The Board of Commissioners of Lorain County, Ohio Met This Day in a Regular Meeting, In s7
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1 MAY 17, 2017
The Board of Commissioners of Lorain County, Ohio met this day in a regular meeting, in the J. Grant Keys Administration Building,
226 Middle Avenue, Elyria, Ohio, at 9:32 a.m. with the following members present: Commissioner Lori Kokoski, President, Commissioner Ted
Kalo, Vice-President and Commissioner Matt Lundy, Member and Theresa L. Upton, Clerk
JOURNAL ENTRY Commissioners said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Kokoski read Proverbs; 15: 15-17
Commissioner Kalo presented a 2 year old male, pitbull mix found in Lorain, available today or chose from 30 other dogs.
The following business was transacted ______a1 RESOLUTION NO. 17-317
In the matter of confirming Investments as procured by the ) Lorain County Treasurer )
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby confirm Investments as procured by the Lorain County Treasurer.
DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT INTEREST EARNED / ON cusip# INV WITH ACCT # 1 5/5/2017 INT PAYMENT $6,250.00 Federal national mortgage assn, po#16-0028 3135GOK69 US BANK 0010509796260 2 5/5/2017 INT PAYMENT $4,125.00 Federal Farm Credit Bank, PO#16-0022 3133EF5X1 US BANK 0010509796260 3 5/8/2017 INT EARNED $129.09 April 1-28, 2017 STAR OH 62106 4 5/8/2017 INT EARNED $20,335.58 April 1-28, 2017 STAR OH 15132
Motion by Kokoski seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: all. Motion carried. ______a2 RESOLUTION NO. 17-318
In the matter of authorizing various appropriations) BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various appropriations. $ 25,000.00 to be appropriated to: gf transfer to golden acres county home ongoing utilities, maintenance agreements and prof $ 25,000.00 to 1000-0000-999-000-01-9900-9900 serv/comm gf $ 50,571.00 to be appropriated to: sfy17 ctc match and gambling portion of salaries, pers, medicare for adas board exe dir and prog $ 43,877.00 to 2000-2000-620-000-05-5000-5001 dir/alcohol & drug $ 5,173.00 to 2000-2000-620-000-05-5040-0000 $ 535.00 to 2000-2000-620-000-05-5060-0000 $ 986.00 to 2000-2000-620-000-05-5100-0000 $ 575,000.00 to be appropriated to: 2017 community incentive grants and city lorain payout for volume based system grant $ 575,000.00 to 2260-0000-100-000-05-7070-7073 $300,000/comm solid waste $ 570,000.00 to be appropriated to: chip & seal contract for county townships/eng mvgt $ 570,000.00 to 2580-0000-300-300-04-6100-6105 $ 15,000.00 to be appropriated to; utility exp, maintenance costs and prof serv at golden acres/county home comm ga medicare $ 10,000.00 to 3424-0000-100-000-05-6200-6202 $ 2,000.00 to 3424-0000-100-000-05-6200-6218 $ 3,000.00 to 3424-0000-100-000-05-6380-6381 $ 1,000.00 to be appropriated to: adv at airport for various proj/comm lcra $ 1,000.00 to 7300-0000-100-000-11-7220-0000
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: all. Motion carried. ______a.3 RESOLUTION NO. 17-319
In the matter of authorizing various account & fund transfers) BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various account & fund transfers. $ 50,571.00 from 2000-2001-620-000-05-6200-0000 sfy17 ctc match & gambling portion of salaries, pers & medicare for To 2000-2001-999-000-05-9900-9900 adas board exe dir and prog dir/alcohol & drug $ 100.00 from 5000-5004-100-000-10-6380-6381 zoning appeal app for city Elyria for abbe rd annex at veterans To 5000-5004-100-000-10-7070-0000 bldg/comm q construction Fund transfers; $ 25,000.00 from 1000-0000-999-000-01-9900-9900 golden acres medicare fund supplement funds cash bal cover misc To 3424-0000-999-000-05-4900-4900 exp/comm golden acres medicare $ 50,571.00 from 2000-2001-999-000-05-9900-9900 sfy17 ctc match and gambling portion salaries, pers & medicare for To 2000-2000-999-000-05-4900-4900 adas brd exe dir and prog dir/adas
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: all. Motion carried. ______a.4 JOURNAL ENTRY There were no advances/repayments for this day. ______2 a.5 RESOULTION NO. 17-320
In the matter of authorizing the purchase of supplies and) Services for various county departments ) May 17, 2017
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize the purchase of supplies and services for various County departments.
LOG # DEPARTMENT FUND DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASE VENDOR AMOUNT 793 9-1-1 Agency 3480 Copy Paper for 911 Records & Warrants Lorain County Treasurer 1,257.72 794 Auditor’s 2480 Inspect Property 0 123 & 127 Foxhill Lane Brian W. Barnes Co., Inc. 6,000.00 795 Auditor’s 2480 Trial Preparation Work – Centro Enfield LLC Brian W. Barnes Co., Inc. 3,000.00 796 Bd of Elections 1000 Yearly Membership Dues for 4 Bd Members OAEO 2,550.21 797 CBCF 8300 Infocus 57 Mondopad, Warranty, Shipping Logicalis, Inc. 20,647.17 798 CBCF 8300 CPR-AED Training Manikins, Supplies, Etc General Medical Devices 3,507.75 799 CBCF 8300 Dell Poweredge Server & Accessories Great Lakes Computer 9,659.93 800 Commissioner’s 1000 Complete Space Cost Report for LCDJFS Maximus Consulting Serv. 4,200.00 801 Community Dev. 1000 (3) Half Page Publications North Coast Minority Media 1,800.00 802 Community Dev. 1000 Subscription – Xceligent Real Estate Tools Xceligent 9,000.00 803 Maintenance 1000 Emergency Repairs to Chiller & Cooling Tower Applied Industrial Tech. 1,761.11 804 Maintenance 5000 Zoning Appeals Application Fee City of Elyria Building Dept. 100.00 805 Maintenance 1000 Salt for Various County Locations Lorain County Engineers 3,520.13 806 Maintenance 1000 Replacement Mower Deck for Skag Wellington Implement 1,430.00 807 Sheriff’s 1000 Annual Law Enforcement Subscription Lexipol LLC 9,845.00 808 Solid Waste 2260 Amend PO 2017001389 Recycling of Paint Brinkman LLC 20,000.00 809 Visitor’s Bureau 8016 Amend PO 2017000476 Services Kennedy, Jennifer 56,160.00 810 Visitor’s Bureau 8016 Amend PO 2017000477 Hotel/Motel Tax Lorain County Visitor’s 95,000.00 811 Visitor’s Bureau 8016 Restaurant Week 2017 Radio Ads WOBL Radio, Inc. 200.00
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as. Ayes: All Motion carried. ______
a.6 RESOLUTION NO. 17-321
In the matter of authorizing Travel Expenses to various) personnel to attend meetings of interest to their ) May 17, 2017 departments )
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize travel expenses to various personnel to Attending meeting of interest to their departments.
