Address: Department of Biological Sciences
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D.G. Capone, 29 Sep 2017
Name: Douglas G. Capone
Address: Department of Biological Sciences Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies University of Southern California 3616 Trousdale Parkway, AHF 108, Los Angeles, California 90089-0371 Tel: 213-740-2772 Fax: 213-740-6720 E-mail: [email protected] URL: (Google: Capone Lab)
Birth: 30 April 1950
EDUCATION Ph.D., Marine Sciences, December 1978. Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Univ. of Miami, Florida. B.S., Biology, December, 1973. Univ. of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida. ----, Biology, 1967-1970. Seton Hall University, So. Orange, New Jersey.
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Chair, 2007- present. Department of Biological Sciences, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA (70 tenure/tenure track faculty in 4 research sections: Marine Environmental Biology, Molecular & Computational Biology, Neurobiology and Human & Evolutionary Biology). Wrigley Professor of Environmental Biology, 1998-present. Department of Biological Sciences & Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA Director, Marine Environmental Biology Section, 2003- 2006. Adjunct Professor 1999-2006; Professor, 1989-1999; Associate Professor, 1987-1989. University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, MD, Solomons, MD. Adjunct Professor, 1990-1993. Associate Professor, 1986-1987; Assistant Professor, 1984-1986; Assistant Research Professor, 1979-1984. Marine Sciences Research Center, SUNY at Stony Brook. Research Collaborator, 1984-1991. Department of Chemistry, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY.
RESEARCH INTERESTS Marine biochemistry, microbiology, biogeochemistry and microbial ecology. The microbial ecology of nitrogen transformations. Douglas G. Capone, p. 2
Pollutant impact on the microbiota of marine sediments and the role of microorganisms in environmental detoxification.
HONORS & AWARDS Association for the Sciences of Limnol. & Oceanog., Sustaining Fellow, 2016. USC Dornsife College Senior Raubenheimer Award, Dec 2015. Dupont Industrial Biosciences Award in Applied & Environmental Microbiology, Am. Soc. Microbiology, May 2014 Fellow, California Academy of Sciences, Jun 2008 Fellow, American Geophysical Union, Feb 2008 Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2007 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Fellowship, Sep 2006-Feb 2007 Fellow, American Academy of Microbiology, 2004 Antarctic Service Medal, 2001 Wrigley Chair of Environmental Biology, USC, 1999-present.
MEMBERSHIPS American Association for the Advancement of Science; American Geophysical Union, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography; American Society for Microbiology; Estuarine Research Federation
INVITED TALKS University of Georgia, Marine Sciences Institute, 17 Oct 2016 Rutgers University, Symposium on Ocean & Evolution of Earth’s Biogeochemical Cycles, Apr 2016. Workshop on Modelling Marine Nitrogen Fixation, Ocean Sciences Meeting, Feb. 2016. Center for Microbial Oceanography Research & Education, U Hawaii, Nov. 2015. National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium Taiwan, Institute of Marine Biotechnolology, Oct 2014. National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan. Visiting Scholar. Oct. 2014. Dupont Award Talk, Annual Meeting Am. Soc. Microbiology, Boston, May 2014. King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia, March 2014 Tiburon Laboratory, S.F. State University, March 2014. UC Irvine, Earth Systems Science Department, Nov 2013 GESAMP Workshop on Atmospheric Deposition of Nitrogen and Its Impact on Marine Biogeochemistry, Norwich, UK, Feb 2013. COSEE Aquarius Program Concept Mapping Workshop, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 9 Nov 2012. The Skujins Lecture (Plenary), Int. Soc. of Environmental Biogeochem., Istanbul, Turkey, Sep. 2011. Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas (CICIMAR), LaPaz, Mexico. Jun 2011. Visiting Scholar. U.C. Davis, Dept. of Ecology & Evol. Jan 2011 Cornell University, Depts of Ecol. and Microbiol., Sept 2010 USC MEB Section Seminar Series, Sep. 2010
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International Center for Theoretical Physics (Trieste) Workshop on Biogeochemical Impacts of Climate and Land-Use Changes on Marine Ecosystems Nov 2009 Agouron Institute N Cycle Symposium, Scottsdale, AZ, Oct 2009 COSEE Teachers Workshop, Marine Microbes, Marina Del Rey, Jun 2009 Australian Institute of Marine Sciences, Townsville, Australia, Sep 2008 COSEE Informal Educators Workshop, Ocean Institute, Dana Point, Aug 2008 American Geophysical Union Joint Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, Fl, May 2008 COSEE Teachers Workshop, Climate Change talk, Catalina, May 2008 Marine Nitrogen Workshop, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Vancouver, Jan 2008 Portland State University, IGERT Program, Jan 2008 Rutgers University, Institute of Marine & Coastal Sciences, October 2007 American Society of Microbiology Colloquium, May 2007 Agouron Foundation Workshop, San Francisco Apr. 2007 Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia Section University, March 2007 Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Colloquium, Columbia University, March 2007 Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), Brest, France, Feb. 2007 Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Bremen, Germany, Jan 2007. Leibniz-Institut fuer Meereswissenschaften, Kiel Germany, Jan 2007 SOLAS workshop on Anthropogenic Nitrogen Impacts on the Open Ocean, Warwick, UK, Nov. 2006. Laboritoire d’Oceanographie du Villefranche, France, Oct 2006 SIBER Workshop on Indian Ocean Biogeochemistry, Goa, India, Oct. 2006 Ecological Society of America, Symposium on multiple resource limitation to ecosystem function in terrestrial, aquatic and marine ecosystems, Aug. 2006 San Francisco 3rd Annual Ocean Film Festival & Explorers Club, Jan. 2006. International Symposium on Marine Cyanobacteria, Stockholm, Sweden. Aug 2005 Workshop on Significant Processes, Observations and Transformations in Oceanic Nitrogen (SPOT-ON), Warnemunde, Germany, Jun 2005 ASLO Summer Meeting, Marine N2 Fixation Symposium, Jun 2005 Harvey Mudd and the Claremont Colleges, Apr 2005 Cal. State Fullerton, Nov. 2004 Physics Dept. Colloquium, USC, Nov 2004 National Center for Atmospheric Research, Junior Faculty Forum, June 2004 Int. Symposium of Environmental Biogeochem. Japan, Sept. 2003 UCLA, Dept. of Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology. Mar 2003 Stanford University, Oceans Seminar. Feb 2003 USC, Antarctic Research Forum, Oct 2002 USGS, Menlo Park. Water Resources. Nov 2002 University of Maryland, Earth System Sciences Interdisciplinary Center, Oct 2002 Old Dominion University, Oceanography Department, Sep 2002 University of California, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, Mar 2002 University of California, Irvine. Dept.of Earth Systems Science. Nov 2001. North Pacific Marine Sciences Organization (PICES), Oct 2001 Southern California Academy of Science, May 2001 University of Virginia, Dept. of Environ. Sciences, Oct 2000.
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Scripps Inst. of Oceanography, "Marine N2 fixation", Oct 1999 Crary Lab., McMurdo Station, Antarctica. Jan 2000. Georgia Tech University, Atlanta, GA. May 1999. Renssalear Polytechnic Institute, "An evolving view of marine N2 fixation", Oct 98 Scripps Inst. of Oceanography, "The evolving view of marine N2 fixation", Sep. 98 University of Auckland, Marine Sciences, "N2 fixation and the marine N cycle" May 98 International Symposium on Marine Cyanobacteria, Paris, France, Nov 1997 U. So. California, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Mar 1997 College of William and Mary, VIMS, Mar 1997 Symposium on Oceanic N Cycle, Winter ASLO Meeting, Santa Fe, NM, 1997 Presidential Symposium, Fifth Biennial Meeting of Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, Amelia Island, FL, May 1996 International Workshop on Response of Coral Reefs to Global Changes, Tsukuba, Japan, Mar 1996 Symposium on Marine Botany of the Eastern Indian Ocean, Mauritius, Dec 1995 Int. Symposium of Environmental Biogeochem. Rio de Janiero, Sept1995 ASM Annual Meeting, May 1993 Univ. of Conn., Avery Point, Dec 1991 ERF Biennial Meeting, San Francisco. Oct 1991 Benedict Estuarine Research Lab., Dec 1990 Horn Point Environ. Lab., U. Md., Oct 1990 Seminar on Greenhouse Gases, Annual Meeting Am. Soc. Microbiol., CA, May 1990 Institute for Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, NY, May 1990 Dept. Botany, U. Md @ College Pk., Apr 1990 Dept. Microbiol., U. Md @ Baltimore, Mar 1990 EPA Trace Gas Workshop, Athens, GA., Oct 1989 Nitrogen Cycling in Coastal Waters Symposium, Aarhus, Denmark, June 1989 Unusual Microbial Habitats Symposium, ASLO/AGU Meeting, Dec 1988 Submarine Groundwater Discharge Symposium, ASLO/AGU Meeting, Dec 1988 Planktonic Diazotroph Symposium, ASLO/AGU Meeting, Dec 1988 Old Dominion University, Oct. 1988 ERF Symposium, Estuarine Processes, Oct. 1987 Symp. on Micro. Methods in Microbial Ecol., ASLO, Jun 1987 Symp. on Groundwater Studies, ASLO, Jun 1987 Symp. on Nutrient Cycling on Coral Reefs. ASLO/AGU, Dec 1986 Horn Point Environ. Lab., U. MD, May 1986 Dept. of Natural Sciences, SUNY, Purchase, Apr 1986 Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, U. MD., Feb 1986 Symposium on Marine/Freshwater Comparisons, Nairobi, Kenya, Oct 1985 Conf. on N Cyc. in Mar. Coast. Environ. U. of Aarhus, DK, June 1985 U. of Rhode Island, Grad. Sch. Oceanogr., May 1985 Hudson River Foundation Panel Meeting, Oct 1984 Shoals Marine Laboratory, Appledore Is., ME, 1984 Oregon State Univ., Sch. of Oceanogr., June 1984 Symp. on N Fix. in Aq. Habitats. ASLO Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., 1984 Jackson Estuarine Laboratory, U. New Hampshire, May 1984
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Visiting Professor, Dept. of Marine Science, U. Puerto Rico, Nov 1983 Dept. of Earth and Planetary Phys., Harvard U., 1983 EPA Narragansett Laboratory, Apr. 1983 Univ. of Mass., Boston. Apr. 1980 5th Biennial Estuarine Research Federation Conference, 1979 Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory, Nov 1978
SCHOLARLY SERVICES Scientific Advisory Board, Ecosystem Impacts of Oil & Gas Inputs to the Gulf (ECOGIG) program of the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative. 2014-present. Guest Editor, 2016. Biogeosciences Special Volume on the VAHINE: VAriability of vertical and tropHIc transfer of diazotroph derived N in the south wEst Pacific. Board of Editors, mBio, Am. Soc. Microbiology on line open access journal, 2011- present. Co-Chair, ASLO Aq. Sciences Meeting, Granada, Spain, Feb. 2015. #109, Urban Coastal Systems in a Changing Ocean Co-Chair, Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, HI, Feb. 2014. #047, Natural and Anthropogenic Changes in Coastal Ecosystems and Their Impact on Human Welfare Editor, Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 2007- present. Member, Faculty of 1000, 2008- present Review Panel, NASA The Science of Terra & Aqua: Sensor Fusion Panel, Rockville, Md., Sep 2013. Principal organizer, Colloquium at USC, Human Dimensions and Ocean Health in a Changing Climate, March 12, 2013. Principal organizer, Workshop Inside Out: Modeling and Monitoring Climate Change in the Southern California Bight Workshop, USC, Oct. 3, 2012. Participant and presenter, Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) International Workshop on Coastal Cities, Climate Change and Sea Level Rise, UC San Diego, September 5–7, 2012. Participant, Communicating Climate Change Summit 2012, National Aquarium, Baltimore, MD, Apr 2012. Review Panelist, Centers of Excellence in the GeoSciences Initiative, German NSF (DFG), Berlin, Jan 2012. Principal Organizer, Climate Change in the Southern California Bight Symposium, USC, October 19, 2011 Co-Chair. Aquatic Sciences Meeting of ASLO, San Juan, Feb 2011. Urban Aquatic Systems in a Changing Climate ASLO Nominating Committee, 2010. Principal Organizer, Networking Workshop on Climate Change in the So. Cal. Bight, USC, Oct 2010 Chief Scientist, RV Atlantis (WHOI) cruise AT 15-61 Jan 28, 2010 - Mar 3, 2010, Eastern Tropical South Pacific Workshop on the Marine Nitrogen Cycle, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Vancouver, Jan 2008 Editorial Board, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 1993- 2003.
