Village of Skokie
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Village of Skokie Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Program Year 2016 (PY16) Application (Term: May 1, 2016, through April 30, 2017)
Introduction The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program provides annual grants to entitlement cities and counties to develop viable urban communities by providing decent housing, a suitable living environment, and by expanding economic opportunities – principally to benefit low-income persons. The allotment is based on the Federal budget and a formula calculation. The Village of Skokie’s funding amount varies from year to year.
Entitlement communities develop their own programs and funding priorities, and must give maximum feasible priority to activities that either benefit low-income persons or aid in the prevention or elimination of slums and blight. Other activities may be carried out after the community certifies that they meet other community development needs with a particular urgency. Existing conditions must pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the entire community in order to be declared as urgent. Activities that do not meet one of these broad national objectives may not be undertaken with CDBG funds.
Activities that can be carried out with block grant funds include, but are not limited to: acquisition of real property, relocation assistance, building demolition, rehabilitation of residential and nonresidential structures, and construction/ rehabilitation of public facilities and improvements such as streets, sidewalks, parks, and neighborhood centers. In addition, block grant funds may be used to pay for public services and activities relating to energy conservation and renewable energy resources. Entitlement communities may also provide assistance to profit-motivated businesses to carry out economic development activities that can document that they primarily benefit low-income persons.
The types of activities that are generally ineligible include: improvements to buildings for the general conduct of government, political activities, direct income payments to individuals, and construction of new housing or other facilities offering 24-hour care. The recommended minimum request for construction/rehabilitation projects is $5,000. Potential applicants should note that public service funds are extremely limited. Grants of this type are usually of a supplemental nature to an existing program. Public service grants to outside organizations will generally be less than $10,000.
Application Materials The attached application form was developed to establish a uniform proposal for individuals and organizations making application for the Village of Skokie's CDBG funds. Each question must be fully addressed, and further details of an applicant's operations may be included. Technical assistance in the application process is available from the Village's Community Development Department. All proposals must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 10, 2015. Proposals will not be accepted after that date. Incomplete applications may be rejected. Please submit two (2) single-sided, signed originals and one (1) digital copy in a Microsoft Word or PDF format. Assemble your application with binder clips, paper clips, or rubber bands. No three-ring binders, report covers, or staples, please.
Review of Applications Applicants are required to be present at the Board of Trustees' meeting on Monday, January 4, 2016, to briefly describe their proposals at a public hearing. Staff recommendations will be presented to the Board on Monday, February 1, 2016, at which time the Board will vote on funding allocations. All Board of Trustees meetings begin at 8:00 p.m. CDBG public hearings are held immediately following all regular municipal business.
*** FUNDING MATCH *** Village of Skokie Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Program Year 2016 (PY16) Application (Term: May 1, 2016, through April 30, 2017)
Since requests for funding typically exceed available funds, construction/rehabilitation projects must include a 25% minimum funding match by the sponsoring agency. The Village’s maximum share will be 75% of the cost estimate or the final bid, whichever is less.
*** LOCATION REQUIREMENT *** All construction/rehabilitation projects must be located within the Village of Skokie. CDBG PROPOSAL – APPLICATION SUMMARY SHEET
Project Title:
Project Description (150 words maximum):
Project Address for Construction/Rehab in Skokie:
Construction/Rehabilitation Project Request: Sponsor Organization Match (25% minimum of Total Estimated Project Cost): $ CDBG Funding Request (75% maximum of Total Estimated Project Cost): $
Total Estimated Project Cost: $
Public Service Request: Total Public Service Funding Request: $
Contact Information Organization Name: Contact Name, Title:
Mailing Address 1: Mailing Address 2: City, State, Zip:
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Telephone Number: Fax Number: Email Address:
019ab14d5c06c2c21855ae6b744a3ece.docx Page 3 Village of Skokie Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Program Year 2016 (PY16) Application (Term: May 1, 2016, through April 30, 2017) CDBG PROPOSAL – APPLICATION All items must be addressed to receive any consideration for funding.