AMOUNT LOG # DEPARTM NAME EVENT LOCATION DATE not to exceed ENT 129 CBCF Leatherwood, Rachel Ohio’s 2017 Opiate Columbus, OH 6/12- 493.00 Conference: Bridges to 6/13/17 Recovery 130 CBCF Newman, Patricia Ohio’s 2017 Opiate Columbus, OH 6/12- 317.00 Conference: Bridges to 6/13/17 Recovery 131 CBCF O’Neill, Shamequa Ohio’s 2017 Opiate Columbus, OH 6/12- 493.00 Conference: Bridges to 6/13/17 Recovery 132 Community Upton, Maximilian Team NEO Meeting Cleveland, OH 5/3/17 13.00 Developmen t 133 Engineer’s Carney, Ken 2017 Land Records Columbus, OH 6/13/17 189.00 Modernization Conference 134 Engineer’s Spillman, Ted 2017 Land Records Columbus, OH 6/13/17 169.00 Modernization Conference 135 Engineer’s Zwick, Peter 2017 Land Records Columbus, OH 6/13/17 169.00 Modernization Conference 136 Job & Laudato, Donna BIC Reports Training Columbus, OH 6/20/17 40.00 Family Services 137 Job & Molnar, Joe Child Care Committee Columbus, OH 6/13/17 30.00 Family Meeting Services 138 Job & Raphael, Rula Ohio Child Support Akron, OH 6/19/17 60.00 Family Directors Association Services Meeting 139 Job & Wanderi, Lucy Child Care Committee Columbus, OH 6/13/17 10.00 Family Meeting Services 140 Job & Wolfe, Janice BIC Reports Training Columbus, OH 6/20/17 10.00 Family Services 141 Solid Waste Bailey, Keith Grant Administration Columbus, OH 6/29/17 10.00 Meeting
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: all. Motion carried. ______3 a7 RESOLUTION NO. 17-322
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby approve the following bills for payment, which have been signed by two or more Commissioners:
VENDOR PURPOSE ACCOUNT # AMOUNT General Fund 21st Century Media Newspaper dba Morning Employment Ad 1000 0000 100 142 01 7220 0000 $511.68 Autobody Products Inc- API Repair/Maintenance 1000 0000 100 104 01 6380 0000 $77.13 Bremke Law LLC Defense of Indigent Case 1000 0000 500 000 02 7070 0000 $450.00 Capp Inc. Repair/Maintenance 1000 0000 100 104 01 6380 0000 $389.92 Charter Communications Holdings dba Warner Utility Services 1000 0000 100 112 01 6200 6202 $144.99 Charter Communications Holdings dba Warner Utility Services 1000 0000 100 112 01 6200 6202 $181.89 Charter Communications Holdings dba Warner Utility Services 1000 0000 100 112 01 6200 6202 $84.39 Chronicle Telegram Employment Ad 1000 0000 100 142 01 7220 0000 $616.60 Citibank N.A. Home Depot Credit Services Repair/Maintenance 1000 0000 100 104 01 6380 0000 $112.52 Citibank N.A. Home Depot Credit Services Supplies 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 $47.38 Drake, Jennifer Parking Refund 1000 0000 100 142 01 7070 7089 $10.00 Elyria Hardware Supplies 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 $34.47 Elyria Public Utilities Utility Services 1000 0000 100 112 01 6200 6202 $7.95 Frontier North Telephone Services 1000 0000 100 112 01 6200 6202 $83.10 Gross Plumbing Inc. Repair/Maintenance 1000 0000 100 104 01 6380 0000 $64.12 Janine M Myers dba Myers & Associates Court Reporting Services 1000 0000 100 142 01 7000 7004 $750.00 John Deere Financial Supplies 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 $150.96 Laketec Services 1000 0000 100 108 01 6200 0000 $450.00 Lorain County Sheriff Defense of Indigent Case 1000 0000 500 000 02 7070 0000 $120.00 Lucas County Coroner NW Ohio Medical Tech. Professional Services 1000 0000 520 199 03 6200 6218 $1,350.00 Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District Utility Services 1000 0000 100 112 01 6200 6202 $46.35 Office Products Inc dba MT Business Contract Services 1000 0000 100 100 01 6200 0000 $87.94 Refrigeration Sales Corporation Supplies 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 $47.84 Rural Urban Record Subscription Renewal 1000 0000 100 000 01 7070 0000 $35.00 Southern Computer Warehouse Printer 1000 0000 100 108 01 6050 0000 $250.63 Summit County Court of Common Pleas-Probate Defense of Indigent Case 1000 0000 500 000 02 7070 0000 $1,116.00 Velazquez, Yacylyn Parking Refund 1000 0000 100 142 01 7070 7089 $10.00 Whitehouse Artesian Springs Water 1000 0000 100 000 01 6000 0000 $39.00 Young Investments dba Young Security Services Supplies 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 $74.50 TOTAL $7,344.36
Dog Kennel John Deere Financial Supplies 2220 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 $16.94 Lorain County Engineer Fuel 2220 0000 100 000 05 6000 6000 $463.57 Lorain Cnty Treasurer c/o Office Services Postage 2220 0000 100 000 05 6000 6002 $12.93 Mr Kitty Inc. Professional Services 2220 2220 100 000 05 6200 6218 $110.00 Ohio Edison Utility Services 2220 0000 100 000 05 6200 6202 $156.71 Rural Lorain County Water Authority Utility Services 2220 0000 100 000 05 6200 6202 $55.76 WDLW Advertising 2220 0000 100 000 05 7220 0000 $103.00 WOBL Advertising 2220 0000 100 000 05 7220 0000 $103.00 TOTAL $1,021.91 Solid Waste 21st Century Media Newspaper dba Morning Advertising 2260 0000 100 000 05 7220 7220 $750.00 Chronicle Telegram Advertising 2260 0000 100 000 05 7220 7220 $600.00 Linden's Propane Supplies 2260 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 $83.92 Lorain County Engineers Fuel 2260 0000 100 000 05 6000 6000 $25.79 Lorain County Treasurer c/o Office Services Postage 2260 0000 100 000 05 6000 6002 $19.64 Lowes Companies Supplies 2260 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 $22.68 Office Depot Supplies 2260 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 $235.21 PICT Partnership dba Avon Lake Press, Etc Advertising 2260 0000 100 000 05 7220 7220 $468.00 Rural Urban Record Advertising 2260 0000 100 000 05 7220 7220 $303.00 Windstream Corporation dba Windstream Telephone Services 2260 0000 100 000 05 6200 6202 $90.55 Windstream Corporation dba Windstream Internet Services 2260 0000 100 000 05 6200 6222 $54.99 TOTAL $2,653.78 Bascule Bridge Lorain County Treasurer c/o Office Services Postage 2640 0000 100 000 04 6000 0000 $2.76 TOTAL $2.76 Medically Handicapped Children Treasurer, State of Ohio Other Expenses 2740 0000 580 000 06 7070 0000 $26,150.77 TOTAL $26,150.77 Community Development Friends Service Co., Inc dba FriendsOffice Rack Cards 3412 3414 100 116 07 7220 0000 $214.83 TOTAL $214.83 Golden Acres AA Fire Protection Building Maintenance 3424 0000 100 000 05 6380 6381 $19.00 Pardee Environmental Building Maintenance 3424 0000 100 000 05 6380 6381 $652.80 Wescom Solutions, Inc. Professional Services 3424 0000 100 000 05 6200 6218 $98.09 TOTAL $769.89 Crime Lab Cerilliant Corp Supplies 3460 0000 100 000 03 6000 0000 $163.00 Lorain County Treasurer c/o Office Services Copy Paper 3460 0000 100 000 03 6000 0000 $30.95 Lorain County Treasurer c/o Office Services Postage 3460 0000 100 000 03 6000 0000 $5.98 Whitehouse Artesian Springs Water 3460 0000 100 000 03 6000 0000 $9.90 TOTAL $209.83 4 9-1-1 Agency Lorain County Engineer Fuel 3480 0000 100 000 03 6000 6000 $33.54 Lorain County Treasurer c/o Office Services Postage 3480 0000 100 000 03 6000 6002 $24.42 National Academy of EMD dba International Fee for EMD Recertification 3480 0000 100 000 03 7000 0000 $50.00 TOTAL $107.96 Sanitary Engineer's Wolff Bros. Supply Inc. Repair/Maintenance 7100 7100 300 304 11 6380 0000 $17.30 TOTAL $17.30 Storm Water Lorain County Engineer Other Expenses 7100 7118 300 304 11 7070 7080 $4,000.00 Lorain Cnty Treasurer c/o Office Services Postage 7100 7118 300 304 11 6000 6002 $72.54 TOTAL $4,072.54 Transit Lorain County Treasurer c/o Office Services Postage 7200 0000 100 000 11 6000 6002 $9.12 TOTAL $9.12 Transportation Center W.B. Mason Supplies 7200 7200 100 150 11 6000 0000 $29.99 TOTAL $29.99
Airport Fisher Auto Parts, Inc. Supplies 7300 0000 100 $143.02 000 11 6000 0000 Lorain Cnty Treasurer c/o Office Services Postage 7300 0000 100 $4.60 000 11 6000 6002 TOTAL $147.62 Children and Family Council Lorain County Mental Health Board LCBMH Annual Luncheon 8100 FY17 100 $26.00 000 14 7200 7200 Lorain County Treasurer c/o Commissioner's Facility Rental 8240 FY17 100 $199.00 000 14 6200 0000 Lorain County Treasurer c/o Office Services Postage 8100 FY17 100 $34.44 000 14 6000 0000 TOTAL $259.44 Visitor's Bureau Charter Communications Holdings LLC dba Time Utilities 8016 0000 100 $290.68 000 14 6200 6202 Lorain County Treasurer Postage 8016 0000 100 $955.87 000 14 6000 6002 Rural Lorain County Water Utilities 8016 0000 100 $50.69 000 14 6200 6202 TOTAL $1,297.24
Domestic Relations Court: Lorain County Commissioners drug screens 1000-0000-400-000-02-6200-6210 $2,000.00 Lorain County engineers gasoline 1000-0000-400-402-02-6000-6000 $1,125.40 TOTAL $3,125.40
Auditor/Bookkeeping & Real Estate / unclaimed funds CYMRU IRE properties inc. FH2016 8310-8326-100-000-14-7070-0000 $2,655.51 TOTAL $2,655.51
Job & Family Services: HS H17-1095 Administrative payroll TOTAL $361,868.95
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: all. Motion carried. ______a.8 JOURNAL ENTRY
Mr. Cordes requested an executive session to discuss new hires at JFS, IT, potential sale real estate, pending legal issues and negotiations with operating engineer/bridge ______(discussion was held on the above) a9 RESOLUTION NO. 17-323