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Editorial Board, Global Change Biology, 2000- 2006. ALSO Ethics Committee, 2006-2009 Secretary, Executive Board, Int. Symp. on Environ. Biogeochem., 1997-2007 Workshop participant, SOLAS workshop on Anthropogenic Nitrogen Impacts on the Open Ocean, Warwick, UK, Nov. 2006 Workshop participant, SIBER Workshop on Indian Ocean Biogeochemistry, Goa, India, Oct. 2006 NASA SIMBIOS Project Science Team Member. 1997- present Co-Chair, Natural Sciences and Engineering sub-committee, USC University Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure. 2004-2006 Member, Natural Sciences and Engineering sub-committee,USC University Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure. 2001-2004 Session Organizer, Ocean Sciences Meeting, Mar 2008. #092. Nitrogen Supply in the Oligotrophic Ocean Session Organizer, Ocean Sciences Meeting, Feb. 2006 Session Organizer, Summer ASLO Meeting, Jun 2005 Session Organizer, ASLO Meeting, Salt Lake City, Feb. 2005 Panelist, Public Discussion on Microbiology, Long Beach Aquarium, June 2004 Chief Scientist, RV Roger Revelle, 5 Aug to 23 Aug 2003. Honolulu to Honolulu. Chief Scientist, RV Kilo Moana, 22 Sep to 17 Oct 2002. Honolulu to Honolulu. Session Organizer, Ocean Sciences Meeting, Hawaii, Feb. 2004 Session Organizer, Ocean Sciences Meeting, Hawaii, Feb. 2002. Biocomplexity/The PIRANA and MANTRA Programs and Marine Nitrogen Fixation Member, NSF Ocean Carbon Cycle Research working group 2000- 2005. Member, US Surface Ocean/ Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS) steering committee. 1999-2005. CoChair, Biogeochem Working Group. Chief Scientist, R.V. Knorr. Biocomplexity in the Environment: MANTRA/ PIRANA Projects. 27 Jun to 24 Jul 2001. Chief Scientist.R.V. Seward Johnson. Biocomplexity in the Environment: MANTRA/ PIRANA projects. 29 Jan- 21 Feb 2001. Chair, NSF workshop on Ecological Determinants in Ocean Carbon Cycling (EDOCC), 1999-2000. Session Organizer, ASLO/ AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting. The new improved nitrogen cycle. San Antonio, Jan 2000. Chief Scientist. R.V. Maurice Ewing. Continuing studies of oceanic N2 fixation, N. coast of Australia. 27 Oct to 29 Nov 1999. Organizer and Host, US JGOFS Synthesis and Modelling (SMP) Program sponsored workshop on "Conceptual and practical issues in modelling oceanic N2 fixation", held at the Wrigley Laboratory, Catalina Island 27-30 Sep 1999. Editor, Marine Microbiology and Microbial Ecology Section. Encyclopedia of Environmental Microbiology, G. Bitton, Chief Editor. Wiley. Chair, US JGOFS Synthesis & Modelling Program (SMP) working group on marine N2 fixation 1998-2002.
Chief Scientist, R.V. Roger Revelle, Continuing studies of oceanic N2 fixation, SW Pacific, 24 Mar to 29 Apr 1998.
Member, SCOPE working group on marine N2 fixation, 1998
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Peer Review Panel, NSF Biological Oceanography 1998
Chief Scientist, R.V. Seward Johnson, Continuing studies of oceanic N2 fixation, So. N. Atlantic transect, 26 Mar to 24 Apr 1996. Chief Scientist, R.V. Seward Johnson, Continuing studies of oceanic N2 fixation, So. N. Atlantic, 14 Oct to 10 Nov 1996. International Committee, Int. Symp. on Environ. Biogeochem., 1995-2001 Peer Review Panelist, U. Conn. Biannual NOAA/NURP/NURC Review, Nov 1995 Nominations Committee, The Oceanography Society, 1995- 1997 Member at Large, Executive Board, Int. Symp. on Environ. Biogeochem., 1995-1999 Chief Scientist, R.V. Gyre, Texas A&M. 21 May to 19 Jun 1994, Trichodesmium studies, Tropical Atlantic Ocean. Symp. Organizer, Ann. ASM Meeting, Molec. Approaches in Biogeochem., May 1994 Participant, NSF Workshop on Environmental Biogeochemistry, May 1994 Participant, ONR Workshop on Sediment Biogeochemistry, May 1993 Workshop Participant, Annual LMER Meeting, Tomales Bay, CA 1991 Session Chair & Organizer, Biennial ERF Meeting, Oct. 1991 Member, NSF Geosciences Pres. Young Invest. Panel, Jan. 1989, 1991 Organizing Committee, NATO Adv. Workshop on Trichodesmium, May 1991 External Review Panel, Water Res. Div., USGS, Ecol. Section, May 1990 Associate Editor, Biological Oceanography, 1989-1991 Member, Editorial Board, Microbial Ecology, 1989- 1993 Member, Director's Search, CEES, U. MD, 1989 Chairman, Faculty Searches, CBL, 1987, 1989 Peer Review Panel, NSF Polar Programs, Biology, 1988, 1989 Invited Participant, ASLO Land/Sea Interface Workshop, MBL, May 1987 Peer Review Panel, NSF Biological Oceanography, 1986 National SeaGrant Site Visit Team, U. DE., Oct. 1986 Peer Review Panel Member, NOAA/NURP (Hydrolab), Sep. 1984 Chairman, Marine Chemist/Geochemist Search Committee, MSRC, 1983 Chairman, Coastal Marine Scholar Search Committee, MSRC, 1982, 1984 Co-Chairperson, Peer Rev. Panel, EPA Chesapeake Bay SAV Prog. Oct. 1980 Invited Participant, IOCARIBE Workshop on Oceanog. and Fish., Nov. 1977 Journal Reviewer: Nature; Science; Proceedings, National Academy of Sciences; Limnology & Oceanography; J. Am. Chem. Soc.; Geobiology; Marine Ecology: Progress Series; Marine Biology; Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science; Bulletin of Marine Science; Deep- Sea Research; Planta; Quarterly Review of Biology; Geochem. Cosmochem. Acta; J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol.; Mar. Chem.; Mar. Environ. Sci.; Microb. Ecol.; J. Mar. Res.; Biogeochem.; Chem. Geol.; Ambio; Hydrobiologia; Water Resources Research; Appl. Environ. Microbiol.; Estuaries; FEMS Microbiology Ecology; J. Indust. Microbiol.; J. Biol. Rhythms; J. Phycology; Global Change Biology; Global Biogeochemical Cycles; Environmental Microbiology; Geophysical Research Letters; Aquatic Microbial Ecology (Others). Grant Reviewer: NSF Biological Oceanography, Chemical Oceanography, Polar Programs, Biotic Systems/ Ecology, International Programs, Environ. Eng.; NOAA, OMPA; NURP; Maryland, Delaware, Rhode Island and National Sea Grant Programs; Hudson River
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Foundation, NASA Interdisciplinary Programs; Natural Environmental Research Council (U.K.); EPA Biotechnology Risk Assessment Program; USDA; (Others). External Promotion Reviewer (recent): Boston U., Stanford, Brown, U. Conn., Princeton U. (Depart. & Presidential level), Clark U., TAMU, Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst., Harvard, UCSC, UCLA, ODU, U. Mass., USC, U. Ala., U. Ga., FAU, FSU, Rutgers U., U. Va., (Others).
STUDENT ADVISING (As Major Advisor) M.S. John M. Budin, 1981 Cynthia Dietz, 1982 Dwight Reese, 1982 Ronald Kiene, 1984 (see below) Julie McDaniel, 1985 James Bauer, 1984 (see below) Robert Kerr, 1986 President, Kerr Environmental Services, Norfolk, Va. Judith O'Neil, 1987 (see below) Robert Ranheim, 1991, NYC Department of Environmental Protection Mary Beth Beetham, 1996. Currently: Director of Legislative Affairs, The Fund for Wildlife, Washington, DC. Jamie Krauk, 2000. Currently, Communications Officer, NOAA. Amanda Liss, M.S. 2012.
Ph.D. Jennifer Slater, 1986, presently, private scientific editorial consultant, Monterey, Ca.
Ronald Kiene, 1986, presently Professor of Marine Sciences, Univ. of Southern Alabama James E. Bauer, 1989, presently, Professor of Marine Sciences, Ohio State University
Junko Kazumi, 1992, presently, Licensing Manager, Office of Technology Transfer, Univ. of Miami (previously Assoc. Dean for Research, Sch. Of Eng.) Mark Marvin, 1995, presently Hydrologist, Water Resource Division, USGS Judith O'Neil, 1995, presently Research Associate Professor, UM Center for Environmental Science Kelly Cunningham, 1996. (Raising family) Debra (Lonergan) Ellis, 1996, presently Assistant Professor of Biology, Univ. of Mass, Dartmouth Margaret Mulholland, 1998, presently Professor of Oceanography (tenured), Old Dominion University Kimberly Warner, 1998, presently staff scientist at Oceana (NGO), Washington, D.C. James Burns, 2003. presently, Research Biologist, BioNavitas, Seattle, WA. Juliette Finzi, Ph.D. 2006. presently, Research Hydrologist, USGS. Jill Sohm, Ph.D. 2007. presently, Assisant Professor of Teaching USC.. Isabel Romero, Ph.D., 2009. presently, Assistant Research Scientist at U. So. Fl. Kristin Riefel, Ph.D. 2009. Presently, postdoctoral Scholar, Oregon State University. Laila Barada, Ph.D. 2013. Michael Morando, Ph.D. 2017. Yubin Raut, Ph.D. in prog.
