Poudre River Friends of the Library Monthly Board Meeting 3:00 PM Harmony Library Community Room January 17, 2017

Board Members Present: Julie Lechtanski, President Monica Gavin, Vice President/Secretary Trish Kelley, Treasurer Bill Cobb, Member at Large Nancy Mendenhall, Newsletter Editor Lil Price, Member at Large Susan Rayner, Member at Large Claudia Schweizer, Member at Large Bob Viscount, Member at Large Samantha Ye, Member at Large Robin Gard, Past President Ex Officio Board Members Present: David Slivken, Executive Director Joe Wise, Library District Board of Trustees Others Present: Sam Bledsoe, Friends Volunteer Kathryn DeSouchet, Friends Volunteer

Call to Order: Julie opened the meeting by welcoming board members and introducing prospective Board members, Sam Bledsoe and Kathryn DeSouchet. Julie asked if there were any corrections to the December minutes. With no changes, Bob moved we accept the minutes and Lil seconded. The December minutes were approved as submitted.

Library District Report (David Slivken):  Chris Cortez has been hired as the new manager for the Answering Center at the Webster House. Chris has 28+ years of service to the library, including Circulation Supervisor.  An offer has been extended for the Old Town Library Manager. A background check is being conducted and more information will be released when this part of the process is finalized.  A schedule of community meetings for the Library District Future Planning (Master Facilities Plan) was given to members. These will be held with the consultants, Humphries Poli Architects and Godfrey and Associates.  David accepted a check for $7500 from the Library Trust toward funding a Book Bike and a streaming wall for the Old Town Library.

Board Report (Joe Wise):  Joe reiterated the importance of the Master Facilities Plan meetings held on January 25th and 26th. Joe hopes to see good attendance at these meetings.  Jennifer Birks is stepping down from the Board of Trustees so they will have one vacancy. Applications can be found on the Poudre Library, Larimer County and City of Fort Collins websites.

Treasurer’s Report (Trish Kelley): Trish reviewed December’s monthly financial details:  A check for $376 was received from Thrift Books. We have received $2320.88 from Thrift Books since May 2016.  Several extra administrative costs were noted in the monthly expenses.  Higher sales tax in December was from the November Book Sale.  The final Wish List payment of $16,672 was given to the Library.  Both the 2015 and 2016 cartridge recycle donations were passed onto the Library as both were paid in 2016.  $2279.63 was refunded from the “Yes for Libraries” Campaign.  The Board is extra appreciative of our Treasurer’s hard work in preparing year end and budget information. Committee Report:  Claudia has filled most of the slots for the upcoming January Book Sale. The National Charity League will provide several volunteers. Robin advised Phil and his regular crew will transport books from storage. Old Town Library staff has been very accommodating. Robin has sent information out to vendors. She will also be a guest on KRFC radio on Thursday, January 19, 2017 between 10am-12pm to publicize Friends of Library and the January Book Sale.  Julie is pleased with Thrift Books. We have sent three shipments since May 2016. We will continue to work with them.  Volunteer Program Manager, Serena Robb, provided Julie with an end-of-year report on Friends volunteer hours. The Friends have volunteered over 7800 hours. Julie reminded members to report volunteer hours done outside of our board meetings to her and she will pass that information onto Serena.

New Business:  The 2017 Wish List from the Library was discussed. Requests were listed in two tiers, with the first tier being the most important needs. The Friends of Library has budgeted $65,000 for the Wish List. The cost for both tiers would be $63,700. Robin made a motion to fund Tier 1 and Tier 2 requests. Lil seconded and the motion passed.  The 2017 Budget was discussed. It was noted there has been a decrease in income generated from book sales. Robin suggested we devote one 2017 board meeting to discuss fundraising. Bob made a motion to accept the 2017 budget as presented. Susan seconded and the motion passed.  Robin thanked Bob for his recent assistance with a website problem involving the donation page! and to Claudia for her hard work scheduling volunteers for our book sales which is incredibly essential to the sales success!  FOL received a thank you from Sister Mary Alice Murphy Center for a donation of books.

Events & Information:  Next Book Sale will be January 27-29, 2017 at the Old Town Library Community Room and Children’s area.  Kevin Cook on February 14, 2017 at 1 pm at Old Town Library. Topic: Desiderata

Adjournment: With no further business, Robin moved that the meeting adjourn. Monica seconded the motion and the meeting adjourned at 3:50 pm. The next meeting will be held at 3 pm on Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at the Harmony Library.

Respectfully submitted, Monica Gavin, Secretary