In the matter of approving & waiving the reading of the ) same for the Lorain of May 10, 2017 ) May 17, 2017
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby approve & waive the reading of the same for the Lorain County Board of Commissioners meeting minutes.
For May 10, 2017
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: all. Motion carried. ______5 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT a.10 RESOLUTION NO. 17-324
In the matter of awarding a contract to Dr. Scott Iliff of ) Iliff Management LLC , to receive grant assistance from ) May 17, 2017 the CDBG PY15 Set- Aside Private Rehabilitation activity) for 154 Park Avenue, Amherst, Ohio )
WHEREAS, Lorain County has received funding for Private Rehabilitation of Buildings located in the Main Street Amherst service area as part of the Program Year 2015 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) set-aside funds from the Ohio Development Services Agency to provide assistance to Amherst Business owners in accordance with the grant agreement, and
WHEREAS, the owner has applied for private rehabilitation assistance in the amount of $4,725.00 which will be matched by an additional $4,725.00 in private investment to update the exterior of the building located at 154 Park Avenue
WHEREAS, The form of the agreement is as follows Lorain County Commissioners Downtown Revitalization Program, Amherst GRANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN BUILDING/BUSINESS OWNER `AND LORAIN COUNTY FOR DOWNTOWN RENOVATION GRANT This Agreement made and entered into this 17 th day of May, 2017, between Lorain County (herein after referred to as Community) and Dr. Scott Iliff of Iliff Management LLC, Building/Business Owner, for a grant to the Building/Business Owner for renovation work to be completed at 154 Park Avenue, Amherst, Ohio, in an amount of $4,725.00 Building/Business Owner agrees: To implement the renovation project according to the requirements of the CDBG program as presented by the Community and its representatives, including: Providing a sketch of the facade improvements. Providing work write-ups or specifications adequate for acquiring quotes or bids from contractors. Providing cost estimates from a qualified third party. Submitting the project to the Design Review Board and obtaining approval from this Board, when necessary. Assuring that OHPO clearance is acquired, when necessary. Acquiring the necessary permits to complete the project (building, zoning, and planning commission). Acquiring at least three quote/bids from qualified contractors to construct the proposed improvements. Assuring that the contractors are not on the State’s debarred list. Reviewing quotes/bids as submitted and assuring the Community that the lowest and best quote/bid is being selected, or providing adequate documentation otherwise. Quote/bid must be within 10% of estimate. Assuring that current prevailing wage rates (Davis-Bacon) are provided to the contractors (to be obtained from the MSA Executive Director), when necessary. Acquiring authorization to proceed from the MSA Executive Director prior to authorizing the contractor to start construction. Permitting the Community’s Labor Compliance Officer on-site during construction to interview the contractor’s employees. Acquiring invoices from all contractors and suppliers along with weekly payroll reports. Providing invoices to the MSA Executive Director for the project expenditures (those funded both with public and private funds) and requesting payment for 50 percent of those invoices, up to $10,000 Allowing the Community’s inspector on the site to review the construction and to determine completeness. Agreeing to withhold final reimbursements to the contractor until Community approval is received. Agreeing that the building will not be intentionally demolished for at least five years from the date of project completion. Agreeing that all contracts must comply with the Executive Order 11246 regarding non-discrimination. Agreeing to hold the Community harmless from any potential litigation or disputes involving quality of work and materials used on this project. The Community is in no way responsible for warranties or quality of work issues regardless of the source of funds used on this project. Otherwise cooperating with the Community to assure that the CDBG program requirements are being met. Building/Business Owner understands the following: The Community is bound by CDBG regulations to require the above information and steps. The Community is under no obligation to provide a grant to the Owner if the Owner fails to comply with program regulations. No construction can start until all clearances are provided and authorization to proceed is provided to the Owner. The Community agrees to provide a grant of $4,725.00 to the Building/Business Owner to complete the improvements described on Attachment A, once all the above requirements are met. Payment of this grant will be made based on the following schedule: Proper invoices in the amount of the entire project (or a completed portion thereof) are presented to the MSA Executive Director. The MSA Executive Director reviews the invoices and submits them to the Community. The Community will inspect the project to assure that the work has been completed to the satisfaction of the program requirements and to the owner. The Community is held harmless from quality of work and materials issues and any future litigation and/or disputes involving same. By signing the final inspection certificate, the owner assumes all liability for any future deficiencies and/or quality of work or materials. The Community offers no warranties or guarantees on either work or material quality regardless of the source of funds used to pay for the work/materials. The Community requests the funds from the State of Ohio. Receipt of funds could take up to 3-6 weeks. Once funds are received, the Community reimburses the property owner for 50% balance of contract, up to $10,000, Please note that you have 30 days from the date of this agreement to enter into an agreement with a contractor to start the improvements to your building. Failure to execute said agreement within this time frame nullifies this agreement. Lorain County Building/Business Owner S/Lori Kokoski S/Scott Illiff May 17, 2017 5/4/17 Date Date WHEREAS, Said payment will be paid from Acct 2060.DT15. (CDBG FY15 Contractual Services) account. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this resolution stand as authorization to pay invoices and the Lorain County Commissioners hereby authorize payment of such amounts upon completion and acceptance of the contracts. Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: all. 6 Motion carried. ______(discussion was held on the above) a.11 RESOLUTION NO. 17-325
In the matter of awarding a contract to Young Zampieri of ) Sik Lee Family Investments LLC , to receive grant assistance) from the CDBG PY15 Set- Aside Private Rehabilitation ) activity for 161 Park Avenue, Amherst, Ohio ) May 17th, 2017
WHEREAS, Lorain County has received funding for Private Rehabilitation of Buildings located in the Main Street Amherst service area as part of the Program Year 2015 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) set-aside funds from the Ohio Development Services Agency to provide assistance to Amherst Business owners in accordance with the grant agreement, and
WHEREAS, the owner has applied for private rehabilitation assistance in the amount of $1,177.50 which will be matched by an additional $1,177.50 in private investment to update the exterior of the building located at 161 Park Avenue