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RECENT STUDENT COMMITTEES (while at USC) Sara Pruss, Ph.D. 2003 (Earth Sci.) Alessandro Grippo, Ph.D. 2003 (Earth Sci.) Stan Teerman, Ph.D. 2004 (Earth Sci.) Ian Hewson, Ph.D. 2005 (MEB) Maria Propenenko, Ph.D. 2003 (Earth Sci.) Carrie Holl, Ph.D. 2004. (Ga. Tech) John Griffith, Ph.D., 2006. (MEB) Mike Schwalbach, Ph.D., 2006. (MEB) Derek Shannon, M.S. (Earth Sciences) Rachel Schelble, Ph.D., 2006. (Earth Sci.) Pedro Morenco, Ph.D. 2007. (Earth Sci.) Nathaniel Lorentz, Ph.D. 2007. (Earth Sci.) Caterina Panzeca, Ph.D. 2007. (Stony Brook U.) Victoria Bertics, Ph.D. 2009. (MEB) Gerardo Toro-Farmer, Ph.D.In prog.(Ocean Sci.) Ivona Cetinic, Ph.D. 2009. (MEB)
Joshua Steele, Ph.D. 2010 (MEB) Victoria Petryshyn Ph.D. 2013. (ES). Nathan Garcia, Ph.D. 2012. (MEB) Laurie Chong, Ph.D. 2013. (ES) Gregory Horn, M.S. 2011. (MEB) Jagrudi Vedamati, Ph.D. 2013. (Ocean Sci) H. Wayne Harris, Ph.D. 2013. (MEB) David Needham, Ph.D. 2014. (MEB) Jacob Cram, Ph.D. 2014 (MEB) Bridget Seegers, Ph.D. (MBBO) Avery Tatters, Ph.D. 2014. (MBBO) Melissa Madison, M.S. 2013 (MBBO) Caitlin Tems, Ph.D., 2016. (ES) Chris Sufferidge, Ph.D. 2017. (MBBO)
Jayme Smith, Ph.D., In prog. (MBBO) Mike Lee Ph.D., In prog. (MBBO)
Zhi Zhu, Ph.D., In prog. (MBBO) Jun Shao, Ph.D., In prog. (ES)
POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATES Sarah Horrigan, MSRC, Departmental Postdoctoral, 1982-1984. presently, Administrator, US Office of Management and Budget William Dennison, MSRC, Departmental Postdoctoral, 1984-1986. presently Vice President for Science Applications, Univ. of Md. Center for Environmental Studies Jennifer Slater, MSRC, Groundwater microbiology study, 1986-1987 Cynthia Gilmour, Visiting Post-Doctoral Fellow (Harvard). Hudson River sediment metabolism, 1986. presently Curator, Smithsonian Estuarine Research Center (SERC) Jonathan Zehr, MSRC, 13N isotope study, 1986-1988. presently, Professor, UC Santa Cruz Joseph Schubauer, Groundwater microbiology study, 1988-1990 Kelly Smith, Visiting Post-DoctoralFellow (SERC), 1996-97 Margaret Mulholland, N metabolism in Trichodesmium, 1998 (see above) Kim Warner, Reductive dechlorination in Chesapeake Bay Sediments, 1999 (see above) Ajit Subramanim, Remote sensing of Trichodesmium, 1997-2000. presently, Assistant Research Scientist, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University Barbara Smallwood, Mangrove biogeochemistry, 2000-2001. Rebecca F. Shipe, Silicification in diazotrophic diatoms, 2000-2001. Presently, Assistant Professor UCLA Claire Mahaffey, Nitrogen isotopic studies in the oligotrophic ocean. 2003-2005. presently, Lecturer, Univ. of Liverpool
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Robert Hamersley, N2 fixation in coastal ecosystems, 2005- 2007. presently, Assistant Professor, Soka University Angela Knapp, N2 fixation associated with oxygen minimum zones, 2006-2008. Presently, postdoctoral associate, RSMAS, U. Miami. Sophie Bonnet, N2 fixation and trace metals, 2006- 2008. Presently, Scientist with Institute for Research & Development (France) Isabel Romero, Lake N cycling. 2010. Li (Lori) Liu, Climate Change in the So. Cal. Bight. 2011-2013. Simonetta Rubol, Flow through hyporheic sols.
UNDERGRADUATE MENTOREES Amy Brackup, MSRC 1984 Mark Marvin, MSRC 1997 Elisabeth Inman, REU, UMCES, 1989 Felicia Fieo, REU, UMCES,1990 William Biggs, Jr., REU, UMCES,1992 Mary Thomas, REU, 1993 Diana Cheek, REU, UMCES,1993 Rachael Foster, REU, UMCES, 1995 Krista Bartz, REU, UMCES,1994 Shawn Jefferson, REU, UMCES, 1995 Stephanie Ennis, USC Catalina Sem., 2002 Sarah Foster, Hampshire College, REU, USC, 2004 Kelsey Poulson, U. Wisc., REU, USC, 2005 Diane Kim, USC Catalina Semester, 2005 Pablo Castillio, REU, USC, 2006 Pam Chia, USC, 2006-2007 Karla Steinbring, REU, USC, 2007 Austin Yeon, USC, 2013-15 Cara Magnabosco, USC, 2008-2011(USC Discovery Scholar, Fulbright recipient) Dennis Su, USC, 2011-12 (USC Discovery Scholar) Amanda Deliberto, U New Haven, REU, 2015 Jeremy Smith, USC, 2016, Seagrass/ oyster reef restoration. Chrystal Li, USC, 2015-16. Sargassum analysis Tara Tanjasiri, USC, 2015-16, 2017, U Miami, REU. Wei-Min Deng, USC, 2016. Shannon Matzje, LSU, REU 2016. Camille Viera, 2016, U Redlands/ Brazil exchange student Taylor Dillon
HIGH SCHOOL MENTOREES SuFey Ong (Cal. Academy of Science High School), 2004-2005, USC Second place LA County Science Fair, Environmental Microbiology 2005; Finalist State Science Fair. David Dominguez, Young Researchers Program, Animo HS, 2009 Jacob Moon Hyung Kim, John Burroughs High School, summer 2011. Jander Cruz, Young Researchers Program, 2011
COURSES TAUGHT The Marine Nitrogen Cycle, SUNY/ MSRC. 1 cr., 1981 Marine Microbiology and Microbial Ecology, SUNY/ MSRC. 3 cr. graduate, Fall 1982, 1983, 1985 Marine Microbiology, SUNY/ MSRC. 3 cr. undergrad., Fall 1983, 1985
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Marine Microbiology, Shoals Marine Laboratory, Summer 1985 Biological Oceanography Core Course, Nutrient Cycling/Biogeochemistry Section, Fall 1980 - 1986 Topics in Marine Microbiol., SUNY/ MSRC. Seminar. 2 cr., Spring 1985 Marine Biochemistry. SUNY/ MSRC. 3 cr., Spring 1986 Marine Microbial Ecology, Bermuda Biological Station, Summer 1987 Aquatic Microbial Ecology, U. Md./ UMCES. 3 cr., Spring 1990, 1992 Topics in Microbial Ecology and Biogeochemistry (Seminar), U. Md./ UMCES. 1 cr., Spring 1991, 1993, 1994 Readings in Microbial Ecology and Biogeochem., U. Md./ UMCES. Spr. 1997, 1-2 cr. Marine Geochemistry, U. Md./ UMCES. C,N,S Biogeochem. section, 1995, 1996, 1998 Biological Oceanography, USC. BISC 473 (Catalina Semester), Spring 2000-2002 Short Course on Marine Nitrogen Fixation at University of Marseilles and ORSTROM, Marseilles, France. May 2000. (w/ Hans Paerl). Environmental Microbiology, USC. BISC 419. Spring 2001-2003 (Ratings 3.5- 3.7/ 5.0), Catalina Semester, BISC 419, Fall 2005. 4 cr. 9 students. Advanced Biological Oceanography, USC. BISC 582, 4 cr., Fall 2001, 2003, 2004, 2011, 2012 (Rating 4.3/ 5.0), 2013. Fall 2015, 4.67/5, 5 students, Fall 2016. Astrobiology & Geobiology. USC BISC 483, 4 cr., Spring 2004 (20 stu., Rating 4.6/ 5.0), 2006 (20 stu.. Rating 4.4/ 5.0), 2009 (20 stu., rating 4.3/ 5.0), 2011 (22 stu., rating 4.05/ 5.0), Spring 2013, (8 students, rating 4.6/5.0), Spring 2015 (16 students, 4.6/ 5.0), Spring 2017, . Advanced Seminar in Marine Biogeochemistry, BISC 536, 2 cr., Fall 2008, 15 students; Fall 2010, 12 students, Fall 2013, 12 students, Spring 2016, 5 students, 5.0 evaluation.
1979 NSF, Biological Oceanography. Nitrogen fixation and denitrification in eelgrass (Zostera) beds. 2 y. $99,000. Author and Co-PI. NOAA, NY. State Sea Grant. Sediment effects on the nitrogen cycle in Great South Bay. $60,000. Co-PI. 1980 NOAA, OMPA. The effects of persistent pollutants on microbial biomass and activities in salt marsh and estuarine sediments. 2 y. $150,000. PI. 1981 NOAA, NY. State Sea Grant. Interactions between salt marshes and the Great South Bay (Long Island). $18,000. Co-PI. 1982 NSF, Biological Oceanography. Nitrogen fixation and denitrification in eelgrass (Zostera) beds. 2 y. $121,830. PI. EPA, Environmental Biology. Interactions between the sediment microbiota and persistent pollutants in marine sediments. 3 y. $187,427. PI. 1983 Hudson River Foundation. Pathways of anaerobic respiration and mineralization of organic carbon in Hudson River sediments. $41,000. PI. 1984 NOAA, NY. State Sea Grant. Effects of nitrogenous loading through cultural eutrophication of the mangrove/seagrass ecosystem at La Parguera, Puerto Rico. $11,000. PI. [Collaborative with U.P.R.].
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NSF, Biological Resource Program. Upgrade of seawater system and research capabilities at the Flax Pond Marine Laboratory, SUNY, New York. $76,540. Co-PI. NSF, U.S./Australian Cooperative Programs. Contributions by sediments to nitrogen cycling on a coral reef. $17,000. PI. [Collab. with Aus. Inst. Mar. Sci.]. NSF, Biological Oceanography. Microbial nitrogen cycling in nearshore sediments. $185,140. PI. 1985 Hudson River Foundation. Annual cycle of phytoplankton N uptake, zooplankton and bacterial remineralization, bacterial nitrification and denitrification. $69,949. Co- PI. NSF, Biological Oceanography. Metabolism of reduced sulfur compounds in anoxic marsh sediments. 2 y. $46,092. PI. NSF, Biological Oceanography. Does nitrogen or phosphorus limit productivity in tropical seagrasses? $50,000. PI. [Collab. with UNH]. N.Y. State Sea Grant. Manipulations of seaweed-microbe associations. Co- PI. $80,000. NSF, Chemical Oceanography. Use of the short-lived radioisotope, 13N, in marine nitrogen cycle studies. $262,113. PI. [Collab. with Brookhaven Nat’l. Lab.]. 1986 Hudson River Foundation. Pathways of anaerobic respiration and mineralization of organic carbon in Hudson River sediments. $49,000. PI. U.S. Geological Survey. Bacterial transformations of nitrate and Aldicarb (Temik) in anoxic groundwaters of Long Island. $363,472. PI. 1987 NSF, Biological Oceanography. Physiology, ecology and biochemistry of nitrogen fixation by marine planktonic organisms. 3 y. $107,000. PI. [Collab. with SUNY, Stony Brook]. DOE, Lawrence Livermore National Lab. Use of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry in Marine Ecology. $20,000. State of MD., Office of Environ. Protection. Microcosm Study of Patuxent River. 1987-1988. $48,000. 1988 State of MD., Office of Environ. Protection. Baywide monitoring program: Nutrients. 1987-1988. $360,000. Co-PI. NSF, Ecosystems Program/ Long Term Ecological Research. Response of a major land margin ecosystem to changes in terrestrial nutrient inputs: Internal nitrogen cycling, production and export. 1988 - 1993. Co-PI (with 13 others). Benthic microbial activity component. $285,000. State of MD., Office of Environ. Protection. Effects of aeration on living resources, algal biomass and ecosystem metabolism in St. Leonard Creek. 1988-1989. $129,765. PI. 1989 U.S. Geol. Survey, Inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics in the water column of the Patuxent River. 2 y. $175,000. PI. 1990 NSF, Biological Oceanography. Physiology, ecology and biochemistry of nitrogen fixation by marine planktonic organisms. 3 y. $300,000. PI. US Fish & Wildlife Service. Effects of acidity and aluminum on nutrient cycling, bacterial populations and growth in experimental freshwater mesocosms. 2 y. $49,000. PI. NSF, Ocean Sciences, Support Section. Request for transfer of the R.V. Ridgley Warfield to the Center for Environmental Studies of the U. Maryland. $176,000. PI. 1991 NSF, Biological Oceanography, A novel approach to nitrogen fixation in marine ecosystems. 3 y. $128,547. PI.
