Complete One Regional Registration Form and One Appraiser Registration Form Per Team (You
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Page 1 IOWA Destination ImagiNation® 2011 projectOutreach® REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS Do NOT use with any other Challenges
Welcome to another exciting year with Destination ImagiNation® in Iowa. Please review the following instructions to register your team for the Iowa Destination ImagiNation® tournaments.
A registration fee of $60.00 per competitive team (Middle, Secondary Level, or University Level) and $40 for each non-competitive team must accompany this registration form. Non-competitive teams include those middle, secondary, or university teams that choose to participate without being scored. Fees for all teams from a membership may be paid with one check or listed on the same Purchase Order.
Registration Deadline: December 21, 2010
Registrations postmarked after December 21, 2010 will have a registration fee of $80 per competitive team and $60 per primary or non-competitive team. Late registration deadline is January 7, 2011.
Each team, that performs in projectOutreach® is responsible for providing an individual, who will be trained by Students for a Creative Iowa, to serve as a Challenge Appraiser at the Destination ImagiNation® tournaments in Iowa. A trained Challenge Appraiser is required to represent your team at the Substate Tournament in order for your team to participate at the State Tournament. A trained Challenge Appraiser who has appraised at the regional level is required to represent your team at the State Tournament in order for your team to compete at the state level and advance to the Destination ImagiNation® Global Finals (if team qualifies). This ensures that all teams have an adequate number of well-trained Appraisers to watch, enjoy, and award points for team performances at each tournament.
Requested registration forms and related fees are to be mailed to:
Students for a Creative Iowa 2011 Registration 3825 92nd Drive Urbandale, IA 50322-2187
UThe following forms are to be completed and mailed to the above address U: Page 2 - Substate Tournament Registration (One Copy) Page 3 - Team Registration (One Copy) Page 4 - Team Member Registration (One Copy) Page 5 - Appraiser Registration with Section 1 & 2 completed (One Copy)
UThe following forms are to be completed and provided to your Appraiser U: Page 5 - Appraiser Registration with Section 1 & 2 completed (Two Copies) Page 6/7 - Appraiser Challenge Overview (One Copy) Page 8 - Appraiser Agreement (One Copy)
Release/Disclaimer By my participation in an event conducted by an Affiliate, Region or other gathering related to the Destination ImagiNation program, the participant or participant's parents or participant's guardian understands and hereby voluntarily agrees to release, waive, forever discharge, hold harmless, defend and indemnify Destination Imagination Inc., and their agents, officers, boards, volunteers, and employees from any and all liability and all claims, actions, or losses for bodily injury, property damage, wrongful death, loss of services , or otherwise which may arise out of the participant's participation in activities related to the Destination ImagiNation event, including travel to and from the event. Page 2 One Copy to be Mailed
Any questions regarding registration for the Iowa tournaments should be directed to Students for a Creative Iowa at [email protected]. IOWA Destination ImagiNation® 2011 projectOutreach® STATE TOURNAMENT REGISTRATION
Make checks payable to “Students for a Creative Iowa.”
Please find enclosed: Check # or Purchase Order #
Any requests need to be communicated to Registration ( [email protected]) no later then fourteen (14) days before tournaments start.
If any team member has special needs, please indicate the type of accommodation requested (e.g., wheel chair access). Students for a Creative Iowa will do its best to meet the needs of its participants.
Our team needs to request a special scheduling consideration for the following reasons (e.g.: Morning performance times are needed because of a conflict with a music contest). Please be specific in your special scheduling request (for both Instant Challenge and Team Challenge.)