WHEREAS, The form of the agreement is as follows Lorain County Commissioners Downtown Revitalization Program, Amherst GRANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN BUILDING/BUSINESS OWNER AND LORAIN COUNTY FOR DOWNTOWN RENOVATION GRANT This Agreement made and entered into this 17 th day of May, 2017, between Lorain County (herein after referred to as Community) and Young Zampieri of Sik Lee Family Investments LLC, Building/Business Owner, for a grant to the Building/Business Owner for renovation work to be completed at 161 Park Avenue, Amherst, Ohio, in an amount of $1,177.50 Building/Business Owner agrees: To implement the renovation project according to the requirements of the CDBG program as presented by the Community and its representatives, including: Providing a sketch of the facade improvements. Providing work write-ups or specifications adequate for acquiring quotes or bids from contractors. Providing cost estimates from a qualified third party. Submitting the project to the Design Review Board and obtaining approval from this Board, when necessary. Assuring that OHPO clearance is acquired, when necessary. Acquiring the necessary permits to complete the project (building, zoning, and planning commission). Acquiring at least three quote/bids from qualified contractors to construct the proposed improvements. Assuring that the contractors are not on the State’s debarred list. Reviewing quotes/bids as submitted and assuring the Community that the lowest and best quote/bid is being selected, or providing adequate documentation otherwise. Quote/bid must be within 10% of estimate. Assuring that current prevailing wage rates (Davis-Bacon) are provided to the contractors (to be obtained from the MSA Executive Director), when necessary. Acquiring authorization to proceed from the MSA Executive Director prior to authorizing the contractor to start construction. Permitting the Community’s Labor Compliance Officer on-site during construction to interview the contractor’s employees. Acquiring invoices from all contractors and suppliers along with weekly payroll reports. Providing invoices to the MSA Executive Director for the project expenditures (those funded both with public and private funds) and requesting payment for 50 percent of those invoices, up to $10,000 Allowing the Community’s inspector on the site to review the construction and to determine completeness. Agreeing to withhold final reimbursements to the contractor until Community approval is received. Agreeing that the building will not be intentionally demolished for at least five years from the date of project completion. Agreeing that all contracts must comply with the Executive Order 11246 regarding non-discrimination. Agreeing to hold the Community harmless from any potential litigation or disputes involving quality of work and materials used on this project. The Community is in no way responsible for warranties or quality of work issues regardless of the source of funds used on this project. Otherwise cooperating with the Community to assure that the CDBG program requirements are being met. Building/Business Owner understands the following: The Community is bound by CDBG regulations to require the above information and steps. The Community is under no obligation to provide a grant to the Owner if the Owner fails to comply with program regulations. No construction can start until all clearances are provided and authorization to proceed is provided to the Owner. The Community agrees to provide a grant of $1,177.50 to the Building/Business Owner to complete the improvements described on Attachment A, once all the above requirements are met. Payment of this grant will be made based on the following schedule: Proper invoices in the amount of the entire project (or a completed portion thereof) are presented to the MSA Executive Director. The MSA Executive Director reviews the invoices and submits them to the Community. The Community will inspect the project to assure that the work has been completed to the satisfaction of the program requirements and to the owner. The Community is held harmless from quality of work and materials issues and any future litigation and/or disputes involving same. By signing the final inspection certificate, the owner assumes all liability for any future deficiencies and/or quality of work or materials. The Community offers no warranties or guarantees on either work or material quality regardless of the source of funds used to pay for the work/materials. The Community requests the funds from the State of Ohio. Receipt of funds could take up to 3-6 weeks. Once funds are received, the Community reimburses the property owner for 50% balance of contract, up to $10,000, Please note that you have 30 days from the date of this agreement to enter into an agreement with a contractor to start the improvements to your building. Failure to execute said agreement within this time frame nullifies this agreement.
Lorain County Building/Business Owner S/Lori Kokoski S/Young Zampieri May 17, 2017 5-9-17 Date Date WHEREAS, Said payment will be paid from Acct 2060.DT15. (CDBG FY15 Contractual Services) account. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this resolution stand as authorization to pay invoices and the Lorain County Commissioners hereby authorize payment of such amounts upon completion and acceptance of the contracts. 7 Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: all. Motion carried. ______a.12 RESOLUTION NO. 17-326
In the matter of awarding a contract to Darrell McCarty of ) D Boys Four LLC, to receive grant assistance from the ) CDBG PY15 Set- Aside Private Rehabilitation activity ) May 17th, 2017 for 167 Cleveland Avenue, Amherst, Ohio )
WHEREAS, Lorain County has received funding for Private Rehabilitation of Buildings located in the Main Street Amherst service area as part of the Program Year 2015 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) set-aside funds from the Ohio Development Services Agency to provide assistance to Amherst Business owners in accordance with the grant agreement, and
WHEREAS, the owner has applied for private rehabilitation assistance in the amount of $5,259.94.00 which will be matched by an additional $5,259.94 in private investment to retrofit the HVAC of the building located at 167 Cleveland Avenue
WHEREAS, The form of the agreement is as follows Lorain County Commissioners Downtown Revitalization Program, Amherst GRANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN BUILDING/BUSINESS OWNER AND LORAIN COUNTY FOR DOWNTOWN RENOVATION GRANT This Agreement made and entered into this 17 th day of May, 2017, between Lorain County (herein after referred to as Community) and Darrell McCarty of D Boys Four LLC, Building/Business Owner, for a grant to the Building/Business Owner for renovation work to be completed at 167 Cleveland Avenue, Amherst, Ohio, in an amount of $5,259.94 Building/Business Owner agrees: To implement the renovation project according to the requirements of the CDBG program as presented by the Community and its representatives, including: Providing a sketch of the facade improvements. Providing work write-ups or specifications adequate for acquiring quotes or bids from contractors. Providing cost estimates from a qualified third party. Submitting the project to the Design Review Board and obtaining approval from this Board, when necessary. Assuring that OHPO clearance is acquired, when necessary. Acquiring the necessary permits to complete the project (building, zoning, and planning commission). Acquiring at least three quote/bids from qualified contractors to construct the proposed improvements. Assuring that the contractors are not on the State’s debarred list. Reviewing quotes/bids as submitted and assuring the Community that the lowest and best quote/bid is being selected, or providing adequate documentation otherwise. Quote/bid must be within 10% of estimate. Assuring that current prevailing wage rates (Davis-Bacon) are provided to the contractors (to be obtained from the MSA Executive Director), when necessary. Acquiring authorization to proceed from the MSA Executive Director prior to authorizing the contractor to start construction. Permitting the Community’s Labor Compliance Officer on-site during construction to interview the contractor’s employees. Acquiring invoices from all contractors and suppliers along with weekly payroll reports. Providing invoices to the MSA Executive Director for the project expenditures (those funded both with public and private funds) and requesting payment for 50 percent of those invoices, up to $10,000 Allowing the Community’s inspector on the site to review the construction and to determine completeness. Agreeing to withhold final reimbursements to the contractor until Community approval is received. Agreeing that the building will not be intentionally demolished for at least five years from the date of project completion. Agreeing that all contracts must comply with the Executive Order 11246 regarding non-discrimination. Agreeing to hold the Community harmless from any potential litigation or disputes involving quality of work and materials used on this project. The Community is in no way responsible for warranties or quality of work issues regardless of the source of funds used on this project. Otherwise cooperating with the Community to assure that the CDBG program requirements are being met. Building/Business Owner understands the following: The Community is bound by CDBG regulations to require the above information and steps. The Community is under no obligation to provide a grant to the Owner if the Owner fails to comply with program regulations. No construction can start until all clearances are provided and authorization to proceed is provided to the Owner. The Community agrees to provide a grant of $5,259.94 to the Building/Business Owner to complete the improvements described on Attachment A, once all the above requirements are met. Payment of this grant will be made based on the following schedule: Proper invoices in the amount of the entire project (or a completed portion thereof) are presented to the MSA Executive Director. The MSA Executive Director reviews the invoices and submits them to the Community. The Community will inspect the project to assure that the work has been completed to the satisfaction of the program requirements and to the owner. The Community is held harmless from quality of work and materials issues and any future litigation and/or disputes involving same. By signing the final inspection certificate, the owner assumes all liability for any future deficiencies and/or quality of work or materials. The Community offers no warranties or guarantees on either work or material quality regardless of the source of funds used to pay for the work/materials. The Community requests the funds from the State of Ohio. Receipt of funds could take up to 3-6 weeks. Once funds are received, the Community reimburses the property owner for 50% balance of contract, up to $10,000, Please note that you have 30 days from the date of this agreement to enter into an agreement with a contractor to start the improvements to your building. Failure to execute said agreement within this time frame nullifies this agreement. Lorain County Building/Business Owner S/Lori Kokoski S/Darrell McCarty May 17, 2017 5-9-2017 Date Date WHEREAS, Said payment will be paid from Acct 2060.DT15. (CDBG FY15 Contractual Services) account.