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Chesapeake Bay Environmental Effects Program. Microbial degradation of chlorinated hydrocarbons under alternating redox conditions in Chesapeake Bay sediments. $45,000. 1 y. PI. 1992 NOAA/NMFS- Saltonstall-Kennedy Program. Effects of aquacultural antibiotics on sediment microbial communities. 1 y. $100,000. Co-PI. NSF/Div. Instr. & Resources. Development of a marine biochemistry and molecular biology facility. 1 y. $39,865. Co-PI. 1993 NSF, Biological Oceanography. Physiology, ecology and biochemistry of nitrogen fixation by marine planktonic organisms: An Accomplishment Based Renewal. 2 y. $200,000. PI. MD. Sea Grant. Bacterioplankton dynamics in the Patuxent River: Response to nitrogen abatement. 2 y. $77,816. PI. 1994 NSF, Ecology. Physiological and genetic controls on nitrogen fixation in salinity gradients: Implications for limitation of nitrogen fixation in freshwater and marine ecosystems. 2 y. $40,000. PI. 1995 WRRC/USGS. Development of a direct tracer procedure for denitrification in estuarine sediments. $18,000. PI. EPA/ORD, Importance of reductive dechlorination in Chesapeake Bay sediments: Role of sulfate respiration". 3 y. $242,000. PI. 1996 MD. Sea Grant. Bacterioplankton dynamics in the Patuxent River: Response to nitrogen abatement. 2 y. $77,816. PI. NSF, Integrative Biology and Neurosciences. Assessing the genetic potential and physiological controls of N2 fixation in a N-limited estuary. 3 y. $45,000. PI. NSF, Biological Oceanography. N2 fixation as a source of new N in the tropical oligotrophic oceans. 3 y. $557,550. PI. (UMCES). NSF, International Programs. Regulation of N2 Fixation in Trichodesmium (Dissertation Enhancement for M. Mulholland), 1 Dec 96-31 May 97, $11,750, PI. 1997 NASA, SIMBIOS (MTPE). Validation of ocean color satellite data products in under- sampled marine areas. 2y, 1 Sep 1997-31 Aug 2000. $366,000. PI. (UMCES). NASA/ NSF, JGOFS Synthesis and Modelling Program. Modelling N2 and CO2 fixation by the oceanic diazotroph. $100,000, 2 y. (UMCES). 1998 Australian Geological Survey Organization. N2 fixation and denitrification in Brisbane river sediments. $16,816. 1 year. PI. 1999 NSF, Biological Oceanography. N2 fixation as a source of new N in the tropical oligotrophic oceans. 1 y. $230,006. PI. (USC). NASA, SIMBIOS (MTPE). Validation of ocean color satellite data products in under- sampled marine areas. 1y, 1 Sep 1999-31 Aug 2000. $110,700. PI. (USC). NASA/ NSF, JGOFS Synthesis and Modelling Program. Modelling N2 and CO2 fixation by the oceanic diazotroph. 1 Oct 99 to 30 Sep 2000. $52,727, 1 y. PI. (USC). NSF, Biological Oceanography. Ecological Determinants of Oceanic Carbon Cycling (workshop support). 1 Jun 99 to 30 Nov 2000. $77,999. PI. NSF, Biological Oceanography. SGER: Paleoecological Analysis of Oceanic N2 Fixing Cyanobacteria Using a Molecular Biological Approach $64,451, PI. NSF, Biocomplexity Program. Collaborative Research: Factors affecting, and impact of, diazotrophic microorganisms in the western Equatorial Atlantic Ocean.
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$3,500,000, 5 y, collaborative with SUNY/SB, UMCES, U Miami, USC component $1,345,530. PI. NSF, Biocomplexity Program. Collaborative Research: Oceanic N2 fixation and Global Climate. $4,000,000, 5 y, collaborative w/ SUNY/SB, MIT, UCSB, Princeton, UMCES & NCAR. USC component $2,143,885, Co-PI. 2000 NASA, Varied water and dusty skies: Validation of ocean color satellite data products in under-sampled marine areas. $92,327. 2 years. 2004 NSF, Physiological and stoichiometric studies of marine diazotrophs. $499, 995. Mar 2005- Feb 2008. PI. 2005 NSF, Collaborative Research: Relating microbial biodiversity to biological oceanographic processes. Co-PI with Jed Fuhrman, $526,000. NASA, Varied Waters and Dusty Skies III: The Use of Satellite Ocean Color Data Products to Study the Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean, Collaborative with Lamont Doherty Earth Obs., Co-PI. $130,000 (USC). 2007 NSF, SGER: Exploratory studies of marine microbes using nanoSIMS. Collaborative with Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. PI. 1 year, $120,315. 2008 NSF, OCE. Acquisition of a new Continuous-Flow Stable Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer and Two Elemental Analyzers for Support of the University of Southern California Stable Isotope Facility. Co-PI. $321,095, 09/01/2008 - 08/31/2009. NSF, Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems Program. Collaborative Research: Biogeochemistry of Cyanobacterial Mats and Hyporheic Zone Microbes in McMurdo Dry Valley glacial meltwater streams. PI, 3 years, $375,000. 09/01/2008- 08/31/2011. 2009 NSF, Chemical Oceanography. Collaborative Research: Documenting N2 fixation in N deficient waters of the Eastern Tropical South Pacific. PI. 07/01/2009- 06/30/2012. $826,537. [Collab. With U. Miami]. NSF Biological Oceanography. Collaborative Research: ETBC: Amazon influence on the Atlantic: carbon export from N fixation by Diatom Symbioses (ANACONDAS) [Collab. with U. Ga., GaTech, SFSU, U. Md.]. 10/09 to 9/12, $423,590, PI (USC component). NSF, Ecosystems. The Importance of Molybdenum Speciation to Nitrogen Fixation and Assimilation in Lakes. 09/09 to 08/ 11, $533,000. PI. 2010 USC College. Climate Change in the Southern California Bight: Integrating Science and Societal Implications. USC College 2020 Program. PI, 3 y, $300,000. 2011 NSF Education Directorate, Phase I Robert Noyce Scholarship. Co-PI, 3y, $2,000,000. 2012 NSF, Ocean Sciences Program, Advancing the research capability of the Wrigley Institute, 2 yr., Co-PI, $295,000. 2013 NSF Biological Oceanography, EAGER: Direct Identification and Characterization of Marine Heterotrophic Nitrogen Fixers by Stable Isotope Probing. PI, 2 yr. $300,000. NSF Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems Program Collaborative Research: Importance of heterotrophic and phototrophic N2 fixation in the McMurdo Dry Valleys on local, regional and landscape scales, Collab. w/ SFSU and U. Del., PI., 3 yr., $490,000.
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2014 King Abdullah University of Science & Technology, Nitrogen Dynamics in the Red Sea, $548,861, 1 Jul 2014- 30 Jun 2017 NSF Biological Oceanography. Collaborative Research: New Approaches to New Production, 1 Aug 2014- 31 Jul 2017, $755,454 (USC component, collaborative with U Md, & LLNL)
RECENT ABSTRACTS 2018 Dillon, Taylor, Yubin Raut and Douglas Capone. (2018) Nitrogen fixation by sulfate-reducing diazotrophs associated with the decomposition of macroalgae. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland Or., Feb., 2018. Morando, Michael and Douglas G Capone. (2018). A New Perspective on New Production. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland Or., Feb., 2018. 2017 Matzke, S., Y. Raut, C. Vieira, and D. G. Capone (2017), Anatomical and species comparisons of nitrogen fixation rates associated with Sargassum surrounding Catalina Island, CA. Abstract, Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Feb 2017, Honolulu. Raut, Y. et al. Nitrogen fixation associated with Sargassum horneri and Sargassum palmeri. Abstract, Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Feb 2017, Honolulu. Capone, D.G. The Tropical Pacific Ocean Biome: An Overview (Invited). Abstract, Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Feb 2017, Honolulu 2016 Laperriere, Sarah M, Michael Morando, , Troy Gunderson, Douglas G Capone, Alyson E Santoro 2016, A time series of urea degradation, nitrification, and nitrous oxide concentrations off the coast of Southern California, Ocean Sciences Meeting, 2016, New Orleans. Morando, Michael, Douglas G Capone. 2016. Identifying organism involved in new and regenerated production using TAG-SIP. Ocean Sciences Meeting, 2016, New Orleans. DeLiberto, A., M. Morando, and D.G. Capone. 2016. Nitrogen fixation rates associated with the invasive macroalgae Sargassum horneri around Catalina Island, CA. Abstract, Ocean Sciences Meeting (OSM), February, New Orleans. 2014 Morando, M. and D.G. Capone. Tag-SIP: Coupling Stable Isotope Probing with Next Generation Sequencing. Ocean Climate Change Gordon Conference, Waterville, NH, Jul 2014 Berelson, W.; Prokopenko, M.; Haskell, W.; Capone, D.; Knapp, A.; EXPORT, SEDIMENT TRAPS AND SEDIMENT DIAGENESIS PROVIDE EVIDENCE OF OMZ IMPACT ON PELAGIC-BENTHIC COUPLING IN THE ETSP. (Abstract ID: 15288) Ocean Sciences Meeting, Hawaii, Feb 2014. Hamersley, M. R.; Burns, J. A.; Sohm, J. A.; Capone, D. G.; NITROGEN FIXATION ASSOCIATED WITH THE GIANT KELP MACROCYSTIS PYRIFERA (Abstract ID: 15412). Ocean Sciences Meeting, Hawaii, Feb 2014. Morando, M. B.; Capone, D. G.; COUPLING STABLE ISOTOPE PROBING (SIP) WITH NEXT GENERATION SEQUENCING: THE NITROGEN CYCLE IN A WHOLE NEW LIGHT (Abstract ID: 17957). Ocean Sciences Meeting, Hawaii, Feb 2014.
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PATENTS Michaels, A. F., S. A. Sanudo-Wilhelmy, D. G. Capone and J. Moffett. 2015. Methodology for Verifying Carbon Storage in Seawater (2015). Univ. of So. California. USA. May 19, 2015. US Patent # 9,034,594 B2.
PUBLICATIONS (* indicates not peer reviewed) 1976 Corredor, J.E., D.G. Capone and K.E. Cooksey. On the use of liquid scintillation vials in ATP-photometry. Anal. Biochem. 20:624-627. 1977 Capone, D.G. and B.F. Taylor. Nitrogen-fixation (Acetylene-Reduction) in the phyllosphere of Thalassia testudinum. Mar. Biol. 40:19-28. Capone, D.G., D.L. Taylor and B.F. Taylor. Nitrogen-fixation (Acetylene-Reduction) associated with macroalgae in a coral reef community in the Bahamas. Mar. Biol. 40:29-32. Capone, D.G. N2 (C2H2) fixation by macroalgal epiphytes. In: Proceedings, 3rd Int'l Coral Reef Symposium. ed. D.L. Taylor, pp. 337-342. 1979 Capone, D.G., P.A. Penhale, R.S. Oremland and B.F. Taylor. The relationship of productivity and N2 (C2H2) fixation in a Thalassia testudinum community. Limnol. Oceanogr. 24:117-125. 1980 Capone, D.G. and B.F. Taylor. Microbial nitrogen cycling in a seagrass community. pp. 153-161. In: V.S. Kennedy (ed.), Estuarine Perspectives, Academic Press, NY. Capone, D.G. and B.F. Taylor. N2 (C2H2) fixation in the rhizosphere of Thalassia testudinum. Can. J. Microbiol. 26:998-1005. 1981 Penhale, P.A. and D.G. Capone. Primary productivity and nitrogen fixation in two macroalgal-cyanobacteria associations. Bull. Mar. Sci. 31:161-169. 1982 Capone, D.G. and E.J. Carpenter. A perfusion method for assaying microbial activities in estuarine sediments: Applicability to studies of N2 fixation by C2H2 reduction. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 43:1400-1405. Capone, D.G. and E.J. Carpenter. Nitrogen fixation in the marine environment. Science 217:1140-1142. Capone, D.G. and J. Budin. Nitrogen fixation associated with rinsed roots and rhizomes of the eelgrass, Zostera marina. Plant Physiol. 70:1601-1604. Capone, D.G. Nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction) by rhizosphere sediments of the eelgrass, Zostera marina L. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 10:67-75. 1983 Capone, D.G. N2 fixation in seagrass communities. Mar. Tech. Soc. J. 17:32- 37. Capone, D.G., D. Reese and R. Kiene. Effect of metals on methanogenesis, sulfate reduction, carbon dioxide evolution and microbial biomass in anoxic salt marsh sediments. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 45:1586-1591. Carpenter, E.J. and D.G. Capone. (eds.). Nitrogen in the Marine Environ ment. Academic Press, N.Y. 900 pp. Capone, D.G. Benthic nitrogen fixation pp. 105-137. In: E.J. Carpenter and D.G. Capone (eds.), Nitrogen in the Marine Environment. Academic Press, N.Y. 1984 Slater, J. and D.G. Capone. Effect of metals on nitrogen fixation and denitrification in slurries of anoxic salt marsh sediments. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 18:89-95. Kiene, R. and D.G. Capone. Effects of organic pollutants on methanogenesis, sulphate reduction and carbon dioxide evolution in salt marsh sediments. Mar. Environ. Res. 13: 141-160.
