Residents Encounter Christ
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7:00 P.M. Registration and Fellowship Begin 72-hour Prayer Vigil 7:30 P.M. (“LD”) Send off (Manual page 93) (Call out names at random, have them repeat their name) Pilgrims and Team to the Theater/Chapel, Sponsors to Auditorium/Chapel/chapel for Sponsor’s Hour 7:40 P.M. Introductions (“ALDALL”) introduce each other (NAME – FAMILY – CHURCH – OCCUPATION – INTERESTING FACT) (On Blackboard) (“ALD4TH”) Instruct group to find a partner, Learn this information about each other, then introduce “new friend” (“ALD4TH”) Introduce Board Advisor – “BA” ("BA") Read the "History of Emmaus" ("BA") Introduce the Spiritual Director “SD” (“SD”) Introduce other Spiritual Directors: ( “OSD” ) (“SD”) Define role of Spiritual Director’s for the weekend (Manual page. 94) (“SD”) Introduce Lay Director – “LD” 8:00 P.M. (“LD”) Lay Director’s Introduction to Emmaus (Manual page 95) (Need Purple Book!) 8:45 P.M. (“SD”) Introduce Film “In Remembrance” (In Theater/Chapel) 9:30 P.M. (“ALDALL”) Distribute worship booklets (“SD”) Spiritual Director Comments (Manual page 101) (“LD”) Evening Prayers (Manual page 102) (“M”) End chapel visit with meditative song 10:00 P.M. (“LD”) Dismiss group from Chapel in silence (Manual page 104) (“SD”) Remain in chapel for pilgrims if required 10:15 P.M. Team Meeting (Optional in conference room) (“ALDALL”) Prepare tables (Names, poster board, markers, scissors, & tape) (“LD”) Check list of tables, leaders & Members (“ACT”) Clean break room & set up Chapel for AM service, Cover clocks
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6:00 A.M. (“ALDALL”) Assistants arise 6:30 A.M. (“ALD4TH”) Wake up team & Pilgrims – Bell or music 7:00 A.M. (“ACT”) Light candles in chapel, set up communion elements 7:15 A.M. (“ALD4TH”) Ring bell to assemble, count to make sure all are present in Theater/Chapel 7:20 A.M. (“LD”) Lead morning prayers (Manual page 105) (“SD”) Lead liturgy of the Word and Holy Communion (Manual page 106) (“SD”) Give meditation – “The Prodigal Son” (Manual page 106) (“LD”) Lead prayer for meal (Manual page 109) (“M”) Songs for time filler, if required 7:45 A.M. (“ALDPRI”) Check with the Kitchen about timing of breakfast 8:00 A.M. Follow (“ALD4TH”) to dining room Breakfast 8:30 A.M. Break (“ALD4TH”) Send group on 20-min. break (Return to the conference room after break) 8:55 A.M. (“ALD1ST”) Remind Priority Speaker (“PS”) to change clothes & escort to chapel (“ALD4TH”) Ring bell & gather Group in conference room (“M”) Two/three Songs 9:00 A.M. (“ACT”) Pray up Speaker “PS” (“LD”) Lay Director Talk (Manual page 110) (“LD”) Call out names for table assignments (Each member of the table repeats their name when called and goes to the assigned table) (“ALDALL”) distribute notebooks and pens (“ALD1ST”) bring Priority Speaker (“PS”) to Conference room when all is ready 9:10 A.M. (“LD”) Light candle and introduce Priority Speaker (“PS”) (Manual page 112) Notebooks open and pens ready – let us continue with the spirit of self-surrender, charity and high idealism. We light this candle as a symbol of Christ’s presence and have the open Bible as a symbol that all the talks are based on scripture. The first talk will be given by a layperson.
