Yarmouth Town Council
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![Yarmouth Town Council](http://data.docslib.org/img/eb47384602e624b836168d33e1f93f76-1.webp)
PRESENT: Councillors S Cowley, (Town Mayor), R Corbett, P. Garlick and R. Goodridge, A. Ingram, S. Mence, S. Poston and B. Tongue.
IN ATTENDANCE: J.C. Medland, (Town Clerk), CC Stuart Dyer, Harbour Commissioner David Farnham and a member of the public.
294/10 APOLOGIES: None.
295/10 DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS Declarations of personal interest Councillors Goodridge and Mence; 6 (Members of YHAC). Councillor Mence; 7, (repayment) 8.1, (agent for application) 18 (author of paper). Councillors Mence and Tongue; 9, 10 (members of the Advisory Committee). Councillor Corbett; 10 and 14 (member of the historical project sub-committee and youth centre management committee). Councillor Poston and Cowley on 26 (members of the WWLP Board). Declaration of prejudicial interest Councillors Cowley and Garlick on “anything relating to buses”.
296/10 PUBLIC QUESTION TIME There were no questions from the public.
297/10 MINUTES RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 2 November (Part 1) to be taken as read, confirmed and signed as being an accurate record of the proceedings.
298/10 POLICE MATTERS RESOLVED: That the report be received and noted.
299/10 HARBOUR ISSUES Commissioner David Farnham gave a verbal report. The works on the Harbour utilities should be complete by January and the first phase of the harbour redevelopment by April. The YHC is concerned over IW Council service cuts, they have a three year lease to run on the Tourist Information Centre. The YHC is also asking the Town Council to ask local people to support Wightlink’s planning application to complete the Lymington Pier terminal.
RESOLVED: That the Council take action to encourage local opinion to support the Wightlink planning application as “vital to the interests of the West Wight”.
1 Item 17 was moved up the Agenda. 300/10 WIGHTLINK USERS GROUP Clive Tilley, Operations Manager and Kerry Jackson, (Public Relations) of Wightlink had taken part in the November 10thmeeting along with Councillors Cowley and Mence, Chris Lisher for the Harbour Commission, Councillors John Howe and George Bale for Totland and Freshwater parish councils and Julia Bridgewater for the Yarmouth Business Association.
It was decided to rename this group West Wight Ferry Users. Three resolutions were passed:- 1 That this ferry service is vital to this part of the Isle of Wight. 2 That the delay in completing the Lymington Pier terminal is a significant safety issue for passengers accessing the ferry over the prow. 3 That the mixture of foot passengers and cars accessing the ferry at Lymington Pier is holding up the restoration of the correct ferry timetable.
RESOLVED: That the Council will register its own support for the planning application and encourage individuals to register their opinion at www.newforest.gov.uk/planning then using the online search button to find planning application 10/96387. Councillor Mence is to write to enlist the support of the Leader of the IW Council and MP.
301/10 FINANCE Payment of Accounts RESOLVED: The following accounts to be authorised:-
07.12 993 Yarmouth Town Trust Room hire 100.00 07.12 994 Thorley Church Room hire 25.20 07.12 995 IW Beacon Ltd. November article 64.63 07.12 996 The Audit Commission External Audit 381.88 07.12 997 IW Council October salary 432.07 07.12 998 Sylvia Mence Planning application fee 85.00 07.12 999 Petty Cash Float 50.00 07.12 1000 SLCC Annual membership 95.00 07.12 1001 Royal British Legion Wreaths/donations 75.00 07.12 1002 SLCC WWYC Clerk’s training 50.00
Financial Statement. RESOLVED: That the Financial Report and Bank Reconciliation are accepted.
Miscellaneous item in Annual Accounts To be referred to in Part II
Draft Budget 2011-2012. RESOLVED: To send a copy of last year’s audited accounts to Chris Lisher. To complete the VAT return.