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1985 Kiene, R.P. and D.G. Capone. Degassing of pore water methane during sediment incubations. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 49:143-147. Capone, D.G. and M. Bautista. A groundwater source for nitrate in nearshore marine sediments. Nature 313:214-216. Brackup, I. and D.G. Capone. The effect of several metal and organic pollutants on nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction) by the roots and rhizomes of Zostera marina L. Environ. Exper. Bot. 25:145-151. Bauer, J.E. and D.G. Capone. The effects of four aromatic organic pollutants on glucose metabolism and thymidine incorporation by the micro biota of aerobic and anaerobic marine sediments. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 49:828-835. Bauer, J.E. and D.G. Capone. Degradation and mineralization of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons anthracene and naphthalene in salt marsh sediments. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 50:81-90. Horrigan, S.G. and D.G. Capone. Rates of nitrification and nitrate reduction in nearshore marine sediments under varying environmental conditions. Mar. Chem. 16:317-327. McDaniel, J. and D.G. Capone. A comparison of procedures for the separation of aquatic bacteria from sediments for subsequent enumeration by direct counts. J. Microbiol. Methods. 3:291-302. Corredor, J. and D.G. Capone. Studies on nitrogen diagenesis in tropical carbonate environments. Proc. 5th Int. Coral Reef Symp. 3:395-399. 1986 Kiene, R.K. and D.G. Capone. Stimulation of methanogenesis by Aldicarb and other N- methyl carbamate pesticides. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 51:1247-1251. Kiene, R.P., R.S. Oremland, A. Catena, L.G. Miller and D.G. Capone. Metabolism of reduced methylated sulfur compounds to methane and carbon dioxide by anaerobic sediments and a pure culture of an estuarine methanogen. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 52:1037-1045. 1987 Slater, J. and D.G. Capone. Persistent pollutants and nitrogen fixation and denitrification in coastal marine sediments. pp. 71-79. In: J.M. Capuzzo and D.R. Kester, (eds). Oceanic Processes in Marine Pollution, Vol. 1, Biological Processes and Wastes in the Ocean. Krieger Pubs., Malabar, FL. Slater, J.M. and D.G. Capone. Denitrification in aquifer soils and near shore marine sediments influenced by groundwater nitrate. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 53:1292-1297. Jacobson, M.E., J.E. Mackin and D.G. Capone. Ammonium production in sediments inhibited with molybdate and bromo-ethane sulfonic acid: Implications for the sources of ammonium in anoxic sediments. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 53: 2435-2439. 1988 Capone, D.G. Benthic nitrogen fixation. In: H. Blackburn and J. Sorensen (eds.). pp. 85- 123. Nitrogen Cycling in Coastal Marine Envi ronments, SCOPE Series, J. Wiley, N.Y. Kiene, R.P. and D.G. Capone. Microbial transformations of methylated sulfur compounds in anoxic sediments. Microb. Ecol. 15:275-291. Oremland, R.S. and D.G. Capone. Use of specific inhibitors in microbial ecological and biogeochemical studies. pp 285-383. In: K.C. Marshall (ed.), Advances in Microbial Ecology Vol. 10. Bauer, J., R. Kerr, M. Bautista, C.J. Decker and D.G. Capone. Interactive effects of Capitella colonization and chronic hydrocarbon exposure on sediment microbial activities in marine microcosms. Mar. Environ. Res. 25:63-84.
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Bauer, J.E. and D.G. Capone. Effects of co-occurring aromatic hydrocarbons on the degradation of individual polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in marine sediment slurries. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 54:1649-1655. Capone, D.G. and R.P. Kiene. Comparison of microbial dynamics in freshwater and marine environments: Contrasts in anaerobic catabolism. In: S. Nixon (ed.), Comparative Ecology of Freshwater and Marine Ecosystems, Limnol. Oceanogr. 33:725-749. Zehr, J., P. Falkowski and D.G. Capone. Coupling between 13N-ammonium uptake and incorporation in a marine diatom. Limnol. Oceanogr. 33:518-527. Fuhrman, J., S.G. Horrigan, and D.G. Capone. The use of 13N as a tracer for bacterial and algal uptake of ammonium from seawater. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 45:271-278. Kerr, R. and D.G. Capone. The effect of salinity on the microbial mineralization of two polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in estuarine sediments. Mar. Environ. Res. 26:181-198. 13 + 1989 Zehr, J.P., D.G. Capone and P.G. Falkowski. Rapid incorporation of NO3- by NH4 - grown phytoplankton. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 51:237-241. Slater, J.M. and D.G. Capone. Nitrate requirement for acetylene inhibition of nitrous oxide reduction in marine sediments. Microb. Ecol. 17:143-157. O'Neil, J.M. and D.G. Capone. Nitrogenase activity in tropical carbonate marine sediments. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 56:145-156. D'Elia, C.F., J.G. Sanders and D.G. Capone. Analytical chemistry for environmental sciences: A question of confidence. Environ. Sci. Technol. 23:768-774. 1990 Capone, D.G., J. Fowler, S.G. Horrigan and S. Dunham. Direct determination of nitrification in marine waters using the short-lived isotope 13N. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 56:1182-1184. Suttle, C.A., J.A. Fuhrman and D.G. Capone. Rapid ammonium cycling and concentration- dependent partitioning of ammonium and phosphate: Implications for carbon transfer in plankton communities. Limnol. Oceanogr. 35:424-433. Short, F., W. Dennison and D.G. Capone. Phosphorus limits growth in a tropical seagrass. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 62:169-174. Capone, D.G. and J.M. Slater. Interannual patterns of water table height and groundwater derived nitrate in nearshore sediments. Biogeochemistry 10:277-288. Carpenter, E.J., J. Chang, M. Cottrell, J. Schubauer, H. Paerl, B. Bebout and D.G. Capone. 1990. Reevaluation of nitrogenase oxygen protective mechanisms in the planktonic marine cyanobacterium Trichodesmium. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 65:151- 158. Capone, D.G., J.M. O'Neil, E.J. Carpenter and J. Zehr. 1990. Basis for diel variation in nitrogenase activity in the marine planktonic cyanobacterium, Trichodesmium thiebautii. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 56:3532-3536. 1991 Hawser, S.P., G.A. Codd, D.G. Capone and E.J. Carpenter. A neurotoxic factor associated with the bloom forming cyanobacterium Trichodesmium. Toxicon. 29: 277-278. Capone, D.G. Aspects of the marine nitrogen cycle with relevance to the dynamics of nitrous and nitric oxide. pp. 255-275. In: J.E. Rogers and W.B. Whitman (eds.), Microbial Production and Consumption of Greenhouse Gases: Methane, Nitrogen Oxides, and Halomethanes. Am. Soc. Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
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Carpenter, E.J., B.M. Brinkhuis, and D.G. Capone. Primary production and nitrogenous nutrients in Great South Bay. Chap. 5, pp. 33-41. In: J.R. Schubel, T. Bell and H. Carter (eds.), The Great South Bay.. SUNY Press, Albany, N.Y. Fuhrman, J.A. and D.G. Capone. Possible biogeochemical consequences of ocean fertilization. Limnol. Oceanogr. 36:1951-1959. 1992 Capone, D.G., S.G. Dunham, S.G. Horrigan, and L.E. Duguay. Microbial nitrogen transformations in shallow, unconsolidated carbonate sediments. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 80:75-88. Capone, D.G. and J.E. Bauer. Microbial processes in coastal pollution. pp. 191-237. In: R. Mitchell (ed.), New Concepts in Environmental Microbiology. Wiley, NY. Carpenter, E.J., D.G. Capone and J.G. Rueter (Editors). Marine Pelagic Cyanobacteria: Trichodesmium and other Diazotrophs. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London. *Capone, D.G., J.G. Rueter and E.J. Carpenter. Overview of the advanced research workshop on bloom-forming marine cyanobacteria. Chapter 1, pp. 1-8. Ibid. Carpenter, E.J. and D.G. Capone. Nitrogen fixation in Trichodesmium blooms. Chapter 13, pp. 211-217. Ibid. Cunningham, K.A. and D.G. Capone. Superoxide dismutase as a protective enzyme against oxygen toxicity: An overview and initial studies in Trichodesmium. Chapter 22, pp. 331-341. Ibid. Carpenter, E.J., B. Bergman, R. Dawson, P.J.A. Siddiqui, E. Soderback and D.G. Capone. Glutamine synthetase and nitrogen cycling in colonies of the marine diazotrophic cyanobacterium, Trichodesmium spp. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 58: 3122-3129. 1993 Glibert, P.M. and D.G. Capone. Mineralization and assimilation in aquatic, sediment and wetland systems. pp. 243-272. In: R. Knowles and T.H. Blackburn, (eds.), Nitrogen Isotope Techniques. Academic Press, N.Y. Zehr, J., M. Wyman, V. Miller, L. Duguay and D.G. Capone. Modification of the Fe protein of nitrogenase in natural populations of Trichodesmium thiebautii. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 59:669-676. Capone, D.G. Determination of nitrogenase activity in aquatic samples using the acetylene reduction procedure. pp 621-631. In: P.F. Kemp, B.F. Sherr, E.B. Sherr and J.J. Cole (eds.), Handbook of Methods in Aquatic Microbial Ecology. Lewis Publishers, FL. Carpenter, E.J., J.M. O'Neil, R. Dawson, D.G. Capone, P.J.A. Siddiqui, T. Ronenberg and B. Bergman. The tropical diazotrophic phytoplankter Trichodesmium: biological characteristics of two common species. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 95:295-305. 1994 Capone, D.G., M.D. Ferrier and E.J. Carpenter. Amino acid cycling in colonies of the planktonic marine cyanobacterium, Trichodesmium thiebautii. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 60:3989-3995. Kazumi, J. and D.G. Capone. Heterotrophic microbial activity in shallow aquifer sediments of Long Island, NY. Microbial Ecol. 28:19-37. 1995 Kazumi, J. and D.G. Capone. Microbial aldicarb transformation in aquifer, lake and salt marsh sediments. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 61:2820-2829. 1996 Capone, D.G. A biologically constrained estimate of oceanic N2O flux. Mitt. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 25:105-113.