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9:15 A.M. TALK No. 1 PRIORITY (“PS”) (“ALD4TH”) Announce silent meditation (2 minutes) (“ALD4TH”) Announce discussion of the talk (15 minutes) (“ALD4TH”) Announce summary (5 minutes) (“ALD4TH”) Announce poster (20 minutes) 10:30 A.M. Break (“BA”) get rooster plaque for Lay Director and notebooks for picture key (“ALDALL”) coordinate Group photo at entrance stairway [(“ACT”) present] (photographer needs step ladder) 10:55 A.M. (“ALD1ST”) Remind Prevenient Grace Speaker (“PG”) to change clothes & escort to chapel (“ACT”) Pray up Speaker “PG” 11:00 A.M. Return to conference room (“M”) Give history of “De Colóres” (Manual pages 35&36) (“M”) Teach De Colóres, Sing Alleluia (pgs. 37-40 in the Purple Book) and meal grace songs 11:10 A.M. (“ALD4TH”) Instruct all table members except Table Leader to take a different seat at their table (“ALD4TH”) Instruct tables to appoint a new secretary (“ALD1ST”) bring Prevenient Grace Speaker (“PG”) to the conference room when room is ready . (“ALD4TH”) Light candle and introduce Prevenient Grace Speaker (“PG”) saying, We light this candle as a symbol of Christ’s presence and have the open Bible as a symbol that all the talks are based on scripture. (Ladies/Gentlemen), with a clean sheet of paper, high idealism, the spirit of cooperation and charity, pen in hand, let us prepare for the next talk, which will be given by a clergy. (“M”) Sing Alleluia song
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11:15 A.M. TALK No. 2 PREVENIENT GRACE (“PG”) (“ALD4TH”) Announce silent meditation (2 minutes) (“ALD4TH”) Announce discussion of the talk (15 minutes) (“ALD4TH”) Announce summary (5 minutes) (“ALD4TH”) Announce posters (20 Minutes) 12:15 P.M. (“ALDPRI”) Check with the Kitchen about timing of lunch 12:30 P.M. Lunch (“M”) Lead group in De Colóres (“M”) Sing grace songs before and after lunch 1:15 P.M. Break . (“ALD1ST”) Remind Priesthood of All Believers Speaker, (“PAB”) to change clothes & escort speaker to chapel (“ACT”) Pray up Speaker 1:35 P.M. Return to Conference room (“M”) Sing two/three songs . (“ALD4TH”) Remind all to take a different seat, appoint a new secretary (“ALD1ST”) bring Priesthood of all Believers Speaker, (“PAB”) to the conference room when room is ready . (“ALD4TH”) Light candle and introduce Priesthood of all Believers Speaker (“PAB”) saying We light this candle as a symbol of Christ’s presence and have the open Bible as a symbol that all the talks are based on scripture. (Ladies/Gentleman), with a clean sheet of paper, high idealism, the spirit of cooperation and charity, pen in hand, let us prepare for the next talk, which will be given by a layperson. (“M”) Sing Alleluia song
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1:45 P.M. TALK No. 3 PRIESTHOOD OF ALL BELIEVERS (“PAB”) (“ALD4TH”) Announce silent meditation (2 minutes) (“ALD4TH”) Announce discussion of the talk (15 minutes) (“ALD4TH”) Announce summary (5 minutes) (“ALD4TH”) Announce posters (20 Minutes) 2:35 P.M. (“ALD1ST”) Remind Justifying Grace Speaker (“JG”) to change clothes & escort to chapel (“ACT”) Pray up Speaker 2:50 P.M. (“M”) Sing two/three songs . (“ALD4TH”) Remind all to take a different seat, appoint a new secretary (“ALD1ST”) bring Justifying Grace Speaker (“JG”) to the conference room when ready . (“ALD4TH”) Light candle and introduce Justifying Grace Speaker (“JG”) saying We light this candle as a symbol of Christ’s presence and have the open Bible as a symbol that all the talks are based on scripture. (Ladies/Gentleman), with a clean sheet of paper, high idealism, the spirit of cooperation and charity, pen in hand, let us prepare for the next talk, which will be given by a clergy. (“M”) Sing Alleluia song 3:00 P.M. TALK No. 4 JUSTIFYING GRACE (“JG”) (Speaker to select and read sacrificial agape notes to read before talk begins) (“ALD4TH”) Announce silent meditation (2 minutes) (“SD”) and (“LD”) read agape letters and further explain Agape (“LD”) may introduce (“ACT”) at this time (“ALD4TH”) Announce discussion of the talk (15 minutes) (“ALD4TH”) Announce summary (5 minutes) (“ALD4TH”) Announce posters (20 Minutes)
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FRIDAY “FDATE” SCHEDULE - Continued 4:00 P.M. Break 5:15 P.M. Return to conference room (“ALD4TH”) make sure all are present (“M”) lead singing of De Colóres on way to dinner and grace songs . (“ALDPRI”) Check with the Kitchen about timing of dinner 5:30 P.M. Dinner 6:00 P.M. (“ACT”) prepare chapel for evening service 6:10 P.M. (“ALD1ST”) Remind Life in Piety Speaker (“LP”) to change clothes and escort to chapel (“ACT”) Pray up Speaker “ACT” 6:15 P.M. Return to conference room (“M”) Sing two/three songs . (“ALDPRI”) Stool should be in the PowerPoint presentations (“ALD4TH”) Remind all to take a different seat, appoint a new secretary (“ALD1ST”) bring Life in Piety Speaker (“LP”) to conference room . (“ALD4TH”) Light candle and introduce Life in Piety Speaker saying We light this candle as a symbol of Christ’s presence and have the open Bible as a symbol that all the talks are based on scripture. (Ladies/Gentleman), with a clean sheet of paper, high idealism, the spirit of cooperation and charity, pen in hand, let us prepare for the next talk, which will be given by a layperson. (“M”) Sing Alleluia song 6:30 P.M. TALK No. 5 LIFE IN PIETY (“LP”) (“LP”) Ask everyone to follow him/her to the Theater/Chapel in silence 7:00 P.M. (“LD”) Lay Director talk on Piety (Manual page 115) 7:10 P.M. (“SD”) Spiritual Director leads Emmaus Road Prayer Experience (Manual page 116) - (Use picture of face of Jesus) 7:30 P.M. Return to Conference Room (“ALD4TH”) Announce silent meditation (2 minutes) (“ALD4TH”) Announce discussion of talk (15 Minutes) (“ALD4TH”) Announce summary (5 minutes) (“ALD4TH”) Announce posters (20 Minutes)
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8:15 P.M. Break 8:25 P.M. Return to conference room (“M”) 15-20 minutes of light music and sing-a-longs 8:30 P.M. Posters and Summaries (Agape Team Present) (“ALDALL”) facilitate. (Each table presents a poster and one-minute summary of each talk to the group. Each table presents all five posters and summaries before going to the next table. Each table member should give his or her name and table name during this time. 10:00 P.M. Go to Chapel - (“ACT”) present in chapel (“LD”) leads group in Examination of Conscience (Manual page 119) (“SD”) comments (Manual page 121) (“M”) Meditative solo (“LD”) Invite group members to stay in chapel for awhile to reflect on the day’s talks (Manual page 122) (“SD”) Available for spiritual directions after dismissal 10:25 P.M. Group members return to rooms for night 10:35 P.M. Team meeting (If required!)
