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Grade 12 Biology Exam June 2012

Wed June 20 at 11:30 am in the café. BRING YOUR TEXTBOOK and CD if you got one. Note that the review questions in no way represent all the topics but are rather a random assortment of questions from old tests/ exams. You must study from the list of topics. Use the review questions to test yourself after studying!!

Exam Format - approximate Multiple Choice - 30 marks Matching – 15 marks Diagrams – 25 marks Short Answer – 30 marks Inquiry – 10 marks

Topic Breakdown – approximate Metabolism – 25marks Molecular Genetics – 25 marks Homeostasis – 40 marks Biochemistry – 20 marks

Please use the wiki for reference


Negative and Positive Feedback, p 110-111 temperature regulation Kidney Functions and Structure, ADH p. 112-117 Water balance, buffering pH Regulating Blood sugar p. 121-122 Autonomic and Somatic Nervous p. 138-140 (not senses) System (Not parts of the brain) Neurons and action potentials p. 140, p. 147-150 The Synapse Reflex Arc p. 141 Endocrine system – mechanisms of action of steroidal and non-steroidal hormones p. 133 #2,7,12,15,25 p. 164 # 1,3,4 p. 183, #4 p.191 #1,2,5,6 p. 210 #1-4,7,9,10,17,18 Review old tests

1 Metabolic Processes

Uses of ATP in cell, types of reactions - phosphorylation, dephosphorylation - redox and energy carrier molecules Overview of Cellular Respiration and p. 65 role of NAD and FAD. ATP – 3 roles I p. 56 Glycolysis p 67 Transition Reaction p 70 Krebs Cycle p 71-73 Electron Transport Chain p 74 Chemiosmosis, ATP summary p 74 -76 Fermentation p. 100 – leave out any photosynthesis questions multiple choice: #2,6,7,8,10,11,13,14,16,18, short answer: #24,30,31,33,34,35,37,41,42,44,47,64 p. 54 #6,7,11 review your tests

Molecular Genetics

Structure of DNA + RNA 224-228 DNA coiling 230 DNA replication 232-240 see diagram p. 240 Central Dogma Transcription 252-259 Translation 263-269 Processing of mRNA (poly A tail, 260-262 introns, exons) capping and tailing Lac operon – structure and function Mutations 286-288 Restriction Enzymes recombinant DNA 293-294 DNA sequencing and gel 297 electrophoresis

Note: No control of gene expression in prokaryotes or eukaryotes. p. 247 # 2,4,6,7,9,10,11,15,16,20 p. 281 # 4,8,11,19,22,24 p.319 #5,10,11,13,15,22 p.324 multiple choice 7,8,9,10,12,13,15,22 Review your tests

2 Biochemistry

Types of reactions Monomers and Polymers Macromolecules and Functional groups p. 14-17 (not molecules tests) - carbohydrates - lipids - proteins - nucleic acids Enzymes (energy, structure, models, p. 36-49 functions,catalysis, rate of reactions, graphs, types of inhibition) Fluid Mosaic Model of Cell Membrane Structures and Functions of Plant and Animal Cell Organelles Transport across cell membranes - passive transport, osmosis and diffusion - active transport, Na/K pump



1. Contractions that increase in strength during pregnancy are an example of a negative feedback mechanism.

3. An increase in body temperature is detected by sensors in the brain. The brain sends a nerve message to the hypothalamus. 4. Kidneys remove waste, balance blood pH, and maintain water balance.

5. Wastes are filtered from the blood by the kidneys and conducted to the urinary bladder by the urethra.

6. A cross section of the kidney shows an outer layer called the medulla, an inner layer called the cortex, and a hollow chamber called the renal pelvis.

8. When a person sweats and does not drink water, the pituitary gland releases ADH.

10. Adrenal cortex releases the hormone aldosterone that increases water reabsorption. 1. Information from your brain is moved to your leg muscles by motor neurons.

2. Myelin sheath is very important for the transferring of information along the medulla.

3. Electrochemical messages are carried by the movement of ions through the nerve membrane.

4. When the nerve cell is excited, it becomes more permeable to potassium ions than sodium ions.

5. There are more nerve networks leading to the legs and arms than to the thumb and fingers.

MULTIPLE CHOICE 14. The term used to describe the ability of a living organism to adjust to changing environmental conditions by regulating their internal processes is a. Regulation d. feedback b. Homeostasis e. metabolism c. Inhibition

19. The nitrogen that must be excreted comes from a. the metabolic breakdown of carbohydrates b. the nitric buffer system c. the deamination of proteins d. the atmosphere 21. Which of the following analogies would best fit the action of the kidney? a. selecting those items not useful and excreting them b. removing all the items and returning 10% of them

4 c. removing all the items and returning none of them d. removing all the items and returning what is still useful

24. The main active transport mechanism in the kidney is the a. sodium pump c. calcium pump b. filtration process d. osmotic pressure

28. Choose the item below controlled by ADH: a. the level of glucose in the blood b. the amount of water re-absorbed in the nephron c. the development of the lining of the uterus d. the release of an ovum from the ovary e. the uptake of calcium by the bones

30. Antidiuretic hormone is secreted by the a. Thyroid c. pituitary gland b. adrenal glands d. hypothalamus

Substance In Bowman's Capsule In Urine X 0.1 g/L 0.1 g/L Y 0.1 g/L 1.0 g/L Z 0.1 g/L 0.0 g/L