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this resolution stand as authorization to pay invoices and the Lorain County Commissioners hereby authorize payment of such amounts upon completion and acceptance of the contracts. 8
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: all. Motion carried. ______a.13 RESOLUTION NO. 17-327
In the matter of awarding a contract to Darrell McCarty of ) D Boys Four LLC, to receive grant assistance from the ) CDBG PY15 Set- Aside Private Rehabilitation activity ) May 17th, 2017 For 195 Cleveland Avenue, Amherst, Ohio )
WHEREAS, Lorain County has received funding for Private Rehabilitation of Buildings located in the Main Street Amherst service area as part of the Program Year 2015 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) set-aside funds from the Ohio Development Services Agency to provide assistance to Amherst Business owners in accordance with the grant agreement, and
WHEREAS, the owner has applied for private rehabilitation assistance in the amount of $4,460.80.00 which will be matched by an additional $4,460.80 in private investment to renovate the roof of the building located at 195 Cleveland Avenue
WHEREAS, The form of the agreement is as follows Lorain County Commissioners Downtown Revitalization Program, Amherst GRANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN BUILDING/BUSINESS OWNER AND LORAIN COUNTY FOR DOWNTOWN RENOVATION GRANT
This Agreement made and entered into this 17 th day of May, 2017, between Lorain County (herein after referred to as Community) and Darrell McCarty of D Boys Four LLC, Building/Business Owner, for a grant to the Building/Business Owner for renovation work to be completed at 195 Cleveland Avenue, Amherst, Ohio, in an amount of $4,460.80 Building/Business Owner agrees: To implement the renovation project according to the requirements of the CDBG program as presented by the Community and its representatives, including: Providing a sketch of the facade improvements. Providing work write-ups or specifications adequate for acquiring quotes or bids from contractors. Providing cost estimates from a qualified third party. Submitting the project to the Design Review Board and obtaining approval from this Board, when necessary. Assuring that OHPO clearance is acquired, when necessary. Acquiring the necessary permits to complete the project (building, zoning, and planning commission). Acquiring at least three quote/bids from qualified contractors to construct the proposed improvements. Assuring that the contractors are not on the State’s debarred list. Reviewing quotes/bids as submitted and assuring the Community that the lowest and best quote/bid is being selected, or providing adequate documentation otherwise. Quote/bid must be within 10% of estimate. Assuring that current prevailing wage rates (Davis-Bacon) are provided to the contractors (to be obtained from the MSA Executive Director), when necessary. Acquiring authorization to proceed from the MSA Executive Director prior to authorizing the contractor to start construction. Permitting the Community’s Labor Compliance Officer on-site during construction to interview the contractor’s employees. Acquiring invoices from all contractors and suppliers along with weekly payroll reports. Providing invoices to the MSA Executive Director for the project expenditures (those funded both with public and private funds) and requesting payment for 50 percent of those invoices, up to $10,000 Allowing the Community’s inspector on the site to review the construction and to determine completeness. Agreeing to withhold final reimbursements to the contractor until Community approval is received. Agreeing that the building will not be intentionally demolished for at least five years from the date of project completion. Agreeing that all contracts over $2,000 must comply with the Executive Order 11246 regarding non-discrimination. Agreeing to hold the Community harmless from any potential litigation or disputes involving quality of work and materials used on this project. The Community is in no way responsible for warranties or quality of work issues regardless of the source of funds used on this project. Otherwise cooperating with the Community to assure that the CDBG program requirements are being met. Building/Business Owner understands the following: The Community is bound by CDBG regulations to require the above information and steps. The Community is under no obligation to provide a grant to the Owner if the Owner fails to comply with program regulations. No construction can start until all clearances are provided and authorization to proceed is provided to the Owner. The Community agrees to provide a grant of $4,460.80 to the Building/Business Owner to complete the improvements described on Attachment A, once all the above requirements are met. Payment of this grant will be made based on the following schedule: Proper invoices in the amount of the entire project (or a completed portion thereof) are presented to the MSA Executive Director. The MSA Executive Director reviews the invoices and submits them to the Community. The Community will inspect the project to assure that the work has been completed to the satisfaction of the program requirements and to the owner. The Community is held harmless from quality of work and materials issues and any future litigation and/or disputes involving same. By signing the final inspection certificate, the owner assumes all liability for any future deficiencies and/or quality of work or materials. The Community offers no warranties or guarantees on either work or material quality regardless of the source of funds used to pay for the work/materials. The Community requests the funds from the State of Ohio. Receipt of funds could take up to 3-6 weeks. Once funds are received, the Community reimburses the property owner for 50% balance of contract, up to $10,000, Please note that you have 30 days from the date of this agreement to enter into an agreement with a contractor to start the improvements to your building. Failure to execute said agreement within this time frame nullifies this agreement. Lorain County Building/Business Owner S/Lori Kokoski S/Darrell McCarty May 17, 2017 5-9-2017 Date Date WHEREAS, Said payment will be paid from Acct 2060.DT15. (CDBG FY15 Contractual Services) account. 9 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this resolution stand as authorization to pay invoices and the Lorain County Commissioners hereby authorize payment of such amounts upon completion and acceptance of the contracts. Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: all. Motion carried. ______(discussion was held on the above) a.14 RESOLUTION NO. 17-328
In the matter of amending Resolution #16-652, adopted ) October 12, 2016, awarding contract to #4 – Green Home) May 17, 2017 Solutions, Cleveland in amount of $5,967.00 )
WHEREAS, This funding for home repairs was in Program Year 2014, Community Housing and Impact Preservation (CHIP) funds from the Ohio Development Services Agency to provide assistance to low and moderate income families in accordance with the grant agreement, and
WHEREAS, the work was not started in the PY14 grant cycle, therefore has been authorized under the PY16 grant cycle; and
WHEREAS, the property owner has applied for home repair assistance and been determined eligible for a grant, and
1. Green Home Solutions, 4900 Brookpark Rd., Cleveland, Ohio, in the amount of $5,425.00 with a contingency of $542.00 for a total of $5,967.00 for Gail Parsons, 117 Beachdale, Avon Lake, Ohio, Parcel #04-00-018-135-049 for roof over bathroom, replace plumbing vent stack, replacement of shower, faucet and toilet.
