Appendix B: Cdc-Cargill Workplace Health Project Employee Communications Follow up Brochure

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Appendix B: Cdc-Cargill Workplace Health Project Employee Communications Follow up Brochure


anonymous survey about your THANK YOU, SIDNEY current health status and health- EMPLOYEES! related behaviors. Great job! This information will help the In January we kicked off a project, assessment team tailor their Working on Wellness (WOW), aimed recommendations to fit our health at making Cargill in Sidney a issues and concerns here in Sidney. healthier place to work, helping you and your family enjoy all the If you didn’t have the opportunity to benefits health, and helping the talk to a member of the CDC team, company ability to serve its or you have other ideas you would customers and the local community. like to share, it’s not too late. If you have an interest in being actively Throughout the month of March, a involved in the activities related to team from the Centers for Disease the development and promotion of Control and Prevention (CDC), the our program in Sidney, by all nation’s prevention agency, were in means, let us know! Look inside for Sidney talking to managers and information on how you can employees about our impressions of continue to be involved. THANK YOU what a successful wellness program at our Company would look like. We We again thank you for all your thank you for your willingness to input and involvement in this share your thoughts with this team, process thus far and we look for helping to your openness, and for your time forward to being able to build a create a program showing them around our location health promotion programs so that the CDC team could also together with you later this year, to support making look at the physical work offering you options for living a environment and how future healthier lifestyle. Cargill a healthier programs may integrate with what Sincerely, we already do on a daily basis. place to work! Through these site visits, the CDC The Sidney Leadership Team now has a much better understanding of who we are, what we do, and what are health issues Contact [Name] in Human are. Resources – either directly or through your supervisor – if you We also appreciate the time many have questions, if you would of you took to complete the like to provide input to the assessment team, or if you are interested in being involved in the wellness planning committee related to the development and promotion of the Working on Wellness Program. APPENDIX B: CDC-CARGILL WORKPLACE HEALTH PROJECT EMPLOYEE COMMUNICATIONS FOLLOW UP BROCHURE

the communities we serve. We WHAT IS A WELLNESS CARGILL think “Working on Wellness” is a PROGRAM? great place to start. Wellness programs are organized WORKING ON employer sponsored activities located on or off-site intended to WELLNESS assist employees and their families in making voluntary behavior changes which reduce their health WHAT IS WORKING ON and injury risks, improve their WELLNESS? health consumer skills, and enhance Working on Wellness is a their individual productivity, partnership between Cargill and its physical, and emotional well-being... employees to improve employee As part of our Wellness Program, health and quality of life through Cargill is considering: preventive education and health risk management services. Desired  Programs such as nutrition, results will positively impact physical activity, stress employee engagement and management, or smoking productivity, while encouraging cessation programs appropriate healthcare utilization.  The Environment, like our physical work areas, the Sidney WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? worksite campus, and our local A healthy workforce benefits community which creates and everyone: you; your family, friends, supports a culture of health and co-workers who care about you; and the company’s bottom line.  Policies, such as tobacco use, and what is offered in our At Cargill we’ve worked hard to vending machines. protect the safety of our workforce.  Benefits and Incentives for We’d like to build on that success participation or meeting health and provide the support you need to goals to make the healthy also protect your health. Why? choice the easy choice Because a healthy and safe workforce is critical to Cargill’s ability to deepen relationships with customers and fulfill our promises to HOW LONG UNTIL WE SEE committee to review and take ACTION BEING TAKEN? action on the CDC recommendations to us. There is Much work has already been done. also the opportunity to continue to Along with the information we have provide feedback and input on our gathered from the survey and effort by filling out a comment card talking to you, we have been hard and placing them in the blue WOW at work with the CDC looking at boxes that we used for the other data sources like our health employee survey. The planning claim experience, absenteeism committee will routinely collect and rates, and safety records. All this review those comments. information will assist CDC in tailoring their recommendations to It’s not too late to provide more our worksite. We expect that the input or to get involved in the CDC’s recommendations will be activities related to the presented this summer and development and promotion of our implementation of the program will program in Sidney. begin to take shape in the fall.

WHO IS INVOLVED IN WORKING ON WELLNESS? We are delighted to be partnering with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the nation’s prevention agency, in our wellness project. The work involves all three Business Units at our location. You can be involved too – If you participated in the survey about your health status and behaviors, or you spent time with the CDC’s assessment team in March, you already have!

We are looking for interested employees from each business unit to participate in a wellness planning

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