Release/Disclaimer By my participation in an event conducted by an Affiliate, Region or other gathering related to the Destination ImagiNation program, the participant or participant's parents or participant's guardian understands and hereby voluntarily agrees to release, waive, forever discharge, hold harmless, defend and indemnify Destination Imagination Inc., and their agents, officers, boards, volunteers, and employees from any and all liability and all claims, actions, or losses for bodily injury, property damage, wrongful death, loss of services , or otherwise which may arise out of the participant's participation in activities related to the Destination ImagiNation event, including travel to and from the event. Page 3 One Copy to be Mailed IOWA Destination ImagiNation® 2011 TEAM REGISTRATION
(n/a for UL teams) E-MAIL ADDRESS: ADDRESS: CITY/STATE/ZIP: PHONE(day): PHONE(evenings):
Our team has chosen its competition level using: Grade Level or Age
Our team has chosen to compete: Competitively or Non-Competitively projectOutreach® level ML (Middle) SL (Secondary) UL (University)
Release/Disclaimer By my participation in an event conducted by an Affiliate, Region or other gathering related to the Destination ImagiNation program, the participant or participant's parents or participant's guardian understands and hereby voluntarily agrees to release, waive, forever discharge, hold harmless, defend and indemnify Destination Imagination Inc., and their agents, officers, boards, volunteers, and employees from any and all liability and all claims, actions, or losses for bodily injury, property damage, wrongful death, loss of services , or otherwise which may arise out of the participant's participation in activities related to the Destination ImagiNation event, including travel to and from the event. Page 4 One Copy to be Mailed IOWA Destination ImagiNation® 2011 TEAM MEMBER REGISTRATION
List all Team Members (maximum of 7 team members for projectOutreach®)
Name Grade Date of Birth
Release/Disclaimer By my participation in an event conducted by an Affiliate, Region or other gathering related to the Destination ImagiNation program, the participant or participant's parents or participant's guardian understands and hereby voluntarily agrees to release, waive, forever discharge, hold harmless, defend and indemnify Destination Imagination Inc., and their agents, officers, boards, volunteers, and employees from any and all liability and all claims, actions, or losses for bodily injury, property damage, wrongful death, loss of services , or otherwise which may arise out of the participant's participation in activities related to the Destination ImagiNation event, including travel to and from the event. Page 5 TEAM – Please mail ONE copy of this form with Team Tournament Registration. APPRAISER – Please bring TWO copies of this form with you to Appraiser Training. IOWA Destination ImagiNation® 2011 APPRAISER REGISTRATION
USECTION 1 -TEAM INFORMATION – Team please complete for your Appraiser
TEAM NAME: DI TEAM NUMBER: 112- CHALLENGE: projectOutreach® LEVEL: ML SL UL SUBSTATE TOURNAMENT Teams must provide an appraiser for Substate Tournament AMES
USECTION 2 – APPRAISER INFORMATION- Complete prior to training
USECTION 3 - APPRAISER INFORMATION- To be completed at training
CONFLICTS OF INTEREST (Team Manager for or related to Team Member in; check all that apply): A: Unidentified Moving Object EL ML SL UL D: Mythology Mission EL ML SL UL B: Spinning a Tale EL ML SL UL E: Verses! Foiled Again! EL ML SL UL C: Triple Take Road Show EL ML SL UL projectOutreach® ML SL UL
CHALLENGE TRAINED IN: A: Unidentified Moving Object B: Spinning a Tale C: Triple Take Road ShowFoiled Again! D: Mythology Mission E: Verses! Instant Challenge projectOutreach®
POSITION TRAINED IN: Number Cruncher Head Appraiser Timekeeper/Announcer Prep Area Appraiser Team Challenge Appraiser Studio Supervisor Check-In Appraiser Weight Placement
WHERE TRAINED: Carroll Cedar Rapids Ames
Release/Disclaimer By my participation in an event conducted by an Affiliate, Region or other gathering related to the Destination ImagiNation program, the participant or participant's parents or participant's guardian understands and hereby voluntarily agrees to release, waive, forever discharge, hold harmless, defend and indemnify Destination Imagination Inc., and their agents, officers, boards, volunteers, and employees from any and all liability and all claims, actions, or losses for bodily injury, property damage, wrongful death, loss of services , or otherwise which may arise out of the participant's participation in activities related to the Destination ImagiNation event, including travel to and from the event. Page 6 APPRAISER – Please bring one copy of this form with you to Appraiser Training. IOWA Destination ImagiNation® 2011 APPRAISER CHALLENGE OVERVIEW
UReturning Appraisers who appraised in both 2009 and 2010:
You may pre-select your Challenge prior to training by e-mailing your request to: [email protected]
UpriorU to January 23, 2011.
UAll other Appraisers (and returning Appraisers who are not pre-selecting) U:
Please review the Challenges listed and come prepared to select your challenge at the training session. Please note, however, that at the time of your Challenge sign-up, not all Challenges may have open slots and you must be prepared with alternative selections and the possibility of being assigned to a Challenge based on Tournament need.