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Wyman, M., J.P. Zehr and D.G. Capone. 1996. Temporal variability in nitrogenase gene expression in natural populations of the marine cyanobacterium, Trichodesmium thiebautii. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 62:1073-1075 Montoya, J.P., M. Voss, P. Kaehler and D.G. Capone. A simple, high precision, high sensitivity tracer assay for N2 fixation. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 62:986-993 Capone, D.G. and J. Zehr (Editors). Probing biogeochemical processes with molecular tools. Microbial Ecol. 32:229-230. Zehr, J. and D.G. Capone. Nitrogen fixation in the marine environment: Assaying the genetic potential for nitrogen fixation in natural populations. Microbial Ecol. 32:263-281. Capone, D. Microbial nitrogen cycling. In: S. Newell and R. Christian, Manual of Environmental Microbiology, Section IV: Aquatic Environments. ASM Press. pp. 334-342. Christian, R. and D.G. Capone. Overview of issues in aquatic microbial ecology. In: S. Newell and R. Christian, Manual of Environmental Microbiology, Section IV: Aquatic Environments. ASM Press. pp. 245-251. Kramer, J., M. Wyman, J.P. Zehr and D.G. Capone. 1996. Diel variability in transcription of the structural gene for glutamine synthetase (glnA) in natural populations of the marine diazotrophic cyanobacterium, Trichodesmium thiebautii. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 21:187-196. Capone, D.G., D.P. Weston, V. Miller and C. Shoemaker. Antibacterial residues in marine sediments and invertebrates following chemotherapy in aquaculture. Aquaculture 145:55-76. Capone, D.G. Coral reef ecosystems in the context of the marine nitrogen cycle. In: M. Bjork, A.K. Semesi, M. Pederson and B. Bergman, Current Trends in Marine Botanical Research in the East African Region, Sida, Marine Science Program, SAREC, Uppsala, Sweden, pp. 61-76. 1997 Carpenter, E.J., H.R. Harvey, B. Fry and D.G. Capone. Biogeochemical tracers of Trichodesmium. Deep-Sea Research I , 44: 27-38. Capone, D.G., J. Zehr, H. Paerl, B. Bergman and E.J. Carpenter. Trichodesmium: A globally significant marine cyanobacterium. Science 276: 1221-1229. 1998 Capone, D.G., A. Subramaniam, J.P. Montoya, M. Voss, C. Humborg, A.M. Johansen, R.L. Siefert and E.J. Carpenter. 1998. An extensive bloom of the N2-fixing cyanobacterium, Trichodesmium erythraem in the central Arabian Sea. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 172: 281-292. Marvin-DiPasquale, M. and D.G. Capone. 1998. Benthic sulfate reduction along the Chesapeake Bay Central Channel. I. Spatial Trends and Controls. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 168: 213-228. 1999 Carpenter, E. J., J.P. Montoya, J. Burns, M. Mulholland, A.Subramaniam, D.G. Capone. 1998. Extensive bloom of a N2 fixing symbiotic association in the tropical Atlantic Ocean. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Series. 185:273-283. Mulholland, M. and D.G. Capone. 1998. Nitrogen fixation, uptake and metabolism in natural and cultured populations of Trichodesmium spp. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Series. 188: 33-49. Mulholland, M., K. Ohki and D.G. Capone. 1998. Nitrogen utilization and metabolism relative to patterns of N2 fixation in cultures of Trichodesmium NIBB. J. Phycol. 35: 977-988.
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Capone, D.G. and E.J. Carpenter. 1998. Nitrogen fixation by marine cyanobacteria: Historical and global perspectives. Symposium on Marine Cyanobacteria. Bull. Inst. Oceanogr., Monaco 19: 235-256. 2000 Dupouy, C., J. Neveux, A. Subramaniam, M. Mulholland, J. Montoya, L. Campbell, E.J. Carpenter and D.G. Capone. 1998. Satellite captures summer Trichodesmium blooms in the southwestern Tropical Pacific. EOS 81: 13,15-16 Capone, D.G. The marine nitrogen cycle. In, D. Kirchman, ed. Marine Microbial Ecology. J. Wiley, NY. Pp. 455-493. Zehr, J.P. and D.G. Capone. Oceanic nitrogen fixation: Ecology and molecular biology of Trichodesmium, a marine diazotroph. In: E. W. Triplett (ed) Prokaryotic Nitrogen Fixation: A Model System for the Analysis of a Biological Process. Horizon Scientific Press. Pp. 15-31. Mulholland, M. and D.G. Capone. The nitrogen physiology of the marine N2 fixing cyanobacteria Trichodesmium. Trends in Plant Sciences 5: 148-153. Hood, R.R., A.M. Michaels and D.G. Capone. Answers sought to the enigma of marine nitrogen fixation. EOS 81: 133, 138-139. Carpenter, E.J., S. Lin and D.G. Capone. Bacterial activity in South Pole snow. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 66: 4514-4517. *Capone, D.G. and R. Letelier. EDOCC: Proposed initiative focuses on biological responses to ocean ecosystem perturbations. US JGOFS News 10 (4): 7. 2001 Mulholland, M.R. and D.G. Capone. 2001. Stoichiometry of nitrogen and carbon utilization in cultured populations of Trichodesmium IMS 101. Limnology and Oceanography 46: 436-443. Sañudo-Wilhelmy, S.A., A.B. Kustka, C.J. Gobbler, D.A. Hutchins, M.Yang, K. Lwiza, J. Burns, D.G. Capone, J.A. Raven and E.J. Carpenter. 2001. Phosphorus limitation of nitrogen fixation by Trichodesmium in the central Atlantic Ocean. Nature 411: 66-69. Capone, D.G. 2001. Marine N2 fixation: What’s the fuss? Current Opinions in Microbiology 4: 341-348. Capone, D.G. and J.P. Montoya. 2001. Nitrogen fixation and denitrification. In: J. Paul, ed. Methods in Microbiology, Volume 30: Marine Microbiology. Academic Press, San Diego. Hood, R.R., N. R. Bates, D.G. Capone, and D.B. Olson. 2001. Modeling the effects of N2- fixation on carbon and nitrogen fluxes at BATS. 2nd Special Issue on the U.S. JGOFS Time-Series Stations. Deep-Sea Res. II 48: 1609-1648. Koop, K., D. Booth, A. Broadbent, J. Brodie, D. Bucher, D.G. Capone, J. Coll, W. Dennison, M. Erdmann, P. Harrison, O. Hoegh-Guldberg, P. Hutchings, G. Jones, A. Larkum, J. O'Neil, A. Steven, E. Tentori, S. Ward, J. Williamson and D. Yellowlees. 2001. ENCORE: The effect of nutrient enrichment on coral reefs. Synthesis of results and conclusions. Marine Pollution Bulletin 42: 91-120. Lorah, M., L. Olsen, D.G. Capone and J. Baker. 2001. Biodegradation of trichloroethylene and its anaerobic daughter products in freshwater wetland sediments, Bioremediation Journal 5: 101-118. *Fuhrman, J.A. and D.G. Capone. 2001. Nifty nanoplankton. Nature 412: 593-594.
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Capone, D. 2001. Microbial nitrogen cycling. In: S. Newell and R. Christian, Manual of Environmental Microbiology, Section IV: Aquatic Environments. ASM Press. pp.439-449. Christian, R. and D.G. Capone. 2001. Overview of issues in aquatic microbial ecology. In: S. Newell and R. Christian, eds. Manual of Environmental Microbiology, Section IV: Aquatic Environments. ASM Press. pp. 323-328. Michaels, A.F., D.M. Karl and D.G. Capone. 2001. Element stoichiometry, new production and nitrogen fixation. Oceanography 14: 68-77. *Hood, R.R., V.J. Coles, M. Pascual and D.G. Capone. 2001. Modeling Trichodesmium and nitrogen fixation in the Atlantic: JGOFS meets Biocomplexity. US JGOFS News 11:1-2, 11. (Not peer reviewed). Capone, D. 2001. The nitrogen cycle in the marine environment. In. Encyclopedia of Environmental Microbiology: Marine Section. G. Bitton and D. Capone, Eds., Wiley-Liss. pp. 2176-2188. Capone, D. 2001. Section Editor. Encyclopedia of Environmental Microbiology: Marine Section. G. Bitton and D. Capone, Eds, Wiley-Liss. Zehr, J.P. and D.G. Capone. 2001. Marine nitrogen fixation. In. Encyclopedia of Environmental Microbiology: Marine Section. G. Bitton and D. Capone, Eds., Wiley-Liss. Pp. 2211-2221. Mulholland, M., K. Ohki and D. G. Capone. 2001. Nutrient controls on nitrogen uptake and metabolism by natural populations and cultures of Trichodesmium (cyanobacteria). Journal of Phycology 37: 1001 - 1009. 2002 Warner, K.A., C.C. Gilmour and D.G. Capone. 2002. Reductive dechlorination of 2,4- dichlorophenol and related microbial processes under limiting and non-limiting sulfate concentration in anaerobic mid-Chesapeake Bay sediments. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 40: 159-165. Subramaniam, A., C. W. Brown, R. R. Hood, E. J. Carpenter and D.G. Capone. 2002. Detecting Trichodesmium blooms in SeaWiFS imagery. Deep Sea Research Part II 49: 107-121. Hood, R.H., A. Subramaniam, L.R. May, E.J. Carpenter and D.G. Capone. 2002. Remote estimation of nitrogen fixation by Trichodesmium. Deep-Sea Res. Part II 49/1-3: 123-147. Karl, D.M., A. Michaels, B. Bergman, D. Capone, E.J. Carpenter, R. Letelier, F. Lipschultz, H. Paerl, D. Sigman and L. Stal. 2002. Dinitrogen fixation in the world’s oceans. Biogeochemistry. 57: 47-98. Mulholland, M.R., S. Floge, E.J. Carpenter and D.G. Capone. 2002. Phosphorus dynamics in cultures and natural populations of Trichodesmium spp. Marine Ecology: Progress Series 45: 45-55. Montoya, J.P., E.J. Carpenter and D.G. Capone. 2002. Nitrogen fixation and nitrogen isotope abundances in zooplankton of the oligotrophic North Atlantic Ocean. Limnology & Oceanography 47: 1617-1628. 2003 Burns, J.A., J.Zehr and D.G. Capone. 2003. Nitrogen fixing phylotypes of Chesapeake Bay and Neuse River Estuary sediments: Trends in phylotype correlate with sediment characteristics. Microbial Ecology 44: 336-343.
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Marvin-DePasquale, M.C., W.R. Boynton and D.G. Capone. 2003.Benthic sulfate reduction along the Chesapeake Bay central channel. II. Temporal controls. Marine Ecology: Progress Series 260:55-70. Kustka, A.B., S.A. Sanudo-Wilhelmy, E.J. Carpenter, J.A. Burns, D.G. Capone and W.G. Sunda. 2003. Iron requirements for dinitrogen and ammonium-supported growth in cultures of Trichodesmium (IMS 101): Comparisons with nitrogen fixation rates and iron: carbon ratios of field populations. Limnology & Oceanography 48: 1869-1884 Kustka, A., S. Sanudo-Wilhelmy, E.J. Carpenter, D.G. Capone, J.A. Raven. 2003. A revised estimate of the Fe use efficiency of nitrogen fixation, with special reference to the marine N2 fixing cyanobacterium, Trichodesmium spp. (Cyanophyta). J. Phycology 39:12-25. Carpenter, E.J. and D.G. Capone. 2003. Authors response to “Bacterial activity in South Pole Snow is questionable.” Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69: 6341. 2004 Carpenter, E.J., A. Subramaniam and D.G. Capone. 2004. Biomass and primary productivity of the cyanobacterium, Trichodesmium spp., in the southwest tropical N. Atlantic. Deep Sea Research I 51:173-203. Falcón L.I., E.J.Carpenter, F.Cipriano, B.Bergman, and D.G. Capone. 2004. N2 fixation by unicellular bacterioplankton from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans: phylogeny and in situ rates. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 70: 765-770. Hood, R. R., V.J.Coles and D.G.Capone. 2004. Modeling the distribution of Trichodesmium and nitrogen fixation in the Atlantic Ocean: J. Geophys. Res., 10: 10.1029/2002JC001753. Coles, V. J., R. R. Hood, M. Pascual, and D.G.Capone. 2004. Modeling the impact of Trichodesmium and nitrogen fixation in the Atlantic Ocean: J. Geophys. Res., 109: 10.1029/2002JC001754. Hewson, I., S. R. Govil, D.G. Capone, E. J. Carpenter, and J. A. Fuhrman. 2004. Evidence of Trichodesmium viral lysis and potential significance for biogeochemical cycling in the oligotrophic ocean. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 36: 1–8. Montoya, J. P., C. M. Holl, J.P. Zehr, A. Hansen, T. Villareal and D.G.Capone. 2004. High rates of N2-fixation by unicellular diazotrophs in the oligotrophic Pacific: Nature, 430: 1027-1031. Galloway, J., F. Dentener, D.G. Capone, et al. 2004. Nitrogen Cycles: Past, Present and Future. Biogeochemistry. 70: 153-226 Mulholland, M., D. Bronk & D.G. Capone. 2004. Dinitrogen fixation and release of ammonium and dissolved organic nitrogen by Trichodesmium IMS10. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 37: 85-94. Sañudo-Wilhelmy SA, Tovar-Sanchez A, Fu F-X, Capone DG, Carpenter EJ, Hutchins DA . 2004. The impact of surface-adsorbed phosphorus on phytoplankton Redfield stoichiometry. Nature 432:897-900. 2005 *Capone, D.G. and A. Subramaniam.2005. Seeing microbes from space! Applications of remote sensing to marine microbial ecology. ASM News 71: 179-186.