(“ACT”) set us chapel for AM service
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6:15 A.M. (“ALDALL”) Assistants arise 6:30 A.M. (“ALDPRI”) Wake up team & Pilgrims – Bell or music 7:20 A.M. (“ACT”) Light candles in chapel 7:25 A.M. (“ALDPRI”) Ring the bell to assemble Count to make sure all are present in chapel 7:30 A.M. Gather in Chapel (“M”) Songs (“LD”) Lead morning prayers (Manual page 124) (“LD”) Introduce (“SD”) (“SD”) Give meditation – “Four Responses to Christ” (Manual page 125) (“LD”) Concludes morning prayers (Manual page 128) 7:45 A.M. (“ALD4TH”) Check with kitchen on timing of breakfast 8:00 A.M. Breakfast (“M”) Lead De Colóres and grace songs before and after meal 8:15 A.M. (“ALD4TH”) Remind Growth Through Study Speaker (“GS”) to change clothes, and escort to chapel (“ACT”) Pray up Speaker 8:30 A.M. Break (“ALDPRI”) Send group on a 10-min. break (return to the conference room after break) 8:40 A.M (“ALDPRI”) Ring bell & gather Group in conference room ("BA") Set up Book Table along wall in dining room with help from the Agape Chapel (“M”) Two/three Songs (“ALD4TH”) bring Growth Through Study Speaker (“GS”) to conference room when room is ready (“ALDPRI”) Remind all to take a different seat, appoint a new secretary
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(“ALDPRI”) Light candle and introduce Growth Through Study Speaker (“GS”) We light this candle as a symbol of Christ’s presence and have the open Bible as a symbol that all the talks are based on scripture. (Ladies/Gentleman), with a clean sheet of paper, high idealism, the spirit of cooperation and charity, pen in hand, let us prepare for the next talk, which will be given by a layperson. (“M”) Sing Alleluia song 8:45 A.M. TALK No. 6 GROWTH THROUGH STUDY (“GS”) (“ALDPRI”) Announce silent meditation (2 minutes) 9:10 A.M. (“LD”) Lay Director talk (Manual page 130) (“LD”) Introduce hand cross and gives invitation for tables to visit chapel (“LD”) Introduces book table including payment instructions (“ALDPRI”) Announce discussion of talk (10 Minutes) (“ALDPRI”) Announce summary (5 minutes) (“ALDPRI”) Announce posters (15 Minutes) 9:50 A.M. Break 9:55 A.M. (“ALD4TH”) Remind Means of Grace Speaker (“SD”) To change clothes & bring to chapel (“ACT”) Pray up Speaker 10:00 A.M. (“M”) teach songs for noon Holy Communion (“ALDALL”) Place 3x5 cards on the tables for Means of Grace questions (“ACT”) Set up communion in chapel for service (“M”) Two/three Songs (“ALD4TH”) bring Means of Grace Speaker (“SD”) to conference room when room is ready (“ALDPRI”) Remind all to take a different seat, appoint a new secretary (“ALDPRI”) Light candle and introduce Means of Grace Speaker (“SD”)
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We light this candle as a symbol of Christ’s presence and have the open Bible as a symbol that all the talks are based on scripture. (Ladies/Gentleman), with a clean sheet of paper, high idealism, the spirit of cooperation and charity, pen in hand, let us prepare for the next talk, which will be given by a clergy. (“M”) Sing Alleluia song 10:15 A.M. TALK No. 7 MEANS OF GRACE (“SD”) (Take a Break ½ way through this talk) Silent meditation (2 minutes) 11:10 A.M. (“ACT”) Light candles for service 11:15 A.M. Go in silence to chapel – [(“ACT”) present] (“M”) Provide music for Dying Moments service (“SD”) Lead the Dying Moments and Holy Communion Service (Manual page13 2) 11:45 A.M. (“ALD4TH”) Check with kitchen on timing of lunch 11:55 A.M. (“LD”) Announce go to Lunch in silence (Manual page 134) 12:00 P.M. Lunch (“M”) Lead group in De Colóres, sing grace song before and after lunch 12:45 P.M. Break 1:55 P.M. Return to Conference Room (“SD”) Lead a question and answer period concerning the Means of Grace. (15-minute period maximum – (“SD”) can respond to questions written ahead of time on cards and field questions from the group. The emphasis of the talk should be on what we hold in common, not our disagreements.) (“SD”) Explain chapel visits (Manual page 135)