1. National Objective All CDBG projects must meet one of the following national objectives listed below. (Please select only one.)
Benefit to Low-Income Persons (A) Benefits Specific Low-Income Geographic Areas(go to #3) (B) Benefits Specific and Limited Low-Income Clientele(go to #4) (C) Benefits Housing (go to #5) (D) Benefits Jobs (go to #6)
Prevent or Eliminate Blight Prevents or Eliminates Blight on an Area Basis (go to #7) Prevents or Eliminates Blight on a Spot Basis (go to #7)
2. Data to Justify the Benefit to Low-Income Persons If you identified the national objective of “Benefit to Low-Income Persons”, please use the following income limits chart in computing the numbers of low-income clients for the tables below. Agencies or organizations seeking operational and administrative funding should complete Item 4 on the next page.
2015 Income Limits Household Size 1 Person2 Persons3 Persons4 Persons5 Persons6 Persons7 Persons8 Persons Extremely Low (0-30%):$16,000 18,250 20,550 24,250 28,410 32,570 36,730 40,890 Very Low (31-50%): $26,600 30,400 34,200 38,000 41,050 44,100 47,150 50,200 Low (51-80%): $42,600 48,650 54,750 60,800 65,700 70,550 75,400 80,300
NOTE: Household income is the total income of all household members 18 years old or older who contribute to the household. The extremely low, very low, and low income limits are based on Median Family Income, in which a householder has one or more other persons living in the same household who are related to the householder by birth, marriage, or adoption.
3. Benefits Specific Low-Income Areas This item must be completed if (A) is checked in Item 1. This benefit is generally limited to public sector capital improvement projects. (Please list all Census Tracts and Block Groups benefiting from this project.)
019ab14d5c06c2c21855ae6b744a3ece.docx Page 4 Village of Skokie Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Program Year 2016 (PY16) Application (Term: May 1, 2016, through April 30, 2017)
4. Benefits Specific and Limited Low-Income Clientele The following chart must be completed if (B) is checked in Item 1. The numbers to be listed below are the numbers of unduplicated individuals benefiting from the project or program for which you are requesting funding. The totals in the blue cells must match. The totals in the orange cells must match.
Income Hispanic / Latino Race Female- Headed Househol ds Below 31% to 51% to Above Total Yes No Total White Black Native Asian Americ Mixed Total 30% 50% 80% 80% or Hawaii an Race (all African- an or Indian others) Americ Other or an Pacific Alaskan Islande Native r People
Skokie Resident s
5. Benefits Housing The following chart must be completed if (C) is checked in Item 1. The numbers to be listed below are the numbers of unduplicated individuals benefiting from the project or program for which you are requesting funding. The totals in the blue cells must match.
Incom Hispanic / Latino Race Female- e Headed Househol ds Below 31% to 51% to Above Total Yes No Total White Black or Nativ Asian America Mixed Total 30% 50% 80% 80% African- e n Indian Race (all America Hawai or others) n ian or Alaskan Other Native Pacifi c Island er Househ olds
019ab14d5c06c2c21855ae6b744a3ece.docxPage 5 Village of Skokie Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Program Year 2016 (PY16) Application (Term: May 1, 2016, through April 30, 2017)
6. Benefits Jobs The following chart must be completed if (D) is checked in Item 1. The numbers to be listed below are the numbers of unduplicated individuals benefiting from the project or program for which you are requesting funding. Expected low-income hires are those people from households that are low-income at the time of hire, not after the time of hire.
Total Full-Time Total Part- Total Part- Expected Low- Expected Low- Jobs Time Jobs Time Weekly Income Full- Income Part- Hours Time Hires Time Hires
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7. Priority Needs Check the highest priority need to be addressed by the project. (Please select only one.)