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, we hereby authorize said payments will be paid from #2660.2660. CDBG Contract Services
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this resolution stand as authorization to pay invoices and the Lorain County Commissioners hereby authorize payment of such amounts upon completion and acceptance of the contracts.
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: all. Motion carried. ______
In the matter of approving and entering into a Subgrant ) Agreement with Ohio Department of Job and Family ) May 17, 2017 Services, the Ohio Department of Medicaid for SFY2018) & 2019, effective July 1 2017 – June 30, 2019 )
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby approve & enter into a Subgrant Agreement with Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, the Ohio Department of Medicaid for SFY2018 & 2019.
Said agreement is considered a part hereof to this resolution by reference thereto and can be found on file in the Commissioners/Purchasing and JFS, effective July 1 2017 – June 30, 2019
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: all. Motion carried. ______
In the matter of approving & entering into a lease agreement) with Lorain Civic Center Committee, 611 Broadway Ave., ) May 17, 2017 Lorain to house the Lorain County Clerk of Courts Title ) Office )
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby approve & enter into a lease agreement with Lorain Civic Center Committee, 611 Broadway Ave., Lorain to house the Lorain County Clerk of Courts Title Office.
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, said agreement is considered a part hereof to this resolution by reference thereto and can be found on file in the Commissioners/Purchasing & Clerk of Courts Office. Said space is 2,155 square feet at a cost of $1,550/month, effective June 1, 2017 – May 31, 2020
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, we hereby authorize said payments to be made within said agreement for said lease
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: all. Motion carried. ______10 VETERANS a.17 RESOLUTION NO. 17-331
In the matter of authorizing Lorain County Veterans Service ) Office, Administrative Assistant Martha R. Garreau to utilize) May 17, 2017 the County’s Lormet Visa credit card in the amount not to ) exceed $2,000 in accordance with ORC 301.27 )
WHEREAS, Lorain County Veterans Service Office by letter dated May 2, 2017 submitted the following: “The Lorain County Veterans Service Commissions are requesting issuance of a county credit card for the purposes of paying for employee transportation (purchase of airline tickets) and lodging expense as required for training. Per Resolution No. 07-451, of the Board of Commissioners of Lorain County date June 28, 2007; Credit Card Policy, Para. V. (A)(2) Transportation expense and (6) Lodging expense Currently our employees use their personal credit cards to reserve rooms and pay for airline fees. There have been recent incidents where the hotel did not receive a warrant which caused employees personal credit cards to be charged. This can cause an unexpected financial burden on employees. Although or organization is tax exempt individuals are not and therefore get charged taxes as well. Training is mandatory four our Service Officers and Commissioners. Our employees should not shoulder our financial responsibility that we required of them to do their job. Administrative Assistant, Martha R. Garreau would be responsible for all transactions and payments. Ms. Garreau's supervisor is Executive Director, Terry L. Stone, Sr., who would oversee all activity regarding credit card use. If there is anything further that you require please contact Mr. Stone at (440) 284-4623 Respectfully, S/Sam Betounes, American Legion., Commissioner S/Stephen W. Bansek, AMVETS, Commissioner S/Don Attie, DAV, Commissioner S/Jose Torres, MOPH, Commissioner S/Sara L. Markle, VFW, Commissioner
NOW, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we herby authorize Lorain County Veterans Service Office, Administrative Assistant Martha R. Garreau to utilize the County’s Lormet Visa credit card in the amount not to exceed $2,000. Said utilize of cards is for purchase of gas, oil, emergency purchases, maintenance of county owned/leased vehicles and expenditures for work related to include food, transportation, conferences, lodging, telephone and internet service provider expenses in accordance with ORC Section 301.27.
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: all. Motion carried. ______b. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Mr. Cordes had no issues for this day. ______c. ASSISTANT COUNTY PROSECUTOR Gerald A. Innes requested an executive session to discuss 2 pending litigation issues and asked for a JEDD resolution.
In the matter of authorizing petition for a Joint ) Economic Development District (JEDD), ) R.C. 715.72 for the City of Amherst and the ) May 17, 2017 Township of Amherst for State Route 58 / ) Cleveland Avenue Golden Acres Nursing Home)
WHEREAS, the Lorain County Board of Commissioners owns the parcels of land that Golden Acres Nursing Home is situated on, at the corner of State Route 58 and Cleveland Avenue; to writ: Parcel: 05-00-042-106-020 Parcel: 05-00-042-10-018 Parcel: 05-00-042-106-019
WHEREAS, City of Amherst, Ohio and Township of Amherst, Ohio would like to facilitate some improvements within said area, described above.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Board hereby authorize petition to enter into a contract for Joint Economic Development District in accordance with R.C. 715.72 to the City of Amherst and the Township of Amherst for State Route 58/Cleveland Avenue, Golden Acres Nursing Home area.
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: all. Motion carried. ______11 d. COMMISSIONERS REPORT May 17, 2017 Commissioner Kokoski said Transportation Improvement District met yesterday and approved 4 projects to be send to state for funding; E. 28th, SR83, SR254 and Lear Nagle Rd Commissioner Kokoski toured the new maintenance facility for Republic Services on Butternut Ridge Road, Carlisle. They are trying to have all new trucks be natural gas instead of diesel and cost is around $400,000/vehicle Commissioner Kokoski asked Solid Waste to come up and explain about Pride Day Keith Bailey, Director – Solid Waste Management said there are 24 communities participating in Pride Day this Saturday, May 20 Brandi Schnell, Solid Waste Coordinator said the following are the 2017 pride day activities that consist over 2400 volunteers. Amherst 150 volunteers Pick up trash throughout the entire historic district Pull Weeds throughout the entire historic district Spread mulch in different areas within the district Work at the historic society that is outside of downtown Avon City 100 volunteers Planting Flowers: French Creek District, City Hall, Police Dept., Fire Dept., Lion’s cub community center, senior center, Heritage square gazebo Litter cleanup at park n Ride, City Parks and other locations TBD.