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SATURDAY “SADATE” SCHEDULE - Continued (Chapel visits by tables begin for self-reflection, prayer and sharing with new brothers in Christ. There should be a sign-up sheet. Table leaders are to feel the pulse of the table and decide when the table is ready for a visit. Tables are taken to the chapel by (“ALDALL”) when convenient (Only one table at a time) NO table should be out during any of the talks!! (“ALDPRI”) Announce discussion of talk (15 Minutes) (“ALDPRI”) Announce summary (5 minutes) (“ALDPRI”) Announce posters (20 Minutes) (“ALDALL”) Begin taking tables to the chapel during discussion (Tables who visit the chapel during the time to discuss a talk may opt not to present the talk summary and poster) 2:35 P.M. (“ALD4TH”) Remind Christian Action Speaker (“CA”) to change clothes & escort to chapel (“ACT”) Pray up Speaker (“M”) Sing two/three songs . (“ALDPRI”) Remind all to take a different seat, appoint a new secretary (“ALD4TH”) Bring Christian Action Speaker (“CA”) to the conference room when ready . (“ALDPRI”) Light candle and introduce Christian Action Speaker (“CA”) saying We light this candle as a symbol of Christ’s presence and have the open Bible as a symbol that all the talks are based on scripture. (Ladies/Gentleman), with a clean sheet of paper, high idealism, the spirit of cooperation and charity, pen in hand, let us prepare for the next talk, which will be given by a layperson. (“M”) Sing Alleluia song 3:00 P.M. TALK No. 8 CHRISTIAN ACTION (“CA”) (“ALDPRI”) Announce silent meditation (2 minutes) (“ALDPRI”) Announce discussion of the talk (15 minutes) (“ALDPRI”) Announce summary (5 minutes) (“ALDPRI”) Announce posters (20 Minutes) (“ALDALL”) Take tables to chapel during discussion
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4:10 P.M. (“ALD4TH”) Remind Obstacles to Grace Speaker (“OG”) to change clothes and escort to chapel (“ACT”) Pray up Speaker (“M”) Sing two/three songs 4:15 P.M. Brief Bathroom Break and return to conference room . (“ALDPRI”) Remind all to take a different seat, appoint a new secretary (“ALD4TH”) Bring Obstacles to Grace Speaker (“OG”) to conference room when ready (“ALDPRI”) Light candle and introduce Obstacles to Grace Speaker (“OG”) saying We light this candle as a symbol of Christ’s presence and have the open Bible as a symbol that all the talks are based on scripture. (Ladies/Gentleman), with a clean sheet of paper, high idealism, the spirit of cooperation and charity, pen in hand, let us prepare for the next talk, which will be given by a clergy. (“M”) Sing Alleluia song 4:30 P.M. TALK No. 9 OBSTACLES TO GRACE (“OG”) (“ALDPRI”) Announce silent meditation (2 minutes) (“ALDPRI”) Announce discussion of the talk (15 minutes) (“ALDPRI”) Announce summary (5 minutes) (“ALDPRI”) Announce posters (20 Minutes) (“ALDALL”) Take tables to chapel during discussion 5:25 P.M. (“ALD4TH”) Check with kitchen on timing of dinner 5:40 P.M. Dinner (The Pilgrims should sit by Table at this meal) (“M”) Lead group in De Colóres before meal and grace before and after meal 6:00 P.M. Break
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6:40 P.M. Return to Conference Room (“BA”) Inform all of the need to clean up rooms and pack in the morning (“ALD4TH”) Remind Discipleship Speaker (“DS”) to change clothes and escort to chapel (“ACT”) Pray up Speaker (“M”) Sing two/three songs . (“ALDPRI”) Remind all to take a different seat, appoint a new secretary (“ALD4TH”) Bring Discipleship Speaker (“DS”) to conference room when ready . (“ALDPRI”) Light candle and introduce Discipleship Speaker (“DS”) saying We light this candle as a symbol of Christ’s presence and have the open Bible as a symbol that all the talks are based on scripture. (Ladies/Gentleman), with a clean sheet of paper, high idealism, the spirit of cooperation and charity, pen in hand, let us prepare for the next talk, which will be given by a layperson. (“M”) Sing Alleluia song 7:00 P.M. TALK No. 10 DISCIPLESHIP (“DS”) (“ALDPRI”) Announce silent meditation (2 minutes) (“ALDPRI”) Announce discussion of the talk (15 minutes) (“ALDPRI”) Announce summary (5 minutes) (“ALDPRI”) Announce posters (20 Minutes) (“ALDALL”) Take tables to chapel during discussion (“ACT”) Collect songbooks, communion set w/supplies, agape basket, collection baskets, Pilgrim List (by table) for the Community Lay Director to take to the Candlelight. 7:20 P.M. (“BA”) Go over schedule with Christian Entertainment Leader to Insure that the program will start promptly at 7:45 and they must be finished by 8:35 P.M.! 7:45 P.M. (“BA”) Help coordinate movement of Christian Entertainment (“ALD4TH”) Introduce entertainment [(“ACT”) Present] Christian Entertainers enter conference room
