sports agencies and their management of the sports p119-124 pyramid (w/s 6.2)  The role of:  Youth Sports Trust/UK Sport  Sport England/Sport Scotland/Sports Council Wales/Sporets Council Northern Ireland in managing the pyramid in the UK

Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE p122-123 Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

45 Traditional Pathways  Students reflect on their own development in sport  Role of schools, universities, clubs, sports colleges

Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE p123-125 Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

46 Current Models  The Government’s Sporting Agenda  National Framework  Game Plan  A Sporting Future for All  UKSI network  Sports Search Programmes Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE p124-126 Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

47 Talent Identification  Concept-A process of identifying potential sports talent in young people then providing supportive pathways (w/s 6.3)  History of talent development in East Germany and Australia  UKSI and NGB talent identification schemes in the UK

Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE p126-130 Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

48 Talent Development  Students understand the concept ‘A Sporting Future for All’ (w/s 6.4)  Fast track development programmes in targeted sports towards London 2012  School Games, World Class Programme, Talent Athlete Scholarship Scheme (TASS), Advanced Apprenticeship in Sporting Excellence (AASE) w/s 6.5

Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

49 Chapter 6  End of Unit Test

Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

50 Chapter 6  Answers End of Unit Test

Chapter 7-Lifelong Involvement

Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE p134-137 Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

51 Lifetime Sports  Concepts (Sport For All, mass participation, lifetime sports, leadership and volunteering programmes)  Sport England’s participation segments (inactive, subs bench, mild enthusiasts, sporty types  Benefits of increased participation (social, economic) Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE 0137-140 Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

52 Constraints on mass  Students understand the meaning of the term participation access and how it affects participation in sport and physical recreation  The meaning and influence of opportunity, provision and esteem (cost, time, resources, geographical, pressure (social, peer)

Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE p137-138 Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

53 Target Groups  Students develop understanding of target groups  Definition, groups (race, gender, age, socio- economic background)  Focus on specific Target Groups (w/s 7.1 & 7.2)

Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE p140-142 Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

54 Reformative Policies  Students will be able to give examples of reformative policies covering a wide range of issues (concessions, programming, local schemes, school and county sport partnerhips) w/s 7.3  Role of sports councils, eg Making England Active, multi-sport hubs, active places initiative, public service agreements

Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE p143-145 Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

55 Technical Developments  Students understand developments and trends and Cultural Trends that influence a person’s choice in taking up sport and physical activity  Private gyms and health clubs, fashion and activity, role of media, technology linked to access, adrenaline and adventure sports, impact of 2012 Olympic Games  Work of specialist agencies, eg Women’s Sports Foundation, Federation of English Disability Sport, Kick It Out Preparation Task: Edexcel AS PE p146-147 Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

56 Long Term Athlete  Students understand that LTAD attempts to Development (LTAD) create clear pathways in sport  Philosophy, models (eg elite, retention),  reasons for LTAD review of current models, link to current sports models in the UK  Early and Late Specialisation (‘FUNdamentals’, learning to train, training to train, training to compete, training to win,  Retirement and retainment)

Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

57 Chapter 7  End of Unit Test

Lesson Focus Areas of Coverage

58 Chapter 7  Answers End of Unit Test

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