Minutes for Homeowners Meeting
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Minutes for Homeowners Meeting
June 27th 9:00 a.m. Hungry Bear
Before the meeting was officially called to order there was a brief presentation by Dan MacQuarrie. He had some hand outs which he put on the table. Dan summarized the causes he is working on. He is a permanent resident of the lake area. He and others are trying to work on communication between all of the residents of the valley and he is the liaison for this. There is a cell tower that has been build for cell phone service by Cellular One which only serves Cellular One customers and for now it only serves from Clearwater to Bigfork. He is pleased to see the dust abatement being done and thanks the homeowners for doing more of it. He and others are working to rewrite the Swan Valley Comprehension Plan which will affect the future of the valley causes such as: development, septic systems, and services. He asks that homeowners write to the county commissioners to thank them for work previously done. All are trying to avoid problems by trying to make it a community thing. From Summit to the Lake County line there is a move to succeed from Missoula County to Lake County. Dan believes this would mean low services such as emergency services. There will be a petition for people to sign and then it will be voted on. He asks that homeowners sign an information sheet giving current address to identify homeowners location for the emergency services for the valley. That information was on a clip board for homeowners who had previously given their information to update that information and there were sheets available to fill out if homeowners had not already done so. Dan does have more of the information sheets. He also urged homeowners to get proper signs for their property so emergency services can locate dwellings quickly if there is an emergency. He said that Sharon appreciated the opportunity to speak to the Homeowners Association last year.
The meeting was called to order by President Clark Taylor at 9:16 a.m. Members Present: Pres. Clark Taylor, Tres. Lynn Anderson, Sec. Diane Barrick, Vice President Jack Lewis, Mike Wright, Jack & Donna Lewis, Karen Taylor, Duane & Sue Wright, Bob Lindquist, Jeff Wolf, George & Connie McCabe, Warren Wilkison, Ray Trudel (Cygnet Lake), Bill Cruz, Bill Cory, Bill & Jo Reynolds, Gayle Cory-Wadsworth, Tom & Leslie Giles, Bill & Beth Junkermier, Cork & Judy Platts, Lou & Phyliss Whitsell, Diane McCue Hollinger, Judd &Lollie Bon(? Couldn’t read the writing)
Approval of August 9 th , 2008 Minutes
Jack Lewis moved that the minutes be approved. The motion was seconded and the minutes were approved as written.
Road Report Bill Junkermier
The grating and graveling of the road is finished. In addition to the grating and graveling 3 culverts were added. They used all of the $10,000 budgeted to the road. Matthew Brothers billed us $3000 for snow plowing, $3000 for the culverts and the rest of the budget went to gravel and grating. Dust abatement was done to individual property owners a week and half ago. The company was unable to finish and hopefully, they will be back the week of June 29th so there is still opportunity to do dust abatement if homeowners choose. Please contact Bill Junkermier if you wish to have it done. It costs 98cents per linear foot and the company will bill each homeowner individually.
At the last homeowners meeting there was a decision to put a speed limit of 10 mph on the cabin road. But several homeowners felt that was too slow and so Bill recommended that we reconsider making the speed limit 15 mph. A motion was made, seconded and approved to make the speed limit 15 mph. Bill Cruz has agreed to pay for the signs. There was some discussion that new road signs are done at the same time as the speed limit signs.
The Forest Service would like us to have fire turnouts. They need to be 40 feet and perhaps every quarter mile. Julie Kotschevar is concerned that if the fire turnout is on her property would it then become the property of the Homeowners Association? Would it be necessary to lease the property from her for a $1 contract? We do not have one that is sufficient in winter. It needs to be a circular area and the marsh area by the Kotschevars has been suggested. There is problem with other turn arounds that are already present. Gordon Plats complemented Clark on a job well done and told Bill that the road had never looked better. Jack Lewis moved that the issue of the fire turnouts be left to the Board of Directors who cannot go out of budget. There is the problem of leasing and it was felt that perhaps it would take too long for the Board of Directors to make a recommendation. The road committee would be better suited to look at the options. Jack withdrew his motion and it was left to the road committee. Bill will talk to the homeowners concerned with this –the McCues, Kotschevars and the Hashisakis.
Treasurer’s Report Lynn Anderson
The balance is reconciled from 2005 to now. Lynn thanked Steve Page and Bill Reynolds for keeping the records in good order. She gave a summation of what has been paid in road work, snow plowing, legal expenses, fire pump costs, insurance supplies, donations, taxes, water cultures, and bridge engineering reports from 05 to 09. A COMPLETE REPORT CAN BE FOUND ON THE WEBSITE. The motion was made to approve the report. It was seconded and the budget was approved.