Anti-Crime Programs Senior Programs Crime Awareness Senior Centers Senior Services Economic Development Commercial Rehabilitation Youth Micro-Enterprise Assistance Youth Centers Child Care Centers Non-Homeless Housing Youth Services Renter – Elderly Child Care Services Renter – Small Family Renter – Large Family Homeless Individuals Other Housing Emergency Shelter Owner-Occupied Transitional Housing Job Training Infrastructure Case Management Street Improvements Mental Health Care Sidewalks Housing Placement Tree Planting Life Skills Training
Public Facilities Homeless Person in Families with Children (Physical Improvement Projects) Emergency Shelter General Public Facilities Transitional Housing Handicapped Centers Job Training Parks/Recreational Facilities Case Management Parking Facilities Child Care Health Facilities Substance Abuse Treatment Public Services Mental Health Care (Administrative Support Activities) Housing Placement General Public Services Life Skills Training Handicapped Services Transportation Services Employment Training Health Services Mental Health Services Screening for Lead-Based Paint
019ab14d5c06c2c21855ae6b744a3ece.docxPage 7 8. Special Needs Check below if the proposed programming is serving any of these Special Needs Populations: (Please select all that apply.)
Elderly Frail Elderly Severe Mental Illness Developmentally Disabled Physically Disabled Substance Abusers Persons with HIV/AIDS Victims of Domestic Violence
9. Agency Description Please provide the mission statement for your agency. (150 words maximum)
10.Project Description Please provide a detailed description of the specific activities you expect to undertake with CDBG funding during the upcoming program year. If the project has several components, please prioritize the key elements of the proposal. (500 words maximum)
11.Justification Describe how this project meets the CDBG Program national objectives of benefiting low/moderate-income persons or eliminating/preventing blight, and discuss the nature and extent of the problem the objective is addressing and any previous efforts to remedy it. (150 words maximum)
019ab14d5c06c2c21855ae6b744a3ece.docxPage 8 12.Documentation of Low/Moderate-Income Benefit Identify the target population expected to benefit from the project. How many people are Skokie residents? How does the agency determine the low/moderate-income status of its clientele?
A. How will statistics be compiled for service delivery? Does it typically involve multiple sessions? (150 words maximum)
B. What do you consider to be a unit of service? (Please select only one.)
One client, many times One client, one time Multiple clients, one time Other (Please describe.)
C. What types of service(s) are included? (Please select all that apply.)
Phone counseling In-office counseling Nights of service Home visits Other (Please describe.)
D. What types of tangible services are provided? (Please select all that apply.)
Food Housing/shelter Clothing Emergency Funds Other (Please describe.)
019ab14d5c06c2c21855ae6b744a3ece.docxPage 9 13.Project Objectives Which of the following primary objectives of the CDBG program will be addressed by the activities for which funding is being requested? (Please select only one.)
When selecting an objective, ask: What is the purpose of the activity? What is the larger community need that I am seeking to address?
Creating a Suitable Living Environment This objective relates to activities that are intended to address a wide range of issues faced by low//moderate-income persons, from physical problems with their environment, such as poor quality infrastructure, to social issues such as crime prevention, literacy, or elderly health services. Includes activities that are designed to benefit communities, families, or individuals, by addressing issues in their living environment.
Providing Decent Housing This objective focuses on housing activities whose purpose is to meet individual family or community housing needs. It does not include programs where housing is an element of a larger effort to make community-wide improvements, since such programs would be more appropriately reported under Suitable Living Environments.
Creating Economic Opportunities This objective applies to activities related to economic development, commercial revitalization, or job creation.
14.Project Outcomes How will the project objectives be measured and performance be documented? (Please select only one.)
When selecting an outcome, ask: What type of change or result am I seeking?
Availability/Accessibility This outcome applies to activities that make services, infrastructure, public services, public facilities, housing, or shelter available or accessible to low/moderate-income people, including persons with disabilities. In this category, accessibility does not refer only to physical barriers, but also to making the basics of daily living available and accessible to low/moderate-income people where they live.
