Wetherby Road Willow Tree Harrogate Community HG2 7SG Primary School 01423 883551 Headteacher: Mrs Helen Davey 4th June 2015 Dear Parents and Carers

Year 1 & 2 trip to Scarborough

The children in Year 1 & 2 will be going on a trip to Scarborough linked to our topic on Seaside Localities.

Cherry, Maple & Spruce classes - Tuesday June 30th 2015 Holly, Palm & Hawthorn classes – Wednesday July 1st 2015

The cost of the trip is £10.00. This will cover the cost of the coaches and an ice cream for the children. The amount is payable online through ParentPay. The children will be going to Scarborough by coach and will set off from school at 8.15am; they will arrive back at school at 4:00pm. All children will be provided with a packed lunch by the school canteen. If you would prefer to send your own packed lunch, please indicate on the form below. Please ensure children are appropriately dressed. They do not need to wear school uniform, but should wear suitable clothing for the weather conditions on the day. We suggest t-shirt, shorts or jogging bottoms, sweatshirt/jumper and a waterproof coat or jacket. They should also wear socks and trainers (no sandals or crocs please). Please can children also wear a sun hat and apply sun cream before they arrive at school. Please bring a named bottle of sun cream to apply throughout the day. In addition they will need to bring:

 A small rucksack  A complete change of clothing including pants  A small towel  A named bucket and spade  An extra drink (no cans, bottles or fizzy drinks please)

We will need parent helpers for the trip, please indicate on the slip below if you are available to help. We will contact you by text IF we require your help. Please return your completed slip Friday 12th June 2015.

Thank you Year 1 & 2 class teachers ------Year 1 & 2 trip to Scarborough – Tuesday 30th June & Wednesday 1st July 2015 Please return completed slip by Friday 12th June 2015

Childs name………………………………………………………………………………………… Class………………………………………………. I give permission for my child to attend the trip to Scarborough Yes/No I have paid £10:00 using Parent Pay Yes/No I would like a school packed lunch Yes/No I do not want a school packed lunch and will provide my own Yes/No I am able to help on the day Yes/No

Any medical conditions to be aware of on the day ……………………………………………………………………………………………