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8:15 P.M. Break - Output only – (out of respect for worship services in Chapel next door) 8:25 P.M. (“BA”) Coordinate with the Community Lay Director on movement of the Community into the Chapel. Since the chapel is so far removed from the conference room, a little freedom of movement is acceptable. 8:30 P.M. Return to Conference Room (Agape Team Present) Poster and summary presentations by tables [(“ACT”) present] (Apostolic Hour begins) 9:30 P.M. Break - Output only – (out of respect for worship services being held on the lower level Someone must make sure no one goes to the lower level where the Apostolic Hour is taking place.) (“BA”) Coordinate moving of community to the candlelight location 9:50 P.M. Prepare to go to Candlelight Service (“ALD1ST”) Check with the Community Lay Director to see if Candlelight is ready 9:55 P.M. Go to Candlelight Service Thou shall not leave conference room before 9:55 P.M. for Candlelight!!!!
10:00 P.M. (“SD”) Explain candlelight while community is present (Manual page 139)
(“SD”) Lead the chapel session following Candlelight, using some form of examination of conscience, such as pages 14-15 in worship booklet, or something of your own choosing (Manual page 139) Chapel visit includes time for prayer and counseling (“M”) Provide meditative music for some or all of this experience 10:45 P.M. (“SD”) Release group members when you sense it is time for some to leave. The dismissal should be done in a way that encourages those who want to stay to do so.
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6:15 A.M. (“ALDALL”) Assistants arise 6:45 A.M. (“ALD1ST”) Wake up team & Pilgrims – Bell or music (“ACT”) Set up chapel 7:25 A.M. (“ALD1ST”) Ring bell to assemble, count to make sure all are present in chapel 7:30 A.M. Gather in Chapel [(“ACT”) present] (“M”) Songs (“LD”) Lead morning prayers (Manual page 142) (“SD”) Give meditation – “The Humanness of Jesus” (Manual page 143) (“LD”) Concludes morning prayers (Manual page 148) 7:45 A.M. (“ALD1ST”) Check with kitchen on timing of breakfast 8:00 A.M. Breakfast (“M”) Lead De Colóres and grace songs before and after meal 8:30 A.M. Break (“ALD1ST”) Send group on 10-min. break (return to the conference room after break) (“ALDPRI”) Remind Changing Our World Speaker (“COW”) to change clothes and take to chapel (“ACT”) Pray up Speaker 8:40 A.M. (“ALD1ST”) Ring bell & gather Group in conference room (“M”) Two/three Songs (“ALDPRI”) bring Changing our World Speaker (“COW”) to conference room when ready (“ALD1ST”) Remind all to take a different seat, appoint a new secretary (“ALD1ST”) Light candle and introduce Changing our World Speaker (“COW”) We light this candle as a symbol of Christ’s presence and have the open Bible as a symbol that all the talks are based on scripture. (Ladies/Gentleman), with a clean sheet of paper, high idealism, the spirit of cooperation and charity, pen in hand, let us prepare for the next talk, which will be given by a layperson. (“M”) Sing Alleluia song
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8:50 A.M. TALK No. 11 CHANGING OUR WORLD (“COW”) (“ALD1ST”) Announce NO POSTERS TODAY!! (“ALD1ST”) Announce silent meditation (2 minutes) (“ALD1ST”) Announce discussion of talk (15 Minutes) (“ALD1ST”) Announce summary (5 minutes) (“ALDALL”) Take additional tables to chapel during discussion as needed (“ALDALL”) Place service sheets on tables for (TABLE LEADERS) to pass out during Sanctifying Grace talk 9:30 A.M. (“ALDPRI”) Remind Sanctifying Grace speaker (“SG”) to change clothes and take to chapel (“ACT”) Pray up Speaker (“M”) Two/three Songs (“ALDPRI”) bring Sanctifying Grace speaker (“SG”) to the conference room when ready (“ALD1ST”) Remind all to take a different seat, appoint a new secretary (“ALD1ST”) Light candle and introduce Sanctifying Grace speaker (“SG”) We light this candle as a symbol of Christ’s presence and have the open Bible as a symbol that all the talks are based on scripture. (Ladies/Gentleman), with a clean sheet of paper, high idealism, the spirit of cooperation and charity, pen in hand, let us prepare for the next talk, which will be given by a clergy. (“M”) Sing Alleluia song 10:00 A.M. TALK No. 12 SANCTIFYING GRACE (“SG”) (“ALD1ST”) Announce silent meditation (2 minutes) (“ALD1ST”) Announce discussion of talk (15 Minutes) (“ALD1ST”) Announce summary (5 minutes) (“ALD1ST”) Take additional tables to chapel during discussion as needed (“ALD1ST”) Break if needed
