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York University s1


Minutes Thursday, June 4, 2009 3:00 p.m. N940 Ross Building

Present: A. Bain, A. Barbera, D. de Val, J. Doyle, A. Eckford, N. Elson, W. Gage, V. Gates, A.I. Griffith, J. Hadlaw, G. McGoldrick, D. Peers (Dean), M. Robertson, M.M. Schiff (Assistant Secretary of Council), P. Tonin (Academic Affairs Officer), S. Warwick, L. Wrazen, L. Wright (Chair), G. Wu

Regrets: A. Alhassan, Y. Atari, M. Bunch, C. Davidson, R. Drummond, G. Georgopolous, I. Greene, .S. Horowitz, N. Israelite, M. Jenkin, M. Kadar, M. Martel, K. McRoberts, D. Mutimer, R. O’Neil, R.E. Pearlman, B. Reingold, M. Rioux, S. Rosienski-Pellerin, J. Sheridan, M. Sinclair, P. Singh, S. Slinkard, C. Verheggen, R. Weisman, J. Zemans

1. Welcome and Chair’s Remarks

Chair Lorna Wright welcomed members of Council to the meeting.

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting (May 7, 2009)

The minutes were approved.

3. Business Arising from the Minutes

There was no business arising from the minutes.

4. Dean’s Remarks

i) Appreciation

Dean Douglas Peers expressed his appreciation to the Chair, graduate program directors and standing committee members, stating that he was grateful for their assistance during a difficult year.

ii) Awards and Scholarships

Dean Peers noted that he was not able to offer the customary retrospective since scholarship information was incomplete.

He stated that he was delighted with the results of the Vanier Scholarship competition.

iii) OCGS Update

The Dean reminded Council that the OCGS process was delayed since it was decided not to have regular review without students or classes, but that the process was again underway. He noted that a challenging year lay ahead with more budget cuts expected.

There were no questions for the Dean.

5. Summer Authority

It was moved, seconded, and CARRIED, unanimously,

“that all items that need Council approval be delegated to the FGS Academic Planning & Policy Committee until the first meeting of Council in the next academic year.”

6. Senate Synopsis

* * * F o r I n f o r m a t i o n * * *

Summary of Senate meeting of May 28, 2009

The Senate synopsis was received for information.

7. Other Business

Chair Lorna Wright noted that it had been an honour to serve Council and the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

8. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 3:09 p.m.

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