Avon Lake City 218 volunteers Cleanup at Beach Park (York & Electric) Herb Garden at Peter Miller House Gazebo at Miller Road Park Wild flower garden at Miller Road Park Clean up of boat club and beach area Safety town clean up by Kiwanis Cleanup at Kopf Reservation Senior Cleanup Cleanup at Open Door Cleanup at miller road beach area Street Cleanups – pick up litter Peter Miller House & Miller Road Park Carlisle Twp. 20 volunteers Flower beds tilled, planted and mulched at Town Hall Plant Flower Beds at Town Hall/Administrative Offices / Fire Station Removing sticks, debris & trash at Community Park Community Park Shelter will be swept, tables prepared for summer County Buildings _____Volunteers Cleaning up litter and cigarette butts and excess salt at Transportation Center, Admin. Bldg., Justice Center Pulling weeds and planting flowers in the planters at Admin. Bldg. Elyria City 350 volunteers Ely Park: Mulch flower beds Depot Street: Pick up trash Downtown Commons: pick up trash Broad St: pick up trash Fire Hydrants: Paint Cleveland St./Middle Ave.: Pick up trash Finwood Estate: Cleanup, weed flower beds River Walk: Pick up Trash Pioneer Plaza: Pick up Trash City Hall: pick up trash East Park: Mulch playground, mulch fitness equipment, pick up sticks behind center West Park: mulch playground, Paint garage/bathroom Police Station: plant flowers Fire Station (Cedar St.): Plant flowers South Park/North Park/Hilltop Park/ Abbe Rd. Park/Bell Ave. Tot Lot: Clean up park, mulch toys Ford Rd.: pick up trash Ely Square Flower Bed: plant flowers Mussey Ave. – West River: pick up trash Gateway Park: pick up trash Garden St. – Village Homes: Pick up trash Findley State Park 15 Volunteers Cleanup scheduled for families, individuals and groups to pick up trash, plant flowers, and painting. Meet at the campground shelter for details. There will be a hotdog lunch for volunteers after the event. Grafton Twp. 55 volunteers Boy scouts & baseball members are going to pain the dugouts at the belden park & concession stand Much litter needs to be cleaned up on island rd., south of 303 to law rd. Dumpster days on 5/12-5/13 and will collect old flags for the boy scouts to retire properly at their ceremony The Belden B’s & G’s 4-H group will clean up (pull weeds, weed eat and rake grass) for the historical society at the veterans park before their Memorial Day parade. Grafton Vlg._40 Volunteers Planting flowers and working on the landscaping at town hall and village parks Trash pickup at the parks Huntington Twp. 12 Volunteers 4-H group to plant flowers Clean up cemetery, plant flowers Clean up Community Park Kipton Vlg. 25 Volunteers Memorial Park: plant flowers; weed and neaten grounds Community Park: plant flowers, pain/re-stain playground equipment; pick up trash; edge around gardens; mulch trees and flower beds Route 511: Plant flowers at welcome sign; mulch; pick up trash 12 Lorain City 502 volunteers Eastside Block Watch: Pick up garbage, paint, spread mulch, lay bricks and plant flowers Charleston Village Soc: Clean, SW EBHW AKTS weed refurbish Treasurer/Income Tax Dept: painting of existing structure, grass, leaf and tree branch pick up, washing windows Lorain County Young Democrats: Park litter clean up. Surrounding Vacant lot mowing and clean up. Litter control and land maintenance in area surround railroad tracks. Possible tree planting. Mulch needed for entire playground area (I selected 5 below because that was the highest choice). will need a dumpster for couch parts near the railroad tracks on W. 11th Street. Carter Cares & the Boys & Girls Club: Picking up trash on the streets Second Baptist: Litter pick-up; general clean up; park clean up Alliance Entertainment 13th Street Volunteers: Our staff, DJ's, clients, and family have decided to volunteer to cleanup all debris, trash, from our property, the street, vacant lots, as well as offer free lawn services to anyone in our neighborhood that are either unable to do it, or do not own proper lawn equipment. (Lawn Mowers etc.) We love our city, and being a part of "Pride Day" would not only benefit the outlook of our neighborhood, but give our families a project that we can all work on together as a team. Flores 2nd Ward Group: Tires, couch, box springs etc. Invest Lorain: cleanup Black River or where needed Lorain City: General clean up, graffiti removal CARIBE SOUL CAFE : Debris tires Lorain International Festival: Cleaning up the alleyway and planting flowers! Mitchell J. Fallis: Beautification by placing mulch around 20 trees at Columbus park Lorain County Workforce Development Agency: Clean up park grounds, and equipment Councilman Angel Arroyo: Litter clean up and general clean up Church of the Open Door: * Welcome to Lorain Signs - Planting Flowers (5 Locations) * Sreator Park (with Next Step, Millennial Group, and Young Dems) * Lakeview Park - Plant Flowers around the bushes that spell LORAIN * Downtown Lorain Cleanup - pickup trash, etc. * Plant flowers in flower boxes supplied by The National Council of Negro Women *Clean up trash, will spread mulch if delivered, plant flowers, and most importantly connect with people in Lorain to build relationships! New Russia Twp. 23 volunteers Road side litter clean up; Planting flowers Cleanup the township cemetery Cookout for residents North Ridgeville 100 volunteers South Central Park: Mulch Sign, Clean up trash, Cleanup Gazebo including weeding and mulching, Cleanup tree branches, clean up graffiti, clean up walking trail North Ridgeville High School: Cleanup and Planting Oberlin 55 volunteers Planting / clean up at: Martin Luther King Jr. Park; Vine Street Bridge; “Welcome to Oberlin” signs (4 different locations), Westwood Cemetery Wright Park cleanup & planting Oberlin High School cleanup by Eco Warriors Enviro Group Oberlin Underground Railroad Center: Container Plantings Document Shredding, Tire Collection, Electronics Collection Pride Week: City Hall cleanup and planting on 5.19.2017 Penfield Twp. 99 volunteers All Parks; Town Hall & Cemetery: flower planting & mulching; Trash Pick up Penfield Twp. Recycling Center will be open and accepting items Steel Recycling Goodwill collection at town hall Trash Dumpsters for dumpster days and steel recycling provided by sugar ridge Lunch for volunteers after event Pittsfield Twp. 50 volunteers Roadside pick-up by Scout Troop #414 members Planting of flowers and mulching at Township parks – Pittsfield 4-H Club (service project) Clean-up around park and cemetery areas dumpsters – 3 – at township garage Rochester Twp. 54 volunteers Pride Day mailing and distribution Litter pick-up along the roadside Flower planting around town hall/park Pavilion Open House: Meet trustees / Village Council; educate on recycling; green address sign registration Collections for: car & household batteries, ink cartridges & cell phones Sheffield Lake 25 volunteers Sheffield Lake Boat Launch/Community Park: Mulch, plant flowers, beach cleanup. Nature Trail/Covered Bridge: plant hanging baskets, clean up debris/garbage along nature trail Public Service Assistance: Provide assistance at service dept. to unload vehicles and load dumpsters Shoreway Shopping Center: General cleanup of debris, mulch flower beds, plant flowers, painting. Road Side Cleanup Sheffield Township 10 Volunteers Walking roadways to clean up litter & debris in high litter areas Plant flowers at town hall Community clean up at Fire Station Sheffield Vlg. 30-40 volunteers Roadside litter cleanup Weeding, planting and mulching at 3 office locations & cemetery South Amherst Village 50 volunteers Clean up your yards and home. Dumpsters will be available at the village hall Girl Scout troop # 50281 will be assisting American Legion post # 197 with placing flags at the Evergreen Cemetery in honor of our Veterans. Road side clean up Members of the Park Board will be cleaning up the park. St. John’s UCC will be cleaning up their grounds and planting flowers Clean up and planting flowers at the Village Town Hall. Prescription Medication Take Back Program drop -off at South Amherst Police Department A light lunch of hot dogs, salads, desserts and drinks will be provided to all at the Village Town Hall at 12:30. Vermilion City 400 volunteers 13 Paint Graffiti