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10:40 A.M. (“ALDPRI”) Remind Body of Christ Speaker (“BOC”) to change clothes and take to chapel (“ACT”) Pray up Speaker (“M”) Two/three Songs (“ALDPRI”) bring Body of Christ Speaker (“BOC”) to conference room when ready (“ALD1ST”) Remind all to take a different seat, appoint a new secretary (“ALD1ST”) Light candle and introduce Body of Christ Speaker (“BOC”) We light this candle as a symbol of Christ’s presence and have the open Bible as a symbol that all the talks are based on scripture. (Ladies/Gentleman), with a clean sheet of paper, high idealism, the spirit of cooperation and charity, pen in hand, let us prepare for the next talk, which will be given by a layperson. (“M”) Sing Alleluia song 11:00 A.M. TALK No. 13 BODY OF CHRIST (“BOC”) (“ALD1ST”) Announce silent meditation (2 minutes) (“ALD1ST”) Announce discussion of talk (15 Minutes) (“ALD1ST”) Announce summary (5 minutes) (“ALD1ST”) Take additional tables to chapel during discussion as needed (“ALD1ST”) Break if needed 11:45 A.M. (“ALD1ST”) Check with kitchen on timing of lunch 12:00 P.M. Lunch (“M”) Lead De Colóres before meal and grace before and after meal . After Lunch & before break: (“BA”) Give reminder about packing and room clean-up. (Place suitcases and bedding outside your door in the hallway. Remove your names from the Room doorway and dump the garbage into containers on each floor for disposal) 12:30 P.M. (“ACT”) Begin to straighten up Break Room 12:40 P.M. Break for packing (“ACT”) Pack up Book Table
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1:10 P.M. (“ALDPRI”) Remind Perseverance Speaker (“LD”) to change clothes and take to chapel (“ALDALL”) Pass out the Reunion Cards to the Table Leaders (“ACT”) Pray up Speaker (“M”) Two/three Songs (“ALDPRI”) bring Perseverance Speaker (“LD”) to conference room when ready (“ALD1ST”) Remind all to take a different seat, appoint a new secretary (“ALD1ST”) Light candle and introduce Perseverance Speaker (“LD”) We light this candle as a symbol of Christ’s presence and have the open Bible as a symbol that all the talks are based on scripture. (Ladies/Gentleman), with a clean sheet of paper, high idealism, the spirit of cooperation and charity, pen in hand, let us prepare for the next talk, which will be given by a layperson. (“M”) Sing Alleluia song 1:30 P.M. TALK No. 14 PERSEVERANCE (“LD”) (“ALD1ST”) Facilitate further explanation and discussion of Emmaus Groups at tables. Team members, who are now known, should lead this discussion, or lead a group reunion sharing focusing on a limited number of the questions (“ALD1ST”) Break if needed 2:15 P.M. (“ALDPRI”) Remind Fourth Day Speaker (“FD”) to change clothes and take to chapel (“ACT”) Pray up Speaker (“M”) Two/three Songs (“ALDPRI”) bring Fourth Day Speaker (“FD”) to conference room when ready (“ALD1ST”) Remind all to take a different seat, appoint a new secretary
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(“ALD1ST”) Light candle and introduce Fourth Day Speaker (“FD”) We light this candle as a symbol of Christ’s presence and have the open Bible as a symbol that all the talks are based on scripture. (Ladies/Gentleman), with a clean sheet of paper, high idealism, the spirit of cooperation and charity, pen in hand, let us prepare for the next talk, which will be given by a layperson. (“M”) Sing Alleluia song 2:30 P.M. TALK No. 15 FOURTH DAY (“FD”) (“ALD1ST”) Silent meditation (2 Minutes) (“BA”) Facilitate correction of rosters and review Points to Remember (“ACT”) Place crosses on alter in Theater/Chapel (“ACT”) Bring up large cross with base and place it in the chapel 3:20 P.M. (“ACT”) Deliver envelopes to conference room and agape sacks to break room (After the Fourth Day Talk) (“ALDALL”) Distribute envelopes to Pilgrims and Team (“ALD1ST”) Have BOTH the Pilgrims and the Team fill out Volunteer Service Sheets 3:30 P.M. (“SD”) Introduce individual agape letters (Manual page 151) (“ALDALL”) and or (“ACT”) pass out agape sacks (“ALD1ST”) Insures that plenty of time is allowed for reading letters (“ACT”) Finish cleaning up Break Room except for a few snacks and drinks 4:00 P.M. (“BA”) Give final instructions allowing Pilgrims to take posters etc. and to place personal items in the sacks provided. Stress the Tuesday night Follow-up meeting. It is very important to come. (Spouses may attend the Men's follow-up meeting if they are attending the next Women's Walk) 4:05 P.M. Break (“BA”) Ask the Team to clean the conference room during this break. Place the Emmaus materials in the storage tubs and throw away any waste. (“ACT”) Give hand cross to (“BA”)
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4:15 P.M. Go to Theater/Chapel and prepare for presentation of crosses (“ACT”) present (“SD”) Give explanation of crosses to new pilgrims (Manual page 152) (“LD”) or (“SD”) Explain the two questions and encourage the new pilgrims to begin contemplating them: What has the Walk to Emmaus meant to me? What am I going to do about it?
