Safer and Stronger Communities Thematic Partnership
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Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 2 March 2009 2.00pm in Cumbria Fire & Rescue HQ, Cockermouth
Dominic Harrison - Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service (Chair)
Andy Davidson - Cumbria Constabulary Louise Wilkinson - Carlisle & Eden CDRP Carolyn Curr - Carlisle City Council Mary Robinson - Eden District Council Chris Egan - Cumbria Police Authority Nicola Brooker - Cumbria Police Authority Stuart Pate - Cumbria County Council Alan Clarke - Cumbria County Council Barbara Cannon - Cumbria County Council Lesley Graham - Cumbria Fire & Rescue Service Paul Musgrave - Cumbria County Council Stephen Halliday - Cumbria Constabulary Dave Willetts - Cumbria Constabulary George Clements - Copeland Borough Council June Bettendre - Copeland Borough Council Michael Heaslip - West Cumbria Partnership Dave Coverdale - Barrow CDRP Rebecca Rawlings - Barrow CDRP Duncan Roebuck - Cumbria Probation Service Andy Shine - South Lakeland CDRP John Dyer - South Lakeland District Council
1. Welcome and Apologies
The Chair welcomed those present to the meeting.
Apologies were received from the following:
Deborah Royston, Karen Bowen, Claire Lindley, Ruth Willis, Joe Milburn, Annette Hennessey, Amanda Crane
2. Minutes, Matters Arising
An amendment is to be made to the minutes of the last meeting to the agenda item 2- Neighbourhood Watch funding. After it was agreed to fund the post an additional request was made to carry forward £5000 from last years underspend to cover the cost of a lap top and general expenses. Dominic and Andy
Page 1 of 4 considered this request along with the requirement to set the performance standards and have subsequently agreed the request.
3. Declarations of Urgent Business George Clements highlighted an article which was in The Guardian which looked at Domestic Violence levels in District Councils. Copeland was shown as not providing adequate provisions for domestic violence and it was questioned why this was. Dominic is to ask Annette Hennessey or Julia Marshall to answer this question and will also ask Annette to come to a future SSCTP meeting to give an update on Domestic Violence throughout the whole of Cumbria.
ACTION – Dominic to ask Annette or Julia to attend a future meeting of SSCTP to give an update on Domestic Violence.
4. Delivery of the Cumbria Alcohol Strategy – the role for SSCTP
Paul Musgrave, Cumbria DAAT Manager, gave a presentation on the role for SSCTP members on the delivery of the Cumbria Alcohol Strategy (presentation enclosed). Paul made some clear statements to the group- that DAAT officers will be present at all CDRP meetings and he also told the group about new workforce policies on alcohol which will be rolled out through HR teams.
It was stated that all the information given is adult focussed and it was questioned what was happening for children. Paul stated that there is a lot happening for children, for example ‘straight-line’, and that in the future services provided will be further integrated with other services.
It was requested that the Youth offending Service be put on the partners slide.
5. CDF Study – Final Report – The Stronger Agenda
Dave Willetts gave a presentation on The Stronger agenda, The Community Development Foundation approached Safer and Stronger Community lead officers to be part of a high profile six month national study project. Cumbria was chosen with two other areas. The stronger agenda affects all TPs therefore it is important for each TP to consider its impact on stronger indicators . The findings from the CDF proposed that an Advisory Group be set up to look after the cross cutting stronger indicators. The group proposed would include one ‘stronger champion’ representative from each TP as well as 5 LSP reps. One rep from the advisory group would attend CSP Executive Board meetings to provide performance information.
There was a long discussion on this item, with concerns being raised over the stronger advisory group may become a stronger TP, stronger should be on all TPs agendas already as a standing item, should stronger even be in a TP as it is effectively an outcome, it may be adding another layer of bureaucracy and if the SSCTP gets an advisory group then all TPs may want one were just some of the concerns raised.
It was decided that this item would be developed further and the thinking be incorporated into the paper at item 6.
Page 2 of 4 6. Governance SSCTP
It is proposed in the Governance and Delivery Proposals paper that SSCTP become three groups – an Executive Board, a delivery group and a Safer & Stronger Communities Forum. These groups would define roles within the TP as although it is useful for a range of representatives it is important to be clear who has a role in taking (and advising on) decisions. This proposal would help with these issues which are faced by all TPs.
Again there were some concerns raised over the paper – one individual representing many was discussed and it was felt that one person cannot represent others equally.
The principals of the paper were agreed and it was agreed to move the paper to the next step.
7. LAA Refresh 2009-11 SSC targets and Indicators
Lesley spoke to the group about the refresh of the LAA. Lesley went through all the changes, most of which are do able. The final version of the refreshed LAA and summary of changes was submitted to GONW on 9 March 2009 and is available on the CSP website.
Stephen Halliday presented the paper on CCTV to the group. The paper sets out the need to have a more holistic approach to CCTV and asks for a working group to undertake further investigation in relation to the future of CCTV provision for the County. The paper was welcomed by the group and it was felt it was long over due. District reps on SSCTP should forward names of representatives for the group.
ACTION – Districts to forward names of representatives to be on the CCTV Working Group
9. CDRP Reporting Requirements
Dominic stated that CCC management audit has set aside time in order to evaluate the allocation of SSC monies and activity to deliver against outcomes.
CDRP partners were asked if they wish to contact their respective audit teams to consider the feasibility of joint audits.
Please let Dominic know if you are not happy with the template being used to provide the quarterly performance reports. It was requested that quarterly boxes be inserted to show running totals. ACTION – ALL let Dominic know if you wish to participate in a joint audit with CCC and if you have any problems with the reporting template.
Page 3 of 4 The next meeting will be held on Monday 20 April at 2pm at Conference Room 1, Carleton Hall, Penrith.
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