Michigan Department Of Corrections
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AExpecting Excellence Every Day@ MEMORANDUM
DATE: November 24, 2004
TO: M.A.C.O.M.B. Project Participants
FROM: Deputy Warden Carberry, Macomb Correction Facility Mike Berro, Field Operations Jo Ann Rottenbucher, Field Operations Larry Mytinger, Field Operations D. Saad, Field Operations Dan Chambers, Salvation Army Transition House L. Girolamo, Department of Human Services
SUBJECT: The M.A.C.O.M.B. Project – Prisoner Re-Entry Program
The M.A.C.O.M.B. Project, meaning Macomb’s Answer for Community Oriented Model Behavior is a precedent-setting and innovative collaborative re-entry program to prevent homelessness of, and to develop job opportunities for offenders being released from prison. This effort involves state agencies, local community service providers, faith based community, and includes intended beneficiaries, i.e. parolees who are, or become homeless and/or jobless. The centerpiece of this project is the Transition Team, comprised of institutional staff and community members. This program promotes a smooth transition from prison to the community through a network of support for offenders and assisting them in becoming self-sufficient and ultimately prepared to live independently.
Deputy Warden/ Provide the methods, procedures and priorities, for staff to Program Supervisor: adhere to the Macomb Correctional Facility (MRF) Re-Entry Program.
Assistant Deputy Ensure the housing unit Residential Unit Managers (RUM) Warden of Housing and/or Assistant Residential Unit Supervisors (ARUS) implements and adheres to the MRF Re-Entry Programs and duties within the housing units.
All Resident Unit Ensure that the Re-Entry Program, Phase I Substance Abuse Managers: Program and, at a minimum, one other in-unit program, i.e. Cognitive Restructuring, Parenting, Self-Esteem or Life Skill Program is being held in each unit. -2-
Program Staff: Performs a prisoner orientation and the initial classification or reclassification of each prisoner to work/school and refers to programs recommended by Reception Guidance Center (RG&C) and by institutional staff. Update Case Management Plan upon receipt of Prisoner Program Evaluation (CSJ-363/363A).
Pre-Release Ensure pre-release groups are available to Level I & II prisoners. Coordinator: Overview the materials and progress of the instructors and groups. (See Attachment A) Prisoners that meet the eligibility are placed in the groups. Send a list, of prisoners, that have completed the Pre-Release Program to the principle and the Transition Team Coordinator. Identify prisoners within one (1) year of their Earliest Release Date/Next Action Date (ERD/NAD).
Coordinate the MRF Re-Entry Educational Programming curriculum with the other programming services. Establish the prisoner’s eligibility for the Re-Entry Program and place the prisoner into appropriate workshops.
Business Office Staff: Notify RUM/ARUS when a prisoner’s birth certificate, Social Security Card or GED Certificate is received from the Records Office. Secure all vital records that are received and issue the documents to the prisoner during his release out processing.
Substance Abuse Coordinate all substance abuse programs. Provide and review Coordinator: substance abuse materials that are being used and conduct (See Attachment A) substance abuse programs within the facility. Works with community groups to develop sponsorships prior to the prisoners release.
Special Activities Provide and review materials that are being used and conduct MRF Coordinator: Re-Entry Support Programming within the facility. (See Attachment A)
All Assistant Resident Ensure, all prisoners, within two (2) years of their ERD/NAD Unit Supervisors have been referred, are actively enrolled, or have completed the (Case Manager of proper programs to meet their RG&C recommendations. Provide Prisoner’s file) Cognitive Restructuring, Parenting, Self-Esteem and Life Skill Programs.
Ensure all eligible prisoners who are within twelve (12) months of their ERD/NAD are referred to the Pre-Release Program and the in-unit groups.
-3- Ensure prisoners with a negative behavior/misconduct history will be referred to the proper programs.
Ensure a Case Management Plan is completed for all prisoners within eight (8) months of their ERD/NAD and updated at the time their Parole Eligibility Report (PER) is being completed.
The completion of the Case Management Plan is the responsibility of the staff member that is liable for the prisoners PER. A copy of the Case Management Plan will be placed in the prisoner’s institutional file, and noted in the case notes.
Any prisoner that refuses to take part in the Pre-Release, in-unit programs and/or the Transitional Team Program will have a Prisoner Program Evaluation (CSJ-363) completed stating the prisoner refused the program. All refusals will be forwarded to the Deputy Warden by the Resident Unit Manager.
Update the Case Management Plan when information is received and when the prisoner has completed a program.
Transitional Team Sends a monthly list to the School Principle, Pre-Release Facilitators Coordinator, RUM/ARUS of prisoners that are eligible for (See Attachment A) the Pre-Release and the Transitional Team Program.
Schedules eligible prisoners that have completed the Pre-Release Program to the Transitional Team Program.
Sends a prisoner’s transitional group schedule to the School Principal, RUM, ARUS, Transitional Team Instructors and County Transitional Case Managers.
Records Office Staff Ensure all prisoners have an Identification Card with an orange background, prior to their release. Forward all birth certificates and social security cards to the Business Office staff to secure in the safe. Notifies ARUS of pending parole.