2 To seek new prices for a cheaper Internet provider. To add an estimate for grass cutting of the cemetery. To provide separate figures for the Mount, cemetery and Recreation Ground grass cutting and hedging and ditching estimates. Mayor’s award to be £100 and allowance to be £200.
P/01651/10 – Non illuminated Tourist Information Board at entrance to River Road Car Park, Yarmouth. RESOLVED: No comment. (Council is the applicant)
P/01650/10 – Non illuminated Tourist Information Board on railings near entrance to Ferry Terminal, Yarmouth. RESOLVED: No comment. (Council is the applicant)
P/01553/10 – TCP/27727/A Erection of an anemometer mast off Broad Lane, Thorley. RESOLVED: Previously agreed by Councillors as No objection.
P/01801/10 – TCP/L/285030 Alterations and extensions of Shandon House. RESOLVED: To defer to a special meeting to allow advertising to the public for comments and to ask for an extension of the consultation deadline.
8.2. Other Planning Issues
Request from Rights of Way Officer for our opinion on re-routing of Footpath Y9 within Tapnell Farm. RESOLVED: To suggest that the new footpath should be off the road on the verge.
Request from Freshwater Parish Council that one of the plaques of the proposed Hooke Trail should be installed on a site adjacent to the Mill. RESOLVED: No objection.
Planning Permission granted:
P/01050- TCP/08161/R “ Reorganisation of berthing arrangements in the harbour resulting in navigational improvements, dedicated walk ashore berths for the fishing fleet and the relocation of the fuel berth and crane.”
P/01278/10- TCP/30281 Increase in width of hard-standing at dinghy park off River Road and a new upstanding with railings.
3 Demolition of single storey rear extension and construction of a new extension at Grove House, South St. Yarmouth.
P/00036/10 – LBC/20945/F Listed Building Consent for P/00021/10-TCPL/20945/G, Grove House, South St. Yarmouth.
P/01227/10 – TCP/10688/A Demolition of conservatory and building of two storey extension at Newclose Farm Cottage, Main Road, Thorley.
Planning Permission refused:
P/00918 – TCP/24471/L Conversion of farm building at Tapnell Farm into two units of holiday accommodation. RESOLVED: Noted.
RESOLVED: To request a footway from the Yarmouth Railway Station footpath along the Thorley Road to link Yarmouth and Thorley.
RESOLVED: To approve siting the “Outer Town Gate” plaque on the Council land with the flagpoles by the Common. To accept responsibility for the future maintenance of the “Hither Gate” Board, 2 Town Crests at the entrance to St James Street, the 3 Town Gate plaques and the Historic Yarmouth sign. To submit the Application to WWLP with a note that the Council was still waiting for a response from Highways.
305/10 THORLEY ISSUES Councillor Ingram reported that households in the village had been mailed by Infinergy to invite them to a consultation meeting at Wellow Community Centre on December 14th. Councillor Ingram raised a query on the cleaning of Thorley bus shelter and the replacement of the broken rubbish bin. Councillor Dyer reported that there has been no resolution to the flooding problem at Hill Place Lane.
306/10 YARMOUTH ISSUES RESOLVED: To investigate with the IW Council Property Services to see if part of the Green on St James/Tennyson corner has been sold to Ivy Cottage. 307/10 YARMOUTH COASTAL DEFENCE WORKING GROUP REPORT Members would soon receive a copy of the final Report of the Group, dated December 2010, which included amendments from the Council and others. A wide range of relevant official organisations and individuals would also receive copies. Council agreed that a pdf version be inserted on the Council’s website. A leaflet based on the Report would be prepared for distribution to West Wight households by Easter. Funding was under discussion with WWLP.
