Pupil Bulletin Wednesday 24 April 2013
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Badaguish Outdoor Youth Challenge: Well done to the three teams who completed the Youth Challenge in what was Elgin Academy’s first entry to the charity orienteering event. There were almost 200 competitors from all over Scotland which created an exciting atmosphere. It was a tough course and everyone involved did very well to post good times over the two day event. The competitors also camped for two nights in pretty chilly conditions – scraping ice off their tent on Saturday morning would have been an unwelcome surprise – but enjoyed the activities at night and the giant BBQ once it was all over.
Special congratulation to Rachael Dickison, Jade Walton, Ross Carmichael and Callum Sutherland who won the Mixed Team Award.
Watch out for information on next year’s event or visit the website if you want to find out more. http://www.youthoutdoorchallenge.org/index2.html
Could the competitors please meet in Room B14 on Friday at 13:15 for a short meeting to discuss sponsorship money.
Castle to Cashmere Project: Just a reminder that all students involved in this project who are attending the Cathedral Visit should make their way to the Cathedral on Tuesday 23 April. The tour will commence at 3.45pm. The meeting with the Chairman of the Castle to Cashmere project board will take place at Moray College on Wednesday 24 April at 3.45pm. All those attending should make their way to Moray College for 3.45pm and report to the reception. (KG)
D of E: All Bronze participants must attend next Tuesday’s lunchtime meeting in G47, expedition dates are being decided. (AR)
Reel Reading – Lunchtime film Wednesday, Thursday & Friday in the Library: Say Happy Birthday to William Shakespeare this week and watch ‘Letters to Juliet’ with Amanda Seyfried at lunchtimes. In the Library from 1.15pm. (ST)
Read It, Watch It, Rate It - Book Crusaders and any Pupils Interested in a New Challenge: There will be a meeting today (Wednesday) at 3.20pm in the Library. We are going to be taking part in a Books V Movie Challenge during the summer term, so if you are interested in finding out more, please come along to the meeting today. (ST)
Moray Secondary Schools Tennis Competition, Gordonstoun School, Duffus – Friday 7 June: If any pupil is interested in attending the above competition could they please collect an entry form from the PE dept. (JW)
Scottish Schools Swimming Association, Team Championships for Secondary Schools, Royak Commonwealth Pool – 19 June 2013: Could any pupils who are interested in competing in this national event please collect an entry form from the PE dept. (JW) After School Surf Club with Donald Peace from New Wave Surf School: Fancy learning to surf at Lossiemouth beach this term? If so, come along to a lunchtime information meeting on Wednesday at 13.15 in the PE department. (Active Schools)
Moray Secondary Schools, Boys & Girls Golf Championships: If any pupils are interested in the above competition can they please collect an entry form from Mr Wylie in the PE Dept. (JW)
S1-3 Activity Day Money: Please bring any payment still owed to B18 (Miss Dempsey’s office) at lunchtime on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. (TD)
Under 15 North of Scotland Cup Semi Final: Could all U15 players please meet Mr Davidson in G45 at 1.20 today, Wednesday. All of the squad must attend. (ID)
S1 French: The class winners of the brochure competition are to attend the final on Friday 26 April in B17. Please arrive as soon as possible after 12.50 and have your own pack lunch as you will not have time to go to the canteen. Have your pitch presentation organised with your group beforehand. Bonne chance! (JL)
S3 Boys Football: On astro, Thursday 3.30 – 4.30. Changing facilities available. If interested and not signed up already, please contact PE department. (PMcA)
S1/S2 Pupils: Have you ever fancied learning mountain biking Skills? Now is your chance. Come along to a taster session in mountain biking skills coaching. Delivered by Moray Mountain Biking Club coaches. 1st May 7pm. Meeting at Bishopmill Primary School Car park. Pupils must have their own mountain bike, helmet and gloves. If you are interested please come along to a lunch time meeting in the PE department this Thursday 25 April at 13.15. (Active Schools)
S2 Engineering Competition: The College have asked Elgin Academy to provide a team of four S2 students for the competition below. Please see Mr Webster at the earliest opportunity should you wish to take part. NB it takes place on the first Activity Day.
We would be delighted if you would join us for the ‘Design & Build’ competition that is to be held at Moray College on Wednesday 22 May. CITB ConstructionSkills in partnership with Highland Construction Training Group & Moray College have developed this event to provide an opportunity for teams of four 2nd year pupils to gain an insight into practical engineering and construction.
The challenge is to design and build a wooden bridge to span 1100mm that will carry the maximum load for the minimum cost. An introduction by staff from the Engineering and Construction Departments of the college will explain the principles of bridge design, what tools are available to the teams, and how the construction materials are priced.
After a practice session, serious design and building leads to a testing session in the afternoon when bridges will be tested to destruction, and prizes awarded in the following categories: Bridge carrying maximum load for minimum cost Best designed bridge (originality & Creativity) Best team (co-operation and working together)
The Challenge lasts from 9:30am – 3:00pm, lunch for students and all construction materials will be provided.
S5: There is one place available on the “So you want to study law” day – if you are interested in attending, please see Mrs Bowley by Wednesday 24th (LB)
Revision Sessions for Higher Psychology: Revision sessions are available over study leave at College in room B008 for Higher Psychology students as follows: 25th April (Thursday) Conformity & Obedience NAB (first attempts & resits) 30th April (Tuesday) A-Typical NAB 2nd May (Thursday) A-Typical resits 7th May (Tuesday) Revision sessions start - Research Methods Val hosting 9th May (Thursday) Memory Revision - Julia Hosting 14th May (Tuesday) Stress Revision - Val Hosting 16th May (Thursday) Conformity & Obedience - Julia Hosting 21st May (Tuesday) A-Typical Behaviour - Val Hosting 23rd May (Thursday) Research Table - Julia Hosting 28th May (Tuesday) Answer Format Practice - Julia & Val Hosting 30th May (Thursday) Q & A Session - Julia & Val Hosting 4th & 6th June No revision sessions - private study 7th June (Friday) Exam They above are to help anyone who is struggling with specific topics or those who just want a quick recap. They are not mandatory and are entirely up to each individual student whether they wish to attend or not. All sessions will be held in Room B008 ONLY. Whilst one lecturer is running the study sessions the other will be located in Room S105 so any student wanting a private chat can see the lecturer present.
S6 Yearbook: The following S6 pupils should report to Mrs Havinden (G12) as soon as possible with their yearbook payment: Caitlin Bowcutt, Curtis Davidson, Helen Doherty, Connor Gordon, Dylan O’Neill, Sian Pymm and Becky Saunderson. These payments must be made by Thursday 25 April. (JH)