(“SD”) and (“LD”) pass our crosses to each pilgrim saying "Christ is counting on you" receiving the response of "I am Counting on Christ" (“SD”) instruct group to form a circle (“M”) Lead group in singing of “They Will Know We Are Christians” or another song of the Lay Directors choosing. 4:40 P.M. Prepare to go to Closing (“ACT”) present (“LD”) or (“SD”) inform pilgrims about where they will sit and remind them of their opportunity to answer the two questions and that there is no need to thank their sponsors (“ALD1ST”) instruct group to line up by Table in lines of two (Manual page 153, modified) (“LD”) and (“SD”) lead group to closing in Auditorium/Chapel/chapel. 5:00 P.M. Closing (See Optional Closing procedures in the Manual page 153) (“BA”) Place hand cross on podium (“M”) Provide music for closing
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7:00 P.M. Registration and Fellowship
9:00 P.M. Remain in Theater/Chapel End chapel visit with meditative solo. It should be quiet, reflective and in no way a performance. It is usually done from the back where the Musician can’t be seen. 10:15 P.M. Team Meeting (If required)
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7:20 A.M. Set up in the Theater/Chapel 7:50 A.M. Songs (Time filler, if required, before breakfast) 8:00 A.M. Breakfast 8:55 A.M. Two/three Songs before Priority Talk if requested. 11:00 A.M. Return to conference room Give history of “De Colóres” (Manual pages 35 & 36) Teach De Colóres, (page 37 in Purple Book) Sing Alleluia (page 39 in Purple Book) and meal grace songs (page 40 in Purple Book) 11:10 A.M. Sing Alleluia song before Prevenient Grace Talk 12:30 P.M. Lunch Lead group in De Colóres Sing grace song before and after lunch 1:35 P.M. Return to Conference room Sing two/three songs, if requested. Sing Alleluia song before Priesthood of All Believers Talk 2:50 P.M. Sing two/three songs for filler, if requested 3:00 P.M. Sing Alleluia song before Justifying Grace Talk 5:30 P.M. Dinner Lead singing of De Colóres on way to dinner and grace songs before and after dinner 6:15 P.M. Return to conference room Sing two/three songs, if requested Sing Alleluia song before Life in Piety Talk 8:25 P.M. Return to conference room 15-20 minutes of light music and sing-a-longs 10:00 P.M. Go to Theater/Chapel - (“ACT”) present in chapel Meditative solo after (“SD”) comments 10:35 P.M. Team meeting (If necessary)
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7:20 A.M. Set up in the Theater/Chapel Lead Songs before morning prayers by (“LD”) 8:00 A.M. Breakfast Lead De Colóres and grace songs before and after meal 8:35 A.M Return to conference room Two/three Songs, if requested 8:45 A.M. Sing Alleluia song before Growth Through Study Talk 10:00 A.M. Teach songs for noon Holy Communion Two/three Songs, if requested for filler 10:15 A. M. Sing Alleluia song before Means of Grace Talk 11:15 A.M. Go in silence to Theater/Chapel – [(“ACT”) present] Provide music for Dying Moments service 12:00 P.M. Lunch Lead group in De Colóres Sing grace song before and after lunch 2:50 P.M. Sing two/three songs, if requested 3:00 P.M. Sing Alleluia song before Christian Action Talk 4:15 P.M. Sing two/three songs, if requested 4:30 P.M. Sing Alleluia song before Obstacles to Grace Talk 5:40 P.M. Dinner Lead group in De Colóres before meal and grace before and after meal 6:45 P.M. Return to Conference Room Sing two/three songs, if requested 7:00 P.M. Sing Alleluia song before Discipleship Talk 9:55 P.M. Go to Candlelight Service 10:00 P.M. (“SD”) Lead the chapel session following Candlelight. (Jesus, Jesus) Chapel visit includes time for prayer and counseling. Provide meditative music for some or all of this experience