4 308/10 IWC draft SHORELINE MAMAGEMENT PLAN 2 (SMP2) The SMP2 team had now responded to comments submitted by the Council and others in the public consultation and can be seen at www.coastalwight.gov.uk/smp. In particular: The West Wight Coastal Defence Strategy is a priority to commence, subject to government funding, in 2011 and would be completed in approximately 2 years from the start. The SMP2 document has been clarified, strengthened or given extra detail in our zone (PDZ6) following comments by the Council and others.
309/10 YARMOUTH COMMUNITY FLOOD PLAN RESOLVED: Council approved the holding of a public meeting in Yarmouth on Monday 7 February 2011 at 1730 to introduce the Plan, and the modest costs involved.
310/10 IWC ISLAND PLAN, PROPOSED SUBMISSION OF CORE STRATEGY RESOLVED: Councillor Mence to submit the Council’s comments relating to: SP4 Tourism, SP6 Renewables, SP7 Cross-Solent Transport links, DM10 Village and Rural Centres, DM12 Historic and Built Environment (re Yarmouth & Thorley Community Plan), DM13 Landscape & Seascape, DM 16 Coastal Management, Zone 4 Rural Area parking guidelines.
311/10 THE IWC YOUTH REORGANISATION & THE FUTURE OF YARMOUTH YOUTH CLUB The Council has official confirmation that the Youth Centre has been closed and that the Railway Station is “surplus to requirements” and will probably now be sold. RESOLVED: To keep a close watching brief to ensure that the station is retained for public use.
312/10 PROPOSED MEETING WITH YARMOUTH & CALBOURNE FOOTBALL CLUB No answer has been received from the Club.
313/10 ST JAMES DAY FAYRE RESOLVED: The draft finance report to be corrected by Councillor Mence and submitted to the WWLP.
RESOLVED: That the Council will fund a special public meeting to discuss the plan.
314/10 JANUARY BEACON ARTICLE RESOLVED: To be used to highlight the issues raised at the West Wight Ferry Users and report on the Mayor’s Award.
315/10 ANNUAL REVIEW OF STANDING ORDERS RESOLVED: Councillor Mence to circulate the draft amendments for discussion at the February meeting.
316/10 FIXED ASSETS REGISTER RESOLVED: Thorley bus shelter is to be removed from list as it belongs to the IW Council. It was confirmed by Councillor Dyer that all the current furniture in the office belongs to the Council.
5 Isle of Wight Councillor Dyer gave a verbal report of the first part of that evening’s IW Council Cabinet. The final decisions on the programme of financial cuts will not be authorised until the Full Council meeting in February. He referred to the Community/Parish Plans and Village Design Statements that could become Supplementary Planning Documents. Under proposed legislation planning issues will be partly devolved from County to local councils in 2013.
318/10 IW COUNCIL PROPOSALS TO CUT BUDGETS. RESOLVED: To hold a Special Meeting on 21 December at 1800 hrs to discuss the implications for Yarmouth & Thorley. Meanwhile the Mayor would take soundings from some local groups/organisations to ascertain their interest in being involved.
319/10 CORRESPONDENCE RESOLVED: That the report be received and noted.
320/10 TOWN CLERK’S REPORT RESOLVED: That the Clerk identify the boundaries of the 1937 land grant with one of the more experienced local experts, e.g. Peter Scott or Nick Chandler.
321/10 REPORTS ON OUTSIDE BODIES Councillor Poston reported that the WWLP is progressing well and will give a full report in January. Councillor Mence had attended two meetings of IWALC in November. Councillors Cowley and Garlick had attended the meeting to discuss the offshore windfarm proposal but said that Eneco could not at this stage quantify what their needs were.
322/10 FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None proposed.
323/10 DATE OF NEXT MEETING RESOLVED: A Special Meeting will be convened at the Town Hall at 18.00 on Tuesday December 21st. The next scheduled meeting: 11 January 2011 at Thorley Church at 1830.
324/10 EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC AND PRESS RESOLVED: “That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it is advisable in the public interest that the public and press be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.”
Signed...... Date...... (Town Mayor)