Student Learning Map for Unit: Importance of Ocean Exploration (1.2) Key Learning(s): The ocean is an integral part of life on the Earth. It drives the weather and climate as well as provides food, oxygen, and natural resources. The oceans have influenced human history and society both in the past and will in the future.

Unit Essential Question(s): What is Marine Science? The history of Oceanography – Why study it?

Concept: Concept: Concept:

European Voyages of Discovery The Birth of Marine Science 20th Century Marine Science The (1400 – 1700) (1700 – 1900) Oceanography Explosion

Lesson Essential Question(s): Lesson Essential Question(s): Lesson Essential Question(s):

What were the primary motivations that How did the voyage of James Cook differ What change led to the expansion of lead to the ocean explorations of the 15th from those of sea explorers before him? (A) modern oceanography? (A) century? (A) What invention in 1735 was a major What is the significance of the German What 3 explorers established the route breakthrough for open ocean navigation? Meteor, Atlantis, and the 2nd H.M.S. around the Cape of Good Hope to India? (ET) Challenger expeditions? (A) (A) Which continent did the U.S. Exploring How have submersibles and self-contained Why did Christopher Columbus choose a Expedition prove exists? (A) diving changed the study of the ocean? different route in his attempt to find Why is Matthew Maury the Father of (ET) India? (A) Physical Oceanography? (A) What other technology has expanded Who lead the first expedition around the How did Darwin explain the formation of under-water research? (ET) world? (A) coral reefs? (A) Why was the expedition of the H.M.S. Challenger important? (A) KEY: (A) – Acquisition Lesson (ET) – Extended Thinking Vocabulary: Vocabulary: Vocabulary:

 Circumnavigation  Chronometer  Ballast  Renaissance  Fauna  Bathysphere  Flora  Decompression  Genre  Echo-sounding  Hydrothermal vent  Global Positioning System  Loran-C  SCUBA

Model from Learning-Focused Strategies. Thompson, M., Thompson, J. (2008)