Challenge A – Unidentified Moving Object (Technical) Focus: Design and Construction, Innovation and Design Process, Mathematics, Modularization, Optimized Design, Experimentation, Theater Arts, Teamwork Your team will: Design and build Equipment to move various Materials to and from towering heights Start and end the Presentation with the Equipment contained in a Storage Box Create and present a Sales Promotion highlighting the features of the Equipment Complete all of the above with no AC electrical power Sponsored by: AEM Construction Challenge and Volvo Construction Equipment
Challenge B – Spinning a Tale (Science) Focus: Science, Research of Energy Cycles in the Natural and/or Physical World, Innovation and Design Process, Theater Arts, Playwriting, Technical Design, Construction, Teamwork Your team will: Research Energy Cycles in the Natural and/or Physical World Develop and present an original three-act Circular Story that demonstrates knowledge about one Energy Cycle of the team’s choice Create a DIcycler that changes as the Story progresses and the acts change Create a Finale that uses your DIcycler to signal the end of your Presentation Sponsored by: Ameresco
Challenge C – Triple Take Road Show (Fine Arts) Focus: Playwriting, Theatrical Presentation, Storytelling, Storytelling Relevance, Special Effects, Innovation and Design Process, Construction, Teamwork Your team will: Use three different Storytelling Methods to tell the same story to three team-chosen Pretend Audiences Portray the Travel Methods used to move your Traveling Road Show between different Pretend Audiences Integrate a team-created Technical Spectacle into one presentation to a Pretend Audience
Release/Disclaimer By my participation in an event conducted by an Affiliate, Region or other gathering related to the Destination ImagiNation program, the participant or participant's parents or participant's guardian understands and hereby voluntarily agrees to release, waive, forever discharge, hold harmless, defend and indemnify Destination Imagination Inc., and their agents, officers, boards, volunteers, and employees from any and all liability and all claims, actions, or losses for bodily injury, property damage, wrongful death, loss of services , or otherwise which may arise out of the participant's participation in activities related to the Destination ImagiNation event, including travel to and from the event. Page 7
Challenge D – Mythology Mission (Improvisational) Focus: Research and Understanding of Cultures, Mythology, Improvisational Acting, Story Development, Theater Arts, Teamwork Your team will: Create a five-minute Improvisational Skit about a Mission involving a Mythical Creature. This must be done in a five-minute Preparation Time prior to your Presentation at the Tournament. Incorporate research about a Culture from a country Incorporate three Souvenirs randomly selected from the list of items and combine them to create one Master Prop Incorporate an Unexpected Problem that is discovered on stage
Challenge E – Verses! Foiled Again! (Structural) Focus: Architectural Design, Structural Engineering, Construction, Material Science, Research, Innovation and Design Process, Mathematics, Theater Arts, Poetry, Teamwork Your team will: Design and build a Structure made only of Aluminum Foil, Wood and Glue Test how much weight the Structure will hold Present a Story about a character that is Foiled Integrate team-written Verse and published Verse into your Story Sponsored by: 3M
Rising Stars!® – Big Bug’s Bad Day (non-competitive) Focus: Entomology, Research, Zoology, Storytelling, Performing in Front of an Audience, Team Problem Solving, Teamwork Calling our youngest creative problem solvers! Designed for 4- to 7-year-old kids, Big Bug’s Bad Day asks your team to: Learn about bugs and how they work with other living things Create a play that tells about Big Bug’s bad day Explore how Big Bug’s friends try to make the day better
Instant Challenge: (Required for all teams) Instant Challenges require your team to engage in quick critical thinking. At a Tournament, your team will receive an Instant Challenge and the materials with which to solve it. Team members must think on their feet by applying appropriate skills to produce a solution in a period of just five to eight minutes. Instant Challenges provide an exciting, impromptu creative experience for your team!
Release/Disclaimer By my participation in an event conducted by an Affiliate, Region or other gathering related to the Destination ImagiNation program, the participant or participant's parents or participant's guardian understands and hereby voluntarily agrees to release, waive, forever discharge, hold harmless, defend and indemnify Destination Imagination Inc., and their agents, officers, boards, volunteers, and employees from any and all liability and all claims, actions, or losses for bodily injury, property damage, wrongful death, loss of services , or otherwise which may arise out of the participant's participation in activities related to the Destination ImagiNation event, including travel to and from the event. Page 8 APPRAISER – Please bring ONE copy of this form with you to Appraiser Training. IOWA Destination ImagiNation 2011 APPRAISER AGREEMENT for Appraisers representing projectOutreach® teams
The Appraiser should answer the following questions and reserve these dates.
(Please NEATLY print or type Appraiser’s name)
The projectOutreach® and University level teams compete only at the State Tournament. However, these teams must provide an Appraiser that will appraise at the Substate Tournament also. Failure to provide an Appraiser for the Substate Tournament will disqualify the team from competing at the State Tournament.
I agree to represent the above team at the Substate Tournament:
Ames on March 5, 2011
I understand that I must serve as an Appraiser at both the Substate Tournament and the State Tournament on April 9, 2011.
______(Signature of Appraiser)
Release/Disclaimer By my participation in an event conducted by an Affiliate, Region or other gathering related to the Destination ImagiNation program, the participant or participant's parents or participant's guardian understands and hereby voluntarily agrees to release, waive, forever discharge, hold harmless, defend and indemnify Destination Imagination Inc., and their agents, officers, boards, volunteers, and employees from any and all liability and all claims, actions, or losses for bodily injury, property damage, wrongful death, loss of services , or otherwise which may arise out of the participant's participation in activities related to the Destination ImagiNation event, including travel to and from the event.