President’s report Clark Taylor
The website llhoa.com is up and running and hopefully, all communication will be done via the website. The minutes will be on the website. Since there was no internet access at Hungry Bear for a demonstration of the website for this meeting so that demonstration will take place at the meeting in August. Our lake water quality needs to be checked. The last analysis was done in 2002. Mike Wright said that Geoff Wright has equipment to do it and it would cost $500 for the lab tests. The lab is out of Kalispell. Duane Wright moved to do the testing this summer, it was seconded and passed. Bill Reynolds asked that the testing be done at the same time as the last testing so results could be compared. Testing will be done in August. Conference phones for people unable to attend meeting are available for $30 for 8 people. Bob Lindquist said that was a nice idea but he feels people need to be present at the meetings to better understand what is going on and so be able to put a person with a face. For people who live out of state it would be nice to have for them so they could participate. Bill Cruz stated that the homeowners might want to make a move to have it. Maybe there should be a show of hands of people who might want it. Those who take advantage of the conference call would be billed for the use. Mike Wright agreed to handle it. Clark stated that since there was no uniform agreement by the homeowners on 25A it was tabled until we can agree as a group. The large parcel owners need to get together to decide what they want to do. The 2 dwelling per acre stipulation is maybe not good. Lou Whitsell suggested that with setbacks, remodeling and the increase in square footage of cabins perhaps the 1992 zoning needs to be revisited. The depth of property is an issue. The McCranes came across problems with county restrictions. The 1992 zoning doesn’t take into account restrictions and larger dwellings. In Missoula it is easier to get property owners within a circle of 300 feet to discuss variations but here it would have to all of us to agree. The wording is confusing and needs to be clarified. Those who have complied with the zoning need to be included for advice and it would be a good idea to have the 25A committee, the Swan comprehensive plan and our zoning so they work together so we can come up with a plan that works for all so county will agree. Clark suggested that those who worked on 25A investigate this and so as to not be divisive it needs to represent all. Bill Cruz said it would be good to remove restrictions that are unfair but he doesn’t want to do a comprehensive plan to remove restrictions on lakefront only to add more restrictions to large parcel restrictions. As it stands now the law says he can build a cabin on his property but without indoor plumbing unless he subdivides. Steve Page had to get a variance to meet restrictions. Jack Lewis said that law does allow variances but the county didn’t do so. Political decision making? We need to work on change because all might have to deal with this at some point.
New Business
Nominating Committee Secretary Diane Barrick and President Clark Taylor are done after August. Diane has indicated she is willing to stay on as secretary but Clark is stepping down. Jack Lewis as current Vice President will come up with list of people to serve on the nominating committee.
Jack Lewis was airlifted to hospital in October. The QRU had a difficult time to find a suitable place to land. Fortunately, Bill Cruz’s property caretaker oked the use of their lighted helicopter pad. There was discussion of how to solve the problem of where emergency helicopters can land. There needs to be a connection ERCU people with liftlight people so they know of a place they can land.
A question was asked about donations. Lynn reviewed the donations in past year. She also said that the long term plan cashed in $29,000 and wondered what it was. Bill Reynolds said it was surplus to build up a CD and we haven’t added to that recently. In August she will have a better assessment of where are so perhaps we should wait to donate. Karen Taylor moved to give $500 to QRU. Donna Lewis seconded and it passed. Bill Reynolds said past gifts are part of memorial. Lois Urkainetz passed away and Clark responded on the part of the homeowners. All encouraged to give in memorial to Lois.
Location of August 8 th Meeting
Holland Lake Lodge has been reserved for the August meeting. However, the Jukermiers have offered to host the August meeting. Clark will not be there but Jack Lewis will run the meeting. The Jukermiers have graciously offered lunch and barbeque after the meeting. Homeowners can contribute salads or desserts. The Junkermiers will provide the hot dogs. This will be a time for us to get closer as a community. All family members are invited to attend. There was some confusion as to the date of the August meeting but after reading the minutes it is decided that: THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE AUGUST 8TH, 2009 AT THE JUNKERMEIR CABIN.
Bill Cruz thanked Clark for his leadership. Clark said it had been a privilege to be President but is looking forward to just attending the meetings instead of running them.
Meeting adjourned 10:25 am
Respectfully submitted, Diane Barrick Secretary