4. The above table shows the results of an experiment on the functioning of a mammalian kidney. The following item is based on an analysis of the data. Substance X was likely a. reabsorbed in the tubules b. not reabsorbed and not secreted by tubule cells c. reabsorbed in the tubules and secreted by tubule cells d. secreted by tubule cells and not filtered through the glomerulus e. reabsorbed in the tubules and not secreted by tubule cells

5. The above table shows the results of an experiment on the functioning of a mammalian kidney. The following item is based on an analysis of the data. Substance Y was likely a. reabsorbed in the tubules b. not reabsorbed, and secreted by tubule cells c. reabsorbed in the tubules and secreted by tubule cells d. secreted by tubule cells and not filtered through the glomerulus e. reabsorbed in the tubules, and not secreted by tubule cells

6. The above table shows the results of an experiment on the functioning of a mammalian kidney. The following item is based on an analysis of the data. Substance Z was likely a. reabsorbed in the tubules b. not reabsorbed and not secreted by tubule cells c. reabsorbed in the tubules and secreted by tubule cells d. secreted by tubule cells and not filtered through the glomerulus e. reabsorbed in the tubules and not secreted by tubule cells

5 23. In an emergency situation a. digestions of sugars is accelerated b. glycogen is converted to glucose c. glucose is converted to glycogen d. endocrine suppression of glucose metabolism is experienced

29. A positive feedback mechanism regulates which of the following hormone? a. thyroxine c. insulin b. oxytoxin d. TSH

7. Which of the graphs above illustrate someone with diabetes? a. III c. IV b. I d. II and IV

8. Which graph illustrates a person who may secrete too little glucagon? a. III c. IV b. I d. II and IV

9. Which graph illustrates a person with a healthy pancreas? a. III c. IV b. I d. II and IV

4. The coordination of motor activities in mammals is carried out by which of the following? a. pons d. medulla b. cerebellum e. hypothalamus c. cerebrum

6 5. Exocytosis is used by the synaptic vesicles to remove their contents at which of the following? a. dendrite d. postsynaptic membrane b. axon hillock e. presynaptic membrane c. nodes of Ranvier

6.Given the steps shown below, which is the correct sequence for transmission at a chemical synapse? I. neurotransmitter binds with receptor II. calcium ions rush into neuron's cytoplasm III. action potential depolarizes the presynaptic membrane IV. ion gate opens to allow particular ion to enter cell V. synaptic vesicles release neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft a. I, II, III, IV and V d. IV, III, I, II and V b. II, III, V, IV and I e. V, I, II, IV and III c. III, II, V, I and IV

11. The autonomic division of the nervous system a. is involved in conscious thought b. is involved in learning c. controls unconscious life-sustaining activities d. controls voluntary muscles e. all of the above

15. When the neuron generates an action potential, the potassium ions are which of the following? a. in greater amounts outside the neuron than inside b. in greater amounts inside the neuron than outside c. not present outside d. not present inside e. in equal amounts inside and outside

17. Parasympathetic stimulation would result in which of the following? a. decreased blood flow in skin c. increased heart rate b. pupil dilation d. decreased activity of digestive tract

24. Fine motor movement is controlled by which part of the brain? a. meninges c. pons b. corpus callosum d. cerebrum

25. Vision difficulties are associated with which lobe of the brain? a. frontal c. parietal b. temporal d. occipital

30. Which part of the neuron receives sensory information? a. dendrite c. axon b. sheath d. node of Ranvier

32. Which of the following is not an effector? a. muscles c. glands b. organs d. brain

7 33. Integration of simple responses to certain stimuli, such as the knee jerk response, is accomplished by which of the following? a. spinal cord d. cerebellum b. hypothalamus e. medulla c. corpus callosum


Match each item with the correct statement below. a. Ectotherm d. deamination b. positive feedback e. glomerulus c. Reabsorption 1. nutrients move from renal tubules to blood vessels 2. increases in intensity of response to stimulus 3. removal of amino group from amino acid

5. capillary bed, which filters the blood

Match each item with the correct statement below. a. axon d. schwann cells b. dendrites e. synapses c. myelin sheath 1. special glial cells 2. receive information from sensory receptors or nerve cells 3. extension of the cytoplasm of a nerve cell 4. acts as an insulator for the neuron 5. small spaces between neurons


8. Describe how negative feedback is preferable to positive feedback in most situations.

10. You are playing an active game and you begin to sweat. Soon you feel cooler. For the above homeostatic system, construct a labelled diagram to represent the feedback loop involved. On the diagram, indicate the receptor(s), the control centre(s), and the effector(s).

11. Draw a flowchart that illustrates the path of a molecule of urea from its entry into the renal artery to the collecting ducts.

15. Complete the following table, comparing the concentrations of the listed materials in three locations in the excretion of urine by the kidneys of a healthy person. Use the symbols, H = high, M = medium, and L = low for the concentrations. Materials Blood of the Afferent Bowman's Capsule Urine Arteriole Filtrate blood protein glucose sodium ions urea

9 16. Refer to the graph below:

Referring the above graph, complete the following table below. Section of Graph Activity Description a






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