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7:20 A.M. Set up in the Theater/Chapel Lead Songs as directed by (“LD”) 8:00 A.M. Breakfast Lead De Colóres and grace songs before and after meal 8:40 A.M. Return to Conference Room Two/three Songs, if requested 8:50 A.M. Sing Alleluia song before Changing our World Talk 9:45 A.M. Two/three Songs, if requested before next talk 10:00 A.M. Sing Alleluia song before Sanctifying Grace Talk 10:45 A.M. Two/three Songs before next talk, if requested 11:00 A.M. Sing Alleluia song before Body of Christ Talk 12:00 P.M. Lunch Lead De Colóres before meal and grace before and after meal 1:15 P.M. Return to Conference Room 1:30 P.M. Sing Alleluia song before Perseverance Talk 2:15 P.M. Two/three Songs for filler before next talk, if requested 2:30 P.M. Sing Alleluia song before Fourth Day Talk 4:30 P.M. Lead group in singing of “They Will Know We Are Christians” or another song of the Lay Directors choosing prior to going to Closing. 5:00 P.M. Closing Provide music for closing
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7:00 P.M. Registration and Fellowship 7:30 P.M. Pilgrims and Team to the conference room (“ACT”) Go to the conference room with the Team and Pilgrims and stay in the conference room through the introductions. (“ACT”) Move the Cross with the Pilgrim's crosses into the Agape Chapel 10:15 P.M. Team Meeting (If necessary) Ask for copies of talks and handouts from the Speakers to pray over (“ACT”) Clean break room & set up Chapel for AM service, Cover clocks
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7:00 A.M. Set up communion elements in the Theater/Chapel 7:20 A.M. Light the candles 8:00 A.M. Breakfast 9:00 A.M. Pray up Priority Speaker (“PS”) Pray down Speaker 10:30 A.M. Break 11:00 A.M. Pray up Prevenient Grace Speaker (“PG”) Pray down Speaker 12:30 P.M. Lunch 1:30 P.M. Pray up Priesthood of All Believers Speaker (“PAB”) (Make sure that the Speaker has agape letters) Pray down Speaker 2:45 P.M. Pray up Justifying Grace Speaker (“JG”) Be available for (“LD”) to introduce the Agape Chapel team. Pray down Speaker 5:30 P.M. Dinner 6:00 P.M. Prepare Theater/Chapel for evening service 6:15 P.M. Pray up Life in Piety Speaker (“LP”) Pray down Speaker 7:00 P.M. Proceed to Theater/Chapel in silence [(“ACT”) present] 8:30 P.M. Proceed to Conference room for Posters etc. 10:00 P.M. Go to Theater/Chapel (“ACT”) present in chapel 10:35 P.M. Team meeting (If required) (“ACT”) set us chapel for AM service
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AGAPE CHAPEL SCHEDULE – Continued (“ACT”) SATURDAY “SADATE” SCHEDULE 7:00 A.M. Set up Theater/Chapel 7:20 A.M. Light the candles 8:00 A.M. Breakfast 8:30 A.M. Pray up Growth in Study Speaker (“GS”) Assist (“BA”) with setting up of Book Table Pray down Speaker 10:00 A.M. Pray up Means of Grace Speaker (“SD”) Pray down Speaker 11:00 A.M. Set up the Theater/Chapel for the Dying Moments communion 11:10 A.M. Light candles etc. for Dying Moments Service 11:15 A.M. Go in silence to Theater/Chapel [(“ACT”) present] 12:00 P.M. Lunch 2:45 P.M. Pray up Christian Action Speaker (“CA”) Pray down Speaker 4:15 P.M. Pray up Obstacles to Grace Speaker (“OG”) Pray down Speaker 5:40 P.M. Dinner 6:45 P.M. Pray up Discipleship Speaker (“DS”) Pray down Speaker 7:15 P.M. Prepare the Auditorium/Chapel for the Apostolic Hour (“ACT”) Collect the songbooks, communion set w/supplies, agape basket, collection baskets, Pilgrim List (by table) for the Community Lay Director to have at the Candlelight. 7:45 P.M. Christian Entertainment [(“ACT”) Present in the Conference Room!] 8:20 P.M. Conference room for Posters etc. 9:55 P.M. Go to Candlelight Service
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7:00 A.M. Set up Theater/Chapel 7:20 A.M. Light the candles 7:30 A.M. Gather in Theater/Chapel [(“ACT”) present] 8:00 A.M. Breakfast 8:35 A.M. Pray up Changing our World Speaker (“COW”) Pray down Speaker 9:45 A.M. Pray up Sanctifying Grace speaker (“SG”) Pray down Speaker 10:45 A.M. Pray up Body of Christ Speaker (“BOC”) Pray down Speaker 12:00 P.M. Lunch 12:30 P.M. Begin to straighten up Break Room and Agape Chapel 12:40 P.M. Break for packing (“ACT”) Pack up Book Table 1:15 P.M. Pray up Perseverance Speaker (“LD”) Pray down Speaker 2:15 P.M. Pray up Fourth Day Speaker (“FD”) Pray down Speaker 2:50 P.M Distribute the sacks and envelopes to the tables after the Fourth Day Talk Place large cross with the pilgrims’ crosses on the Alter in the Theater/Chapel 4:05 P.M. Give hand cross to (“BA”) 4:15 P.M. Go to Theater/Chapel for the presentation of Pilgrim's crosses 4:40 P.M. Prepare to go to Closing 5:00 P.M. Closing in Auditorium/Chapel
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