Workshop/Call-outs Places prisoners on call-out or detail. School Secretary
School Principal Initiates and completes the Transition Accountability Plan (TAP). School Staff Establishes with prisoner, input, goals and tasks to accomplish before release. Provides information to Case Management Plan as appropriate.
-4- Health Care Manager Participates in Community Transition Team meetings to assist Transition Team with prisoners who have Health Care needs.
Mental Health Manager Participates in Community Transition Team meetings to assist Transition Team with prisoners who have mental health issues.
Transitional Team Conducts Transitional Workshop Programs and completes a CSJ-363, Facilitators Prisoner Program Evaluation when the prisoner completes his group. (See Attachment A) Updates page 2 of the Case Management Plan for all prisoners that have completed the Transitional Team Program.
County Transitional Maintains a list of prisoners that are active and have completed the Case Managers Transitional Team Program classes for their assigned county. (See Attachment A) Ensures all prisoner waivers are signed prior to the Community Transitional Team meeting with the prisoner and placed in the prisoner’s institutional file. A copy of the Offender Tracking Information System (OTIS) Profile Sheet, Case management plan, TAP, Resume, MOIS Score Sheet, Career Scope Score Sheet, SASSI Score Sheet, PSI and PER is available to the Community Team, and forwards all relevant information to the assigned parole agent, prior to release.
Schedule meeting between the prisoner and the Community Team and/or the Parole Officer for your assigned county and facilitates Community Transition Team - Institution.
Community Transition Attend and participate in Community Transition Team meetings Team Members (Institution and Parole Office).
Assesses treatment targets.
Identify the concerns that exist in regards to parolee community transition and assist in identifying risk factors.
Gauge offender’s treatment program.
Explore options and offer resources to resolve parolee issues for good adjustment in the community.
Assist offender in developing coping skills. Works together to achieve consensus through honesty, openness, consistency and respect.
-5- Community Transition Convenes meetings as necessary based on notification from Team - Institution institutional staff that a Parole Board action is imminent for a (See Attachment A) prisoner. Team collectively reviews each prisoner’s information during a pre-meeting to discuss strengths and needs and what action or approach would be in the best interest of the prisoner. Consensus decisions are preferred, however, in cases where no consensus can be reached, the County Transitional Case Manager shall decide how best to handle the prisoner, prior to release.
Community Transition Re-convene monthly at the Parole Office to meet with the parolee Team - Parole Office for discussion, progress review, and refocus the parolee’s goals that were established by the Transition Team. Sanctions for administrative violations, or misbehavior, shall be recommended by the Transition Team and administered by the Michigan Department Of Corrections (MDOC) Parole Officer and processed in accordance with the established MDOC policy and procedure.
Parole Board Grants/denies parole. Notifies appropriate institutional staff.
Parole Supervisor Assigns prisoner to the designated parole officer upon receipt of pre-parole investigation.
Parole Officer Conduct pre-parole investigation and approves home placement. Discusses release plan with the Transition Team Members; completes orientation and provides supervision of the parolee. Attend monthly meetings with the parolee and Transition Team Members. Follow-up on the recommendations of the team. When appropriate, shall write parolee violation reports or recommend discharge for parolee in good standing.
Request team member’s assistance as it pertains to parolees evolving circumstances. Facilitates the Community Transition Team through its interview, orientation process, and discussion with the prisoner about how the parole period is expected to proceed, prior to prisoner’s release and on a monthly basis (as determined by the Parole Officer) at the Parole Office.
Documents any and all team pre-meetings, meetings with the prisoner/parolee, team contacts, and consensus team decisions in the Offender’s Management Network Information (OMNI) case notes pursuant to established MDOC policy and procedure.
Share and ask for ideas from Team Members that will keep the parolee focused on their parole plan.
Remain open to the Transition Team member’s alternative ideas.
Records data and tracks parolee’s progress during period and provides written reports on a monthly basis to the Transition Team for the duration of the parole period, or in the event of the parolee’s return to custody, or the revocation of parole, for the purpose of refining the re-entry process.
Attachment cc: Warden Wolfenbarger Attachment A
Special Activities Coordinator
Special Activities Director, R. Baker
Substance Abuse Coordinator
Substance Abuse, R. Coleman
Work Shop Call-Outs
School Secretary, K. Clifford
Pre-Release Coordinator
ARUS C. Williams
Transitional Team Facilitators
Principal C. Carriveau Inspector W. Moore Special Activities Director, R. Baker ARUS G. Stephenson ARUS F. Sgambati
County Transitional Case Manager
Wayne County - ARUS M. Williams Macomb County - ARUS F. Sgambati Oakland County - ARUS R. Jenkins Genesee County - ARUS C. Williams St. Clair County - ARUS G. Stephenson
Transitional Team Coordinator
RUM M. Plummer
Health Care Manager
Nurse Supervisor B. Stevens
Mental Health Manager
Mental Health Chief V. Acciaioli -2-
Attachment A
Community Transition Team
Parole Officer Parole Supervisor FIA Manager/designee 16th Circuit Drug Court Supervisor Community Corrections Dual-Diagnosis Therapist (in cases involving mental health issues) Community Substance Abuse Consultant/designee Michigan Works Case Manager RUM/ARUS, or other institutional staff/designee, Health Care /Mental Health Manager *Other Community Agencies as Deemed Appropriate