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Capone, D.G., J.A. Burns, A.F. Michaels, J.P. Montoya, A. Subramaniam, E.J. Carpenter. 2005. Nitrogen fixation by Trichodesmium spp.: An important source of new nitrogen to the tropical and sub-tropical North Atlantic Ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 19: doi 10.1029/2004GB002331 (Highlighted in Nature News & Views 436: 786-787, 2005). Oremland, R. S., D.G. Capone, J. F. Stolz, J. Fuhrman and K. Zengler. 2005. Whither or wither geomicrobiology in the era of "Community Metagenomics". Nature Microbiology 3: 572-578 doi:10.1038/nrmicro1182. Mahaffey, C., A.F. Michaels and D.G. Capone. 2005. The Conundrum of Marine N2 Fixation. American Journal of Science 305: 546-595. 2006 Hewson, I., J.A. Steele, D.G. Capone, J.A.Fuhrman. 2006. Remarkable heterogeneity in meso- and bathypelagic bacterioplankton assemblage structure. Limnology & Oceanography 51: 1274-1283. Campbell, L., E.J. Carpenter, J.P. Montoya and D.G. Capone. 2006. Picoplankton community structure within and outside a Trichodesmium bloom in the Southwestern Pacific Ocean. Vie et Milieu 55: 185-196. Krauk, J., J. Sohm, J. Montoya, T.A. Villareal and D.G. Capone. 2006. Plasticity of N:P ratios in laboratory and field populations of Trichodesmium spp. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 42: 243–253. Hewson, I., Joshua A. Steele, D.G. Capone and J. A. Fuhrman. 2006. Temporal and spatial scales of oligotrophic surface water bacterioplankton assemblage variation. Marine Ecology Progress Series 311:67-77. Capone, D. G., Popa, R., Flood, B., and Nealson, K., 2006. Follow the nitrogen: A mantra for planetary exploration: Science 312: 708-709. Burns, J., J. Zehr, J. Montoya, A. Kustka and D. Capone. 2006. Effect of EDTA additions on natural Trichodesmium spp. populations. Journal of Phycology 42: 900-904. Sohm, J. and D. G. Capone. 2006. Phosphorus dynamics of the tropical and subtropical north Atlantic: Trichodesmium versus bulk plankton. Marine Ecology: Progress Series 317: 21-28. Hewson, I., D.G. Capone, J.A. Steele and J. A. Fuhrman. 2006. Influence of Amazon and Orinoco offshore surface water plumes on oligotrophic bacterioplankton diversity in the West Tropical Atlantic. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 43: 11-22. Tovar-Sanchez, Antonio, S.A. Sañudo-Wilhelmy, A.B. Kustka, S. Agustí, J. Dachs, D.A. Hutchins, D.G. Capone & C.M. Duarte. 2006. Effects of dust deposition and river discharges on trace metal composition of Trichodesmium Spp. in the Tropical and Subtropical North Atlantic Ocean. Limnology & Oceanography 51: 1755-1761 *Capone, D.G. 2006. Perspective: Ramping up the heat on nitrogenase. Science 314:1691-1692. Shipe, R. F., J. Curtaz, A. Subramaniam, E. J. Carpenter and D.G. Capone. 2006. Diatom biomass and productivity in oceanic and plume influenced waters of the western tropical Atlantic ocean. Deep Sea Research I. 53: 1320-1334 2007 *Capone, D.G. and Angela N. Knapp. 2007. A fix for the marine N cycle. Nature 445: 159-160.
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McKnight, D. M., C. M. Tate, E. A. Andrews, D. K. Niyogi, K. Cozzetto, K. Welch, W. B. Lyons and D. G. Capone. 2007. Reactivation of a cryptobiotic stream ecosystem in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica: a long-term geomorphological experiment. Geomorphology 89: 186–204. Foster, R. A., D. G. Capone, E.J., Carpenter, C., Mahaffey, A. Subramaniam, and J.P. Zehr et al. 2007. A quantitative nifH PCR study of the vertical and horizontal distributions for free-living and symbiotic cyanobacteria in the Western Tropical North Atlantic Ocean. Limnology & Oceangraphy 52: 517-532. Shipe, R. F., E. J. Carpenter, S.R. Govil and D.G. Capone. 2007. Limitation of phytoplankton production by Si and N in the western Atlantic Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 338: 33-45 Popa, R., P. Weber, J. Pett-Ridge, J. Finzi, S. Fallon, I. D. Hutcheon, K. H. Nealson and D.G. Capone. 2007. Carbon and nitrogen fixation and metabolite exchange in and between individual cells of Anabaena oscillarioides. The International Society of Microbial Ecology Journal 1: 354-360 doi:10.1038/ismej.2007.44. Montoya, J.P., M. Voss and D.G. Capone. 2007. Spatial variation in N2-fixation rate and diazotroph activity in the Tropical Atlantic. Biogeosciences 4: 369-376. Ward, B. B., D.G. Capone and J. P. Zehr. 2007. What’s new in the nitrogen cycle? Oceanography 20:101-109. 2008 *Capone, D.G. 2008. The marine nitrogen cycle. Microbe 3: 186-192. (American Society of Microbiology). *Capone, D.G. 2008. Review of P.G. Falkowski and A.H. Knoll, (eds.), Evolution of Primary Production in the Sea. Academic Press. Limnology & Oceanogr. Bulletin 17: 19-20 Duce, R.A., J. LaRoche, , K.Altieri, , K. Arrigo, , A.Baker, , D.G. Capone, et al. 2008. Impacts of Atmospheric Anthropogenic Nitrogen on the Open Ocean. Science 320: 893-897. Subramaniam, A., E. J. Carpenter, Y. Chen, S. Cooley, R. C. Mahaffey, S. Sanudo- Wilhelmy, R. Shipe, R. Siefert, A. Tovar-Sanchez, P.L. Yager, & D.G. Capone. 2008. Amazon River and African Dust Affect C and N Cycling in the Western Tropical North Atlantic. Proceedings, National Academy of Sciences, 105: 10460-10465. DOI 10.1073_pnas.0710279105. Capone, D.G., D. Bronk, M. Mulholland and E. J. Carpenter (eds). 2008. Nitrogen in the Marine Environment. Academic Press, San Diego. 1757 pp. O'Neil, J. and D.G. Capone. 2008. Nitrogen cycling in coral reefs environments. Nitrogen in the Marine Environment. D. G. Capone, D. Bronk, M. Mulholland and E. J. Carpenter, Ed. San Diego, Academic Press. 949-989. Carpenter, E. J. and D. G. Capone. 2008. Nitrogen fixation in the marine environment. Nitrogen in the Marine Environment. D. G. Capone, D. Bronk, M. Mulholland and E. J. Carpenter. San Diego, Academic Press. Pp. 141-198. Sohm, J.A., C. Mahaffey, D.G. Capone. 2008. Assessment of relative phosphorus limitation of Trichodesmium spp. in the North Pacific, North Atlantic, and the north coast of Australia. Limnol. Oceanogr. 53: 2495-250
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2009 Finzi-Hart, J.A., J. Pett-Ridge, P. K. Weber, R. Popa, S. J. Fallon, T. Gunderson, I. D. Hutcheon, K. H. Nealson1, D.G. Capone. 2009. Fixation and fate of carbon and nitrogen in the cyanobacterium Trichodesmium using nanometer Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (NanoSIMS). Proceedings National Academy of Sciences DOI: pnas.0810547106. Bonnet, S., I. Biegala, P. Dutrieux, L.O. Slemons and D.G. Capone. Nitrogen fixation in the western equatorial Pacific: rates, diazotrophic cyanobacterial diversity and biogeochemical significance. Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 23, GB3012, doi:10.1029/2008GB003439, Tovar-Sanchez, A., C.M. Duarte, A.B. Kustka, S.Agustí, J. Dachs, D.A. Hutchins, D.G. Capone, & S.A. Sañudo-Wilhelmy. Influence of river discharge in the tropical and subtropical North Atlantic Ocean – response to comment. Limnology & Oceanography. Mulholland, MR and D.G. Capone, Dinitrogen Fixation in the Indian Ocean. In. Indian Ocean Biogeochemical Processes and Ecological Variability. Editors: J.D. Wiggert, R.R. Hood, S. Wajih A. Naqvi, K.H. Brink and S.L. Smith. AGU Geophysical Monograph Series. Publisher: American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C. 2010 Sohm, JA. and D.G. Capone. 2010. Intrabasin differences in phosphorus pools, cycling and stress in the tropical North Atlantic Ocean: patterns and possible causes. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 24, GB2008, doi:10.1029/2008GB003414. Bertics, V.J., J.A. Sohm, C. T. Chow, T. T., D.G. Capone, J.A. Fuhrman, and W. Ziebis. 2010. Burrowing deeper into benthic nitrogen fixation. Marine Ecology Progress Series 409: 1–15. Bonnet, S., E. A. Webb, C. Panzeca, D.M. Karl, D.G. Capone and S. A. Sañudo- Wilhelmy. 2010. Vitamin B12 excretion by cultures of the marine cyanobacteria Crocosphaera and Synechococcus. Limnology & Oceanography 55: 1959–1964 2011 Hamersley, M. Robert, T. Gunderson, A. Leinweber, N. Gruber and D.G. Capone. 2011. Nitrogen fixation in the water column of two hypoxic basins within the Southern California Bight. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 63: 193-205 Sohm, J.A., A. Subramaniam, T. Gunderson, E.J. Carpenter and D.G. Capone. 2011. Nitrogen fixation by Trichodesmium spp. and unicellular diazotrophs in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. J. Geophysical Res.- Biogeosciences. doi:10.1029/2010JG001513 Romero I.C., M. Jacobson, J. Fuhrman, M. Fogel and D.G. Capone. 2011. Long-term nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization effects on N2 fixation rates and nifH gene community patterns in mangrove sediments. Marine Ecology. doi:10.1111/j.1439- 0485.2011.00465.x Sohm, J.A., E.A. Webb and D.G. Capone. 2011. Emerging Patterns of Marine Nitrogen Fixation. Nature Reviews Microbiology 9:499-508. Collins, L. E., W. Berelson, D. E. Hammond, A. Knapp, R. Schwartz, and D.G. Capone. 2011. Particle fluxes in San Pedro Basin, California: A four-year record of sedimentation and physical forcing, Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 58, 898-914. Cowan, D.A., J.A.Sohm, , T. Makhalanyane, D.G. Capone, T.G.A. Green, S.C. Cary and I.M. Tuffin. 2011. Hypolithic communities: important nitrogen source in