Wall East City Entrance Welcome Sign and Chamber Beds: Weed and mulch East Exchange Park: Mulch East Exchange Park sign and flower beds; Weed, edge, and mulch long bed between Fisherman’s Bend Condo’s and park; Weed, edge and mulch all flower beds along the river and the east picket fence Exchange Park: (carefully mulch around newly planted flowers): Mulch behind veteran’s walk benches; Mulch in front of Comfort Station and Exchange Park sign bed; Mulch round raised concrete bed Hanover Square: Weed and mulch sign bed Friendship Park: Weed and mulch beds; Weed tree rings Sunflower Garden. Corner of Liberty & Grand: Stones and debris raked up and removed from the sunflower garden bed along the wall against the ART Scene Police Station and Court House Trees west of town: Weed around base of pear trees and maple tree West City Entrance Sign Bed; Weed, edge, and mulch sign bed (May 22nd: HS Seniors) ->Sherod Park: Weed, edge, and mulch sign bed; Cut brush along hillside near lake; Pick up litter and debris on beach and hillside on east and west sides of park; Weed and rake beach; Pick up litter along creek bed; Cut and remove vines growing at base of trees along creek; Trim fence line. Stack brush into neat piles; Clean Beach Public Parking Lot Beds (at Main Street Beach): Carolyn Marie Parking Area: Mulch sign bed, horseshoe shaped bed, and long bed along brick building has rose bushes. Main Street Building: Weed & Mulch front and side beds. Victory Park: Hang 22 Flower Baskets on historic light posts and across street at Auction House and apartment building; Hang 7 ferns from Gazebo; Weed and spread wood chips RR observation deck; Rake leaves and weed hedges; Weed & mulch circle bed with Christmas tree; Weed & mulch bed around Gazebo; Weed and mulch around water fountain; Weed and mulch beds east of Rose Garden ONLY Valley View Public Pool: Weed, edge, and mulch all landscape beds outside fence Berkley Rd.: Pick-up litter along south side of Berkley Rd. from Drug Mart to Claremont/Showse Park Baseball Hot Stove Fields Route 2 and Vermilion Rd. Interchange: Pick-up litter at all four quadrants; Trim sucker growth and dead wood on trees Showse Park: Rake ball diamond and parking lot; Pick up litter at tennis courts; Rake leaves at tennis courts; Weed, edge, cultivate and mulch Sign Bed; Pick up litter throughout park; Spread mulch in playground West Breeze Park Sign: Weed and mulch around perennials South City Entrance: Weed, edge, and mulch sign bed Main Street Beach Cleaning Brownhelm Station Roadside Waterworks: Clean up dockside; Weed mulch flower bed Railroad Wall on W. River across from Rotary Park: Paint with anti-grafitti paint Paint the East Exchange Fence/Boat Club Fence West Breeze Playground Wayfinding signs need painted (at all entrances) Wellington Twp. 50 Volunteers Clean up of cemetery Roadside Cleanup by 4-H Steer Club Mrs. Schnell stated that keep Lorain County Beautiful is part of America Beautiful and Marcos’ pizza is a national sponsor for this day and was giving a pizza party for 50. Mrs. Schnell said since there were so many volunteers a drawing was held and City of Avon won, but the Mayor will be paying the difference for the rest. Mrs. Schnell said her and Commissioner Kokoski reviewed over 700 entries on the t-shirt contest and Steven Kukuka, 7th grant, Amherst won this year. Also Solid Waste received the president circle award for the 10th year.
Commissioner Kokoski also noted that State Representative Dan Ramos send a flag that was flown over the statehouse on April 25, that will be presented to Amherst memorial.
Commissioner Kalo said around 75 people attended Lorain Palace and the downtown meeting Commissioner Kalo said NOACA met on governance and waiting to hear from Geauga Commissioner Kalo attended Waterfront Winterfest, good event Commissioner Kalo said there were about 50 women at the Habitat for Humanity house on Warden Ave., Elyria. Also Avon Lake Church donated $2,000 Commissioner Kalo said gave condolences to Sheffield Trustee Chad Smith his father passed away
Commissioner Lundy gave condolences to Sheffield Trustees Smith Commissioner Lundy attended the transportation meeting put on by health department at the college Commissioner Lundy attended Sheffield Village Mayor Hunter, 8th annual breakfast at Quaker and stated that SR254 is the highest intersection for accidents in the state Commissioner Lundy showed the new Lorain County Visitors Guide and said hope to have the report of restaurant week next week. ______(discussion was held on the above) (A) (B) e. CLERK’S REPORT There were no issues for this day. ______f. BOARD CORRESPONDENCE
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to approve the Board Correspondence and waive the reading of the same. Ayes: All. Motion carried.
#1. Publications: “Ohio Contractor”; “CCAO statehouse reports”; “Counties Count”; “ideastream”; “
#2. Douglas Messer resigned from Mental Health Board
#3. 2016 annual report to the community and report on philanthropy – University Hospitals
#4. Ohio Division of Liquor Control new license to Rustic Gem LLC dba Pine brook Golf Links Golf course & clubhouse pavilion and patio, 11043 Durkee Rd, Eaton Township
#5. May 18 at 7 pm, Lorain Veterans Council For Civic Improvement will met at IAV, Post 1, Lorain ______g. PUBLIC COMMENT May 17, 2017 (Please limit your comments to three minutes) 14
Terry Stone, Executive Director – Lorain County Veterans Service Commission thanked the Commissioners for their building. It has been working great, have been there over 1 year now. He stated he received an email with the new signage going in, but would like to see the sign and have a little tweaking before complete. He also noted that the Commissioners website does not have a link to Veterans. Mr. Cordes aid hell take care of that Commissioner Lundy asked if there was still confusion with the VA Clinic and Lorain County Veterans Commission. Mr. Stone said sometime, that is why he would like to tweak the sign. VA colors are Blue and White, so our sign should not be and also had to talk with the American Legion post that put magnets out with our name and VA name, thanks for the advertising but that is too confusing to people. He indicated that with the VA clinic being down the road, yes they are busier and they had to hire 3 people ______(discussion was held on the above)
Commissioner Kokoski moved, seconded by Kalo to go into an executive session at 10:05 a.m. to discuss executive session to discuss new hires at JFS, WDA, IT and update negotiations with UAW/fact finder, potential sale of real estate and pending legal matters. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: all. Motion carried.
Commissioners reconvened from executive session and the following resolution was adopted:
In the matter of authorizing various personnel actions as ) Indicated on the summary sheet for employees within the ) May 17, 2017 Jurisdiction of the Lorain County Board of Commissioners)
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various personnel actions as indicated on the summary sheet for employees within the jurisdiction of the Lorain County Board of Commissioners.
Job & Family Services: New hires; 1. Nicole Knorr, Account Clerk 2, effective June 12, 2017 at rate of $14.57/hour 2. Becky Siesky, Investigator 1 – Modification, effective June 5, 2017 at rate of $14.57/hour
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: all. Motion carried. ______
With no further business before the Board, Motion by Kokoski seconded by Kalo to adjourn at 2:13 p.m. Ayes: All. Motion carried.
The meeting then adjourned. ______)Commissioners Lori Kokoski, President ) ) ______)of Ted Kalo, Vice-president ) ) ______)Lorain County Matt Lundy, Member )Ohio
Attest:______, Clerk Theresa Upton, Clerk
Please note that the Commissioners’ meetings are open to the public. The scheduled air times for the meetings will be shown on Saturday at 12:00 Noon and Monday at 11:00 p.m. subject to change at the discretion of the Lorain County Community College. The meetings might be also broadcasted in additional time periods as scheduling permits. If anyone wants to purchase a copy of the Commissioners Meeting Tapes, please call Lorain County Records Center at 440-326-4866.