Affordability This outcome applies to activities that provide affordability in a variety of ways to low/moderate-income people. It can include the creation or maintenance of affordable housing, basic infrastructure hook-ups, or services such as transportation or day care. Affordability is an appropriate objective whenever an activity is lowering the cost, improving the quality, or increasing the affordability of a product or service to benefit a low-income household. Example #1: A low interest loan program might make loans available to low/moderate-income microenterprise businesses at 1% interest, which is far below the market rate. This program lowers the cost of the loan, enabling entrepreneurs to start businesses. As a result, the program makes financing more affordable. Example #2: A subsidized day care program that provides services to low/moderate-income persons/families at lower cost than unsubsidized day care.
Sustainability This outcome applies to activities that are aimed at improving communities or neighborhoods, helping to make them livable or viable by providing benefit to persons of low/moderate-income or by removing or eliminating slums or blighted areas, through multiple activities or services that sustain communities or neighborhoods.
019ab14d5c06c2c21855ae6b744a3ece.docxPage 10 019ab14d5c06c2c21855ae6b744a3ece.docxPage 11 15.Proposed Timeline – Construction/Rehabilitation Projects Only If the proposed activity is a construction/rehabilitation project, please provide a proposed timeline identifying the start and completion dates, and any other interim target dates for key elements of the project. (Please note that weather-sensitive construction/rehabilitation projects should be completed by December, if possible. Funding availability will not be extended beyond April 30, 2017.)
Q1 May: June: July: Q2 August: September: October: Q3 November: December: January: Q4 February: March: April:
16.Other Funding Sources Has funding for this project been requested from any other funding sources (i.e. foundations, other government grants, private donations)? What are the matching funds that have been identified for this project? If CDBG funds are not granted for this project, what will happen? (150 words maximum)
17.Previous CDBG Funding Briefly describe the status of the last three projects funded by Village of Skokie CDBG program, including if any of these projects are still ongoing, and what efforts are being made to complete the projects. If this is a public service request and you are currently receiving CDBG funding, please explain how your new request represents an increase or change in service from the present year. (150 words maximum)
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Construction/rehabilitation projects must document the source (architect, contractor, and/or facility manager) and basis of all cost and design assistance estimates. Construction/rehabilitation projects are subject to Federal Labor Standards and Davis- Bacon Act prevailing wages, which should be taken into account in budgeting for the projects. Three cost estimates from knowledgeable contractors are encouraged, and ask them to recommend any alternates to provide additional short-term construction and/or long-term maintenance cost savings. Once a cost estimate has been determined, add a 10% contingency to the CDBG funding request. An official Request for Proposals will be required for each grantee after May 1, 2016.
Public service activities must provide a breakdown of salaries, benefits, supplies, utilities, etc. (for non-scholarship activities) or an activity programs brochure with fee schedule (for scholarship activities) pertinent to the funding request. Proposals for staff positions must include a complete job description, compensation, benefits, and duration of the position.
All Applications:
Copy of your organization’s submitted 2014 Illinois Charitable Organization Annual Report Form AG990-IL* (This is a two-page document. Please do not submit the Federal form.) Budget (including REVENUE and EXPENSE line items for the proposal)* Latest Agency Budget* Blank Income Verification Form* Latest Agency Independent Financial Audit (one hard copy only)* Other (please describe)
Construction/Rehabilitation Applications Only:
Cost and Design Assistance Estimates*
Please note that Village staff will contact the applicant to make an appointment for a tour of the proposed construction/ rehabilitation project. Please pencil in Thursday, December 17, 2015, and Friday, December 18, 2015, on your calendar (or other critical staff calendars) to facilitate a smooth scheduling process.
All projects must conform to Village of Skokie codes and ordinances. Buildings must conform to zoning and property standards to be considered for funding. If your project is large and/or potentially complicated, please contact Carrie Haberstich at 847-933-8447 to see if a Preliminary Plan Review will be recommended for you to understand Village expectations during the permit process and to identify potential additional project costs.
Public Service, Non-Scholarship Applications Only:
Job Description, Compensation, Benefits, and Position Duration*
019ab14d5c06c2c21855ae6b744a3ece.docxPage 13 Public Service, Scholarship Applications Only:
Activity Program Descriptions with Fee Schedule*
* Required attachment
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