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Antarctic desert soils. Environmental Microbiology Reports doi:10.1111/j.1758- 2229.2011.00266.x Knapp, A.N., D.M. Sigman, F. Lipschultz, A.B. Kustka, D.G. Capone. 2011. Isotopic evidence for recycled nitrogen release from bulk marine DON. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 25, GB4004, doi: 10.1029/2010GB003878 2012 Knapp, A. N., D.M. Sigman, A. Kustka, S. Sanudo-Wilhelmy and D.G. Capone. 2012. The distinct nitrogen isotopic compositions of low and high molecular weight marine DON, Marine Chemistry. 136-137 (2012) 24–33. Niederberger, T. D., J. A. Sohm, J. Tirindelli, T. Gunderson, D. G. Capone, E. J. Carpenter and S. C. Cary. 2012. Diverse and highly active diazotrophic assemblages inhabit ephemerally wetted soils of the Antarctic Dry Valleys. FEMS Microbial Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2012.01390.x Knapp, A. N., Julien Dekaezemacker, Sophie Bonnet, Jill A. Sohm, and D. G. Capone. 2012. Sensitivity of Trichodesmium and Crocosphaera spp. growth and N2 - 3- fixation rates to NO3 and PO4 concentration and ratios in batch cultures, Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 66: 223–236, doi: 10.3354/ame01577 Yeung, L. Y., W. M. Berelson, E. D. Young, M. G. Prokopenko, N. Rollins, V. J. Coles, J. P. Montoya, E. J. Carpenter, D. K. Steinberg, R. A. Foster, D. G. Capone and P. L. Yager. 2012. Impact of diatom-diazotroph associations on carbon export in the Amazon River plume. Geophysical Research Letters doi:10.1029/2012GL053356. Luo, Y.-W., et al. (42 co-authors). 2012. Database for Diazotrophs in Global Ocean: Abundances, Biomasses and Nitrogen Fixation Rates. Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss 4: 47-73, doi:10.5194/essd-5194-5147-2012, 2012. 2013 Romero I.C., N.J.Klein, S.A.Sañudo-Wilhelmy, D.G. Capone. 2013. Trace metal co- limitation controls on nitrogen fixation and assimilation in lakes with varying trophic status. Frontiers in Aquatic Microbiology. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2013.00054 Barada, L. P., L. Cutter, J. P. Montoya, E. A. Webb, D. G. Capone and S. A. Sanudo- Wilhelmy. 2013 . The distribution of thiamin and pyridoxine in the western tropical North Atlantic Amazon River plume. Frontiers in Aquatic Microbiology. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2013.00025 Dekaezemacker J, S. Bonnet, O. Grosso, T. Moutin, M. Bressac, and D.G. Capone. 2013. Evidence of active dinitrogen fixation in surface waters of the eastern tropical South Pacific during El Niño and La Niña events and evaluation of its potential nutrient controls. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 27: 1-12, DOI: 10.1002/gbc.20063, 22013. Capone D.G., and D.A. Hutchins. 2013. Microbial biogeochemistry of coastal upwelling regimes in a changing ocean. Nature Geoscience 6: 711-717. Haskell W.Z., W. M. Berelson, D. E. Hammond, and D.G.Capone. 2013. Particle sinking dynamics and POC fluxes in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific based on 234Th budgets and sediment trap deployments. Deep Sea Research 81: 1-13. Yoshikawa C, V.J. Coles, R.R. Hood, D.G. Capone, Yoshida N. 2013. Modeling how surface nitrogen fixation influences subsurface nutrient patterns in the North Atlantic. Journal of Geophysical Research- Oceans 118: 2520–2534. Bonnet, S., J. Dekaezemacker, T. Moutin, K. Turk-Kubo, T. Moutin, R. Hamersley, O. Grosso, J.P. Zehr and D.G. Capone. 2013. Aphotic N2 Fixation in the Eastern
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Tropical South Pacific Ocean. PLOS One 8: e81265. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0081265 Turk-Kubo, K. A., M. Karamchandani, R. Foster, D. G. Capone, and J. P. Zehr. 2013. The paradox of marine heterotrophic nitrogen fixation: Abundances of heterotrophic diazotrophs do not account for nitrogen fixation rates in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific. Environ Microbiol. doi:10.1111/1462-2920.12346 2014 Goes, J. I., H. d. R. Gomes, A. M. Chekalyuk, E. J. Carpenter, J. P. Montoya, V. J. Coles, P. L. Yager, W. M. Berelson, D. G. Capone, and R. A. Foster. 2014. Influence of the Amazon River discharge on the biogeography of phytoplankton communities in the western tropical north Atlantic, Progress in Oceanography 120: 29-40. Capone, D.G. 2014. The iron curtain of the Atlantic Ocean is a biogeochemical divide. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111:1231-1232. Doi: 10.1073/pnas.1322568111 Grimes, D. J., T. E. Ford, R. R. Colwell, C. Baker-Austin, J. Martinez-Urtaza, A. Subramaniam, and D. G. Capone. 2014. Viewing Marine Bacteria from Orbit. Microbial Ecology. Doi 10.1007/s00248-013-0363-4 Haskell, W.Z., D. Kadko, D.E. Hammond, M.G. Prokopenko, W.M. Berelson, A.N. Knapp, and D. G. Capone, 2014. Upwelling velocities and eddy diffusivity from 7Be measurements used to compare vertical nutrient fluxes to export POC flux in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific, Marine Chemistry. 2015 Berelson, W., W. Haskell, M. Prokopenko, A. Knapp, D. Hammond, N. Rollins, and D. G. Capone 2015. Biogenic Rain and Benthic Remineralization in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific, Deep Sea Research Part I Oceanographic Research Papers. 01/2015; DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr.2014.12.006 Neiderberger, T.D., J.A. Sohm, T.E. Gunderson, A.E. Parker, J. Tirindelli, D.G. Capone, E.J. Carpenter, S.C. Cary, 2015 Microbial community composition of transiently wetted Antarctic Dry Valley soils, Frontiers in Microbiology, section Terrestrial Microbiology. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00009. Hamersley, M. Robert, Jay A. Burns, Jill Sohm, and D. G. Capone. 2015. Nitrogen fixation associated with the decomposition of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera. Aquatic Botany. 125: 57-63. DOI 10.1016/j.aquabot.2015.05.003 Romero I. C., M.E. Jacobson Meyers, J.A.Fuhrman, M. Fogel and D.G. Capone. 2015. Phylogenetic Diversity of diazotrophs in the Rhizosphere of Mangrove Sediments. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 3: 699-719 Loick-Wilde, Natalie, Douglas Capone, Victoria Coles, Brandon Conroy, Deborah Steinberg, Sarah Weber and Joseph P. Montoya. 2015. Nitrogen sources and net growth efficiency in three planktonic food webs in the Amazon River Plume according to hydrobiochemistry and stable nitrogen isotope distribution. Limnol. Oceanogr. 61: 460–481, DOI: 10.1002/lno.10227. 2016 Bonnet, S., G. Gregori, A.S. Barani, S. Mostefaoui, V. Cornet-Barthaux, J. Dekeazemacker, P. Gérard, B. Charrière, C. Dupouy, M. Rodier, and D.G. Capone. 2016. Efficient transfer of recently fixed N2 from Trichodesmium to non-diazotrophic phytoplankton revealed by NanoSIMS. Limnol. & Oceanog. 10.1002/lno.10300.
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Niederberger TD, Sohm JA, Gunderson TE, Parker AE, Tirindelli J, Capone DG, Carpenter EJ and Cary SC. 2016. Carbon-fixation rates and associated microbial communities residing in arid and ephemerally wet Antarctic Dry Valley soils. Frontiers in Terrestrial Microbiology. Doi 10.3389/fmicb.2015.01347 Knapp, A.N., K.L. Casciotti, W.M. Berelson, M.G. Prokopenko and D.G. Capone. 2016. Low rates of nitrogen fixation in eastern tropical South Pacific surface waters. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. doi/10.1073/pnas.1515641113 Morando, M and D.G. Capone. 2016. Intraclade heterogeneity in nitrogen utilization by marine prokaryotes revealed using stable isotope probing coupled with tag sequencing (Tag-SIP). Frontiers in Aquatic Microbiology 7: 1932. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.01932 2017 Jickells, T.D., Buitenhuis, E., Altieri, K., Baker, A.R., Capone, D.G., Duce, R.A., Dentener, F., Fennel, K., Kanakidou, M., LaRoche, J., Lee, K., Liss, P., Middelburg, J. J., Moore, J.K., Okin, G., Oschlies, A., Sarin, M., Seitzinger, S.P., Sharples, J., Suntharalingam, P., Uematsu, M., Zamora, L.M. 2017. A re-evaluation of the magnitude and impacts of anthropogenic atmospheric nitrogen inputs on the ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. DOI: 10.1002/2016GB005586
Manuscripts Submitted or In Revision: Rubol, S., D. Tonina, L. Vincent, W. Basham, R. Budwig, P. Savalia , E. Kanso, D.G. Capone and K.H. Nealson. (In review) Seeing through porous media: an experimental method for unveiling interstitial flows. Hydrological Processes. Kürten, B., Nikolaos D. Zarokanellos, Reny P. Devassy, Mohsen M. El-Sherbiny, Ulrich Struck, Isabelle K. Schulz, D.G. Capone, Ali M. Al-Aidaroos, Xabier Irigoien and B. H. Jones (In review). The nested interplay of seasonal variability, eddies and eastern boundary current modulate the plankton communities in the Red Sea." Progress in Oceanography. Finzi-Hart, J.A., A. Subramaniam, J. Burns, R. Hood and D.G. Capone. In revision. Photophysiological parameters in natural populations of Trichodesmium spp. in the subtropical N. Atlantic and N. Pacific: Implications for ocean ecosystem models. Marine Ecology Progress Series (in revision). Finzi-Hart, J.A., A. Kustka and D.G. Capone. Photophysiological Parameters of Trichodesmium IMS101 under Fe and P Limitation (in revision). Niederberger, T. D., Jill A. Sohm, Troy Gunderson, Alex Parker, Eric M. Bottos, Kathryn J. Coyne, Douglas G. Capone, Edward J. Carpenter, S. Craig Cary (in revision), Rapid microbial dynamics in response to an induced wetting event in Antarctic Dry Valley soils, FEMS Microbial Ecology.
Manuscripts in Prep.: Capone, D.G., J.P. Montoya, A. Subramaniam, J.A. Burns, A. Kustka, M.R. Mulholland, M. Furnas, J. Fuhrman, I. Hewson, E.J. Carpenter. Nitrogen fixation in coastal waters of Northern Australia.
29 Douglas G. Capone, p. 30
Sohm, J.A., T.D. Niederberger, A. Parker, J. Tirindelli, T. Gunderson, EJ. Carpenter, S.C. Cary, and D.G. Capone. Microbial mats of the Dry Valleys: Oases of biological activity in a very cold desert. For FEMS Microbiology. Kane, T. L., P. Fong and D. G. Capone. Manuscript. Freshwater pulses from seasonal precipitation enhance sediment Nitrogen fixation activity despite high nitrate concentrations in a eutrophic mediterranean-type estuary. Estuaries and Coasts. Kane, T. L., P. Fong and D. G. Capone. Manuscript. Experimental Nitrogen Additions Enhance Denitrification and Suppress Nitrogen Fixation in Sediments of a Eutrophic Estuary in a Mediterranean-Type Climate. Marine Ecology Progress Series. Capone, D.G., S. Bonnet, J. Dekaezemacker, R. Foster, A.N. Knapp, W. Berelson. A 15 three way intercomparison of N2 fixation uptake in oligotrophic surface waters using three different isotope suppliers.